Chang'an is good

Chapter 270 Scaring 1 Scaring Myself

"If I win the bet, Coach Xiao will promise me a request, how about it?"

Hearing Chang Suining's words, Xiao Minben subconsciously wanted to say, "If Mrs. Chang is useful to Xiao, just say it, and you can speak it out without making a bet." Listening to the girl's words, he asked with a smile, "I don't know what the lady Chang wants?"

Chang Suining thought about it for a while, and said: "I haven't thought about it yet, can I wait until I think about it?"

Xiao Min nodded very readily. A little girl who has always acted in a proper way, let her ask, what kind of tricky request can she make?

Chang Kuo, who was at the side, sighed in his heart—you are still too young.

The "too young" coach Xiao in Chang Kuo's eyes smiled and asked, "What if Mrs. Chang loses the bet?"

"It's the same." Chang Suining said with a smile: "Besides official duties, I also agree to Coach Xiao's request."

Xiao Min couldn't help asking: "Madam Chang is not afraid of Xiao making excessive demands?"

After asking this, Xiao Min was the first to realize the redundancy of this sentence when he looked at the father and daughter who were smiling and looking at him: "..."

If he really dares to make random demands, the person who should be afraid is probably himself.

In many cases, a person's safety and dignity have a lot to do with his own sense of boundaries...

The girl's answer gave him a lot of respect: "Since I dare to bet with General Xiao, I believe that General Xiao is a person with principles and bottom lines."

"Ms. Chang is absurdly praised..." Xiao Min bitterly crossed out the option "If you win the bet, why not try to ask Mrs. Chang to teach His Royal Highness the marksmanship of the former prince..."

After all, this request is too greedy and has no bottom line... He can't be ashamed of the little girl's praise for him.

Hey, too good image is sometimes a trouble.

Forget it, even General Chang couldn't comprehend the essence of it, and he didn't even have the ability.

General Xiao comforted himself, and then he also had a good attitude and settled for the next best thing: "If Xiao wins the bet, can I ask Mrs. Chang to give me some advice on how to use swords?"

In the competition on New Year's Eve, apart from her superb marksmanship, Chang Niangzi showed off her saber skills, which were really eye-catching.

The way of martial arts has always been that the strong are respected. Facing such martial arts prodigies, Xiao Min has no physical burden to speak of.

Chang Suining nodded: "Of course."

Xiao Min was overjoyed, and sighed with a smile: "Even if it is to improve the saber technique, I'm afraid Xiao will burn incense secretly, so that Xu Zhengye will never change his way to Luoyang!"

After a few jokes, the few people continued to discuss business matters.

After Xiao Min left, he went to ask about the repair of the warship.

The deputy general surnamed Dong who has been following him since he took over the seal of command couldn't help asking: "Why did the commander suddenly prepare so many warships? Is he planning to attack Xu Zhengye by water?"

Xiao Min was noncommittal: "Just be prepared."

Vice General Dong then asked again: "Commander, when will we send troops to take the initiative to attack? The brothers below are all looking forward to fighting Xu Zhengye head-on and regaining Yangzhou as soon as possible!"

Xiao Min nodded: "Yes, the morale is soaring now, it can be seen that Mrs. Chang has practiced well, and she is worthy of the position of head coach."

Deputy General Dong was silent for a while.

Xiao Min then said: "The matter of sending troops to attack Xu depends on General Chang's will, so don't worry."

Deputy General Dong looked puzzled: "But now that the morale is boosted, it is clearly a good time to attack Xu... Isn't it a chance for Xu Zhengye and the others to breathe and grow?"

Xiao Min's tone was cautious: "General Chang and General Ning Yuan have repeatedly said that both Yangzhou and Jiangning have natural barriers, which are easy to defend and difficult to attack. If they take the initiative to attack, there will be huge this matter needs to be discussed in the long run. "

Vice General Dong said worriedly: "But the imperial court is eager to regain Yangzhou. If the golden opportunity is missed for no reason, causing dissatisfaction and suspicion from the imperial court, I am afraid that the saint will still blame you, the commander..."

"Let's talk about it then." Xiao Min sighed, seemingly helpless.

At this moment, a soldier came to report, Xiao Min continued to go to work, the Deputy General Dong stood where he was, saluted and sent Xiao Min away.

After Xiao Min walked a few steps, a trace of vigilant thought flashed in his eyes.


On the other side, Yuan Xiang, Chang Ren, Lao Kang and others came to Chang Kuo's big tent one after another.

The people were all found by Chang Suining.

"I don't know what orders the girl has?" Chang Ren took the lead and asked for instructions.

Chang Suining just put down the pen to write the reply, she really had too many replies to write, so she could only squeeze time to reply.

