Chang'an is good

Chapter 220 Ning Ning is Confused

"Little Carp!"

Hearing Ah Dian's voice, Chang Suining knew that someone was coming, so he responded, "Here we are."

Seeing Chang Sui Ning salute him and then leave, Yao Yi sighed anxiously and helplessly in his heart, he didn't finish his sentence!

What Chang Suining wanted to say has already been said, she only needs to identify her identity with Yao Yi, and there is no need to say more about the rest.

Looking at the back that calmly walked away, Yao Tingwei, who was holding back his words and wanted to ask something, was anxious and helpless. What he said was that he didn't care about his life or death at all!

When Chang Suining, who disregarded Yao Tingwei's life and death, returned to the front hall, most of the female relatives had already left, and Yao Xia, who had just followed his mother to find the monk and read the signature, just returned.

She called out "Sister Chang", and ran over to take Chang Suining's arm as usual.

"How long does Sister Chang plan to stay in the temple?"

Chang Suining: "At most three days."

Yao Xia then said: "Then after Sister Chang returns to the city, I will go to Xingningfang Sister Chang!"

Chang Suining just smiled and didn't answer, but asked her: "How well have you practiced riding and archery recently?"

"It's really handy!" Yao Xia said to himself, "I shot twenty arrows yesterday, and I hit three of them!"

Chang Suining nodded with a smile, this "handyness" is strange.

"By the way, Sister Chang, have you heard that the female Shi of the Ming Dynasty was granted the title of princess and is going to Tuyuhun to get married?" Yao Xia said: "It's about the early court today."

"I heard." Chang Sui Ning was concerned.

Previously in the Confucian Temple, and further back in the Guandi Temple, the Chang family called her a "disastrous star" over and over again. Ming Luo suddenly stopped drinking...

That yelling stopped, in her opinion at that time, it was very self-deprecating.

So, the reason why Chang's dared to kill her without any scruples was because he was instigated by some kind of "bad star" from Ming Luo?
But judging from Ming Luo's reaction that day, this matter was done by him without authorization, and if it is enlarged, it may be called deceiving the emperor.

Regardless of whether Emperor Shengji hopes that "Chang Sui Ning" will die, but what is certain is that Emperor Shengji will never tolerate Ming Luo's deception.

Therefore, this marriage has inherent political needs, and it is also taken into account to further save and make up for the Ming family's reputation, but for Yu Mingluo, it is also a real abandonment.

But Tubo's plan is very big, even if Princess Dasheng married Tuyuhun, Tubo would at most just wait and see cautiously for a period of time, and would not be able to truly retreat.

A peace at a time when the national strength is declining and the internal affairs are in turmoil is not a long-term plan after all.

The only thing that can make the covetous wolves retreat is the knife in hand and the tall and powerful body of the person holding the knife.

If you want to save Dasheng, you must first quell the civil strife.

Now that the civil strife in Yangzhou is intensifying, is it the result of long-standing dissatisfaction with Emperor Shengji, or is someone secretly fueling the flames?Or both?
Chang Suining's thoughts drifted away.

After parting from Yao Xia, Chang Suining wanted to find Wujue, but on the way, he met a seven or eight-year-old young monk, who put his hands together and bowed to her, saying: "Female benefactor, there is a benefactor surnamed Li. The mountains and rivers are waiting for you."

Chang Suining nodded to him: "Thank you, little master."

She didn't make an appointment with a benefactor named Li to meet today, but she can guess who it is.

Chang Suining only hesitated for a moment, then walked towards the back mountain.

Now that he has come in front of her again, if she doesn't accept some benefits, she will be sorry for what the other party has done these days.

As soon as he approached the back mountain, before he saw him, he heard the sound of flute.

Chang Suining approached, and he saw a thin figure in a fur coat standing by the river, holding a Xiao in his hand.

She walked over, looked at the green hills on the other side of the river together with the other party, and did not speak until the other party finished the song, and the last waft of Xiao sound drifted away with the river.

"This is the first time I've talked to Mrs. Chang." Li Lu put Xiao's hand down to his side, and said with a smile: "At that time, I was very curious. What kind of girl is she?"

"So it wasn't a coincidence that I met Shizi here that day, right?" Although Chang Suining was asking, he already had an affirmative answer in his heart.

Since then, Li Lu has set his sights on her and the Chang family, or even a long time ago, but that was the beginning of real action.

"Yes." Li Lu admitted it frankly, and said: "At first, it was purposeful to get close to Mrs. Chang, but it is true that she was convinced by Mrs. Chang later."

Chang Suining didn't bother to listen to the second half of his sentence, after all, it wasn't important.

