Chang'an is good

Chapter 496: How serious do you want the injury to be?

Chapter 496: How serious do you want the injury to be?

Following the shout, the soldiers guarding outside Li Xian's tent immediately became alert. They looked in the direction where the voice came from, and saw several black figures passing by like the wind, quickly approaching the tent behind them.

The soldiers outside Li Xian's tent were immediately shocked.

The fact that they can stay here shows that they are loyal to Li Xian, so they also know that the camp behind will not allow any mistakes -

Li Xian was on guard. In order to prevent anyone from stealing secrets, there were not many really important things in the commander's tent where he was. Instead, the tent at the rear contained many important military plans, the commander's seal, and his personal letters. .

Of course there were people guarding the place, but even so, these guards did not dare to be careless - these men in black headed straight for the camp. They obviously knew something and must have come prepared!

South Korea's public security forces have always been particularly strict. If anything goes wrong there, they will not be able to escape punishment!
Under this situation, the guards in front of Li Xian's tent did not dare to be negligent and rushed over to check the situation.

Something happened suddenly, and they subconsciously concluded that the assassins came for the confidential items in the rear camp. On the other hand, there was nothing important in the commander's tent, so they just rushed to the place where the accident happened.

There was indeed nothing important in Li Xian's tent, but there was someone there——

A floor-to-ceiling screen was used to separate the inside and outside of the large tent. The outside was where Li Xian usually handled military affairs and discussed matters with his subordinates, and behind the screen was where he rested and stayed. At this moment, the woman in blue sitting next to the screen behind the screen stopped pounding the medicine in her hands and listened to the noise coming from outside the tent.

When she heard someone walking into the tent, she stood up silently on guard. As she walked out from behind, she looked out through the gap in the hollow carved screen. She vaguely saw a man in ordinary military uniform walking in. soldiers.

Arlan then asked: "What happened outside?"

"I heard there was an assassin." The soldier replied, his voice was a pleasant young man's accent. As he spoke, he continued walking towards the screen. His pace was not hasty, but there was no respect, but a calm and casual feeling that was inconsistent with his status. .

Arlan frowned quickly: "Who are you?"

At this time, the figure had already walked around the screen. When he stopped, his eyes fell on her: "It's really you, Arlan."

The words that sounded like those of an old acquaintance made Arlan's face change slightly. She looked at the person intently, and she could almost see at a glance that the person had concealed his original appearance, so it was difficult to distinguish his true appearance for a moment——

But by now she has figured out that the other party is a woman!

Arlan was filled with confusion in his heart, but because he was instinctively aware of the danger, when he was about to call someone first, he saw the other party raised his right hand, and a string of silver bells dropped from his hand: "Why have you stayed in the Genocide all these years?" Around the enemy?"

Arlan was suddenly distracted - that was a common thing in her clan!

Are her people looking for her?
She subconsciously took a step forward: "Are you from the Wang tribe too?!"

Wangbu is a tribe under the jurisdiction of Nanzhao Kingdom. In the battle with Dasheng, it was almost wiped out.

Therefore, Arlan, who had been alone for many years, suddenly saw something from his clan, and that this was probably a clan member who had survived that year, and his mind was immediately affected.

Seeing that the other party didn't answer, she approached the room again, lowered her voice and asked again: "What is your name? Why can you find it here?"

The girl who had concealed her appearance put away the string of silver bells, took out something from her waist with her other hand, and handed it over: "You will understand when you see this."

Arlan approached suspiciously, and in just a short moment, his eyes changed several times.

She gradually saw clearly that what the other person was holding was a bamboo tube, but what was inside the bamboo tube had to be picked up to distinguish——

Arlan approached the girl and seemed to reach out to take the bamboo tube in the girl's hand. However, the next moment, her outstretched hand suddenly raised, and a silver needle appeared between her fingers, and it suddenly stabbed the side of the girl's neck!
The girl's expression did not change. She quickly retracted her hand holding the bamboo tube, bent her elbow and raised it, and used her forearm to deflect Arlan's wrist attack.

She responded very quickly, as if she expected Al Lan to make a sudden move.

Arlan was shocked by the force and took a step back. The silver needle flew out of his hand, and his expression changed drastically. Just when he was about to make another move, he saw the girl approaching quickly and raised the right hand that was holding the silver bell. As the bell rang softly, a gust of wind struck her, hitting the back of her neck neatly and heavily.

Arlan only had time to groan before he fell to the ground along with the discarded silver bells and passed out.

Chang Suining walked over, raised his hand and kicked away the poison-quenching hidden weapon that Al Lan had just touched out, and gave pertinent advice: "When you go out, just to use the poison, you have to practice your skills and brains. ”

While speaking, he raised his hand.

The next moment, two figures, also wearing ordinary military uniforms, quickly stepped forward. One took out the prepared sack and shook it. The other quickly tied Arlan's hands and feet and blocked his mouth, and quickly stuffed it into the sack.

