Chang'an is good

Chapter 225 Princess Xuan'an

He will soon meet the rumored Princess Xuan'an and her daughter...

Although Yao Jin had promised him that he would not be dedicated to the girl from the eldest princess's mansion, but when he dreamed back at midnight, he would often remember Yao Jin's first sentence "The man from the mansion of General Chang was born handsome and beautiful." Extraordinary and powerful, just the kind of gentleman a girl would like"——

Therefore, Chang Suian could not really let go of his guard.

"Look, my lord, although this Xuanzhou is not as prosperous as the capital, it is also rich and lively, and the customs and customs have a special flavor." Jiantong opened the curtain of the car, intending to relieve the tension of his lord.

When Chang Sui An heard the words, he also raised his eyes to look, and saw a middle-aged man running past the car in panic with his head in his hands, followed by a woman holding a feather duster to catch up.

Chang Sui'an's cheeks twitched.

Is this the customs of Xuanzhou?
"..." Jiantong quickly put down the curtain of the car, and seeing Langjun's increasingly nervous expression, he couldn't help saying "guilty" in his heart.

Chang Suian's heart was full of nervousness, and he only hoped that the carriage would slow down, but at the moment, there were people in Princess Xuan'an's mansion who were anxiously looking forward to it.

"Where are people? Why haven't they arrived yet?" A girl of eighteen or nineteen was pacing in the hall, looking out of the hall from time to time, unable to calm down for a moment.

The woman sitting on the main seat was luxuriously dressed, with a graceful temperament, and her facial features were stretched out. At this moment, she was holding a lion cat in her arms, and she sighed helplessly: "Li Tong, sit down for me, what are you doing?"

This is the owner of this mansion, the rumored Eldest Princess Xuan'an.

The girl she called Li Tong was still looking out: "Mother, it's almost noon, and I haven't seen anyone yet, so why don't you come back halfway?"

Princess Xuan'an calmly said: "Since we entered Xuanzhou City, the cooked duck..."

The servant woman standing beside her coughed lightly without looking sideways.

Princess Xuan'an stopped stroking the cat's head, and changed her words with a smile: "This distinguished guest outside the house, can he still fly?"

With that said, he ordered his daughter Li Tong to sit back.

Li Tong had no choice but to obey, but couldn't help wondering how his mother could be so calm?
Princess Xuan'an looked calm and calm as usual, but if you looked closely, you could see that the cat she was holding was a little strange.

The difference is that the originally fluffy cat's fur is no longer fluffy at this moment, but clings to the head, faintly glowing with moist oil.

One is that it has been touched for a long time, and the other is that the palms of Princess Xuan'an's balm are sweating a lot.

The cat wanted to escape but couldn't, and the meow was in a daze—it didn't have a basin or water, so it should be washed?

"Look, she's so anxious, Chuanzhu, you send someone to take a look." Princess Xuan'an glanced at her daughter, and then ordered the maid beside her.

Which one is the most urgent, the servant woman knows it well, and cooperates with it.

At this time, several carriages have already entered the eldest princess's mansion.

"Entering the mansion from the side entrance instead of being greeted at the main entrance is for the sake of safety. Please don't blame Mrs. Chang." Yao Jintong Chang Suining, who was sitting in the same car, explained apologetically.

Chang Suining didn't take it seriously: "It should be so."

It is impossible that half of the imperial court in Xuanzhou City does not have eyeliner. Since she and her elder brother came here privately, it is naturally inappropriate to welcome them with great fanfare.

Xuan'an Dachang Princess' mansion was very luxuriously built, the carriages and horses entered through the side door, the road passed smoothly, and after a while, they slowed down in front of a moon cave gate.

It's winter, and the few clumps of plantains planted not far behind the moon gate have long withered. At this moment, two well-dressed men in their 30s are arguing.

"...When will you return the can of sweet-scented osmanthus oil you stole from me last month?"

"How lucky you dare to ask me for sweet-scented osmanthus oil? Earlier you tampered with my fat cream, causing me to have rashes all over my face, and I didn't dare to appear in front of His Highness for a whole month... this account I haven't settled with you yet!"

"Stop spitting blood, don't think I don't know, it's clear that you know you can't eat crab meat, but you want to steal it secretly, and deliberately played this bitter trick, in order to drive a wedge between me and His Highness, just to make His Highness hate you That's all for me! You pretend to be innocent in front of His Highness all day long, you are full of scheming, isn't it more secretive than the stars in the summer night of June?!"

"If you keep talking nonsense, I will tear your mouth apart today!"

The two were about to fight, but when they heard the sound of cars and horses, they stopped quickly and looked over curiously.

At this point, horses and carriages cannot pass, but if they can drive here, they are usually treated like masters, but at this moment, His Highness and the girl are both in the front hall, what kind of distinguished guests will come?
Realizing the difference, the two male pets hid behind a rockery and looked intently.

