Chang'an is good

Chapter 334: The 4 things you can’t hold back in life

This gift was indeed very generous, so generous that it included three generations of his family...his mother, his wife, and his children!
Luo Guanlin was still in shock when he looked at his family members standing in the hall with their burdens on their backs. His 60-year-old mother, who was already strong and strong, slapped her in the face!


Luo Guanlin's wife and daughter screamed and quickly grabbed Luo's mother.

"You evildoer!" Mother Luo's eyes were red and she gritted her teeth and cursed: "...Everyone in the family really thinks you are dead!"

The news that Luo Guanlin failed in his rebellion following Xu Zhengye and burned himself in Jiangdu has already spread.

"Mother, what are you doing..." Luo Guanlin's face was in burning pain. He couldn't think of anything else for a moment, and said with a serious look, "Chang Suining actually kidnapped you here... I'm going to find her!"

He said everything nice, but in the end, he used his family to coerce him!

She was afraid that she was not a dog, and had a dog nose... He had already hidden all his family members, but she still found him!
"Stop!" Mother Luo shouted.

Luo Guanlin paused.

Mother Luo threw away her daughter-in-law and granddaughter, stepped forward, grabbed her son's arm, pulled him back with a strong tug, pointed at her nose and scolded: "...Tell me, why don't you just live a good life?" I have been there, but you want to imitate others and rebel! You are self-reliant and contrary to nature, but have you ever cared about our Luo family?"

"Mother, I..."

"Don't talk to me about resettlement or not!" Mother Luo cut off her son's words: "Do you really think that if you hide your clan members, they will be grateful to you? They used to live in peace and contentment, but because of your own thoughts, they were forced to betray you. Be called a rebel!"

"Now even the five-year-old child in the clan knows that the uncle of the second wife is an evildoer who harms others and himself!"

"Tell me, what is wrong with you in the clan? They have worked so hard to support you as an official, but you do such evil things of repaying kindness with hatred... What kind of madness are you!"

"Do you know what life has been like for us mothers these past six months? Which clan member doesn't poke you in the back and scold you three times a day!"

"It's better for you. You stay far away and follow the rebel surnamed Xu outside to be wild and happy...those in the clan are cold-eyed and make things difficult for you, and we, the orphans and widows, have to suffer for you!"

"..." Luo Guanlin looked at his mother, who was still fierce and fierce, but her hair was almost completely white, and couldn't say a word to refute.

Mother Luo said, dragging her grandson over: "Open your eyes and see, Ze'er has just turned fifteen this year. He is at the age to make progress in studies, but because of your rebellious father, he is forced to hide and dare not Show people!"

The old lady pushed her grandson away and then pulled her granddaughter in front of her: "Look at Xi'er again... She has already reached the age of discussing marriage, but because of your drag, she was almost sent to have sex with the 80-year-old Lao Kezi by the clan. concubine!"

The girl burst into tears. Although her grandmother was good at using exaggeration and the other party was only fifty, he was still an old shell.

Luo Guanlin was furious: "How could they..."

"Why not!" Mother Luo scolded, "This is all your fault!"

"If my mother hadn't stopped me, and there were still a few soft-hearted people in the clan, Xi'er would have been sent to be a concubine..." Luo's wife Liu said with tears: "But within a few days, a group of bandits suddenly killed her. When they came over, the whole clan was looted, and almost everyone died under the knife..."

Luo Guanlin's eyes widened: "How could Qingzhou be in such chaos..."

"There is no chaos nowadays..." Mrs. Liu shed tears and added: "After Xu Zhengye's incident, everyone is taking advantage of the chaos to respond."

She has a virtuous and gentle temperament, and has not said a single word of complaint so far, but this sentence pierced Luo Guanlin's heart hard and firmly, like a whirling sharp arrow in the center.

Mrs. Liu added: "I thought it would be enough to just take the money to eliminate the disaster, but it was not enough for those bandits to loot everything. They turned around and wanted to take away the young ladies in the clan!"

In troubled times, it is difficult for everyone, but it will only be harder for weak women.

Luo Ze, a 15-year-old boy, said with red eyes and a trembling voice: "The clan refused to comply, so my third uncle and several cousins ​​died under their swords."

Luo Guanlin's feet trembled, and his face suddenly turned pale.

Mrs. Liu: "Xi'er and I were kidnapped by the bandits... If the governor Chang hadn't arrived in time and rescued us on the way, how would we have had the chance to see Master Lang again today?"

Luo Guanlin raised his eyes in surprise: "Madam, you mean...she was the governor Chang who saved you?"

"That's not it!" Mother Luo took advantage of this gap to regain some strength, and she was able to continue scolding at this moment: "...If it weren't for Chang Jishi, we would have met the King of Hell long ago!"