Soon, a soldier "happened" to pass by the tent door pushing a cart. The sacks were thrown onto the cart and quickly transported away.

At this time, a crisp and penetrating bird song suddenly sounded. This bird song sounded so lifelike that ordinary people would not notice anything unusual.

The moment the birds chirped, outside the camp at the rear, a group of a dozen assassins saw that more and more soldiers were being alerted and were surrounding them. They seemed to be outnumbered, so they began to retreat.

When retreating, the leader gritted his teeth in frustration, lowered his voice, and angrily said to his companions beside him: "... Today we can't return empty-handed. I heard that Xiao Min is seriously ill. You all should follow me to take advantage of the chaos to kill that bastard!"

His voice was not loud, but it was "just" heard by a wounded soldier who fell at his feet.

Seeing that they were evacuating quickly and heading towards the deputy commander's camp, the soldier immediately said: "Quick... they are going to assassinate General Xiao!"

"?" The group of Li Xian's confidants were suddenly startled when they heard this, hesitated subtly and briefly, and then chased after him to check the situation.

At this time, suspicious traces of assassins appeared in several other places in the military camp. Because Li Xiangang ordered 50,000 soldiers to leave the camp, most of the remaining soldiers were recuperating from illness, and the patrolling soldiers were also distracted by the movements everywhere. , Xiao Min's tent fell into crisis.

The assassins broke into Xiao Min's tent with extraordinary ease.

When Li Xian's group of confidants were about to arrive, they could only hear the sounds of fighting and killing in the tent.

The assassins all had their faces covered, and they were lying on the ground in a mess.

The only assassin standing was He Wuhu. He picked up the half bucket of chicken blood prepared in Xiao Min's tent and started splashing it wildly. While greeting Xiao Min who was sitting on the couch, he said: "General Xiao, my master asked me to ask. Tell me, how is your recovery now?"

Xiao Min, who was only wearing a middle coat, said: "The Labor Day makes you miss me. Xiao is mostly recovered."

"That's good!" He Wuhu said, pouring all the remaining chicken blood on Xiao Min: "Thank you for your trouble today!"

"..." Xiao Min wiped his face silently: "It's your job."

At this time, Li Xian's group of confidants were about to rush into the tent and shouted tentatively: "General Xiao!"

He Wuhu let out a shrill scream when he heard the sound, fell down suddenly, reached out to grab the legs of the soldiers around him, and whispered: "Please bring my knife with you..."

As he spoke, he rolled his eyes and tilted his head to one side stiffly.

When Li Xian's men rushed in from outside the tent, what they saw was the bloody scene in the tent. The leader swept over the assassins who had fallen to the ground and were slightly surprised - it could be seen from the fight just now that these assassins were all very skilled. Wow, how come everything was revealed in Xiao Min’s account so quickly?
The leading captain had a suspicion in his heart: "General Xiao, these assassins..." "I want to ask you how these assassins sneaked into the army under the clear sky and in broad daylight!" The deputy general beside Xiao Min asked with an angry look. : "Is the defense of the army under your charge so lax and careless?"

The leader was about to frown when he heard the other person say: "Or, there is something fishy in this!"

The expression of the leading captain changed slightly: "What does Vice General Ao mean by this?"

"Let me ask you this!" the deputy general beside Xiao Min asked one word at a time: "General Xiao has been ill for many days, and it was not until two days ago that he came to the Tanzhou Camp on the order of the commander. It was only two days. How could you recruit assassins into the camp and kill them? Why are you so late in pursuing them?"

After saying this, the demeanor of the soldiers in the group changed.

They admitted that they deliberately neglected themselves during the pursuit here...but these assassins had nothing to do with them!
Seeing Xiao Min covering his blood-stained arm, his face was pale but he straightened the corners of his mouth, as if he was going to turn against him at the next moment. The captain thought a few times, and finally swallowed the unpleasant words - the coach is not in the army, If they had a conflict with Xiao Min's people, they wouldn't be able to gain any advantage at all.

Vice General Ao pressed forward with every word, looking as if he was ready to draw his sword at any moment: "You must give me an explanation for this matter today!"

The captain: "..."

He can give a shitty explanation!

Under this aggressive questioning, they didn't care much, and seeing that there was no one alive on the ground, the captain was very worried for a moment, gritted his teeth and endured, and could only say: "...This matter should be investigated thoroughly, but General Xiao seems to be seriously injured, I'll go get the military doctor first!"

Vice General Ao sneered: "Our general only needs Dr. Zhao, and we will never dare to use other doctors now!"

Hearing these words of holding a gun and a stick, the captain patiently said "yes" and retreated with his people.

"Hurry." Seeing the pedestrian leaving, the forbearance on Xiao Min's face disappeared and he hurriedly urged.

