Chang'an is good

Chapter 268 "Go Home Soon"

"This time, the ladies of your mansion have made extraordinary achievements one after another, and the sage was very happy to hear about it... But there are many strange voices about the granting of titles in the court. Can't argue..."

The imperial eunuch reached this point, bowed his hands upwards, and continued: "However, the sage is eager to cherish her talent, and believes that although Mrs. Chang is a daughter, she has the appearance of a general... The sage tried his best to reject all opinions, and borrowed the words of God's will, It was just now that there was this precedent-breaking letter of reward."

Hearing the words, Chang Kuo showed gratitude and fear, and raised his hand: "So, on behalf of my daughter, Chang Kuo would like to thank the saint for his love and respect."

But what did Qiao Yang's letter say, that the conferring of the military general was the result of an old Taifu Chu's fierce fight over the early court with his mouth?
It doesn't matter, as long as he knows it well.

Chang Kuo maintained a look of gratitude on his face.

The imperial eunuch smiled and went to help his hand.

Immediately, he looked at Xiao Min who was at the side again, and said with a smile: "The saint heard that there are two generals in the army now, and they are united as one. They must be able to repel Xu's rebellious army soon..."

Xiao Min: "Xiao's qualifications are still inexperienced, and he will rely on General Chang and General Ning Yuan a lot in the future."

The imperial eunuch nodded with a smile. He is very good. He does not strive for strength. He knows how to show weakness and pretend. He is a smart person who can hold his breath.

He was also happy to "cooperate" with Xiao Min's modest words in order to hold Chang Kuo high: "The sage has always placed high hopes on General Chang... General Chang is already a first-rank hussar general in my dynasty, if so Fan was able to repel Xu Zhengye, and when he wins and returns to the court in the future, it must be the day when he will be awarded the title of Marquis by virtue of merit."

The expressions of the people around them moved slightly.


Although the imperial eunuch said these words from his own standpoint, since he dared to speak out in public, it must be the meaning of the saint... Is the saint making a promise to General Chang in advance?

And this time the imperial envoy came... They thought that they might wait for Yi Shuai's order. After all, after Li Yi's incident, everyone could see that General Chang was the most suitable candidate to be the coach, but now, they didn't There was no movement from Yi Shuai.

Therefore, the sage still has no intention of letting General Chang Da be the commander-in-chief and take charge of the military power of the army...

Is this because frequent changing of commanders is not conducive to the morale of the army, or is it some kind of precaution?
Fenghou's promise, in addition to encouragement, probably also has a comforting heart...

Is this the way of the king's control?
All the generals had guesses and distinctions in their minds.

Chang Kuo didn't realize it, and just laughed loudly: "Then Chang has the guts to borrow a good word from his father-in-law, so that he can come to Japan!"

On the other hand, it looked like he was very excited about this big cake.

Which military general doesn't want to make an indelible feat, be crowned a prince for thousands of miles, and leave his name in history, so as to pass on to future generations?

Chang Kuo was very enthusiastic about this, and the fact that his daughter was named a general obviously made him very proud, so he specially sent a red seal: "... all fathers-in-law came from afar at the end of the year, It's really hard work, this is Chang's little care, you don't want to refuse!"

The imperial eunuch declined twice, then accepted it with a smile, congratulated Chang Kuo again and again, and praised: "...General Chang's daughter is so enviable!"

Chang Kuo really likes to hear such rumors about ancestral tombs being on fire, and he doesn't think the eunuch talks too much, and the smile on his face becomes more genuine.

At the end, the imperial eunuch looked at Chang Suining, and said with a smile: "The sage also has a word, and wants our family to convey it to Mrs. Chang."

He looked at the girl who was wearing a green robe and pretended to be listening quietly, but she was neither flattered nor nervous, and said with a smile: "The saint hopes that General Ning Yuan will put an end to the disaster in the south of the Yangtze River as soon as possible, and the saint will wait for Mrs. Chang in Beijing." The sound of returning home safely..."

There was no fluctuation on Chang Suining's face, only his eyelids drooped.

go home?

Is the word "home" a good statement?Or are you telling her that she has confirmed that it is her?

Do you want to wait for her to return to Beijing to continue the "family" relationship?
What he said was really nice, and he tried to call himself a family member, but in fact, he didn't even dare to try to hand over the military power - because the other party knew very well that if Lao Chang was the commander, the military power would be handed over to her.

Chang Suining is not dissatisfied with this, let alone disappointed. The other party is an emperor. Before seeing her real and controllable "loyalty", it is understandable to be suspicious and cautious.

Everyone has a choice, and the other party chooses to be an emperor, and she can understand the many measures taken for this.

But she has repeatedly used family affection as a bait to ask her to show credible loyalty, which is really hard for her to agree with.

Besides, since everyone has a choice, she should be able to have her own choice now that she is the second generation, right?

