Thinking of this, an indescribable sense of shame and sadness welled up in her heart. Just as the oiran lady was about to hide her face and leave, she suddenly saw the young girl who was immediately in high spirits smile at her, shook the begonia in her hand with her, and agreed Said: "Okay, I will definitely come over some other day."

The oiran lady was stunned, and then nodded excitedly, like a chicken pecking at rice, without the coquettish and coquettish deliberately presented in the past, it was all showing her true feelings.

After watching the girl leave, she turned around abruptly, and said to the people beside her: "Sister, sisters, mother! Are you listening, General Ning Yuan said that he will come to listen to my singing someday!"

"I heard it, I heard it..."

"I have to... I have to hurry up to practice the piano!" Lady Huakui ran back to the building clutching her handkerchief with tears of joy in her eyes.

The old bustard sighed helplessly: "...I expect her to stand here to solicit customers, and there are so many military masters waiting behind, she is good!"

But he didn't call him back.

She is understandable, as a woman, how could she not understand it.

Being "affirmed" by a man is completely different from being affirmed by a woman, especially such a strange woman... the feelings it gives them are completely different.

The straightforward feelings in the heart can’t be deceiving. One of the flower girls also turned around excitedly and walked into the building. If General Ning Yuan wanted to come, Sister Haitang alone would be singing songs, playing the piano, and pouring wine... ...Oh, how did you entertain me here?

She is going to discuss with Sister Haitang!

Seeing her rushing to chase Haitang, the other flower girls also reacted and wanted to leave in twos and threes. Seeing this, the old bustard shouted: "...I'm going to die, a bunch of heartless people, can't we still do business!"

As he spoke, he grabbed a flower girl who was running slowly by the ear, and dragged her back cursing.

The flower girls who couldn't escape were forced to stand where they were, and their enthusiasm for attracting customers suffered a big decline.

Listening to the sound of piano playing and chorus coming out of the building, the veils in their hands were about to be torn—damn it, Mr. Zheng Jiulang from the Zheng family of Xingyang came to Bianzhou a few hundred miles away to serve Haitang. They have never been so jealous when their sister spends a lot of money!
If they had known this earlier, they should have had more courage to throw flowers at General Ning Yuan!
Seeing their distraught appearance, the bustard poked the forehead of one of the flower girls: " by one, whether they are entertaining customers or crying for funerals! Where is your heart going!"

"Okay, if General Ningyuan is really willing to come and listen to Haitang's singing, then the building will be closed for a day and no other guests will be accepted, so that you little hoofs will have a chance to come and enjoy the glory!"

As soon as this remark came out, all the girls were pleasantly surprised, shouting "good mother" again and again.

The old bustard was still swearing, but there was a smile that couldn't help but hang on the corner of his mouth.

If General Ning Yuan promised to come to listen to the music, then he had to turn over the piano score, how could it be justified without breaking ten or eight strings?So, who cares about flirting with men.

The former is the bright moon between the clouds, and the latter is livelihood and copper coins.

Bending down to pick up copper coins in this mud, occasionally having the opportunity to look up at the moon among the clouds, and even have the opportunity to stand on tiptoe to touch it, is a once-in-a-lifetime fortune for them.

Since it is so rare, it should be grasped well.

In their whole life, they can control too little, this time let them be willful for a while.

The old bustard put away his unrevealed emotions, continued to hold a flattering smile, and shook the fragrant handkerchief towards the outside of the building.

Along the way, Chang Suining saw the enthusiasm and generosity of the people in Bianzhou. There is no need to repeat the former, and the latter is because someone even threw precious peonies at her.

Chang Suining, Cui Jing and others, who were covered in the scent of flowers, followed Hu Lin and dismounted outside the governor's residence in Bianzhou.

Many Bianzhou officials were waiting here, and at this moment they hurriedly gathered around to salute.

Hu Cishi introduced them.

"This is General Xiao Minxiao."

"This is General Ning Yuan."

"This is Governor Cui..."

Regarding Cui Jing's whereabouts, there has been no publicity so far. At this moment, the Bianzhou officials were very surprised, and hurriedly saluted again.

So, not only did they invite General Ning Yuan from Bianzhou this time, they even got the famous Governor Cui to visit... Other surrounding states and counties know about this, so they can't sleep because of jealousy?
After some excited greetings, an official said: "...Generals, please enter the mansion to speak!"

The crowd surrounded Chang Suining, Cui Jing and Xiao Min and walked towards the governor's mansion together.

When crossing the threshold of the Governor's Mansion, Xiao Min subconsciously took a step back and let Chang Suining go first. At the same time, Coach Xiao noticed that the Governor Cui also made the same choice as him.