First, he saw a dark-skinned young man being helped to step over the Moon Cave Gate. The young man seemed to have some inconvenience in his movements, but it couldn't conceal his dazzling heroic aura and handsome face.

"...I said why I haven't seen Yaojin girl in this period of time. She was looking for newcomers for His Highness?!"

"Isn't it? Seeing that my legs and feet are inconvenient to move..."

"What if it's a strong-willed person who would rather die than obey, and he was brought back after his leg was broken?"

As the two spoke, they both became alert.

But at this time, I saw another "young man" stepping in the door. Different from the previous one, this "young man" was shorter in stature, and his figure was thinner in comparison, but his face was much bigger than that one's. Fortunately, and with a relaxed and calm demeanor, people can't take their eyes off with just one glance.

The two of them glanced at each other, their eyes widened - what kind of appearance is this being fed by God?
No, it looks like God is feeding them, this is clearly the appearance of smashing their jobs!

One of them said angrily: "I'll have to talk to Miss Yaojin later!"

Bringing back such a beautiful and young face, isn't it intentional to disrupt the order in the mansion!
No, speaking of youth...

Although His Highness is very beautiful, as he gets older, he can't do anything to men under the age of 20. These two look so young... Could it be that they are for girls?

Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived.

A group of maids and maids greeted them with a whoosh, and Li Tong was the one who walked quickly at the forefront.

"It's finally here!"

She had a bright smile all over her face, and she walked in a hurry, just like the blooming impatiens embroidered on her dress.

"This is... Mr. Chang's family!" Li Tong fixed his eyes on Chang Suian.

This precise and unmistakable lock made Chang Sui Anwu tremble and nodded: "Exactly..."

Yao Jin introduced with a smile: "This is the girl from the house."

"I'm finally waiting for you!" Li Tong couldn't leave Chang Suian's eyes, and said impatiently: "Follow me to the front hall, my mother has been waiting for a long time!"

As he spoke, he surrounded Chang Suian with his servants and walked forward, asking non-stop, "How has the injury healed?"

"Have you had a hard time on the road?"

"You must be thirsty and tired, right?"

Hearing that she was so concerned, Yao Jin, who had no chance to speak, couldn't help but gently tugged on the sleeve of his girl.

Li Tong glanced at her knowingly, of course she knew, hold back, she has tried all her life to hold back and cover up!
But then again...

Li Tong looked around subconsciously, and couldn't help asking: "Why didn't you see that girl from the Chang family? Didn't she arrive yet? You entered the city in two ways?"

Yao Jin sighed, and finally had the opportunity to continue introducing: "Girl, this is the lady of the Chang family."

Li Tong followed her gaze and saw a beautiful young man looking at him with a smile.

Li Tong was astonished: "You..."

"I'm Chang Sui Ning." The "boy" smiled and raised his hand to salute her.

Li Tong's eyes widened when he heard this undisguised girlish voice, and then he was disappointed and laughed again: "I'm so blind, I didn't even realize that there was a younger sister under this robe! I thought it was Chang Jialang Seeing that the attendants around you are so well-born, they were thinking about turning around and begging for it from Mr. Chang's family just now!"

Yaojin heard that he wanted to help his forehead.

She saw the girl's eyes glued to Chang Langjun's body, but she didn't expect to find such a lustful heart.

"As a younger sister, that's even better!"

Getting along with men can only be fresh for a while, but being a younger sister can last for a long time.

Li Tong took Chang Suining by the arm: "Sister Chang's name has long been known to me, since I live in the mansion from now on, I don't have to see outsiders, just call me sister!"

Thinking that she had done good deeds half her life, she deserved to be able to pick up such an extraordinary and beautiful younger sister and call her sister.

Chang Suining: "...Sister of the Li family."

In truth, she is the elder sister, but things are different, and now there is no way to reason.

Li Tong still felt that he wasn't close enough: "Just call Tong Tong's sister next time!"

As he said that, he looked forward and said to Chang Sui'an: "I heard that Mr. Chang's family has trouble walking, so my mother ordered someone to get off the sedan chair. Mr. Chang, please get on the sedan chair!"

Seeing the sedan chair brought up by the four people and dropped in front of him, Chang Suian instinctively stepped back a bit: "It's okay, I can walk slowly..."

"Mr. Chang's family is injured, why bother to stick to these things." The servant woman smiled and persuaded, and opened the sedan chair curtain without any explanation.

Chang Sui'an struggled for a moment, thinking of his sister's confession on the road - her sister once said that she came to Xuanzhou this time to express her thanks and also to make friends with Princess Xuan'an.

With the overall situation in mind, Chang Suian still bit the bullet and sat in.

