Chang'an is good

Chapter 241 Congratulations on getting revenge

This order, like a sword, came through mountains and seas, the sword energy swayed across the sky and the earth, directly hitting the depths of the soul, awakening the long-suppressed instinct in Chang Kuo's heart.

He straightened up almost instantly.

He had stopped breathing and could no longer blink, so he could only look at the person in front of him.

The army raised dust and smoke, she stood there, she didn't hold back her edge, the sharp edge of the sword appeared between her brows, killing and cutting coldly, making people dare not look at her directly.

Even without many previous perceptions, just one glance at this moment is enough for Chang Kuo to recognize the old man through many appearances.

As long as you see this sword edge, you will know that you have seen the old master.

His old master had grown from a young boy drenched in blood, died with his bones broken, his neck broken, and disappeared from this world without a trace. He has walked an unimaginable path and returned here...

Even though he had already sensed it after observing it recently, but facing the person coming from behind the mountain at this moment, there is still an unspeakable impact.

This phenomenon, which cannot be explained by common sense, made the girl look infinitely strange, but contradictoryly noble.

Chang Kuo's heart trembled, he clearly stood upright, but he felt trembling unceasingly.

His eyes were reddened uncontrollably, with tears streaming down his face.

From his tears, he saw the departure of a girl, the return of a soul, the continuation, disappearance, and nirvana of this place.

His voice seemed to be sealed inside his body, until the girl waved the flag in her hand, lowered it, and then said in her mouth: "The five colors represent the front army, the middle army, the rear army, the left army, and the right army—this is the big army." Order to go forward."

"This is an order to scatter sideways, go left, go right."

The two-color array flags crossed in her hands: "This is an order to encircle."

Chang Kuo's eyes moved with the banner in her hand, and tears rolled in his eyes.

Finally, the voice asked, "Do you still remember?"

Chang Kuo raised his eyes, and finally a trembling and hoarse voice came out from the depths of his throat without hesitation: "One day... I haven't forgotten it!"

The voice of the gray-haired general seemed to be crying at this moment.


Chang Suining handed over the flag: "Today, you will hold the flag to lead the battle and direct the overall situation. The flag in your hand is not only the knife for killing the enemy, but also the blood of soldiers. You must observe the situation and act accordingly, and there must be no mistakes."

Chang Kuo took the flag with trembling hands and held it tightly.

With the four eyes meeting, he straightened his body even more straight, and paused every word with red eyes: "...Chang Kuo will not disgrace his life!"

Chang Suining's eyes were also slightly wet, and he nodded with him: "Okay."

She picked up the spear by her side, turned around and went down the tower, mounted her horse and left the city gate.

Chang Kuo stood on the city tower, facing the army, waved the flag in his hand, and his voice was as loud as a lion's roar, shaking: "The army uses the flag as an order to kill the enemy and defend the city!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The [-] army responded in unison with guns and swords raised, and their morale was like a rainbow.

Chang Kuo lowered a flag in his hand, and the former army chief facing the direction of the city tower and the army lowered the flag in his hand, and the army immediately rushed up to kill the enemy, and Chang Suining was among them.

Looking at the menacing army that seemed to be in formation during the march, Ge Zong frowned.

The strength of more than 1 troops suddenly increased several times... What a wicked way!
And looking at the armors of different styles on some people, it can be seen that most of them were temporarily recruited by the people in the city, but it happened to be so orderly that there was no chaos at all.

But Ge Zong soon didn't feel afraid: "The paper tiger... dare to come out to bluff people even before the paste is dry!"

As he said, he raised his knife and drove up the horse: "I'd like to see how many guts these paper tigers, who have never even seen blood, can scrape together!"

It's not enough just to bluff people, you need to see the truth!

Ji Xi took a look at Chang Kuo, who was commanding the overall situation on the tower, and then subconsciously searched for the general's flag in the opponent's army formation.

He quickly saw Chang Kuo's general flag, which was held high by a cavalry at this time, and in front of the cavalry was a very young fair face.

This is the person who led the flag on behalf of Chang Kuo?
Ji Xi thought of the "little cavalry" that Ge Zong often cursed recently.

But if the identity is just a small cavalry, and his lord holds the flag, how can he convince the crowd?

Ji Xi was a little curious, but it didn't occupy his mind too much. He quickly issued an order and led the army to meet him.

Ge Zong soon saw Chang Suining, although she didn't hide her complexion this time, he could recognize the imposing manner in those eyes at a glance.

During the fight between the two armies, looking at the general flag moving with Chang Suining, Ge Zong seemed to have seen a big joke, and taunted him with a strange expression: "It seems that Chang Kuo has lost his head from fright, and he can't hide himself." Dare to go to battle, but call a yellow-haired boy to stand on top!"

The "yellow-haired boy" said in a natural tone: "It's only natural to kill the enemy on behalf of the father."

