Chang'an is good

Chapter 235 Will There Be Reinforcements?

Chang Kuo looked at his daughter for a while, and then said seriously: "Ningning, Hezhou is not a place you can go."

Chang Suining also asked seriously: "Why can Dad go?"

"Because Dad is a general." Chang Kuo said: "Even if he is not a court, a general also has the duty to protect the people. This is the bounden duty of a soldier."

"A soldier has a vocation, and so do ordinary people. Retreating the enemy in times of crisis is a vocation, and it is also a natural instinct." The girl's voice was not heavy, but clear and powerful: "Whether it's a general or a father, you can't stop me." I retreat from the enemy's instinct."

The girl is not obedient at all, she has no self-consciousness of "regarding her father as heaven" at all, no discussion or request, but talking with her father about the nature of "being human".

She was wearing an ordinary military uniform, and she was full of dust all the way. Her lips were slightly chapped, but her eyes were still bright. At this moment, the stars were shining above her head, as if there were stars and moons covering her body, taking away her embarrassment It seemed to turn her into a sword whose brilliance was about to bloom.

Tough, sharp, burning.

The dazzling color under this sharpness made Chang Kuo think of the Sunshine Sword that was enshrined in Xuan Ce's mansion at this moment, His Highness's sword.

At this moment, he seemed to be suddenly impacted by the meteor that flashed past just now, and the impact penetrated into the depths of his soul in an instant, as if some familiar sense of connection suddenly awakened at this moment.

Chang Kuo stood where he was, stunned for a moment.

"At this moment, the governor's wife and her son who are defending Hezhou City are not soldiers. The governor's wife and children can kill the enemy, and the general's daughter can naturally."

Under the starlight, the girl's figure was straight, like a soldier waiting to be read, with firm eyes and a strong voice.

"Sui Ning is fortunate to have more than one skill. He can use a bow as an archer, and can ride a horse as a cavalry. He is also good at swords and spears. He is courageous and not afraid of pain. He can be a soldier under the general's command and is willing to fight the enemy together with the general!"

The four eyes met, Chang Kuo's eye sockets became hot for no reason, he settled his voice that seemed to have been lost for a while, and said: "Okay... since this soldier is so capable, I will accept it today!"

The girl's eyes were brighter, she raised her hands and folded them in front of her, and saluted him.

Chang Ren was inexplicably excited: "Wish to defeat the enemy with the general!"

Chang Mao, who was guarding the side, also took two steps forward, forced to hide his excitement and said: "...willing to defeat the enemy with the general!"

Chang Kuo looked over: "..."

What fun are they having together?
Chang Suining looked at the two of them: "You can't go."

She has other plans.

But you still need to discuss it with the old man first.

Chang Sui Ning ordered Chang Ren and the two to guard, and explained the plan to Chang Kuo in a low voice.

After Chang Kuo listened, his face was red with blue, blue with white, and white with black.

Chang Suining saw it in his eyes, and felt that with this face, he might be able to open a dyeing workshop on the spot, no, even if it opened hundreds of rooms in the south and sea, it would be no problem.

"Father should focus on the overall situation." She persuaded from the side at the right time: "One more plan will increase the chance of winning."

"..." Chang Kuo's face changed a few times, "But this person has a perverse and eccentric personality...he may not agree."

"All you need to do is leave it to me, as long as Dad allows it."

After a long while, Chang Kuo nodded almost imperceptibly.

Chang Suining borrowed a pen and paper, wrote a letter, and handed it to Chang Ren and the other two: "This trip is urgent, be careful on the road."


The two agreed, bowed solemnly and retreated.

"... Is this one of the two strategies my daughter just mentioned?" Chang Kuo asked with a complicated mood.

Chang Suining thought for a while, then nodded: "Yes."

"Then what's left?"

"Let's talk about it on the way." Chang Suining didn't change his face: "Otherwise Father will tie me up and send me back, where should I go to reason?"

Chang Kuo was helpless: "You child, is daddy the one who doesn't believe what he says? How can there be any reason to treat daddy like this?"

