Chang Kuo was strict in running the army. After Li Yi's death, Xiao Min took over the commander-in-chief and reorganized the army together with Chang Kuo. Military ethos.

A few years ago, he fought against Xu Zhengye's several rebellious armies. He won three battles and three victories, and his morale increased greatly.

The reason why the soldiers are allowed to drink alcohol in the army today is that it is a celebration feast, and it is because it is New Year's Eve, in order to ease the soldiers' homesickness.

Victory, spirits, the two collided together, creating a high-spirited atmosphere, and also made some people start to get hot-headed, venting the dissatisfaction that had been suppressed in their hearts for a long time.

A group of men were sitting or standing in front of several bonfires.

Looking at their clothes, most of them are of high grade, either school captains or captains, and the one who is surrounded by everyone talking is a man in his 40s.

"...How can the whole battalion's military training be entrusted to a little girl to lead the command? What's the reason? It's unheard of!"

"In each of our armies and battalions, our military training is usually carried out by the instructors, big and small. Now it's good, we all have to listen to her command! In the past, this was only the right of the commander-in-chief and the deputy commander-in-chief... Now let her intervene. What do you say?"

"I heard that Coach Xiao and Deputy Commander Chang are planning to set up another head coach for her..."

"Chief Instructor?! Our army didn't say this before!" A school lieutenant was shocked and dissatisfied, and asked the man sitting in front of the fire, "Does Instructor Fang know about this?"

This Instructor Fang Da leads an army with 5000 soldiers. Among the 17 troops, there are only seven people with such a position, so he has some weight and qualifications.

There are battalions under the first army, and regiments under the battalion. Each regiment has 200 people, and each regiment has a small instructor.

Most of the major drills of the whole army are commanded by the commander of the first army. When Li Yi was here, he never set up the post of head coach.

But right now, is such a little girl actually wanted to be the chief instructor of the whole army?
Coach Fang took a sip of his drink, and said in a hoarse voice: "Who let people kill Ge Zong and Li Yi, now they are famous, and they happen to be named Chang."

"No matter what, she is just a fledgling girl! What qualifications do you have, and what do you use to train soldiers?"

"That's right, military training is the top priority. Not everyone can command a few words blindly. All soldiers are going to the battlefield. If they are not trained properly, they will lose their lives in the future!"

"General Chang loves his daughter as much as his life. We have nothing to say. Naturally, we don't care how we pamper you at home, but this is a military camp..."

"Besides, why did you kill Ge Zong and Li Yi... none of the brothers saw it with their own eyes, so who knows how? She really relied on her own ability? Yesterday I saw that her small body was not as tall as my gun! "

"That is, will she be able to convince the soldiers when she stands on the training platform in the future?"

"I don't agree with this arrangement anyway!"

Their voices were not low, and soon more people gathered around, and those who didn't come forward couldn't help talking in a low voice.

Just after Jiaozi, dumplings were being distributed in the military camp, shepherd's purse came with two big buckets of big dumplings just out of the pan, just as he heard a coach speak disrespectfully to Chang Suining, he immediately put down the bucket in his hand with a "bang": "... do you talk!"

The coach looked at her and recognized her as the Detachment of Women beside Chang Suining, but he didn't feel guilty after being smashed, instead he said: "Brothers are telling the truth!"

He said, as if trying to persuade: "It's better for a woman to stay at home and embroider flowers to give birth to a child. You don't have the guts and skills to try to be brave, and you will just lose your life in the end!"

Shepherd's purse imitated his tone of "persuading each other with good words": "For a person like you who is short-sighted and comes with his mouth open, it's better to sew his mouth shut honestly. He chirps and talks nonsense, like a person at the bottom of a well." Toad, with one mouth open and croaking indiscriminately, will only make people laugh for nothing!"

"..." The instructor's face turned red and black for a moment: "Women are really unreasonable!"

Shepherd's purse said "yo": "I caught you chewing your tongue while hiding behind your back. You can't stand on your own feet and can't make sense. On the contrary, I am unreasonable?"


"What are you?" Shepherd's purse with her hips on her hips: "Our lady Chang can kill the enemy and train soldiers! Back then in Hezhou, we recruited [-] recruits from the common people in a city, and all of them were trained by Miss Chang in just five days. Yes! We are relying on this, wearing paper armor, holding a knife made of rotten iron, and setting up the army of Professor Chang Niangzi, we repelled Xu Zhengye's [-] troops!"

"This is what I saw and experienced with my own eyes. If you say you didn't see it, whether you don't believe it or don't accept it, you can tell it to your face and mutter behind your back. What kind of a man is he who keeps provoking internal strife!"