Apart from the prestige she has recently built up in the city, she is able to lead the general flag at this time, and it is indeed because of her father.

After Ge Zong was startled, he gave a strange laugh: "I thought it was a little bastard who came out of nowhere, but it turned out to be someone with a name!"

The co-author is Chang Kuo's son!

Excitement flashed in his eyes: "Okay! Then I will kill you first, and then kill your father who is hiding like a turtle!"

"Wrong, I will kill you." Chang Sui Ning raised his lips with a smile, but murderous look appeared in his eyes: "Last time I was bluffing you, this time, I really want to kill you."

With the experience of the last fight, she has roughly figured out the opponent's skills and weaknesses. For example, he is the best at using knives, his foot is steady, but not sensitive, he is easily excited when he sees blood, and he is a bloodthirsty person.

For another example, his head is empty, like being gnawed by a mouse during a famine, and he is easily irritated.

"Big words! See if I don't crush your head!" Ge Zong gritted his teeth and swung his knife to attack.

Chang Suining dodges, whistling and turning the spear in his hand, attacking sideways.

The two fought back and forth dozens of times. Chang Suining relied on his agility, quick moves, and ability to predict the opponent's moves. While deliberately confusing the opponent's sight, he took advantage of his unpreparedness and stabbed Ge Zong. left shoulder.

Blood gushed out, and Ge Zong hurriedly drove his horse to retreat, and a group of personal soldiers immediately blocked him, blocking Chang Suining's pursuit.

"General Ge!" A soldier exclaimed.

"What is the dog's name! You can't die!" Ge Zong clutched his bleeding shoulder, his face turning red and white.

This injury is really nothing to him, but it is obviously not a good start.

Under the persuasion of his confidants, he uttered a harsh word, then retreated temporarily, and wanted to bandage the wound to stop the bleeding: "...boy, just wait for me!"

"It's you who needs to bandage up quickly, don't make me wait too long."

Hearing the voice behind him, Ge Zong's face became hot, and his blood flowed even more violently.

When retreating to the rear, he urged the soldiers impatiently: "Hurry up!"

But after such a urging, he suddenly felt that he seemed to listen to the boy very much, and couldn't help but become more angry for a while.

Taking advantage of the interval between bandaging his wounds, he looked at the fighting army. He was not a pure reckless man. Although he did not distinguish between the real strong and the weak, but a closer look showed the formation of the opposite army. The method is very rare, but it makes up for the shortage of troops very well, and it is suitable for both advance and retreat.

Ge Zong's brows became tighter and tighter: "...It's really the mother of the evil door who opened the door for the evil door. The evil door has come home!"

These two surnamed Chang, one old and one young, are both fucking evil!

The smaller one looks thin and frail, not at all as tall and strong as Chang Kuo, but his moves are fast and precise, making it hard to guard against.

Although the pain on his shoulder made him angry, it also made him realize one thing. Next, he can no longer underestimate the enemy!
He intends to kill Chang Sui Ning to vent his anger and save his face and prestige, but at the same time he is very clear that the battlefield is not a martial arts arena where one fights alone. He didn't dare to be careless anymore.

For a long time after that, he did not find a chance to meet Chang Suining head-on.

At some point, the sky darkened quietly, and the gray sky was low, making it suffocating.

Seeing that his army was still unable to advance, Ge Zong became more violent as he killed.

At this time, the two-color military flags in Chang Kuo's hands above the city wall intersected.

Immediately, the left and right teams of sergeants rushed forward, attacking Ge Zong and others.

Ge Zong was besieged in it, lost many confidantes, used countless soldiers as shields, and forced a bloody road to escape.

The sense of restlessness and irritability made him feel restless.

He began to shift his bloodthirsty eyes to the group of female soldiers: "...with these unlucky things, it is strange that the feng shui of this battlefield is not evil!"

They don't know how to ride, and these can't be learned in a short period of time, so they mostly defend the formation with guns and hold the formation at the rear.

Ge Zong's eyes were extremely cold, he took the crossbow arrow, saw the timing, and shot at a woman who was a few steps behind and fell behind.

The woman was hit by an arrow and fell to the ground. Seeing this, a companion exclaimed "Ms. Ping" and hurried forward to help her.

However, just as she left the army formation, another arrow flew in and pierced her body.

"...Sister Ding!"

"You are not allowed to leave the battle again!" Seeing this, the shepherd's purse lady who was the leader hurriedly shouted to stop reminding: "Quick, stand in your position!"

She turned her head to look at the two fallen companions, turned her face away, gritted her teeth and held back her tears, and moved with the formation, not daring to relax.

The gray sky seemed to freeze until snow particles began to fall.

Half of the snowflakes fell on the ground and half fell on the soldiers.

Stamped and rushing on the battlefield, the white snowflakes did not have time to accumulate, and they mixed into bloody water under their feet.

