Chang'an is good

Chapter 245 Worried About Ancestral Graves

It's broken, I just forgot my shape for a dare to yell at His Highness!
Damn it, that woman really ordered Rick to beat him!

"No, it's nothing..." Chang Kuo's eyes were kind but respectful: "Just to ask, how is the injury? Is there any serious injury?"

"Don't worry." Chang Suining smiled at him: "How can a mere Ge Zong hurt me?"

Chang Kuo's eyes turned sour, so let's brag.

But if you look in the mirror and look at the injuries all over your body...

It's been a long time since I've seen such a braggart.

It was so before, and it is still so now.

Heavy snow covered his sight, Chang Kuo took a breath of the cold air, held the rein and turned his face away, finally there were big tears rolling down from his eyes.

Chang Sui Ning slightly tilted his head to look at him: "What's wrong?"

Chang Kuo didn't reply, only his broad shoulders twitched slightly.

Chang Suining knew it, and couldn't help sighing and looking up at the sky.

Thinking that she will be strong in her life, since she can remember, she has almost never shed tears, how come the one or two around her are all crying.

It was understandable for Wu Jue to slap her legs and cry bitterly in the secret room back then, but at this time she was always in front of so many people.

But soon, she was also able to understand the difference.

Because there is one difference between Lao Chang and Wu Jue, although they are both fathers, the bond between Lao Chang and Ah Li is undoubtedly closer than that of Wu Jue.

There is a lot of backlog in Chang Kuo's heart, and it lasts a long time, longer than she can imagine. After all, the time after death is just a moment when she closes her eyes, but it is a real 12 years for him.

For as long as 12 years have passed, Chang Kuo has been in pain for a long time, just like his leg is disabled, when he has an attack, he hurts his heart, and when he is silenced and suppressed, he still follows him all the time, and never separates for a moment.

Therefore, once the tears are shed at this moment, there is no way to stop them.

Many emotions were squeezed and churned, and his heart began to throb.

This huge emotion overwhelmed him, and he didn't even realize that he was crying all the way outside the governor's mansion.

He never uttered a cry, but kept crying, pushing one by one and smashing down one by one, or because of this, his chest tightness became more and more serious, and in addition to his illness and fatigue recently, now that the war is over, his whole body suddenly relaxes Down, it can no longer support.


When Chang Kuo dismounted from his horse outside the Governor's Mansion, he suddenly tilted and fell into the snow.

"General Chang!"


Everyone was amazed and immediately gathered around.

Princess Xuan'an, who dismounted from the horse behind, covered her mouth in surprise—what's the matter!
Was it because he was stimulated by seeing her suddenly?
Sure enough, he is getting old, how could he not even be able to withstand the stimulation of this idea!

When everyone went to the support room, she also hurried forward, raising her hand nervously to check Chang Kuo's breath.

so far so good……

Chang Kuo, who still had a sliver of consciousness, noticed her movements, and felt that the woman might not be looking forward to his own death, so he got angry, rolled his eyes, and passed out completely.

The eldest princess hurriedly urged: "Quick... Hurry up and carry it in!"

That night, neither the Governor's Mansion nor Hezhou City slept - except for Chang Kuo who was unconscious.

Chang Kuo fell into a coma and fell into a coma for two days.

On the third day, when he woke up, Deputy General Jin was standing by.

"General, you are finally awake!"

Saying that, he leaned over to help Chang Kuo.

Chang Kuo sat up, feeling sore all over his body from lying down. He tried hard to recall what happened before he fell into a coma, his brows became more and more wrinkled.

It had been many years since we saw each other, and when we saw each other again, he fell down in front of that woman and fell into a coma... No accident, he must have been carried back!

How could such a rare occurrence that happened in a hundred years be bumped into by her!
Reluctantly, Chang Kuo clenched his fists that were weak from awakening.

"General, you have been in a coma for two full days..."

Hearing Vice General Jin's words, Chang Kuo felt his eyes go dark - he even fell into a coma for two days!
"Why don't you wake me up!"

Just let him pass out like this?Can't you think of a way to wake him up?For example, find a doctor to get a few needles or something, the doctor really can't get away, even carrying a bucket of ice water can wake him up, isn't there a way!
"You were unconscious at first, but after that, you just fell asleep." Deputy General Jin scratched his head, and said with a smile: "I heard your snoring sound really powerful... You are really tired recently Yes, it would be good to take the opportunity to rest and recuperate for two days."

