Chang'an is good

Chapter 239 A woman is what I am

Xu Zhengye's patience was running out. He wanted to win Hezhou in one fell swoop, so besides Ge Zong, he also ordered Ji Xi, another capable subordinate under his command, to fight together.

Ge Zong received the military talisman and left the tent, very high-spirited, as if the battle had been won.

Seeing Luo Guanlin come out, he took a slow step on purpose, and said sarcastically: "With the benevolent mouth of a woman, I can't help the general capture the city!"

Luo Guanlin's expression darkened and he ignored it.

But Ge Zong was relentless: "Mr. Luo has repeatedly spoken well of Chang Kuo, could it be that he is an old acquaintance?"

He said "Tsk", "It's a pity that Chang Kuo is a block in the way. The general has a great cause in mind and a long-term vision. I am afraid that Mr. Luo's friendship with old friends will be lost."

"But it doesn't matter!" He said, stepped forward and patted Luo Guanlin's shoulder, and said: "When I take that Chang Kuo's head back to the camp today, sir can reunite with the old man!"

As he spoke, he felt funny and laughed out loud.

Luo Guanlin smiled instead of anger, and said in a nonchalant way: "It seems that General Ge knows that he is not as good as others, and he is afraid that if the general becomes such a good general as Chang Kuo, there will be no place for him in this army."

Ge Zong's smile froze suddenly, his face was very ugly.

"It's a good thing for people to know themselves, but it's not a long-term solution for General Ge to be so jealous. No wonder even the general said that day..." Luo Guanlin paused subtly at this point, only shook his head, and did not continue Going on, he turned his head and smiled knowingly at the colleagues around him.

"..." Ge Zong's complexion changed a few times, General?What's the meaning?What did the general say about him?

He wanted to ask more questions, but Luo Guanlin had already walked away, he wanted to step forward to ask, but he was afraid that doing so would be too cheap, it seemed that he couldn't hold back!

But at this time, the battle was about to start, and he had no time to argue with the opponent, so he could only leave frowning and scratching his heart.

"...Brother Luo's mouth is much stronger than a knife." The colleague walked beside Luo Guanlin, and said at this moment: "He is about to lead the army to attack the city. At such a critical moment, why should Brother Luo be as knowledgeable as him... I am afraid that he is on the battlefield , he still has to think about it in his heart."

When he raised his knife to slash people, he might still be thinking - what did the general say to Luo Guanlin?
When the others chopped him down, they were probably still thinking about it—I don't know how Luo Guanlin secretly sowed discord, would the general despise me just because of this?

I have to take the time to put myself under the general's command, and I have to think about the mistakes I may have made eight hundred times, self-flagellation self-reflection.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that this plan is "insidious", and I can't help but sigh with emotion: "Sure enough, you who have been censors... have a vicious mouth and a dark heart."

Facing the ridicule, Luo Guanlin just sneered: "He is not sure, even if he loses the battle, he can't blame me."

The colleague lowered his voice at the right time: "Brother you really not want him to win this battle?"

Luo Guanlin didn't answer him, but his complexion gradually became complicated, and after walking more than ten steps, he asked slowly: "Zhong Qin, do you feel that the general has changed a lot now?"

The joke on the colleague's face faded, he sighed lightly, and didn't answer.

"From time to time, I always think of the days when Yu Jiangdu used to drink and talk happily..." Luo Guanlin felt somewhat lost.

At that time, he was first relegated from the capital by the Empress of Ming Dynasty, and he was depressed and frustrated. It was because he met Xu Zhengye and his party that his depression was swept away.

They talked very happily, and they were all dissatisfied with the image in power after the Ming Dynasty. They often denounced and cursed the chaos of the dynasty after drinking, so they became confidants to each other.

All in all, he drank very well in those days.

What also made him superior was Xu Zhengye's "virtuous brother" who met each other late and was intimate.

The beautiful scene after the completion of the work described by the other party made him even more dazzled.

So he was willing to follow the other party to start troubles, spare no effort, do his best, and make suggestions.Along the way, those provocative "reports to the world" and the like, all passed through his hands, and several pens were broken.Most of the scribes with aloof hearts were persuaded and drawn in by him, and their mouths were worn out several times.

Now, there are more and more generals and counselors under the general's command, and their voices are becoming more and more mixed. The general wanders among them, for fear of favoring one over another, and has not called him a "virtuous brother" for a long time.

The confidants and brothers in the past are now just dry masters and ministers.

Moreover, Ge Zong and his like often have disputes with him, or their loyal words are harsh. When the generals are discussing matters now, they often leave him intentionally or unintentionally.

Another example is just now in the big tent, the person who used to talk about one brother, now when he hears that he is impatient, he will only raise his hand to make him shut up.