The snow was getting heavier and the sky was getting darker, which hindered the sight of looking for the military flag, and the feet began to slip. In addition, after a whole day of fighting, some people began to lose their physical strength, and the formation of the Hezhou army was gradually not as neat as it was at first.

Yun Hui fought ahead, his face already covered in blood.

In the light of blood, he saw a person riding towards him.

It was Ji Xi.

"Let me try. Are you stronger or weaker than your father and brother?"

Yun Hui's knuckles holding the sword turned white, his eyes darkened, and he rode forward.

The sound of weapons clashing sounded, Yun Hui was full of murderous aura, although he was exhausted, he was more brave than when he faced the enemy just now.

At the end of the battle, he was wounded in many places, but he still didn't retreat, and even forced a sense of death in his eyes.

"It's more ruthless than your father and brother." Ji Xi, who was also injured a little, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said, "Your father and brother are too kind, you are not bad, you are a good seedling."

Therefore, it is even more impossible to stay.

Ji Xi drew his sword again and swept the seriously injured boy off his horse.

The young man fell off the horse, quickly got up on his knees, grabbed the long sword at hand, raised his hand and thrust it into the neck of the horse that was approaching him.

The hot horse blood spurted out, but still knocked the young man a few steps away. Before the horse fell to the ground, Ji Xi jumped off the horse and stepped forward with a knife, wanting to give the young man who fell to the ground a hard time.

"Ah Hui!"

A female voice sounded, and at the moment of the death of her own flesh and blood, Mrs. Lou couldn't care less, she stepped forward and rushed forward, shooting an arrow, trying to block the footsteps of the evil spirit who wanted to take her child's life.

But Ji Xi was sensitive, raised the knife and easily blocked the arrow.

Madam Lou wanted to take another arrow, but an arrow flying from the side pierced her right leg one step faster.

She knelt down on the ground with a plop, and the longbow in her hand fell away.

Ge Zong drew back his bow, with a grin of satisfaction on his face, and immediately drove his horse forward, as if collecting prey—he said, he wanted to catch this widow alive!

At the same moment, Ji Xi, who had already raised his knife to Yun Hui, suddenly sensed a murderous aura approaching from behind.

Although he fought alone with this young man for a long time, he was not as impetuous as Ge Zong. He was always calm and rational. As a fighter, he knew the importance of his back very well, and he would never let his back fall.

Therefore, his rear has always been protected by his confidantes and soldiers.

But at this time...

He seemed to see the murderous aura approaching him from the pupils of the boy who was struggling to sit up.

Yun Hui looked behind Ji Xi fixedly, his eyes shaking.

Someone led a team of elite cavalry to attack, and Chang Suining went deep into the enemy's rear, and the spear in his hand was breaking through the defense behind Ji Xi.

But this defense was not so easy to break, and soon there were enemy troops surrounding her.

At this time, she suddenly threw the spear in her hand, and slapped the end of the gun with her palm. The spear passed the defense, broke through the snowflakes, and flew towards Ji Xi.

Everything happened only at the moment when Ji Xi sensed the murderous intent.

Ji Xi turned around.

"Yunhui!" At the same moment, the girl's voice was clear.

Yun Hui tried his best to get up, grabbed the nearest spear, clenched his hands tightly, and ran forward.

"Hey!" When Ji Xi turned around, the long knife in his hand narrowly avoided the long spear flying towards him.

At the same time, he had sensed another danger.

But everything came quickly.


Before he had time to turn around and look, he saw a gun head suddenly appearing in his heart. It was a gun head that came out from the back of his heart, carrying his blood. Soon, a few snowflakes fell on it, reflecting on his chest. dilated pupils.

Yun Hui didn't even have the strength to pull out the spear again.

When Ji Xi fell to the ground, he also fell to his knees, vomiting blood from his mouth.

Ji Xi was killed, and there was a moment of chaos behind him. Chang Suining took the opportunity to break out, rode his horse past Yun and turned around, without stopping: "The revenge has been avenged, congratulations."

Yun Hui raised his head, and pulled out a bloody smile at her with difficulty: "Thank you..."

The next moment, he heard someone behind him shouting "madam" in panic.


Yun Hui's heart suddenly tightened, and he looked back with difficulty.

Chang Suining is one step ahead of him, and has already galloped forward.

After the long spear was thrown, she had no weapon in her hands, and she held the reins with both hands. To avoid covering her eyes with snowflakes, she lowered her upper body and neck slightly, and raised her eyes to look forward with a cold expression.

Ge Zong had grabbed Mrs. Lou's arm and was dragging his horse along.

While dragging, the arrow on Mrs. Lou's leg was broken, leaving a long line of blood behind her.

The women's army closest to her surrounded her and tried to save her.

(Hey, it’s the holidays today, so I couldn’t write a make-up update as I wished, so I’m sorry, I’ll work hard tomorrow, good night everyone!

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