Sensing the attention of the people around him, the man was so embarrassed that his alcohol surged, and he began to speak indiscriminately: "There has never been a precedent for a woman to go to the battlefield to train and be the head coach. This is something passed down from the ancestors! Besides, she is a Only a 16-year-old girl!"


A clear voice of disapproval came, and the crowd stepped aside, and a girl in a rat-fur cloak walked over.

The big teacher sitting by the bonfire turned his head and took a look, then looked away again and continued to drink.

"Speaking of the ancestors, I am also something passed down from the ancestors." The girl tied her ponytail and came with her hands behind her back. She was not angry, but with a smile on her face. Peace is precious.

She asked kindly: "If it is said that everything left by the ancestors is reasonable, then my size is also reasonable, isn't it?"

Who is not a treasure left by the ancestors?

The instructor's face changed repeatedly after hearing the words: "..."

Only to hear the girl correct again: "Also, I'm not a 16-year-old girl. New Year's Eve has passed, and I'm seventeen."

Seeing her attitude, the instructor couldn't say anything harsh, but under the watchful eyes of everyone, he couldn't change his mouth and deny it, so he boldly said: "Since Mrs. Chang is here, I'll just say it straight! "

Chang Suining: "I wish the instructor please tell me, I would like to hear the details."

The instructor's face froze when he heard the words, a little surprised.

He was just a little coach who was in charge of 200 people. Before that, he had only met this lady once, but she actually remembered his last name?He didn't think he was born handsome.

After a moment of surprise, he asked: "I dare to ask Mrs. Chang a question. There are rumors in the army that the commander and deputy commander want Mrs. Chang to be the head coach of the military training. I wonder if this is true or not?"

Chang Suining nodded frankly: "Although it hasn't really been decided yet, I do have this plan."

There was a lot of noise everywhere, and everyone reacted differently, so the rumors were true!
Is there really going to be a 17-year-old girl as the head coach in their army?

This is really unprecedented, and there will be many jokes!
"Then I will naturally refuse to accept it!" Chief Zhu said: "There are more than 17 soldiers in the army. It is useless for Mrs. Chang to silence me today. Everyone must be silenced!"

Chang Sui Ning nodded his head in a good manner: "It makes sense, it should be so. For the sake of strengthening the morale of the army, if I can't convince the public, I shouldn't take over the post of chief instructor."

Coach Zhu frowned and looked at her. Didn't this girl understand and be able to tell the difference?

Naturally, Chang Suining could tell the difference, that's why she came here.

She is about to assume the position of head coach. Although it has not been announced yet, it is foreseeable that she will be dissatisfied.

There are still many people who are skeptical about her killing Ge Zong and Li Yi, and more people subconsciously believe that she has everything she has today because she is Chang Kuo's daughter.

The military camp is no different. In this place far away from the power of the capital, family background is no longer the most important thing. Battlefields and bloodshed will magnify the most primitive nature of people. Strength and weakness and victory or defeat are the greatest ways to convince the masses. .

In the previous life, when she first entered the military camp as a prince, she was met with countless doubts, contempt, and even cryptic cynicism, not to mention that she is Chang Suining, a woman.

It would be unrealistic to praise her just because she killed Ge Zong and Li Yi, without any doubts.

Just now when Ah Che and the others told her about the voice of dissatisfaction here, Xi'er was annoyed and told her not to have the same experience as these people and ignore it, but she couldn't ignore it.

Now it is just a private discussion, but in the future it may turn into internal strife, obedience and infidelity. If there are other people's eyeliner or someone with evil intentions hidden in it, this matter will become a good knife to divide the morale of the army.

If the army is not in the same spirit, everything will fail.

Chang Suining looked at everyone one by one, and raised his voice to ask: "I dare to ask you, if I want to be worthy of the position of chief coach, what conditions should I meet? Is it because of my aptitude and ability, or because I was born as a man?" OK?"

It is important to ask this question out loud.

Men who think they are strong, when it comes to such issues, most of them will not admit to their faces that they completely deny the other party because of the prejudice between men and women, because that will make them appear narrow-minded and evasive, not open enough.

No matter what they think in their hearts, out of face and strong hearts, they will only answer at this moment: "Of course it is the former!"

"That's right!"

"We don't despise Mrs. Chang, but the position of chief coach is no small matter. This is right and wrong!"

Chang Suining nodded and said, "Then let me talk about your qualifications first. In terms of the length of time you have been in the army, I can't compare with you."