At this moment, she looked at Yuanxiang Changren and the others, and said, "I need you to find some people from nearby states and counties for me."

And specify the conditions in detail: "There must be pawns in the market, merchants big and small, literati and scholars, county magistrates and gentry, and there must be beggars and refugees, and people who have lost their homes due to war."

"Girl, how do I find a way?" Chang Ren asked, "Is it still the old rules?"

Xi'er looked at her own girl with some hesitation. It sounds like there are a lot of people, and her sacks may not be enough. Can you use the public account and go to the barracks warehouse to get some?

"...No need this time." Chang Suining corrected, "If you need it, please."

Chang Ren and the others responded.

"There is one more thing to be careful about screening..." Chang Suining thought for a while, and added: "Among people from all walks of life, if there are people who are extremely mean-spirited or talkative..."

Yuan Xiang and the others listened very seriously—couldn't they be such people?
"The more people who meet these conditions, the better." Chang Sui Ning said.

"...?" Everyone reacted for a while, and then they answered "Yes" in unison.

Chang Suining also explained in detail some other matters that need attention, and Chang Ren and others went down to arrange the matter just now.

After leaving the camp, eager to learn like Yuan Xiang, he asked Chang Ren in a tone of asking for advice: "...Brother Blade, what kind of rule is the 'old rule' you mentioned just now?"

"Oh, that." Chang Ren said very honestly: "If you are knocked out, put it in a sack and carry it back."

Yuan Xiang: "...Is that so."

Learned it again.


In a few days, the news that Xu Zhengye summoned all kinds of soldiers and horses to rush to Yangzhou spread quickly.

Many rumors said that Xu Zhengye's move was to gather all the soldiers and horses to attack Huainan Road with all his strength.And it has been constantly recruiting troops, and has gathered more than 20 soldiers and horses. This move has the heart of victory.

The news spread all over the south of the Yangtze River, and the bureaucrats and people of Huainan Road were even more worried about it.

Xiao Min came back from the outside and found Chang Kuo's father and daughter. As soon as he mentioned this, he heard Chang Sui Ning, who was writing something at his desk, say: "Commander Xiao, don't worry. Although Xu Zhengye's mobilization of troops is a fact, other theories It's all just rumours."

Xiao Min: "But what if it's true..."

"No." Chang Suining didn't stop writing, and said, "Because I was the one who spread the rumor."

"?" Xiao Min: "Why did Mrs. Chang do this?"

"To scare myself." Chang Suining paused for a moment, as if deliberating, but felt dissatisfied, so he crossed out a line.

Xiao Min: ...Spreading rumors to scare yourself?
He never questioned Mrs. Chang's mental state. Out of this trust, he followed this seemingly absurd thought - what are the benefits of doing so?
For a moment, Xiao Min's eyes lit up.

"Xiao understands!"

Chang Kuo is by the side and can see clearly.

His Highness hid half of his actions and words, not for the sake of mysteries, but to cultivate Xiao Min's sensitivity to the battle situation.

His Highness has always been very patient when dealing with talents that can be made. In the past, the whole Xuan Ce Mansion was united, loyal and brave, because the people they are loyal to not only love talents, but also have the heart to create talents.

Genius is born, talent is taught.The former has always had very few talents, but with intentions, the latter has a lot of talents.

Seeing that Xiao Min understood, Chang Suining said, "Then, Coach Lao Xiao will order people to set up defenses at various key points, making it appear as if they are fully defending and preparing for war."

Xiao Min nodded seriously, and after confirming a few things with Chang Kuo, he stepped up to arrange the matter.

Chang Suining's move was to create the illusion that he was frightened by the rumors that Xu Zhengye was attacking Huainan Road with all his strength, so that Xu Zhengye believed that all their army strength would be deployed everywhere to defend Huainan Road.

In this way, Huainan Road is like an iron wall.

But the completion of this copper wall and iron wall will surely disperse their 17 troops everywhere. Such a well-known large formation will also make everyone's attention focus on Huainan Road.

At this time, if Xu Zhengye raised his troops to attack Luoyang, he would really catch the imperial army by surprise.

Xiao Min, who had already figured out the key point, couldn't help sighing in his heart—Madam Chang really took great pains to make Xu Zhengye feel at ease to fight Luoyang.

His sword there any hope?


The battle situation in the south of the Yangtze River is the most important thing in the eyes of the imperial court. If there is any news, it will always be transmitted back to Beijing as quickly as possible.

The news that Xu Zhengye gathered his troops to attack Huainan Road with all his strength naturally spread quickly to the court and the public.

In the court hall, there were countless voices blaming Xiao Min and Chang Kuo.