Chang Suining was noncommittal: "Father also often said that one must be on guard against others."

Of course, none of this is critical.

The key point is, what a plan and a plan, she was just talking nonsense just now... If the donkey is obedient and runs forward, shouldn't it hang a carrot?

But it's not a big problem. As long as you have a brain, you can always figure it out.

"Okay, just be on guard!" Chang Kuo laughed twice, without asking any further questions, he waved his hand and said, "Go, let's have a warm fire and eat cakes with Dad."

Chang Sui Ning followed with a smile.

The days of roasting fire and eating cakes with Lao Chang are long gone.

The flames were hot, searing her limbs and burning her blood.

If it was said that when she saw Lao Chang on the way back to Beijing with Wei Shuyi, she had the feeling of helping her soul to return to her hometown, then she who is sitting in front of the fire at this moment has come back to life.

Although the road ahead will be difficult and dangerous tomorrow, my hometown is where my heart is at ease.

At this time, she was in front of the fire in her hometown, accompanied by her former companions, with a long knife in hand, and a war horse behind her, so she was truly reborn.

Whether it is glory or humiliation, the past can also be thrown into the fire and burned into ashes and dust.

There is no need to mention the past, from now on, she will let the world know a person named Chang Suining again.


Fierce flames lit up the sky.

When the first ray of light appeared in the east, Chang Kuo led less than [-] soldiers and horses and had already set off.

Compared with yesterday, there is a new-faced soldier beside him at this moment.

The horseshoe tramples on the thin morning light, breaks the frozen air of everything in winter, and goes to the uneven place.


In Hezhou City, where the city gates were closed, there were no people on the streets, and no one dared to go out.

The sun hangs high at noon, but it can't dispel the silence and fear around.

In the Governor's Mansion, a young man had just changed his wound medicine and was wearing his clothes when a man in armor walked in quickly, saluting solemnly: "Mr. Erlang!"

"Uncle Peng." The boy immediately stood up in his clothes and asked seriously, "How is it?"

They once ordered soldiers to break out in two ways, sent out the battle situation in Hezhou, asked for reinforcements to save the city, and inquired about news.

Joining the army surnamed Peng didn't answer the young man's words, but said: "I have ordered someone to arrange a team of elite...Please Erlang Jun, San Lang Jun and his wife, follow them out of the city secretly, and leave Hezhou quickly!"

"Leave?" The boy's complexion changed, and his tone was firm: "I won't go! If I go, who will guard this Hezhou city!"

"Lang Jun, listen to your subordinates!" Peng Canjun's tone was urgent, hiding his grief and anger: "Only one soldier who went to inquire about the news came back... He found out that there were indeed troops leaving the camp in Shouzhou, but the marching route It wasn't to support Hezhou, they actually went in the direction of Yangzhou!"

"Yangzhou?" The boy was taken aback, "Why..."

"Why else? It must be because Xu Zhengye wants to take back Yangzhou from the rear while Xu Zhengye is trying his best to attack Hezhou!"

The young man didn't know how to react for a while, and asked uncertainly: "Peng Canjun, does he have such a way of fighting...?"

Or, is it right?

Is this as it should be?

"Bullshit way of fighting!" Peng Canjun's anger could no longer be suppressed: "It must be Li Yi's idea. This person only dares to do evasive actions behind his back, and never dares to fight Xu Zhengye head-on!"

If you say stupid, this person is with vicious stupidity!
The boy's face turned pale: "Uncle Peng means...they gave up on Hezhou, right?"

So, there will be no reinforcements?

Peng Canjun grabbed his arm: "Lang Jun, follow me and leave, if it's later, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave!"

Being dragged away for two steps, the young man came back to his senses suddenly, and pulled his hand away: "No, I can't go!"

Peng Canjun: "The imperial court no longer cares about the life and death of Hezhou, who will the Lord be defending for!"

"For the people of Hezhou City!"

It was a calm and powerful female voice.

"Ma'am!" Peng Canjun turned his head and saluted quickly.