Chang Kuo was still brooding: "There are so many important matters out there that I need to take care of, so you are not allowed to make up your own mind!"

Vice-General Jin whispered: "It was the girl who confessed."

"Female..." Chang Kuo's expression froze.

"Ning Ning" confessed...


He concentrated on feeling the changes in his body for a moment, then nodded slowly: "Well... After sleeping for two days, my body is indeed much better."

"..." After a short period of astonishment, Deputy General Jin smiled knowingly: "Just tell me, General, you just lack rest!"

It's okay to change the word "rest" to "discipline". Of course, it's only for girls.

Then, the general, who had not listened to discipline, began to look for his daughter.

Vice-General Jin hurriedly replied: "The girl should be at Mrs. Lou's place at this time, this subordinate will ask someone to invite the girl over!"

As he spoke, he called a soldier to deliver the message.

Hearing Mrs. Lou, Chang Kuo asked about the injuries of the Yun family's mother and son.

"The injuries are not serious... Mrs. Lou has also been in a coma for a long time, and she only woke up this morning. The doctor said that once a person wakes up, there is no need to worry about his life." Vice-General Jin said: "Mr. Yun Erlang has recovered today. Get out of bed and handle the affairs of the governor's mansion."

Chang Kuo felt relieved: "That's good."

Thinking of Yunhui's seriously injured appearance that day, he suddenly sighed, "It's nice to be young."

Unlike him, already old.

Chang Kuo suddenly felt a little sad. Although he refused to accept the old, he was never a person who was afraid of the old, but now seeing the old master again, the old master was still as young as before, but he was getting old and half useless. There's only so much you can do, and there's not much time to follow...

Chang Kuo lost his mind in a daze, and heard the sound of footsteps stepping on the snow outside the window.

"Father is awake?"

Chang Suining walked all the way in, and along the way, soldiers and captains saluted her, calling "girl" very respectfully.

Vice-General Jin hurriedly clasped his fists in salute: "Girl!"

Chang Suining and him nodded with a smile: "You have worked hard for General Jin these two days."

"It's not hard work!" Deputy General Jin smiled: "It's hard work because the girl has been busy with the affairs in the city!"

Chang Kuo waved his hands at his subordinates: "Okay, you all go outside and guard. I will have a private talk with... Suining."

Vice Admiral Jin responded with "yes", saluted and withdrew.

Chang Kuo also got up from the couch. After lying down for a long time, his movements were a little slow, but he was extraordinarily solemn.

He knelt down on one knee, clasped his fists heavily in salute, his voice was hoarse and quivering: "...I don't know His Highness is coming back, and my subordinates will welcome you!"

When he was about to move, Chang Suining wanted to help him, but he couldn't.

He is as tall as a mountain, stubborn and unshakable.

"Why do you have to go far away to meet him? Are you going to meet him in the underworld?" Chang Suining couldn't help, so he simply said in an orderly tone: "Get up and talk."

"Yes!" Chang Kuo raised his head and stood up, seeing tears welling up in his eyes again.

Chang Suining made fun of him: "If you cry again and pass out, you will lose your reputation. I'm afraid the soldiers below will also make a fuss. The general cries day and night, can Xu Zhengye cry to death?"

Chang Kuo endured his tears.

Chang Suining raised one hand to press his shoulder, let him sit back on the side of the couch, turned around and poured a cup of hot tea into his hand, and sat down on the drum stool beside the bed.

"Thank you, Your Highness..." Under the panic, Chang Kuo's mood calmed down a lot. He was holding the cup of tea, and his expression was complicated: "Your Highness, you..."

This thing is really too evil, he doesn't know where to ask.

Chang Suining understood very well: "Let me tell you, you just come and listen."

A charcoal basin is burning inside the house, and incense pills are burning in the censer to insulate the cold outside.

Chang Suining started when he first woke up in Zhoujia Village of Hezhou in spring and found himself resurrected from the dead.

"This subordinate failed to protect Ah Li well... I am ashamed of His Highness's entrustment, please punish him." Speaking of this child, Chang Kuo felt very guilty and heartbroken.

"A Li's accident was an accident and a man-made disaster. Both Zhou Ding and the Pei family have paid the price for it. From the secular sense, this matter is over." Chang Suining said: "If you really talk about reincarnation, it is me The cause and effect between you and her is not your fault."

"Wujue once said that I insisted on saving Ah Li back then, which messed up her fate, but her fate was not broken, her soul was unstable, and it was difficult to establish a real bond with this world."

