Chang'an is good

Chapter 273 Isn't it here yet?


"It seems that this proclamation is not only used to sow discord, but also a method of provocation."

In Yangzhou, in General Kuangfu's residence, Xu Zhengye sneered and threw several secret letters on top of several cases: "This is her purpose."

In recent days, those bureaucrats and gentry who support him openly or secretly are almost all asking him when he will send troops to continue to attack Huainan Road, and even question why he has been shrinking in Jiangdu and why his plans are so slow. In order to support the crown prince?

What's more, they directly issued an "ultimatum" to him, explicitly telling him that if Huainan Road could not be attacked within a few days, they would withdraw their financial and military support to him.

"...Could it be that these people are all idiots, and they can't see that the bullshit statement is alienating?" A general under Xu Zhengye's command said angrily: "Recently, there have been many disobedient people in the army clamoring, and they are all their people. It's causing trouble!"

The "they" he mentioned were Xu Zhengye's supporters.

They donate money and people, and Xu Zhengye's army has their people everywhere.

So from a certain point of view, Xu Zhengye was also controlled by them to a certain extent.

The pros and cons are mixed, there is no such thing as free benefits and "help" in this world.

"They're not stupid, they're smarter than anyone else." Xu Zhengye narrowed his cold eyes slightly, and said, "They've always had doubts about me, but they just made it out through this statement."

"In their eyes, I have received money, so I should do a good job for them...Now that I am supporting troops in Jiangdu, I will inevitably believe that statement..."

The proclamation stated that his theory of recovering Li's family was false, but in fact he wanted to establish himself as king in the land of Jinling, the capital of Jiang.

In this statement, those aristocratic families, especially the latter, spent a lot of money and effort, how could they be willing to make a wedding dress for Xu Zhengye alone?

The military commander looked at the thick stack of secret letters, and thought of his depression in the army recently, he couldn't help but spit: "These people really regard themselves as their masters!"

On the contrary, Xu Zhengye calmed down, and his anger was no longer on his face: "Now and in the future, we will have to rely more on them."

In other words, this is not the time to tear your face apart.

His great cause not only needs financial resources, material resources and manpower to support him, but also needs those forces entrenched everywhere to open the door for him.

Before that, his title of "Kuang Fu" must not be discarded.

If you don't want to lose it, you can't stay in Jiangdu all the time, and sit on the "notoriety" of wanting to become a king on your own.

"The reason why she is so aggressive against me is that she knows that Jiangdu is easy to defend and difficult to attack. She doesn't want to attack by force and lose her troops in vain, so she set up this plan to put pressure on me everywhere, forcing me to take the initiative to send troops... ..." Xu Zhengye looked at the proclamation at hand, and said: "The words of this little girl seem arrogant, but they are actually cautious and calculating."

I don't know who gave her the idea behind this essay, Chang Kuo?Or the one with the surname Xiao?Or is there another expert counselor giving advice?
In Xu Zhengye's view, the reason why this essay was announced under the name of Chang Suining was just because she had the theory of the reincarnation of the star, so as to attract more attention, and it did not mean that it must be her own. idea.

"Then what is the general's plan now?" The general asked holding his breath.

Xu Zhengye's eyes were cold: "Since 'she' wants me to send troops so much, then I might as well go along with the flow and follow her method of aggressive generals."

Hearing the words, the military commander immediately cupped his fists and recommended himself: "This subordinate is willing to lead the troops to retrieve the heads of the father and daughter of the Chang family, so as to dispel unfavorable rumors for the general!"

The little girl just opened her mouth to declare the death of his family's great general, causing people to panic, she really deserves to die.

What's more, his surname was Ge, and Ge Zong, who died under Chang Sui Ning's sword, was his cousin. Although the relationship between the two brothers was not necessarily close and deep, they were both Ge brothers. He must let out this tone, and he must avenge this revenge!
"Okay." Xu Zhengye looked at him appreciatively, and said, "Then Zhiqing will lead [-] elite soldiers to attack Shouzhou first, and check their defenses first."

Ge Zhiqing's expression brightened: "This subordinate takes orders!"

Luo Guanlin's expression changed slightly when he heard the words, he hesitated to speak.

After deciding on the attacking route, Ge Zhiqing immediately took the soldier talisman and left, impatiently going to prepare for the deployment of troops.

Not long after, Xu Zhengye walked out of the meeting hall, stepped down the stone steps, stopped in front of a lotus vat half a person's height, looked at the water in the vat, and said: "After the Lantern Festival, the weather is really good. The sun is getting warmer..."

Behind him was a Taoist with a whisk on his arm, and he smiled knowingly: "Congratulations Mr. Xu, the east wind has arrived."

The sky is warm and the water is clear, the surface of the water is no longer frozen, and the east wind will arrive when everything is ready.

"I didn't want to act in such a hurry..." Xu Zhengye looked at the mirror-like water surface and said: But now some people think they are smart. "

He could have waited until the plans were more appropriate before implementing the plan, but this proclamation put him in a sudden emergency situation, and he had to take action as soon as possible.