They are all free, and no one has the position to kidnap the other to do anything. She has never tried to ask the other to be a "mother" in the so-called secular sense in the two lives. In the same way, after paying off the other's life, , the shackles named "daughter" can never be bound to her again.

The two don't owe each other, and they don't need to influence each other. What will happen in the future will depend on their own abilities.

Chang Suining raised his hand and said, "Thank you Saint for your attention."

The imperial eunuch smiled and nodded with her.

Then, he asked about Chang Suian's injury with concern.

Concerned, he immediately asked: "I don't know where Mr. Chang is recuperating now? Before leaving, the sage mentioned Mr. Chang many times. He was really worried. He specially ordered me to bring medicinal materials and supplements as a visit..."

"Brother is recuperating at the place of a miracle doctor, and everything is fine." Chang Suining said, "It's just that the residence of the miracle doctor is hundreds of miles away from here, and there are traces of rebellious troops along the way. Every father-in-law is a saint The noble imperial envoys who are on their lives are easily targeted by the rebel army secretly, so it is really not suitable to take the risk to go there."

"This..." The imperial eunuch showed a thoughtful look on his face.

He could hear that the little lady's words conveyed two meanings, one was that they were worried that they would fall into the hands of the rebels, and the other was that they did not want to expose Chang Suian's recuperation center because of them.

This is the meaning of not wanting them to disturb.

Chang Kuo also followed closely: "Chang Mou understands the saint's heart. Unfortunately, the situation is special now, so I can only bring the dog into the palace to thank the saint when he returns to Beijing in the next day."

Having said so much, if I persisted in going to see him, my intentions seemed to be unclear. The imperial eunuch could only say: "If that's the case, then our family will not disturb Mr. Chang to recuperate."

After exchanging a few more pleasantries, Xiao Min said at the right time: "Every father-in-law has come all the way, you must be tired, and the place to stay has been prepared, why don't you go and rest for a while, and wait for the evening banquet before drinking wine It's not too late to reminisce."

Reminiscing about the past is naturally just a polite remark. In Xiao Min's view, you come and go with each other, it's all about your heart, and listening to it makes you feel tired—I feel tired for General Chang and Mrs. Chang's family.

After the group of eunuchs thanked them, they left here first.

Looking at those disappearing figures, Chang Suining and Chang Kuo exchanged glances almost imperceptibly.

The empress ordered someone to visit Chang Suian, besides trying to save face as a benevolent monarch, she probably had other intentions.

Who knows, after seeing it, will "persuade" Chang Suian to return to Beijing to recuperate on the grounds that "the situation in the south of the Yangtze River is dangerous"?

In order to prevent this kind of possibility, of course it is better not to see it.

Besides, he is in the mansion of Princess Xuan'an, so there is no way to see her.

As soon as the eunuchs left, Yuan Xiang, Deputy General Jin and others all rushed up.

"Congratulations girl!"

"What girl, it's time to call the general!"

"Yes, I should call General Xiao Chang!"


The news that Chang Sui Ning was conferred the title of General Ning Yuan soon spread throughout the entire military camp, creating a sensation everywhere.

Adhering to the good intentions that good things come in pairs, Xiao Min and Chang Kuo simply made up their minds. They felt that choosing the day would be better than hitting the day, so they simply struck while the iron was hot, and issued the order to appoint Chang Suining as the head coach of the march.

The contest between Chang Suining and Fang Da's coach was still hotly discussed. Now that they heard about it, the officers and men were no longer surprised, and no voice of doubt sounded, at least not on the surface.

On this day, Chang Suining's surroundings were extremely lively, full of congratulatory voices.

She also has the self-consciousness of being a new official, and since it is the first day of junior high school, she is very generous. She gave out lucky money to Xi'er, Ah Zhi, Ah Che, Ah Dian Yuanxiang, and Chang Ren.

But halfway through the distribution, a soldier came in to deliver charcoal, so he also gave a copy.

At that time, Chang Suining hadn't realized the seriousness of the matter.

After the soldier left, people began to come into her tent non-stop. At first, there were two or three people looking for excuses to see her, and later, groups of people came to congratulate her.

Poor general Ning Yuan and chief instructor Chang Suining was away from home, and he had limited money with him... So, the style changed from rich to shabby, and the broken silver was changed to copper coins.

The soldiers who got the copper plate were still very happy.

Vice-General Jin turned his head and strung up the copper plate, hung it around his neck, and hid it happily under the armor.

Seeing this, Master Fang, who was in his birth year, thought it would be good to ward off evil spirits and eliminate disasters, so he followed suit.

All the soldiers followed suit.

As a result, the ethos of "wearing the consecrated copper plate, gaining the aura of generals, making extraordinary achievements, and following the path of the ancestors" has become out of control.