Li Lu seemed to sigh softly, looked at the other side, and said in a slow voice: "The place is getting more and more unstable, and this capital is not a place to stay for long for Mrs. Chang. I wonder what Mrs. Chang's plan is next?"

Chang Suining seemed to think for a moment, and then opened his mouth: "I haven't thought about it yet."

"The current battle situation is difficult, and General Chang will not be able to return to Beijing for a year or so." Li Lu talked about the affairs in the army: "There are countless voices in the court to impeach Li Yi and propose a change of commander. Feeling shaken..."

He said again: "Speaking of this, I think of one thing. The servant in my family who went to celebrate Huainan King's birthday, mentioned something to me a few days ago—"

"Before he left the Huainan Palace, the Huainan King was already seriously ill. At that time, Li Yiling followed Kuaima to send a letter back to the mansion to visit his father. The person who sent the message said that Li Yi missed his father and wanted to come back in person, but was ordered by General Chang. Because of this, the two had a dispute."

Chang Sui Ning frowned slightly.

She can understand Li Yi's desire to be filial, but during a war, the commander should not leave the team without permission. This is the most basic military rule. What's more, when the first battle was defeated and the commander left the camp privately, how would the soldiers feel?
As a lieutenant general, there is nothing wrong with Lao Chang's dissuading actions.

"According to what my servant said, that General Chang was already dissatisfied with his words, Huainan Princess was also very sad and angry, thinking that General Chang deliberately suppressed the Huainan Palace because of his power and influence—— "

When Li Lu said this, he sighed: "If King Huainan recovers from his illness, this matter can probably be exposed, but King Huainan didn't survive two days before going west..."

Li Yi was unable to see his father for the last time, and he was afraid that he would blame Chang Kuo for this resentment.

There is no right or wrong in some things, but it cannot stop people from being uncontrollable.

There is no need to say much about the rest - Li Yi has already been dissatisfied with Chang Kuo. If Li Yi really has a different heart later on, Chang Kuo, as a very prestigious lieutenant general in the army, is destined to be the biggest obstacle for the opponent.

At that time, Chang Kuo may be killed.

No need to listen to Li Lu talk about the friction between Chang Kuo and Li Yi today, Chang Suining has already thought of the danger.

But she still asked: "Is what Prince Rong said really true?"

"This is what my servant heard with his own ears, and it can't be false." Li Lu said: "If Mrs. Chang doesn't believe it, you can ask him to come and ask Mrs. Chang herself—I think the mere servant is not capable. It can deceive the eyes of Mrs. Chang Chang."

Chang Suining didn't say yes or no, but asked again: "Did the prince tell me this just to inform me?"

"Of course not." Li Lu said: "I have the heart to help General Chang out of trouble, but I still need to ask Mrs. Chang's wishes first."

Chang Suining didn't say anything for a while, just looked at him.

Li Lu: "Giving some money, food, and grass can relieve General Chang's temporary difficulties, but it can't stop the real murderous intention."

This is referring to her sending food and grass, trying to help each other, is it meaningless?

Chang Suining is so happy that he sees himself like this, "Chang Suining" is indeed just a girl who knows nothing about military affairs, and the only way to help Dad is to use up the family's wealth and send money and food——

Since you don't know anything, you should ask him: "I don't know what is the best way to save my father?"

"If there is any change in Li Yi, I can get someone to help General Chang seize the opportunity to win the military power." Li Lu said.

Chang Suining laughed in his heart, that's why.

Therefore, there are also Li Lu's people in the rebel army.

She seemed to think for a moment before trying to ask: "What are the conditions for the son to help?"

Li Lu looked at her with a smile, he didn't rush to answer, but said: "Actually, today I came to bid farewell to Mrs. Chang."

"The prince is going back to Yizhou?"

"Yes." Li Lu said: "My mother has not recovered from her illness for several months, and she misses her son in her illness. My father sent a letter to Beijing to send me back to Yizhou, and the sage has already agreed."

Chang Sui Ning understood.

At this time, the timing and the title were chosen very well. At this time, the Emperor Shengji had no energy left to hold King Rong's son, and there was no reason not to allow him to go back to fulfill his filial piety.

"From now on, I will no longer be a proton." He smiled as if mocking himself, but also seemed relieved, and said, "The west of Yizhou, the world is open, I don't know if Mrs. Chang is willing to return with me?"

"If Mrs. Chang nods, Lu Ke has the audacity to ask the sage to give her a marriage. At that time, you and I can return to Yizhou to prepare for the big wedding, and Mrs. Chang can logically stay away from the capital."

The young man looked sincerely: "At that time, Chang Li will be a family, and the Chang family will no longer have any worries."

Hearing that he even put Chang's surname before Li's, Chang Suining really admired him.