Speaking of the smart girl, the confident Xu Zhengye felt it was funny, so he asked the Taoist with a smile, "According to a real person, is the 73-day statement somewhat credible?"

"It's just to confuse people with demonic words." The Taoist twisted his beard and said: "Poverty Taoist thinks about Mr. Xu's appearance, and the great cause will be accomplished. Don't take the nonsense of women in the district to heart. If Mr. Xu thinks that woman will be a variable, just get rid of it in the future."

"I don't need to remove it, she has to bear the consequences for her arrogant words..." Xu Zhengye said casually, looking at the blue sky reflected in the water tank, and said: "Jiangdu is a good place, Yi Shou Difficult to attack, prosperous and rich, suitable for long-term residence..."

However, the real dragon cannot long dive in the abyss.

His ambition is not in Jiangdu, Jiangdu is located on the edge, after all, it is not suitable for political management. His ambition is far more than the desire to be king in Jiangdu as stated in the girl's essay. This is just his starting place, and it is destined not to be where he would end up staying.

What's more, the current situation does not allow him to stay for a long time, and if he stays, he will only fall into a passive position amidst those doubts.


A touch of navy blue broke into the corner of the eye, Xu Zhengye turned his eyes away from the reflection of the water tank, looked at the person coming, and smiled: "Guan Lin, do you have something to tell me?"

He is keen, just now in the conference hall, he noticed Luo Guanlin's hesitation to speak.

At this moment, Xu Zhengye signaled the Taoist to retreat, and there was no one else around.

Seeing that gentle smiling face, Luo Guanlin, who hadn't had a private conversation with Xu Zhengye for a long time, had the last ray of hope in his heart, and asked, "The general asked Ge Zhiqing to lead the army to attack Shouzhou, but he changed his mind and didn't go to Luoyang anymore. ?”

Going to Luoyang was Xu Zhengye's first idea before the Shangyuan Festival. He only discussed with a few of his scribes and staff, and the generals didn't know about it for the time being.

However, this matter is of great importance and needs to be considered in the long run, so it has not yet been truly determined.

Xu Zhengye: "No, the plan has not been changed, it's just that it has to be brought forward."

He originally wanted to point directly at the capital, but since Hezhou was defeated, he already understood that this path would not work, so he chose a new path for himself.

Go to the eastern capital of the Central Plains, Luoyang.

He only needs to gain a firm foothold in Luoyang to get more support. It is the best choice for cultivating political power and can give him everything he wants.

Luo Guanlin was stunned: "Then...why did the general let Ge Zhiqing continue to attack Huainan Road?"

Xu Zhengye: "There must always be someone to distract Chang Kuo's army, so as to hold back the imperial army."

Luo Guanlin froze in place.

In other words... these [-] troops were sent to die in vain?
Ge Zhiqing thought that he would be able to take the lead because of his lord's trust, and that the army would follow and attack Huainan Road together with him...

Little did they know, the moment he led the soldier talisman and left, he became a discarded pawn, and together with the [-] army, he became an abandoned pawn for Xu Zhengye.

Looking at Xu Zhengye with a calm expression in front of him, Luo Guanlin felt a chill almost sad.

Seemingly aware of his emotions, Xu Zhengye sighed vaguely: "Guan Lin, on the way to success, soft-heartedness is a big taboo."

Luo Guanlin lowered his eyes, and it took him a long time to answer "Yes".

Until Xu Zhengye's voice sounded again: "The preparations for this trip to Luoyang have already begun, will Guan Lin go with me?"

This sentence made Luo Guanlin feel dazed and returned to the time when he first met him.

At that time, the other party invited me on a boat under the moon——I want to crusade against the demon empress who steals the country, help Li's family to be right, and save the world from fire and water. Will my virtuous brother walk with me?
At that time, when he heard the words, his heart surged, and without hesitation, he expressed the intention of walking together, and only felt that he was not alone in this way when he met this confidant.

But all the way to this point, he felt more and more at a loss.

He raised his hands in salute, lowered his eyes and said: "Guanlin is not good at swordsmanship. If I go to Luoyang, I'm afraid I will be a drag on my lord, so I would like to stay in Jiangdu."

After Xu Zhengye took a deep look at him, he nodded, "Alright, it's going to be difficult and dangerous, and I can feel more at ease if you stay in Jiangdu."

He patted Luo Guanlin on the shoulder: "Jiangdu is an important place, so I will hand it over to my younger brother for the time being. When I settle down in Luoyang, I will send someone to pick up my younger brother to gather together."

Luo Guanlin was speechless and bowed down again.

At this time, someone came to see him again, so Xu Zhengye left here.

It took Luo Guanlin a long time to move his feet.

The next day, a friend found him: " can you stay in Jiangdu yourself? After the general leaves, this place is the most dangerous place, how can you defend it!"

He couldn't help sighing: "Even if you are angry with the lord, you shouldn't risk your own safety..."

Luo Guanlin's expression changed: "That's not the case!"

What kind of anger makes you lose your temper?

He is not the kind of woman who waits for bitterness and jealousy!
At least this time, not really.

