Chang'an is good

Chapter 522 It turns out you are still alive

Chapter 522 It turns out you are still alive
As the identities of the selected tribesmen were recounted one by one, the two tribesmen who spoke also realized something strange during the review process. Looking at each other, one of them said: "Rokuro, this is..."

This is a medium-sized one and you didn’t choose it?
It should be noted that among the twenty-nine people, although there are young people and middle-aged people who look old enough to scare people, the only difference between them is just the difference between "little waste" and "big waste"...

Each of these people is recognized by the clan as useless, either with a useless brain or a useless temperament...

And the Cui family is not a place that specializes in waste. It is not an easy task to gather these twenty-nine people at the same time. One of them is useless, or it is accidental, and all of them are useless... That must be Liu Lang's intention. Already? !
Mukuro, what does this mean?
After leaving Qinghe and going on the road, the clan elder once bitterly rebuked Liulang for being a giant rat that got into a rice vat. If he said that, wouldn't Liulang's move be equivalent to... When this giant rat left, he didn't even forget to leave. Also remove the rat droppings from the rice vat and take them away?

If it were normal, this would even be called an unprecedented purification...

Rokuro knows how to minimize losses for the clan...

Looking at it from another perspective, how can Rokuro's move not be considered as a way of knowing people and making good use of them?

It looks like he clicked randomly, but in fact it is not random at all... The reason behind this is clearly the ultimate understanding of each clan member.

After a moment of strange silence in the carriage, a tribesman asked worriedly: "Is it possible that Liu Lang... doesn't plan to come back?"

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that Rokuro's move was absolutely decisive——

A kind of determination called "Aiming to eat up Fan Yang's army and vowing not to make any plans with Fan Yang's army"...

After all, apart from being good at eating, the people Liulang brought here are of no other use.

Rokuro chose to take a group of such people there, which really gave people the feeling of leaving no escape route.

"No, Liu Lang must come back safely." The clan leader said.

The young man who chose to push himself out to save his tribe still didn't know his true weight now.

"After arriving in Taiyuan, immediately send a message to the capital to inform the family leader of the matter..." The clan elder said again: "No matter what, we must bring Liu Lang back to the clan safely."

Several tribesmen agreed and once again urged the team to hurry up.

They all knew that the words Liu Lang used to intimidate Fan Yangjun were actually half truth and half lies. The truth is that Taiyuan will indeed send troops to respond to them, but the truth is that the Taiyuan defenders are only waiting a hundred miles away from Taiyuan and cannot continue to leave Taiyuan further.

Therefore, they must shorten the distance between them and the Taiyuan defenders as soon as possible before Duan Shiang sees through this matter.

This place should be still a hundred miles away from where the Taiyuan defenders are waiting. They are traveling slowly due to the large number of people. At this time, they must go faster and faster.

The fact is that after Duan Shiang listened to Cui Lang's suggestion, he still sent people to Taiyuan to check the authenticity.

The people sent by Duan Shiang returned to follow Duan Shiang's team when it was getting dark.

"General, there are indeed Taiyuan garrison ahead to meet the Cui clan, but those garrison are only waiting a hundred miles away from Taiyuan City, and have no intention of continuing eastward. They only ordered less than a hundred soldiers to go east to check out the Cui clan. Condition……"

After hearing the news brought back by his men, Duan Shiang looked in the direction of Cui Lang's carriage, feeling angry that he had been deceived.

Cui Lang was indeed not lying, but the meaning behind his words clearly exaggerated the truth... making him mistakenly believe that the Taiyuan garrison was approaching, but he did not dare to use force against the Cui clan members rashly.

It's naturally too late to pursue him now.

And it is impossible for him to argue with a dandy's theory for this reason.

Duan Shiang swallowed his anger, wrote down this account, drove his horse in the darkness, and shouted in a deep voice: "Hurry up!"

Duan Shiang's team had been moving slowly because he was waiting for news from the rear. At this time, the horses suddenly accelerated, and Cui Lang and others in the carriage swayed.

But Cui Lang breathed a sigh of relief: "Uncle and the others must have contacted the Taiyuan defenders..."

Including Cui Lang, a total of six Cui clan members were crowded into this carriage. At this time, a boy of fifteen or sixteen years old couldn't help but asked: "Brother Six, at that time we were only a few meters away from where the Taiyuan garrison was waiting. There are still hundreds of miles away... Since they are helping from the front, why does Sixth Brother take the initiative to take the pledge? "

"You're stupid." Cui Lang rolled his eyes: "What happened at that time didn't you see? Duan Shiang is obviously a ruthless character who doesn't see rabbits and doesn't let go of hawks. If there is a fight, even if we ask people to ask for help from the Taiyuan defenders, the Taiyuan defenders will I am willing to take the risk and come here, but there must be many casualties in the clan before that. You can’t even kill a chicken, maybe you will be the first one to die in vain!”

The young man shrank his neck.

"Besides, how can we easily ask for help from the Taiyuan garrison." Cui Lang's voice was lowered: "For them to leave Taiyuan for hundreds of miles without permission is already a risk. At such a juncture, isn't Taiyuan's safety more important than mine? "

"And once they use weapons against Fan Yang's army, Taiyuan and Bingzhou will be involved in this war and dispute."