Looking at each other for a moment, Coach Xiao showed a clear smile. It seems that Governor Cui and him are also in the same path!
"Are these flowers prepared by you?" Chang Suining walked in front and looked at the flower pots placed on both sides of the corridor. Most of them were expensive varieties, and some of them even belonged to Zheng Guogong. Can't help saying: "This is too extravagant."

If these were exchanged for food, it would be enough for the army to eat for a long time.

"General Ningyuan misunderstood, these are not prepared by us." An official squeezed beside Governor Hu and explained with a smile: "Most of the people in the city are the gentry who welcome General Ningyuan—"

As he said that, he hurriedly looked at Xiao Min: "There is also General Xiao, and all the soldiers who sent it themselves..."

Seeing him trying hard to carry the water, Xiao Min really wanted to say "I won't".

You really don't need to fill him in every word, relying on the word "Ceng" to make meritorious deeds repeatedly, no, he has made meritorious deeds many times, and has been officially diagnosed as General Chang, isn't he the kind of person who has no self-knowledge people?
"That's how it is." Chang Suining understood it, and said: "The intentions have come, and I will just watch them all, so I will bother you, and send them back afterward."

The official responded quickly.

When passing by a shadow wall, Chang Suining looked over with a sense of feeling, and saw a few heads protruding from the back of the screen wall, seeing her gaze, they all shrank back together.

However, within a moment, the youngest head couldn't help sticking out again.

She is a lovely five or six-year-old girl named Yuxue.

Chang Suining was attracted by that cute face, and couldn't help showing a smile.

The little girl blinked her big round black eyes, and then ran out from behind the screen wall as if she had been summoned by some kind.

"...Seventh Sister, come back!"

There were teenagers and girls calling her anxiously from behind, but they couldn't stop the little girl.

"It's Xiaoqi, come to Dad!" Seeing Yaonu, Hu Lin immediately smiled like a chrysanthemum, stretched her arms, and bent down.

However, the little girl didn't seem to see him at all, she ran past him with her skirt in her hand, and came to Chang Suining in one breath.

"Are you General Ning Yuan?" The little girl looked up at Chang Suining with bright eyes.

Chang Suining smiled and nodded: "Exactly."

"Then..." The little girl asked with anticipation and novelty again: "Are you really the reincarnated general of a fairy?"

Chang Suining thought about it for a while, and in front of so many people, he was very immodest and said: "It's very possible."

Immortals and ghosts are just a word difference.

The little girl looked amazed, her eyes widened, and she let out an exaggerated and admiring "wow".

"Then when I grow up, can I fight and kill the enemy with you, General!"

"of course."

The little girl jumped up happily.

At this time, her eyes fell on the young man next to Chang Suining again, and she let out a "wow" in surprise.

Then seriously asked: "Are you also the reincarnation of a god?"

Cui Jing said seriously: "I am not."

The little girl said "ah".

Chang Suining looked at Cui Jing.

What's the matter with this man, so honest, how can he coax the child?
How could he bear such a cute little girl?Is his heart made of iron?

And in this way, doesn't it seem that she is the only one who likes to talk big?

Receiving Chang Suining's gaze, Cui Jing was silent for a moment, then changed his words: "...Maybe, maybe it is."

He didn't feel that Chang Suining was talking big. In his opinion, she was the reincarnation of a fairy.

He is the one who is talking big at this moment, but if she allows him to say it, then it doesn't matter if he says it.

The little girl's eyes brightened: "I'll just say it! You look so good-looking too, you must be the reincarnation of a god!"

"Just like my father, my aunt and aunt often said that he must be the reincarnation of a donkey!"

Everyone immediately looked at Governor Hu.

Hu Lin: "...?!"

His wife and his only concubine secretly teamed up to say this about him?

She looks virtuous and virtuous on weekdays, but unexpectedly, she knows people and faces but doesn't know her heart!

And his girl, filial piety is too "terrible"!
But... what does donkey mean?Say he has a long face?Still grumpy?Afterwards he needs a reasonable explanation and a sincere apology!
Hu Lin's eldest daughter walked quickly, and pulled the little girl behind her with a flushed face, smiling shyly and embarrassingly.

It's over, Aniang and Auntie are in trouble this time.

Only blushing, he said: "Little sister is young, and she speaks childishly... It makes all adults laugh."

It was good not to say the word laughing, but once he said it, he reminded everyone that Governor Hu has always been approachable and unassuming. All the officials reacted at this time and laughed and joked.

Hu Lin hurriedly begged for mercy: "...Everyone, stop making fun of Hu!"

Everyone talked and laughed and went to the front hall.

What the governor’s office set up today can only be regarded as a reception banquet. The real celebration banquet is still three days away. Firstly, considering that Chang Sui Ning Xiaomin and other soldiers need to rest, and secondly, Bianzhou officials attach great importance to this celebration banquet. , there are a lot of preparations to be made, and enough time is also needed to wait for Li Xian and others to arrive.