Those who didn't get the copper coin, their jealous eyes would turn red, and some even politely asked their colleagues - since the big brother treasures this thing so much, where do you plan to put it when you sleep at night?
Those who heard it immediately covered their robes tightly.


In the evening, a banquet was set up in the camp to entertain the eunuchs.

After the banquet, Xiao Min congratulated Chang Suining again and again.

Looking at the sincere coach Xiao, and listening to the repeated congratulations, Chang Suining felt the key: "..."

She said tactfully and in a pinched manner that she really didn't have any of them.

That night, Xiao Min ordered two large boxes of copper plates to be carried into her camp.

Coach Shaw said he can bring his own.

Mrs. Chang is only responsible for the consecration!
Xiao Min's move was also for the consideration of the people below. There is no way, the soldiers under him found him today and told him that things are not important, and they are not people who care about them, but they are looking at other people. The soldiers are all there, but their necks are empty, and they feel uncomfortable, and the brothers feel that they can't hold their heads up!

For the consideration of his soldiers, Coach Xiao had to pay for it himself.

The next day, two large boxes of copper plates that had been "consecrated" were obtained, and before Xiao Min divided them, he secretly hid some of them.

He intends to bring one for himself, and the rest will be brought back to Beijing in the next day, and arranged for his family!
Regardless of whether it is useful or not, who can refuse the four words "to be auspicious"?

If a person doesn't even want to plan for auspiciousness, what energy does he have to live?

All in all, being willing to believe in metaphysics is also a manifestation of a positive attitude.

Coach Xiao, who was holding a purse full of consecration copper plates, was very relieved.

Until the headed imperial eunuch found it.

Xiao Min hurriedly hid the purse, stood up straight, and handed over to everyone who came.

The imperial eunuch looked at him with a smile, and signaled the eunuch behind him to wait outside the tent.

Xiao Min understood, and sent his people to guard outside.

"As expected, General Xiao has lived up to the saint's high expectations. In just a short period of time, he has gained a firm foothold in the army." The imperial eunuch's eyes were full of approval.

"Elder-in-law's absurd praise." Xiao Min raised his hand to signal the other party to sit down, and said: "This is not due to Xiao's work, it is all because of General Chang's hard work."

Chang Kuo gave him enough dignity and respect, and the people below never looked down on him.

The imperial eunuch's expression of approval became stronger: "Our family sees General Xiao, who is very proficient in how to get along with others, so very good... The saint also hopes to see that General Xiao can befriend General Chang and be of one mind. Only then can we fight against the enemy better."

After a slight pause, he sighed and said, "It's just... Maybe General Xiao will be wronged."

As the coach, but being overwhelmed by the deputy coach everywhere, it is inevitable that he will feel dissatisfied, which is predictable.

"..." Xiao Min was silent for a while.

So, did the other party regard his posture in front of General Chang as a forced smile, gritted teeth and flattery, and endured humiliation?

Is there a possibility... that he wasn't acting at all?
Seeing that he was silent, the imperial eunuch only regarded him as acquiescing, and gave him some relief and persuasion.

At the end, he whispered to him to pay more attention to the movements of Chang Kuo's father and daughter, and to report to the saint in time if necessary.

Xiao Min: "... Xiao understands."

This is the point of the eunuch's visit to him today.

The sage believed General Chang Da and asked him to pretend to be friends so that he could closely monitor him.

This is not an easy task for him, especially the proposal of "pretending to be friends" is very difficult.

After everything was arranged properly, the eunuchs did not stay for long, and left for Beijing three days later.

And in the past three days, the entire military camp was exhausted talking about it, and Yuan Xiang dared to say that he was second, but no one dared to be number one.

It was because he was busy working behind Chang Suining during the day, and at night he lit a lamp to boil oil and secretly wrote letters to his own governor.

Why did it take three nights to write?
Is it because there are too many things to write?

Especially the scene when the girl from Chang's family competed with others on New Year's Eve, he spent two nights writing it, and two of his pens were broken... He couldn't finish it!

On the third night of writing, Yuan Xiang, who wanted to write everything, realized that he could not continue to indulge like this, otherwise, this letter might not be able to be sent out in the first month of the month...

In order to ensure that the governor could read the letter in time, Yuan Xiang repeatedly compressed and simplified, and stuffed twenty pages of letter paper into two envelopes that were about to be torn.

At the end, don’t forget to bring the “consecrated” copper coins along with you—what other people have, his family’s governor must also have!


As for Yuanxiang's side, someone had just sent out the letter, and Chang Suining's side also received several letters, all of which were sent from Beijing.

Sitting cross-legged behind the sand table, Chang Suining casually picked up the topmost letter to read. Seeing the handwriting on it, he immediately felt something was wrong.

Hey, here comes the accuser.

Thank you for your monthly tickets, good night, good night~

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