A woman in her 40s walked in, followed by a [-]-year-old boy.

The woman has an ordinary appearance, with a somewhat sick face, white hair has been added in a bun for a few days, but her eyes are not angry but powerful.

"Xu Zhengye used the name of helping and saving the world, but what he did was no different from bandits and villains. Wherever he passed, he frequently recruited men and expropriated family property, causing refugees to spread everywhere and complaining."

"He was born in a wealthy family, he was willing to treat the gentry and gentry with respect, and talked about great things with wine, but he regarded ordinary people as worthless and ants! I am afraid that the words of supporting the prince are just the name of his army. This person hides wolfish ambitions, but the real thing The disaster of the country and the traitors!"

"If Xu Zhengye is willing to treat the common people kindly, I can bear the name of a traitor and party member, and open the gate of Hezhou City today to welcome Xu's army into the city!"

"However, Husband and Dalang died for guarding Hezhou. Are they foolish and loyal to the court?"

When the woman said this, tears welled up in her eyes, and her tone remained undiminished: "Because they know very well that if Hezhou falls, the people in a city will become refugees who are trampled on by others, and soon, the people in the entire Huainan Road may be killed. Homeless!"

The young man clenched his fists: "Aniang is right, my father ordered me to guard the door of the house before he died, and I will guard it until the last moment!"

Peng Canjun wanted to say more, but he heard the sound of quick steps outside.


"Twenty miles outside the city, there are traces of Xu's army again. The troops led by Ge Zong are attacking Hezhou!"

Peng Canjun swears: "...Sure enough, it's here again!"

There have been five or six battles in recent days, and this Ge Zong is a powerful general under Xu Zhengye's command.

This time Xu Zhengye ordered this person to attack the city, this trip is obviously determined to win!
"Ah Hui, how many troops do we have left?" The woman looked at the boy.

The boy's eyes trembled slightly: "Excluding the seriously injured, there are only [-] people left who can fight."

The word 'only' is both disturbing and sad.

"How many are they here?"

The eyes of the soldiers who came to report the news were a little flustered: "There are about one hundred thousand...!"

"This is an inevitable victory for Hezhou." The woman's eyes darkened, but immediately became calm and clear: "Ah Hui, would you like to join A Niang to meet the enemy?"

The boy Yun Hui looked shocked: "Mother!"

Of course he should go, but how could A Niang go!

"I want to be with A Niang too!" The 12-year-old boy said immediately.

The woman looked at her youngest son and nodded, "Okay, then let's go together."

"Ma'am!" Peng Canjun knelt down and persuaded with tears in his eyes: "...The governor has lost his eldest son, so madam should leave a trace of blood for him! This subordinate is willing to guard the city with Mr. Erlang, and please take Mr. Sanlang away !"

The young boy Yun Gui said decisively: "I won't go! I want to defend the city with my second brother and A Niang!"

As the son of the governor, the 12-year-old boy has enough understanding of what he will face next, and he is also clear enough about the weight of the word "defending the city".

"Bloodline..." The woman looked at the two children and said softly: "It would be the best if we can keep Hezhou today. If we can't keep it, Erlang Saburo and I will spill all the blood and stay in Hezhou forever. The way for my husband's bloodline to survive."

Peng Canjun was shocked, tears welled up in his eyes, he knocked his head on the ground, and was speechless again.

The boy Yun Hui met his mother's eyes without any hesitation.

The boy tied a white linen cloth between his foreheads, and the mother and child all came out in armor.

Hearing the commotion outside, some people in the city pushed the door out, and sent three Yun family mother and son and eight thousand soldiers all the way to the front of the city.

The gates of the city opened and then closed slowly, with soldiers outside and people inside.

The city gate was closed, and the moment the soldiers' backs disappeared in front of their eyes, some people burst into tears.

"Second brother, is it true that no reinforcements will come?" Yun Gui asked his brother in a low voice, sitting on the horse, holding a spear that was almost as tall as him.

"There will be." Yunhui said to his younger brother, and also said loudly to the soldiers: "The imperial army will arrive soon, I will wait until the last moment, until the reinforcements arrive!"