He just didn't want to, and didn't have the courage to go any further. The road ahead was not the one he imagined at the beginning.

Luo Guanlin closed his eyes tiredly, indifferent to his friend's persuasion.

He made a wrong decision in Jiangdu back then. Since it started here, let it end here. He will guard Jiangdu, live and die with Jiangdu, and will not go anywhere.

Survival is his luck, death is his life.



The two scouts quickly returned to the barracks and brought back the military emergency report.

They discovered the traces of Xu Zhengye's army dispatched, and they were attacking in the direction of Shouzhou.

Xiao Min's eyes startled, and he immediately looked at Chang Kuo.

This was his subconscious action, but as soon as his eyes fell on General Chang, he saw that General Chang looked at his daughter with an extremely "subconscious" expression.

Xiao Min was almost accustomed to this, but he still didn't understand it and was shocked again and again.

But now it was time to talk about business, Xiao Min also looked at Chang Suining: "It seems that Xu Zhengye still wants to hit Huainan Road!"

"Fighting is necessary. If you don't fight, how can you make noises and how to cover up people's eyes and ears." Chang Suining: "It depends on how much troops he is willing to use to fight."

The scout reported that the opponent's soldiers and horses totaled about [-].

Just as Xiao Min was about to speak, the girl had already stood up, looked at him and said, "Commander Xiao, since Xu Zhengye has made a move, in order to seize the opportunity, it's not too late, let's follow the plan."

"But..." Facing such an important decision at such a critical moment, Xiao Min inevitably hesitated: "Is Mrs. Chang really sure that Xu Zhengye will divert to Luoyang?"

"Yes." Chang Sui Ning said seriously: "There is an eyeliner planted by my father in Xu's army. Just now I have received a secret report that Xu Zhengye is already preparing to attack Luoyang."

Chang Kuo: "?"

When did he install eyeliner?And is it possible to detect such a secret eyeliner?

Xiao Min looked at him.

Chang Kuo nodded: "Well..."

Yes, he did put such an eyeliner... It was probably in a dream once.

Chang Suining had already taken off the short knife on the weapon rack, bent over and hid it by the side of his boots, when he straightened up, he raised his hand to take the black cloak handed over by Xi'er.


Chang Kuo sat in the army, and first sent Vice General Jin and Chu Xing to lead the army against Xu's [-] army.


The news that Xu Zhengye sent troops from Shouzhou to attack Huainan Road soon spread back to the capital.

And ten days later, a more urgent military message came back.

Xu Zhengye suddenly led an army of [-] troops out of Jiangdu, but they were not going in the direction of Huainan Road and the capital, but all the way north, and had already passed the border of Xuzhou!
There were constant voices of panic and anger in the court. The thief was attacking Huainan Road on the surface, but in fact he wanted to take Luoyang, the eastern capital!

Looking at the soldier who reported the letter, Emperor Shengji asked in a steady voice: "How are Commander Xiao and General Chang responding now?"

"Return to Your Majesty, Commander Xiao has led the army to pursue!"

"Pursuing..." Emperor Shengji closed his eyes. The word "chasing" means that the opportunity has been lost and he can only try his best to make up for it.

"Xu Zhengye has already passed the border of Xuzhou. Once he reaches Bianshui and takes Bianzhou, he will be able to point directly at Luoyang! It may be too late to chase after him!" A minister said in panic, "Your Majesty should send troops to Luoyang immediately. !"

Luoyang and the capital look at each other from east to west, and must not fall into the hands of Xu thief!

When everyone was discussing the countermeasures, some people blamed Chang Kuo and Xiao Min for their negligence, and some people began to attribute the responsibility to the uproarious article that was also in the biography of the capital.

It was clearly a good time to attack Yangzhou before, but they didn't do anything practical, instead they wrote some flashy proclamations!

The proclamation claimed that Xu Zhengye wanted to establish himself as king in Jiangdu, so Xu Zhengye was surrounded by doubts... or it was precisely because he wanted to get rid of the doubts that Xu Zhengye suddenly had a thought and changed his way to Luoyang to prove that he did not want to support the prince. change!
And let go of the wild words that "Xu thief's head will be taken on the 73rd", now that Xu Zhengye is going to Luoyang, why talk about taking the head?
That girl from the Chang family has a small reputation alone, but after this incident, the prestige of the army will inevitably be wiped out, and the situation will only get worse after that!

Her essay made a big splash, but such a disaster caused Xu Zhengye to go to Luoyang, but she has no ability to deal with the aftermath at all!
The little girl, with a bit of ability and luck, was made a general, but she was dazzled, and she made such an ignorant move, but Chang Kuo didn't know how to stop her!
So, someone talked about Chang Kuo's fault of "not being strict in teaching daughters" on the spot.

"My lords, why are you so anxious to come to a conclusion." Wei Shuyi said, looking at the crowd, "Isn't the 73-day period not here yet? Isn't it too early to make a conclusion at this time?"

This chapter is 4300 words, ask for a monthly pass at the end of the month, my dears, thank you, good night! (Suggested by a book friend, a teacher was added to the role column. Those who like this old man can give him a thumbs up)

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