"Chief Chang not only saved us and our clan members, he also saved you!" Mother Luo was furious and said with tears: "Who are you? You are the traitor who should have been killed a thousand times! Chang, the governor, risked his life to protect you!"

"You did such a wrong thing, how did you get a chance to turn back? It was Governor Chang who pulled you back from the wrong path. Meeting Chang Governor was a blessing that you have cultivated for several lifetimes! Don't you say that you have so much kindness? Thank you, you are a cow and a horse, but you still hold your neck and compete with others... How could I give birth to such an ungrateful and ungrateful thing like you!"

Luo Guanlin frowned: "What did mother hear?"

What were those people talking about when they brought his mother here?
"I've heard a lot!" Mother Luo put one hand on her hips and waved her other hand to the outside of the hall: "Everyone outside is saying that Chang Jishi turned the tide, killed the rebels, and pacified Jiangnan! He is the great benefactor of the entire Huainan Road!"

"Ordinary people still know how to be grateful, how about you? Have you read all the books into the donkey's belly?!"

"Since you're not dead and you still have some breath left, just hold on to it and work hard for people under Chang Governor! Even if it's not possible, you can still find a way out for the clan, and there's still the possibility of atonement!"

Luo Guanlin sighed: "Mother, my son has a sense of discretion in this matter..."

"Do you have a sense of propriety?" Mother Luo seemed to be shocked: "You have followed Xu Zhengye in rebellion, and you tell me that you have a sense of propriety?!"

Luo Guanlin: "..."

"Do you still think it's the past? In the past, the Luo family was certainly your boss, but you made such a heinous mistake. Now it's time for someone with a clear mind to be the head of this family!"

Obviously, the "dry-minded" person in Luo's mother's words is herself.

At this moment, she couldn't help but pull up her son who was wet and moldy and said: "Let's go, follow me to see the governor Chang now, let me apologize and thank you!"

"Mother!" Luo Guanlin reluctantly withdrew his arm, looked outside the hall, and lowered his voice: "This matter is not as simple as you think... This Chang Sui Ning Shi is a wolf with ambition, no different from Xu Zhengye !”

Mother Luo was stunned for a moment, then immediately said: "Wouldn't that suit your taste? Just pretend that the old ones are not gone and the new ones are not coming!"

"..." Luo Guanlin's brows jumped: "My son doesn't want to take the same wrong road a second time!"

"It sounds like you have many options to choose from!" Mother Luo said, "Just kill Xu Zhengye when people say you want to. It shows that your skills are far superior to Xu Zhengye's. You are willing to follow Xu Zhengye. How can you change it to someone more capable?" , you still choose? Why, is it possible that you have a habit of loving stupid people? You don’t want people who don’t have such a disgraceful face? "

"Mother..." Luo Guanlin had a splitting headache.

He admitted that his ability to be a censor with his mouth was partly due to his mother's unusual influence. "You dare to do anything wrong when you are wearing shoes. Now that you are barefoot, what are you afraid of!" Luo's mother's eyes brightened as she spoke: "How are Chang's governor the same as that Xu thief? Xu thief doesn't have the slightest reputation for benevolence. He is a real rebel, he is just a street rat! Even if the governor Chang really has some ideas... it is in accordance with the will of God and the will of the people!"

These unprincipled words left Luo Guanlin helpless.

"Son, this is not only repayment of gratitude, but also the last chance for our Luo family to stand up!" Mother Luo grabbed her son's arm again: "Kowtow and acknowledge the master with your mother!"

"Mother!" Luo Guanlin stood there and refused to move. His voice was much louder this time.

Mother Luo's eyes darkened little by little as she looked at the stubborn donkey that couldn't be pulled.

Luo Guanlin, who was so distraught that he did not dare to look at his mother, turned his head to one side.

There was a brief silence in the hall, the atmosphere was condensed, and no one spoke for a while.

The yard here is not big, and shepherd's purse and two other women's soldiers who were guarding outside the yard stared at each other in the night with their ears propped up.

Also with his ears propped up, there was the return date walking by - why was there no sound?
The restless Guixu was known to love to join in the fun when he was in Xuance Mansion. Now that there was no sound to be heard, he raised his horse's hooves and was about to go to the courtyard, wanting to rush him.

Shepherd's purse hurriedly stopped the horse - it would be impolite to listen to the excitement and come up to others to listen!
However, shepherd's purse couldn't control the horse's return. Just as the horse was about to break away in dissatisfaction, its movements suddenly stopped, its ears were raised high, and a pair of big copper bell-like eyes stared in the direction of the hall.

There were more lively sounds in the hall one after another, far louder than before.

"Okay, okay, okay..." Mother Luo said three good words in a row, each sound getting deeper and deeper. She looked at her son with great disappointment and said: "I heard that when Governor Chang found you, you were about to commit suicide... …Anyway, if you don’t want to repay this kindness, I would have no shame in living in this world.”