All the soldiers responded in unison, and their morale was greatly boosted.

Peng Canjun looked at Yun Hui.

Yun Hui smiled at him.

If the battle has not yet been fought, morale will be defeated if you can't.

In other words, he still had a little bit of luck in his heart. He had sent two groups of soldiers to inquire about the news, but no one returned from the other group. What if there was new news, but they had not had time to report it back?
He knew that this idea was a little naive, but the dead are always the most important, and as a dying person, shouldn't he be naive for a while?

The young man rode his horse and led his army to meet the enemy at a gallop.

The two armies fought five miles outside the city. One side was bound to win, while the other side's morale was in high spirits, fighting with all their might.

The horseshoes raised dust and blood, and the blood filled the sky. The mixture of the two dyed the world into a dim and tragic painting.

No matter how high the morale was, with the collapse of his comrades, the Hezhou army still showed the disadvantage of being outnumbered.

Ge Zong, the leader of the army, had the winning ticket in his hands, so he didn't need to do it himself. He sat on the horse, looked at the blood-stained young man, and asked his subordinates: "Is that the son of Hezhou governor?"

"Back to the general, that's right!"

"It's a bloody one." Ge Zongdao: "The general is now employing people, tell them that they will surrender and not kill them."

Someone in Xu's army soon shouted the slogan "Those who surrender will not be killed".

"In our army today, there are only heroes who died in battle, and there are no bastards who surrendered to villains!" The red-eyed young man swung his knife and beheaded another enemy soldier.

Ge Zong sneered: "Young people are really ignorant... stubbornness is in the wrong place."

As he spoke, his eyes turned and fell on the woman in armor who killed the enemy: "Why are there still women?"

"That should be the widow of Governor Hezhou."

"Widows." Ge Zong raised his eyebrows and said: "The general has always hated these women who can't see their identities clearly. The court hall is not the place for them to appear, and of course the battlefield is not... Women are born with evil spirits, but they will ruin the country's fortune and feng shui of."

The subordinates at the side naturally knew who he was referring to, so they should only "yes" for a while.

"It's not auspicious if there are widows playing tricks on the battlefield." Ge Zong said, pulling up the bow in his hand.

The arrow roared as it flew, but when it approached Mrs. Yun's body, it was blocked by a man and a horse.

The figure on the horse was still very small, and fell off the horse after being hit by the arrow.

Mrs. Yun's pupils trembled, "Ah Gui!"

She wanted to go forward, but was blocked by an enemy soldier waving a gun.

Yun Huice immediately stepped forward, jumped off the horse, half-lifted his younger brother, "Ah Gui!"

The young boy who blocked the arrow for his mother, with blood gushing from his mouth, leaned in front of his elder brother, breathing unevenly and asked, "Second brother, the reinforcements... are coming soon?"

Yun Hui was trembling all over, he wanted to tell his younger brother that he had lied and there was no reinforcements at all!
But I heard the younger brother in front of me whisper: "Second brother, I seem to have heard the voice of reinforcements..."

At this moment, Yun Hui's heart was pierced with red eyes, and his resentment turned into anger.

Where are the reinforcements!
That was all his naive fantasy!
The next moment, an enemy soldier slashed at him with a knife.

He stood up abruptly and stood in front of his younger brother. He held the opponent's long knife with both hands, and let out an unwilling roar between his clenched teeth, forcing the opponent to take several steps back.

His hands were dripping with blood, and it was undoubtedly a stupid way to block the knife with his hands, but at this point, he didn't care anymore, he had no rules, no rationality, and no hope.

At first, the other party was shocked by his ferocity, but soon came back to his senses, withdrew the knife abruptly, raised it up, and was about to chop it off.

"call out--"

Suddenly a cold wind passed by.

After the body of the person holding the knife trembled, he stopped suddenly.

An arrow flew from nowhere and pierced his forehead.

A chapter of [-] words!Make up a little bit, and boldly ask for a monthly pass, good night!

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