Chang Suining recalled the in-depth conversation with Wujue afterwards, saying: "So she has been weak all the time, but the real cause of the disease cannot be diagnosed. Although she grew up with a lot of protection and love, she is still depressed and timid, unable to relax."

Chang Kuo was stunned, it turns out that everything has a cause and effect to follow.

"Wujue and I have secretly made up for Ah Li's funeral. In this life, the karma between her and me has been repaid and consummated. In the next life, she should be reborn into a good family with happy parents, and live a healthy and free life."

Chang Suining finally said: "If there is a day of reunion, if there is a chance to guide me, I will repay her for bringing me back."

Chang Kuo's eyes were reddish, and he slowly nodded his head: "In this case, we will meet again if we are destined..."

This head nodded, and it took a long time to realize that something was wrong.

"Based on have already identified yourself with Wujueyan?"

Wasn't he the only one, or even the first?

Didn't His Highness often tell him in private before that he was the number one in her heart?
Chang Kuo's eyes were a little hurt.

"You had already led the troops to leave Beijing at that time." Chang Suining sighed softly, looking at him, seemingly helpless: "And he was the one who recognized me first."

She didn't mention the word "hurt", but it seemed that every word and every word was full of hurt.

With four eyes facing each other, Chang Kuo: "..."

Wu Jue, who lives in Dayun Temple, can recognize him early, but he gets along with His Highness day and night, and is still waiting for His Highness to recognize him... Is this competent?Is it plausible?Still human?

Chang Kuo was ashamed: "The subordinates are stupid..."

"It's not entirely your fault." Chang Suining comforted in a timely manner: "Wu Jue was able to recognize me, but there is actually a reason."

She told Chang Kuo the truth about Tiannv Pagoda.

While Chang Kuo was shocked, he felt comfortable all over.

He said, as the number one confidant under His Highness's account, how could he lose to others for no reason!
It turned out that the bald donkey who is good at making mutton soup peeked at the answer in advance!

At this moment, he did not forget to say: "Your Highness, in fact, my subordinates have already sensed it... It's just that the way is unclear and I can't figure it out."

"I can detect it." Chang Suining nodded: "Who made you know me best, and you have the best sympathy with me. When I was not ready to recognize each other at first, I was worried every day that I would be recognized by you."

Chang Kuo was very pleased with what he heard, and felt very proud in his heart.

But there is one thing...

Chang Kuo looked a little hesitant, and after a while, he laughed dryly and rubbed his big hands quietly: "I didn't know Your Highness before...or said some exaggerated and arrogant jokes..."

Thinking of the previous experience of lying and bragging, and not knowing it when the cowhide was broken, Chang Kuo's mood at the moment switched back and forth between "I wish I could die where I am" and "But I'm not willing to die".

Chang Suining pretended to be confused and let out a light "ah": "I won't mention that."

It's not good for everyone to repeat these.Some things are not suitable for recalling, otherwise it will be a kind of torture for everyone.

Chang Kuo laughed dryly again, and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with a smile, as if he had been pardoned.

Afterwards, he tentatively asked cautiously: "Then in the future..."

Chang Suining: "From now on, you will still be my father."

Chang Kuo rested his hands on the thighs in front of him, with a reserved and uneasy expression: "Your Highness, this is not appropriate..."

If he came to be His Royal Highness' father, then what is the former emperor?
Grabbing the name and grabbing the head of the former emperor... Is it appropriate?

Can the ancestors buried in his ancestral grave rest in peace?
I don't know what is the saying in the underworld for such a thing as punishing the nine clans?Will it harm the ancestors?

Thinking about it this way, it seems that this kind of blessing no longer belongs to the category of smoke from the ancestral grave.

Chang Kuo was very worried that his ancestral grave would be overwhelmed.

"Why isn't it appropriate? Wujue said that you brought back a piece of my bones back then, so you could set up this battle." Chang Suining's eyes fell on his disabled leg: "I recognize you as the leader." Dad, it's perfect for you to support you in the old age."

Chang Kuo was overwhelmed when he heard the words, and he admitted...he had some vanity mentality that he wanted to satisfy even at the risk of an explosion in his ancestral grave.

I'm sorry Zufen, he really wants to experience this kind of life that is so vain and envied by others!

His heart was surging, and his words were very tactful: "His Royal Highness harbors such an astonishing should be cautious. If that's the case, this subordinate should be bold enough to cooperate with your highness one or two..."

Chang Suining nodded with a smile: "Okay."