It would be a lie to say that you are not disappointed.

"I understand Brother Luo's feelings..." The official sighed: "It's like Brother Luo was the first wife to get a wife, but now seeing that the husband has made a fortune, he has taken in countless concubines. These concubines have their own ideas and are used to flattery. However, this husband is a person like Chen Shimei, and he has long since lost sight of the poor wife..."

Luo Guanlin, the poor wife, couldn't listen any longer, and interrupted with a dark face: "...don't talk nonsense!"

Ridiculous, is he that kind of jealous person?

His face was heavy: "I don't care about these!"

What he cares about is whether that person is still the person he regarded as his confidant at the beginning.

"I understand..." the colleague sighed: "It's just that now that we are on this road, there is no possibility of turning back. It's useless to think about it. Brother Luo, let's focus on the future."

This is naturally a statement of high emotional intelligence.

If you put it more bluntly, it must be - the raw rice has been cooked, so don't be hypocritical, run away halfway, and die.

Luo Guanlin didn't speak any more, but his heart became more and more stuffy.

At this time, horns and drums sounded on the battlefield.

Luo Guanlin paused, and turned his head to look in the direction of the military field.

The general has repeatedly confirmed that in the city of Hezhou, there are only more than [-] troops brought by Chang Kuo... In this battle, Hezhou must be lost.

Ge Zong must retaliate. He failed to attack the city last time, and he felt that he had lost face. After he captured Hezhou, he would not be able to treat the captured soldiers and the people in the city kindly.

And most of those soldiers were uneducated, they had been used to wanton looting and looting after seizing the city along the way... All of this had the tacit approval of the general.

He disapproved of this very much, and repeatedly suggested with the general to control the army, but the general told him that most of these soldiers were recruited by force, and if they were not allowed to benefit from the battle, the hearts of the people would be discord and morale would be low , this battle will be difficult to fight.

In other words, this acquiescence was the bait used by Xu Zhengye to motivate his soldiers to attack the city with all their might.

At that time, when Luo Guanlin met those unwavering eyes, he felt that thousands of words were stuck in his throat, and he couldn't speak anymore.

What is wrong with the people?There is nothing wrong with it, why should it become the bait of this "big cause" and allow others to rob and bully it?
Along the way, looking back at the places they passed by, refugees are everywhere, and complaints are everywhere...

The great general also comforted him that to achieve a great cause, there must be sacrifices and trade-offs. If the cause is not destroyed, it will not be established. When the great cause is achieved in the future, the world will be peaceful, and all orders will return to normal, and it will naturally get better.

Will it get better?
But as you can see now, everything is getting worse, because of them.

He opposes women in power, and hates the many perverse actions of the Ming Dynasty. He is eagerly looking forward to someone who can reverse all this and restore the world's orthodoxy and peace. When he met Xu Zhengye, he thought he had waited for that person.

But at this time, aside from Xu Zhengye's many acts of disregarding the life and death of the people, he even began to doubt whether Xu Zhengye would really support the crown prince to ascend the throne and help the Li family as he said at the beginning?

Did he... choose the wrong letter?
The answer to this question is too heavy, and now that he has come to this point, he almost dare not think about it any more.

Accompanied by the sound of thunderous drums, the army hurried away from the camp. Looking from a distance, it looked like a long snake and beast swimming between the sky and the earth. It was menacing, with its fangs wide open, plundering and killing its prey.


The enemy army came very quickly, but Hezhou City has been in a state of preparation for war recently, and was able to gather troops soon.

According to scout reports, there are [-] enemy troops, led by Ge Zong and Ji Xi.

"...One hundred thousand is one hundred thousand, we also have fifty thousand, one kills two, it's not a big problem!" A big man in armor standing upright raised his knife and said loudly.

And even more confident: "I can kill three!"

Those who are not confident feel relieved: "Then I will kill can kill one for me, and I will give you a basket of eggs laid by myself."

After saying this, there was even loud laughter from all around.

Most of these soldiers were newly recruited from the city. A few days ago, most of them were just ordinary people.

However, in Hezhou City, the spirit of retreating the enemy together was very high, so no one retreated when the enemy was at hand.

Chang Kuo got on the horse first.

Chang Suining also got on his horse, and when he heard about Ji Xi just now, Yunhui became tense and said, "Let's go, take revenge."

The governor of Yun and the eldest son of the Yun family both died at the hands of Ji Xi.

Yun Hui pursed his lips, nodded to her, mounted his horse, and headed for the city gate.

On the way, he suddenly turned around and asked Chang Suining, "Do you think we can win?"

Chang Sui Ning did not squint: "Yes."