The moment the car curtain was lowered and the sedan chair was lifted, he felt more and more like a princess who shouldered the heavy responsibility of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Jiantong, who was following the sedan chair and who knew his lord's thoughts very clearly, could not help but also take part in it at this time. If the lord is married to the princess, then he is undoubtedly the dowry maid.

Probably affected by Lang Jun's uneasiness, Jiantong's thoughts began to expand. He recalled Li Tong's bold words just now that he mistook his girl as a follower, so he came up with a way to ask for ideas. As a real follower, Jiantong couldn't help but I feel that my situation is also a little precarious.

His face, which is too obtrusive to everyone, is certainly not handsome, but it is not without merit. On the contrary, because he is so oblivious to everyone, he can easily find hundreds of people similar to him in the crowd. So raising one male pet of him is indirectly equivalent to raising a hundred male pets. In a sense, it is really economical...

But after thinking about it, I am willing to spend money to raise a male favorite, who cares about whether it is affordable or not?

Jiantong then suddenly became enlightened and relieved.

Li Tong and Chang Suining were talking while walking, Ah Dian secretly looked at him curiously along the way, but didn't speak - His Highness taught him etiquette, don't make noise easily when you come to a strange place and meet strangers.

A group of people soon came to the front hall.

Hearing the rumors from the servants, Princess Xuan'an's expression lifted, and she hurriedly wiped her sweaty hands on the cat's body.

The cat was finally put down, shook its fur, and ran away cursing.

Princess Xuan'an subconsciously stood up, and was hinted by the mother's eyes to sit back.

Li Tong quickly brought the Chang brothers and sisters in to salute.

After many years, Chang Suining finally saw the eldest princess Xuan'an again.

To her surprise, although the other party was in his early fifties, his appearance was not much different from what she remembered. He still had black hair, delicate skin, and looked much younger than himself.

Is this the benefit of having a male pet?

Chang Suining couldn't help thinking.

"... I still don't know why two gentlemen are here. They are girls from the Chang family. Please sit down and talk." The eldest princess Xuan'an smiled and glanced at Chang Suining. Soon, he unconsciously returned to Chang Suian.

The boy was tall and tall, with thick eyebrows and piercing eyes, a straight nose and a square chin.

Princess Xuan'an looked at her eyes, and her eyes became more gentle. She felt that such a living person standing in front of her was better than those cold portraits before.

"Mr. Chang's family is really carved out of the same mold as General Chang when he was young!" The maid beside her sighed with a smile.

"Yeah..." Princess Xuan'an nodded, any place is good, but this is not good.

Chang Suian didn't forget the important things of this trip, first he saluted the eldest princess and thanked her for saving her.

"Stupid child, thank you for saying something to me..." Looking at the boy who had been raised for more than a month and had not yet returned to normal, the Eldest Princess had distress in her eyes, "Your father and I... are best friends. , the two of you brothers and sisters will rest assured to stay here when you come here, as long as you are at your own home."

Chang Suian blinked and looked at Princess Xuan'an.

Although the Eldest Princess looked very young, she seemed very kind, and somehow he felt a little close.

The moment she looked into the boy's big, clear eyes, Princess Xuan'an suddenly felt unspeakably heartbroken, and a wave of sadness and emotion rushed straight into her eyes uncontrollably.

The servant woman beside her hurriedly distracted everyone's attention, and said with a smile: "Mr. Chang and the girl came together. It is already noon at this time, so I must be hungry. Your Highness, why not take the children to the dining hall first, the future will be long." , It’s not too late to say the rest of the words slowly!”

The eldest princess suppressed the tears and nodded.

That's right, anyway, if someone comes to her, she won't be able to escape for a while!

The tears turned into joy in an instant, so he got up and led the brothers and sisters of the Chang family to the dining hall.

The maid who called Chuanzhu ordered a few servants to carry the luggage with the servants of the Chang family, and told them to send them to the residences arranged in advance for the brothers and sisters of the Chang family and A Dian.

After removing a few cages, Ah Zhi dragged a large sack from the car.

The servant of the eldest princess's mansion had sharp eyesight and quick hands, and hurriedly stepped forward to help lift it with a smile: "This sack is really heavy!"

Ah Zhi didn't have time to refuse.

The servant quickly realized something was wrong: "Is there a living thing here...why does it seem to be moving?"

Ah Zhi checked the position, raised his hand and struck down: "Don't move now, let's go."

Servant: "?"

Is the point just to move or not? !

I can't see the comments, so lonely, I seem to be playing a stand-alone game _(:з」∠)_ Comments, come back soon! (Maomao online practice)

Addendum: The comment function seems to have been restored!
I'm recuperating, I'll go to bed early today, and I'll make more changes when I recover, good night everyone!

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