Vice Admiral Ao took notice and quickly collected the "bodies" of He Wuhu and others with the help of his inner circle.

Not long after, two carriages drove out from behind the military camp.

After the carriage left the range of the military camp, Chang Sui Ning, who was sitting by the shaft of the carriage, bent one leg and hung one leg on the outside edge of the carriage. He glanced behind him and saw no trace of the pursuers, so he casually pulled off the sultry heat from his head. The soldiers lifted their hats and felt much cooler.

At this time, He Wuhu, dressed in black, poked his head out of the carriage and grinned: "Sir!"

"It was well done." Chang Suining smiled at him and while talking, he saw a large piece of flesh on his face and asked, "Is anyone seriously injured?"

There were only a few of them in total, and it looked like a huge formation with many people, but most of the noise was caused by the help of Xiao Min's people.

"Don't worry, sir, everything is fine!" As he spoke, He Wuhu touched the wound on his face, grinned in pain, and said: "This wound on my subordinate was accidentally scratched when General Xiao's men dragged me down. It hit..."

This injury is unnecessary.

He Wuhu said, proudly puffing up his chest: "But don't worry, sir, my subordinates didn't even frown at that time, and they didn't show any flaws!"

Qihu also stuck his head out and nodded to testify: "Yes, I was watching at the time. The boss was hit so hard and didn't even react at all... At first glance, it looked like the corpse that had just died! "

He Wuhu raised his thick eyebrows proudly, but in fact he didn't react at all. He was so painful that his buttocks clenched tightly, but you couldn't tell from the outside.


He Wuhu suddenly looked at Qihu and slapped him: "...You kid, if you don't play your part well, what are you looking at!"

"I secretly opened a small crack with one eye!"

He Wuhu said angrily: "You bad thing, I will make you real now, and I will make sure you act like you better than anyone else!"

Qihu quickly admitted his mistake and begged for mercy, retreated into the carriage, and asked Chang Ren for protection.

There were also many bump marks on Chang Ren's face, all left on the road when he was dragged down from Xiao Min's tent.

At this time, Dr. Zhao in Xiao Min's tent was bandaging Xiao Min's non-existent wound, and asked quietly: "General Xiao, how serious do you plan to injure him?"

He should discuss his words first so that when someone asks him when he goes out later, he will have a good idea.

Xiao Min thought for a while and said implicitly: "About 30%."

It's too heavy to handle, but 30% is just right and won't affect daily activities.

Dr. Zhao nodded in agreement, packed up the medicine box, and left.

The blood stains in Xiao Min's tent were quickly cleaned up. Not long after, Vice General Ao came back from outside and whispered: "General, we have left successfully."

Xiao Min breathed a sigh of relief.

Today's plan was all discussed in advance. Chang Jie specially asked people to come to his tent to kill him...or it would be more appropriate to say to kill him randomly. In addition to making it easier to escape, it was also to give him enough excuses afterwards. Pick yourself clean.

Of course, these excuses could not dispel Li Xian's suspicions. Even the famous captain would notice something strange when he calmed down afterwards. But as long as they were justified on the surface, there was nothing Li Xian could do if he couldn't find any evidence.

As for the emotions behind Li Xianming's face...even if nothing happened today, Li Xian's dissatisfaction with him would always exist, and he wouldn't care if it were increased.

All in all, I hope things go well today. I hope that all efforts will not be in vain, the plague can be solved as soon as possible, and no more people will die from it.


Outside Mianzhou City, Qiao Yumian, who had been busy for many days and had lost more than a circle of weight to the naked eye, found out this day: "... Commander Hao is saying that Ning Ning has gone to arrest people in person?"

When shepherd's purse nodded, Qiao Yumian felt her vision go dark. She knew nothing about such things. The only thing she could imagine in her mind was that Ning Ning would single-handedly break into thousands of troops to catch someone. Her hands were shaking for a moment: "Will it happen?" What could go wrong..."

Shepherd's Purse: "Originally, maybe there would be a two-point mistake——"

Seeing that Qiao Yumian's face suddenly turned pale again, shepherd's purse smiled and said quickly: "But my lord said, if she goes there in person, this mistake will never happen again!"

"..." Qiao Yumian opened her mouth slightly, and when she was about to ask something more, she heard the sound of a child crying: "Doctor Qiao!"

Qiao Yumian turned around: "Little jacket——"

Xiaoyao cried so hard that his nose and tears were all mushy, and his face looked helpless: "Dr. Qiao, everyone says that Zuo Yuan is about to die! Please save him again!"

Good night everyone~
(Thank you for your monthly votes, thank you to the book friends Lonely Cello, Yanzhihu 1, Heart Bandit Stone, Spring Rolls Are Not Delicious, Book Friends 20231028145224429, Book Friends 161117233912581, Shushu Shushuyou 001, Yanbao, Xiaomajiaba Waiting for rewards from book friends)

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