This person kept trying to "win over" the Chang family again and again, and for this reason, he failed at one plan and tried all kinds of tricks. He was persistent, did he really have other plans?She always felt that behind such a clear goal of the other party, there was an equally clear plan hidden.

And looking at the sickly young man in front of her, she felt that although the other party had tried their best to put on a "reciprocal" attitude, and even "hold her up high", she still couldn't hide the aura of a chess player.

Chang Suining glanced in the direction of Fenglin not far away, and the fresh girl's face seemed to flash before his eyes again.

"The son is so determined to win, if I refuse to agree again, will the people in the army of the son get rid of my father and replace him?"

He just said that he has the ability to help her father win the military power. Isn't this ability a kind of deterrent?

Li Lu smiled, and asked in a warm tone: "If I say yes, will Mrs. Chang agree?"

Chang Suining looked at him.

Li Lu laughed again: "It's just a joke."

Chang Sui Ning also smiled, was it a joke?Not necessarily.Even if it's only one out of ten possibilities, she can't risk Lao Chang's life, can she?
What a nasty chess player.

"I didn't intend to threaten Mrs. Chang." Li Lu had a trace of helplessness in his eyes, and sighed: "Is it really so unbearable that Mrs. Chang would rather fall into a desperate situation and fight with her life than stand shoulder to shoulder with me? "

Chang Suining felt that his definitions of "unintentional threat" and "side by side" should have some misunderstandings beyond the scope of ordinary people's cognition.

After a moment of silence, she looked in the direction of the other side and asked, "The prince just said that I can ask the servant of the prince face to face?"

"Exactly." Li Lu asked with a tone of no-nonsense: "Does Madam Chang want to see him?"

Chang Suining said "Yes", "I want to know more about my father."

"It's so good, all the news in the army has passed through his hands, so let him talk to Mrs. Chang in detail."

Chang Suining: "I also want to learn about the situation in Yizhou with my son."

Li Lu said with a smile: "Ms. Chang is indeed cautious—"

Chang Suining: "Isn't it better to be more cautious?"

"Very good." The smile in Li Lu's eyes deepened a little: "Carefulness means value. It can be seen that Mrs. Chang is finally willing to try to understand me and Yizhou."

"That's fine, Mrs. Chang can give me an answer after discussing it in detail."

Now that he has been shaken, he has the confidence to persuade the other party.

Li Lu looked at the girl beside him with a smile, and never concealed the admiration in his eyes. If he could bring this girl back to Yizhou, he would be worthwhile as a hostage.

At this time, two monks came to the river to fetch water. Li Lu looked at the swaying water and asked with a smile, "Does Madam Chang like to go boating?"

"It's okay."

"Na Lu dared to invite Mrs. Chang to take a boat trip tonight, make tea and talk about it, how about it?"

Dayun Temple is full of eyes and ears of Emperor Shengchi, so it is not suitable to sit down and talk about Yizhou.

Since we want to have a good talk, we naturally need to find a quiet place.

Rafting at night, no eavesdroppers can get close to disturb, it is very suitable.

Chang Suining nodded in agreement with the proposal.

After Li Lu made an appointment with her, the two left the back mountain one after the other.


In the afternoon of that day, after Chang Suining had arranged everything properly, he had a long discussion with Chang Suian.

After she left Chang Sui'an's place, she went back to the meditation room where she was staying to change clothes and prepare for the appointment.

"...No, I have to find Master Wujue!"

After his sister left, Chang Sui'an looked solemn and uneasy, and called Jiantong to push him to see Wujue: "I want Master Wujue to persuade Ningning!"

Jiantong pushed him to find Wujue in a hurry, on the way Jiantong asked: "Lang Jun, what happened?"

Chang Suian looked so anxious that his head was about to fall off: "...The son of King Rong mentioned the matter of requesting to marry Ning Ning again today, and Ning Ning actually agreed to him, saying that he would repay the benefits with him. state!"

Jiantong turned pale with shock: "Isn't the girl unintentional to Prince Rong's son?"

"Therefore, Ning Ning must have some difficulties, but she refuses to tell me clearly..." Chang Sui'an said, "Now that Father is not at home, only Master Wujue can persuade her at this time!"

After speaking, he hurriedly looked around again, lowered his voice and said: "Don't talk about this matter, I will definitely persuade Ningning to give up this idea."

Jiantong nodded, but his expression was not optimistic: "I'm afraid no one can persuade the girl to make up her mind..."

The master and the servant hurried to find Wujue.

After the two walked away, a corner of the monk's robe quickly disappeared from the depths of the side path.


Soon, the news from Dayun Temple was sent to the palace and reached the ears of Emperor Shengji.

The Holy Book Emperor frowned deeply.

(Sui'an (play version): Ning Ning is confused!)
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