Chang Kuo thought for a while, and then asked: "Then... the saint, what is His Highness's plan?"

"I don't share my temper with her." The girl's voice was very flat: "No kindness or resentment, just be strangers and go our own way."

Resentment?Not so.

Does the other party owe her?In Chang Suining's view, there is no such thing.

With the grace of life, even though Empress Ming got a lot from her, she didn't owe her anything.And she also repaid the other party's kindness with everything, so she is not indebted to the future.

Since they don't owe each other, she doesn't need to make up for what the other party said. Renewing the relationship between mother and daughter doesn't apply to the relationship between the two.

Chang Kuo could hear that there were things that could not be reconciled and did not need to be reconciled in the simple four words "tempered disobedience".

Chang Kuo said warmly: "Then my subordinate will help you keep this secret."

"I may not be able to keep it in front of her. She has probably guessed it." Chang Suining looked at the snow in the yard through the window with a slit open. A house sparrow was looking for food in the snow and was suddenly caught. Surprised by the snow falling from the tree, he flew away with fluttering wings.

Holding the warm teacup in her hand, she said in a relaxed and relaxed tone, "But it's okay, she can't control me now."

Maybe there will still be many shackles imposed on her in the future, either from the Ming Dynasty, or from others who are equally high, or from the uncontrolled current situation.

And looking far away, just like Hezhou, under the overthrow of the current situation, the thousands of people in the world are all her, and they will all become things controlled by others and power.

But she will never compromise, she will do it again, again and again, three times incessantly, to save herself and the people of her great prosperity.

She has this determination and will never change it, and she will also let herself have the ability to match this determination as soon as possible.

Chang Kuo accompanied the girl to look at the snow outside the window, and after a while, he asked, "Then what's your Highness' plan going forward?"

Chang Suining turned around and asked him with a smile: "Didn't it be agreed to make peace with the state first, and then deal with Li Yi?"

Now that the first thing has been done, it's time to prepare the second.

Chang Kuo also showed a smile: "Okay, let's leave after we deal with the matter of Hezhou."

Chang Suining nodded.

Looking at that young face, Chang Kuo finally asked: "Your Highness, do you think that your subordinates are old and useless?"

"Looking at Dasheng, how many people can lift the knife now? You can handle the knife freely with the knife in your hand, how can you talk about old characters?" Chang Suining said: "When the day comes, you can't lift the knife. It’s not too late to say that word.”

Chang Kuo's body, which was a little downcast, sat up straight silently, and smiled: "But this subordinate's hair is all gray..."

"The teacher is nearly seventy years old, and there is almost no black hair on his head, so he can still be promoted." Chang Suining looked at him with an unfaltering expression: "Besides, so what if you are really old? One year old, and one year older in experience, so we need to focus more on our strengths."

Chang Kuo straightened his back even more: "That's right, having an old man in a family is like having a treasure!"

"That's the reason, I don't think I don't know, Prince Rong's mansion has taken a fancy to Dad, how many tricks Li Lu used back and forth on my elder brother and me in order to seek talent."

Chang Kuo put on a straight face: "Is there such a thing?"

Chang Suining explained all of them in detail.

Chang Kuo frowned: "It seems that Rong Wang's Mansion is not safe... You need to be more careful in the future."

The father and daughter talked for a long time in the room, during which Vice General Jin sent someone to bring food over, and the two talked while eating, never letting their mouths rest.

After the meal, when putting down the bowls and chopsticks, Chang Kuo suddenly thought of something, and asked, "Speaking of which... Cui Dadu supervised him, does he also know the truth about the Tiannv Pagoda?"

He remembered that Tiannv Pagoda, only Cui Jing could enter and exit freely.

Chang Kuo asked: "Does His Highness need to hide his real identity from him?"

"..." Chang Sui Ning was silent for a moment, and said, "It should not be necessary."

Often broad eyes contain the color of inquiry.

Chang Suining: "He is the one who knows first."

Chang Kuo's eyes startled.

Well, he is the only co-author in the whole world who doesn't know about it!

When Chang Kuo was about to ask about this in depth, he heard footsteps outside, so he stopped talking immediately.

Soon, Vice General Jin came over: "General, the girl from the eldest princess's residence is here to see you."

Chang Kuo said it in his heart - that woman hasn't left yet!

I updated [-] words today, and I am serious about silently updating!
(Note: The stalk of "ancestral graves will explode" in this chapter is sponsored by the book friends in the previous chapter (this chapter says, I am also serious)

good night!

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