In many people's eyes, it was because they were unfavorable in using troops and missed the opportunity to take the initiative to attack, which allowed Xu Zhengye to gather and strengthen his troops again, making the situation critical again.

"...Since Li Yi was put to death, the 17 troops have only defended but not attacked. I don't know what General Xiao and General Chang intend to do?"

The minister who asked the question emphasized the word "General Chang", obviously thinking that these were Chang Kuo's claims.

With this statement, doubts became more and more.

So some people began to speculate vaguely that Chang Kuo's delay in standing still might have given birth to "Li Yi's heart".

"General Chang is utterly loyal and will not do anything rebellious!" The majestic voice of Emperor Shengji sounded: "I trust him."

At such a juncture, there must be no rumors that the king is suspicious of the general, otherwise it will only make the situation more difficult.

The emperor's protection temporarily subsided most of those voices of doubt, but the voices of dissatisfaction could not be suppressed no matter what.

This dissatisfaction stems from restlessness.

If Xu Zhengye really gathered 20 troops to attack Huainan Road, would they really be able to stop it based on Chang Kuo's attitude towards the enemy that they only know to stick to defense and have no flexibility?

Emperor Shengji did not believe in Chang Kuo as he had shown.

Under her signal, a minister close to Xiao Min hurriedly sent a secret letter to Jiangnan, urging Xiao Min to respond as soon as possible.In addition, he secretly asked whether there was any difference in Chang Kuo's heart.

The court was so anxious because of the battle in the south of the Yangtze River and the chaos that had arisen everywhere that it even opened the morning court on the day of the Shangyuan Festival.

In fact, since the winter months of last year, they haven't had a lot of rest. Even when the twelfth lunar month was approaching the end of the year, the yamen failed to seal the annual holidays like in previous years, and even the day before New Year's Eve, the palace was still in the early morning.

The officials were exhausted and tense, not daring to relax in the slightest.

Taifu Chu is also very busy, but his busyness revolves around the upcoming spring.

Considering his old age, the emperor of the Holy Book temporarily exempted Taifu Chu from the early court, and let him prepare for the imperial examination in the Ministry of Rites with peace of mind. Of course, there is another consideration. It's pleasing to the ear, and it's often jumping around in the early morning.

Wei Shuyi felt that the old matriarch probably suffered from anxiety before the imperial examination, so he suggested that people should return to the Ministry of Rites to calm down.

Taifu Chu doesn't know if he is cold or not, but the Ministry of Rituals, from the servants to the eunuchs who clean up, can't calm down at all. This question, I wish I could figure it out in advance.

On the day of Shangyuan Festival, the tense atmosphere was relieved a lot, because Mrs. Chu only stayed in the Ministry of Rites for half a day before returning home.

To be precise, he returned to the mansion and changed his official uniform, and went to the Dayun Temple to offer incense.

Recently, everyone in the Chu family could see that the Grand Tutor was a little keen on offering incense.

Probably there is no way to go to the Imperial College to find Qiao Jijiu and fish - the scientific examination is coming soon, a mature examiner who knows how to take the initiative to avoid suspicion with the examiners in the Imperial College.

I couldn't catch fish, so I went to Dayun Temple to watch cranes and talk about Buddhism to relieve my mood.

Regarding this, the evaluation of the Chu family was that Qiao Jijiu was relieved, and the Buddha... no, Abbot Wujue suffered a disaster.

Wujue has indeed had some headaches because of this recently, but today is an exception.

He knew very well that the reason why the old master came to look for him was always just to ask for a letter.

He has repeatedly promised that if there is a letter, he will send someone to the Taifu's residence secretly, but the old Taifu refuses to believe him, and always comes to urge him in person.

Fortunately, he has a letter in his hand today, so he doesn't panic.

Avoiding some untrustworthy monks, Wujue handed over the letter to Grand Tutor Chu.

Chu Taifu felt a slight shock in his heart, and quietly put it in his sleeve, without the slightest change on his face.

In order not to appear strange, like the previous few times, he remained patient and played two games of chess with Wujue before leaving Dayun Temple.

After getting into the carriage, he took out the letter hidden in his sleeve, wanted to open it, but stopped.

After he got the painting last time, he couldn't wait to open it to look at it as soon as he got into the carriage.

But at this moment, even though he was more eager than before, his fingers seemed to be frozen for no reason, and he didn't dare to take them apart easily.

Such self-imposed stalemate for a long time, until he returned to the mansion, locked himself in the study, and slowly sat in the sandalwood armchair behind the desk. Those old, wrinkled but clean and slender hands moved slowly and tremblingly. Pulled out the letter paper.

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Good night everyone~

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