"However, the word qualifications can never be judged only by the length of time, but also by experience and experience."

The girl looked at everyone with a calm expression: "I have experience in defending the city of Hezhou, and even more experience in killing the enemy. I killed Ge Zong, I broke the dilemma in Chuzhou, and I led people to chase and capture Li Yi." ——These military achievements are my qualifications. When it comes to these, you can't compare with me."

Everyone looked complicated and was speechless for a moment.

Many of them had previously followed Li Yi or retreated into the camp, or marched on the road, and they didn't even have the chance to kill the enemy head-on.

The crisp voice continued: "On the battlefield is different from the officialdom, and the promotion of military generals is different from that of civilian officials. Historically, unknown soldiers killed enemy generals, and there are many precedents for this. In the eyes of everyone, my military exploits are Even if it's just my luck, but the facts are like this, I can at least worship a fifth-rank general and take the post of head coach, which is more than enough."

Speaking of this, the young girl's brows and eyes were full of youthful vigor.

She said: "Let's talk about the qualifications, let's talk about the strength of the ability. All the coaches, big and small, know why you didn't have the position of chief coach before, but now you want me to take this position?"

Everyone looked at her subconsciously, waiting for her to continue.

In fact, since this girl just appeared, her words can be regarded as polite. Although she is showing her military achievements, she is calm and confident, but she does not feel overbearing.

Because of this, what she said next made everyone's expressions change instantly.

"Because the 17 troops, under your training, are like dead wood and rotten plants, unusable."

The girl even said this with a slight smile, but it made people even more irritated.

The teacher Fang Da who sat by the fire and kept silent, seemed to disdain her, finally turned his head and looked over after hearing the words, his eyes were full of suppressed anger.

Chang Suining also looked at him: "That's why I need to practice."

One instructor sneered unbearably and said: "Although Mrs. Chang is young and narrow in stature, she has a big voice!"

"Miss Chang, what do you mean, that we are all worthless people?!"

"Ms. Chang, you can't use lip service to train soldiers! I have heard about Mrs. Chang's 'prestige' for a long time. I wonder if you can let me open my eyes today? Can you learn a few tricks with me?"

Chang Suining was noncommittal, and only smiled slightly at the Fang Da coach: "I would like to have a game or two with Fang Da coach, I wonder if it is possible?"

Immediately there was an uproar and agitation all around, some people were startled, some people seemed to have heard a big joke.

Coach Fang looked into those smiling eyes. After a moment, he put down the flagon and stood up.

He has a dark complexion and is less than seven feet tall, but his body is broad, his limbs are thick and his stomach is slightly protruding, but it is not fat, but fat wrapped in solid hard meat, which can protect the body on the outside and exert strength on the inside.Anyone who has experience in martial arts knows that such a body shape has no shortcomings in weight and strength, and it is the most difficult to fight.

And with a five-five figure, one can tell at a glance that the base is as stable as a mountain and is difficult to shake.

He stood up at this moment, his aura was obviously not comparable to those of the little coaches around him, giving people a sense of stern and aggressive oppression.

He looked at Chang Suining, and finally spoke the first sentence to her, his voice was hoarse, as if sand and stones had been ground: "Madam Chang wants to compete with Fang?"

"Yes." Chang Suining raised his hand: "Junior Chang Suining, dare to ask Master Fang for advice."

Instructor Fang looked at the girl who "doesn't know how to live or die": "On this New Year's Eve, if you see blood and wounds, it may be unlucky."

Chang Suining smiled: "It's okay, the younger generation has a sense of measure, and will definitely pay more attention to the seriousness."

After being stunned, there was a wave of dissatisfaction immediately.

This girl's tone sounds more amiable than anyone else's, but what she says doesn't put anyone in her eyes at all!
Being underestimated and teased in public, Instructor Fang's face darkened a bit: "Madam Chang, do you know that arrogant soldiers are bound to be defeated?"

"The younger generation is just a fledgling, and has yet to defeat the enemy." The girl raised her hand to him again, her thin figure was straight: "This time I only want to be defeated, I hope to enlighten me."

Instructor Fang sneered heavily in his heart, narrowed his eyes slightly, and raised his thick and thick hands: "Since this is the case, it is better to obey orders than to be respectful."

Today is the arrogant Ning Ning hehe, and I would like to recommend the book of thorns to everyone! "Song Tan Ji Shi" is relaxing, humorous and healing. There are delicious and fun things, as well as various cute animals. Don't miss it when you pass by! (Although everyone should have seen it? But what if someone slips through the net!)

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