After saying that, she let her son go and took out a porcelain bottle from her sleeve: "Aren't you looking for death? I happen to have some arsenic here. Let's just die here with a piece of medicine today! There are still kind-hearted people who can help collect the body." , it’s better than ending up dead without any body parts outside!”

"Mother!" Luo Guanlin was horrified and reached out to grab the opened porcelain bottle in her hand. As the two fought for it, medicine powder was flying.

"Madam, help me stop mother!"

"Master Sir, let me go first..." Mrs. Liu took out a pair of scissors from her bag, closed her eyes with tears, and was about to stab her heart.

Luo Guanlin's eyes were about to burst. At this moment, the porcelain vase was knocked out of Luo's mother's hand and rolled away and shattered into pieces. He then ran towards his wife, but when he was blocked, the two of them staggered and fell to the ground.

Before Luo Guanlin could breathe a sigh of relief, he turned around and saw his daughter pulling out a ball of white silk from nowhere, crying and stepping on the chair to hang the white silk on the beam.

Luo Guanlin's eyes suddenly turned black.

Amid the cries, the daughter tied the white silk ribbon seriously, while the wife was still struggling. The mother couldn't swallow the arsenic and fell to the ground crying, trying to reach for the scissors that flew out of the wife's hands.

Luo Guanlin could only hug his mother again, but his mother was far stronger than his wife. He could hardly control it. Seeing that his daughter had tied the white silk ribbon, he could only shout: "Ze'er! Quick, stop you!" Sister!"

In the midst of the chaos, the handsome young man remained unmoved. He closed his eyes in despair and sadness, a tear fell down, and every word in his mouth slowly turned into a poem.

Luo Guanlin was going crazy: ...what kind of poem should I do at this time!

Seeing that Bai Ling was about to wrap around his daughter's neck, Luo Guanlin had no choice but to rush forward and grab the scissors, while saying urgently: "Ze'er, be obedient! Help me hold your grandmother down!"

The young man looked at his grandmother fluttering on the ground in silence - press?Can he hold it down?

The thick fish, the fried donkey, the New Year pig, the grandma in front of me...the four major things in life are irresistible, nothing more than this.

Luo Guanlin, who finally took his daughter down, saw his mother sit up and look around, wondering what new death method he could use local materials to devise. His wife stepped on the chair that her daughter had just stepped on...

Luo Guanlin, who had never been so helpless, could only shout weakly: "...Come here! Come quickly!"

He was shouting for help, shouting for help for himself.

Soon, several women headed by shepherd's purse ran in quickly and quickly took control of the situation.

Luo Guanlin was holding on to the corner of the table exhausted. As his mind was buzzing, he felt that he could hear the sound of horse hooves. When he turned his face, he came face to face with an excited horse's face, which was looking around with its tail swung. .

Luo Guanlin: "..."

"...Mrs. Blue and White, please don't stop me. With a son like this, I really have no shame in living!" Mother Luo cried as she collapsed on the ground and was hugged by a woman.

The blue flower in her mouth is the woman holding her at the moment. She is also one of the women's army who came to pick her up this time. She is shepherd's purse's capable subordinate.

Qinghua said with relief at this moment: "Children have to be taught slowly, don't be impatient..."

While Mother Luo was crying, she took the time to look at her son. Seeing that he was hanging his head and not breathing, she raised her voice and said, "I have no face to see the governor!"

As he spoke, he suddenly broke away from Qinghua, crawled towards the medicinal powder scattered on the ground, grabbed it with his hand, and was about to put it into his mouth.

"Mother! I promise!" Luo Guanlin sighed heavily and said firmly: "I promise you!"

Forget it, he doesn't have a second choice now anyway.

Three years just three years...three years later, he took his family and left!

The chaos subsided, and there was only a faint sound of crying in the hall. When Mother Luo was helped to her feet, she winked at Shepherd's Purse and Qinghua.

Luo Ze turned slightly, faced outside the hall, and quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

It's finally over.

This scene was arranged by my grandmother, and both my mother and sister had important roles. However, my grandmother thought that he was not explosive enough and could not handle the action scenes, so she arranged for him to recite poems to enhance the atmosphere.

Grandma said that as long as the scene was successfully performed, they would be able to settle down in Jiangdu and get the protection of the Chang Governor.

What kind of person is Chang Jishi...?
It is said that she is only 17 years old, but she has repeatedly performed extraordinary feats. Some people also say that she is heroic and indistinguishable between male and female... Thinking of it, she must be a very powerful girl?

Early the next morning, young Luo Ze had the answer, but what he saw and what he thought were completely different.

The 3th double monthly pass has started, please give me a monthly pass (づ ̄[-] ̄)づ╭

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