Yun Hui held the rein: "Then do you think we will die?"

Chang Suining answered casually, "Maybe."

Yun Hui wanted to sigh a little: "...Why don't you answer something auspicious?"

Chang Suining finally turned to look at him: "Why don't you ask something auspicious?"

Meeting those eyes, Yun Hui felt guilty for a moment, that's right, what did he ask.

The city gate was already visible in the distance, he thought about it, and finally asked another question that was not unlucky.

"Are you... really a woman?"

Although there was already an answer, the shock brought to him by this matter has not diminished but increased over time, and he still wants to ask a question himself inexplicably.

Chang Suining: "Is this important?"

Yun Hui was silent for a while, and said: "That's right, it doesn't matter... I just never saw a woman like you, so..."

"What should a woman look like?" The young girl on the horse looked forward and said in a casual tone, "All living beings are different, and people should be different. The word woman is not a mold, and everyone should grow up according to that mold."

She said: "It's not that what the model called a woman is, I should be what I should be. But what I am, a woman is what I should be."

Everyone should only take themselves as the standard.

"I am so." She looked back and said, "They are also the same."

Yun Hui also looked back subconsciously, he saw his mother and the team of women behind her.

There are thousands of people in this team.

They also wore similar armor, their hair was tightly bound, and they also had weapons in their hands.

All this stemmed from three days ago, when a woman in the city who was always known for being tough was sewing armor together with everyone, the more she sewed, the more uncomfortable it became, and several needles in her hand broke.

He frowned and thought for a while, got up and put the armor on himself, and took a picture of the water tank, and suddenly realized-hey, this is right!

So he ran to the governor's mansion just like that, and recommended himself to join the army.

The person in charge of conscription asked her to go home, but she refused, and more and more people gathered, and the news reached Yunhui's ears.

When the woman saw Yun Hui, she began to recommend herself. She claimed to be capable of both literature and martial arts.

What makes her capable is that she has spent ten years picking dung, chopping firewood, feeding pigs, beating children and beating men to hone her strength, and it would be a waste not to kill the enemy.

The point of her ability is that she has never failed to scold her neighbors in the neighborhood. She has a loud voice and many tricks when she scolds others. Next.

Yun Hui didn't know what to do when he heard this, he had never seen such proficiency in literature and martial arts.

A man reminded the woman that going to the battlefield is different after all, it will kill people.

Unexpectedly, the woman's waist straightened even more—she wasn't even afraid of having a baby, why was she afraid of this?
Giving birth to a woman has always been the biggest gate of hell. I don’t know how many women die every year due to childbirth. When it comes to "people will die", why have I never seen anyone say to women, "Birth is going to die, don't give birth soon." "?
If she lives, she will die. If she kills one more person on the battlefield, the odds of winning will increase by one point!
When someone wanted to persuade her to leave, Chang Suining appeared.

She made the decision to accept this capable woman.

This "women's army" of thousands of people came from this.

They were trained by Chang Suining himself. During the process, they also knew that the boy who trained them was actually a girl, so they gained more confidence.

At this moment, they followed Mrs. Yun's family in an orderly formation, and they already seemed to be a bit of a soldier.

The army defending the city quickly and methodically completed the deployment, ready for battle.

Ge Zong's army approached quickly, and when the soldiers approached the city, they confronted each other with a sense of shame, so he called out to challenge Chang Kuo by name: "General Chang, how dare you challenge me one-on-one!"

"You are a basket of dung, and we still need our generals to pick it!" On the tower, a woman in armor echoed without saying a word: "If you don't have a mirror, you will pee. Take care of it, and you are worthy of it." !"

Chang Kuo looked over in amazement, this is a master, the opposite person who likes to be scolded is blessed today.

Accompanied by the scolding, the woman let out a "hoah".

This is not just a sound, but a physical attack.

The woman's saliva followed the wind and sprayed Ge Zong's upturned face.

Ge Zong wiped his face, his face turned red with annoyance.

She is still a woman!What a bad luck!

In his life, he hated these women who were restless in the room and wanted to turn the world upside down. You must know that it is women he opposes!

He immediately lost interest in fighting Chang Kuo, and Chang Kuoyuan did not intend to agree, this kind of person has no martial arts at all, if he jumps off the tower on one side, they will rush up and tie him down With lotus pods covered in holes, who can he find to reason with?

Ge Zong had already given the order to attack the city, seeing Chang Kuo raised his hand, Yun Hui immediately gave the order: "Shoot the arrows!"

good night!

I ate delicious meat dumplings today!
Tomorrow, the plot of the war with the state should be over, because I have never written such a large-scale war plot in the previous book, so I wonder if everyone will find it boring? (do a small audience survey)

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