Because Chang Sui Ning is a girl herself, the women's family members of the governor's mansion and the wives of officials in the city were also present at the banquet.

During the dinner, Governor Hu looked at his wife and concubines from time to time.

He planned to stare at each other and condemn them severely with his eyes, which would definitely make them restless, but the hateful thing was that the two women never even looked at him.

After all, it was his eldest daughter who couldn't see it, and quietly tugged at the corner of Mrs. Governor's clothes, motioning her to look in Father's direction.

Only then did the governor's wife look at her husband.

Hu Shishi, who had finally waited until this moment, immediately treated him with dignity.

Mrs. Governor frowned suspiciously, and then lightly poked the concubine beside her.

The concubine's room also looked over and was also taken aback.

Mrs. Governor asked in a low voice, puzzled: "...Why did he make a donkey face as soon as he came back?"

The concubine shook her head innocently, indicating that she didn't know either.

Hu Lin's eldest daughter, Hu Jing, felt her scalp go numb when she heard the words, thanks to her father's inability to listen to this sentence, otherwise she might be so angry that she would pass away on the spot.

Here, halfway through the banquet, Ah Dian couldn't sit still.

Chang Suining took him to sit at the same food table above him, and he really complied with the sentence, those who don't drink alcohol should sit at the table with children.

With the approval of Chang Sui Ning, Ah Dian left the banquet and ran out to play.

Seeing two young boys in brocade clothes in the corridor, leading the servants and maidservants playing with the eagle to catch chickens, he couldn't wait to run over.

He was born too tall, and he ran so fast that the servants and maids subconsciously protected the two young men behind them.

One of the young boys was not afraid, he ran out from behind the maid and asked Ah Dian, "Who are you?"

"My name is Ah Dian!" Ah Dian looked at him anxiously, and asked in a very polite tone: "Brother, can I play with you?"

As His Highness said, when you ask for something, you should be sweeter!

Kid brother?

Hearing this title, the little boy laughed out loud.

Ah Dian took another step forward: "Is it okay? Little brother."

"Of course!" The young boy patted his chest: "You are a guest, and you also call me brother, then stand behind me and I will protect you!"

Ah Dian jumped for joy, nodded repeatedly, ran behind him, bent down and grabbed his robe.

For the next half a day, Ah Dian stayed with the lords of the governor's mansion and played wildly. Hearing that the lords of the Hu family had no prejudice against him, Chang Suining was very happy and let him go.

In the evening, Chang Suining, Cui Jing and Xiao Min walked out of the meeting hall of the Governor's Mansion.

Inspector Hu sent them out, and repeatedly told Chang Suining to rest and recuperate in the governor's mansion in the next few days, and if there was anything not thoughtful, he must inform his servants in time.

Chang Suining thanked him, and motioned him to stop: "...Hu Cishi has worked hard too."

Hu Lin stopped and watched them leave with folded hands.

On the way, Xiao Min mentioned that Vice General Jin's injury showed signs of improvement, and also mentioned the traitor who stabbed Vice General Jin, and asked Chang Suining, "Does the general want to interrogate him?"

"Let people watch it first, and just give him a small amount of water and food once a day from time to time, so that he won't starve to death." Chang Suining walked forward with his hands behind his back, and said, "When the other two are here, we can go together again." Trial."

In addition to the survivor who assassinated Cui Jing this time, the four of them will confront each other at that time, the scene must be very interesting.

Xiao Min only knew one of the "two other people" she was talking about, and he didn't know who the other one was, but Xiao Min didn't ask further, just nodded in response.

Cui Jing never spoke, just listening to the two talking about military affairs.

It wasn't until Coach Xiao raised his hand to leave before a fork in the road that he said, "General Xiao, go slowly."

Xiao Min was stunned for a moment, and said, "Cui Dadu, are you going?", when it came to his lips, he didn't say it.

After Xiao Min left, Chang Suining walked forward and stood still under an apricot tree.

Cui Jing also stepped forward.

Yuan Xiang, Ache Xi'er and others followed at a distance.

"The apricot blossoms are also blooming." Chang Suining looked up at a tree of apricot blossoms.

Cui Jing gave a "hmm" and said, "In these two days, it's time for the capital to release the list."

Chang Suining blinked at Xinghua, and when he turned his head to look at the handsome young man, a strange thought suddenly appeared in his heart.

Thank you for your monthly tickets and rewards!Today I decided to recommend a special book to everyone. The special thing about it is is my own finished book hahahaha There are new book friends who haven’t read it yet) Randomly recommend a copy of "Happy Brows" that makes people laugh after reading it, attach the link

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