Cui Lang said: "They are willing to open the gates of Taiyuan City to take in my Cui clan members because of my eldest brother's instructions. But my eldest brother is now in the north and busy with war, which is very difficult... We are only under the care of our eldest brother. , but I have never done anything to help my eldest brother, how can I continue to drag down my eldest brother and Bingzhou with such carelessness? "

After a moment of silence in the car, a young man said seriously: "Rokuro's words make sense... What Rokuro did today was to take advantage of the moment when Duan Shiang was doubtful and was able to minimize the loss. It was actually a good strategy. There is no doubt about it." ”

The young man said, looking at the boys on the left and right: "It's just...why did Rokuro bring Lingjie, Shoufan and others with him?"

With all due respect, the remaining twenty-nine people Rokuro brought with him were completely useless except for him.

"Of course it's because of you..." After Cui Lang finished speaking, he met his cousin's confused and self-consciously intelligent eyes, coughed slightly, and changed his words: "Of course it's because they are all trash."

In fact, his cousin Cui Chen is not much better. This cousin is not stupid and has some intelligence, but he is also very confident. When the two are balanced, he often falls down. I owe seven points of my brain.

A young man became aggrieved and dissatisfied: "Brother Six, what do you mean..."

"Why are you so anxious? I didn't say I wasn't." Cui Lang sighed, "I'm a waste too, everyone."

Cui Chen patted Cui Lang on the shoulder: "Liu Lang, you don't have to be so presumptuous. You can think of such a good way to deal with it and choose to take me with you. It shows your wisdom."

Cui Lang forced a smile towards his cousin, nodded, then looked at the others and explained: "Think about it, we are not of much use on weekdays. Even if the clan chooses to give up on us, it won't be too much." My flesh hurts——”

If we choose all the outstanding ones to bring with us, won’t that affect the clan’s decision-making?
"And after this incident, the frivolous things we have done in the past can be wiped out in the clan." Cui Lang continued to comfort everyone: "Using a mere thirty of us to exchange for the peace of the clan, isn't this something earned with blood?"

"You've earned it..." a young man said, his voice gradually choked up: "But I'm afraid... Brother Six, I hear what you mean, can we just wait to die?"

"Death is within reach, so why wait any longer." A middle-aged man in a long gown, who was leaning dejectedly in the corner, sat up a little straighter and took out a dagger from his sleeve: "Why don't I wait and end it immediately? , and avoid embarrassing the clan."

Seeing him pull out the dagger, several teenagers in the car hugged each other in fear.

Cui Lang hurriedly said: "...Uncle, there is no need to be so anxious!" "There is still a nephew here, why does uncle talk about seeking death?" Cui Chen frowned seriously: "Could it be that uncle can't trust his nephew?"

"..." Meeting his nephew's confident and responsible eyes, the middle-aged man silently looked away a little and said nothing.

Cui Lang took the opportunity to put away the dagger for him and comforted him: "Uncle, let's take it one step at a time."

"That being the case, whenever you need uncle to take action, just tell him." As the middle-aged man spoke, he leaned back in the corner again.

Cui Lang nodded: "Okay, uncle, please rest first."

His uncle was also one of the outstanding sons in the clan when he was young, but when he was twenty years old, he fell in love with a commoner girl and insisted on divorcing his wife and marrying another one. The Cui family would never allow such a ridiculous thing to happen.

That girl was also a passionate lover, and she later committed suicide by drowning herself in the river.

Since then, his uncle's mental state has not been very good. He is depressed and decadent. Things at home are in a mess. His only hobby is to persuade others - if someone is troubled, he will persuade others to die rather than live.

The encounters in the past two days made everyone very tired. No one in the car gradually stopped talking, except for his cousin Cui Chen who was still working tirelessly to show wisdom and thinking hard about how to escape.

Cui Lang opened the car window and looked into the deep night.

After a while, he raised his hand to reach for the letter in his lapel, looking a little regretful.

Since Fan Yangjun approached Xingzhou, he has been in a hurry. He hasn't even had time to reply to Miss Qiao's last letter... She hasn't seen the reply for a long time, will she be worried about him?
She is in Jiangdu and may hear news about him from others later. If she knows what he did today, will she feel that he is responsible? Do you think he is a bit of a man?

There should be something about him like this that is worthy of her, right?
Thinking of this, Cui Lang couldn't help but smile "hey".

After a while, he whispered in his mouth: "I don't want to die..."

He hasn't replied to the girl he likes yet, and he hasn't had time to tell her that he wants to marry her.

Cui Lang looked towards Jiangdu from a distance. The night was so dark that he couldn't see anything, but his eyes were full of brilliance.

On the Double Ninth Festival in September, after a rain, Jiangdu became a little colder.

September 15th was the day off for Wuer Hospital Medical Center. Many students would choose to have a good sleep, but Qiao Yumian had no intention of sleeping. She got up from the bed before the sky was completely bright.

After dressing, washing, and combing her hair, it was already dark, and when Qiao Yumian was preparing to go out, a book boy who was responsible for receiving and distributing letters from teachers and students in the medical center ran over and said that there was a letter from her today.

As Qiao Yumian thanked her, she hurriedly took the letter. After looking at the handwriting on the envelope, her shoulders dropped in disappointment.

It's a letter from my father.

It's not that she doesn't want to see letters from home, but recently she wants to see a reply from the north.

Qiao Yumian left Wueryuan, got on the carriage, and opened the letter to read.

When they first learned that Qiao Yumian had gone to Yuezhou, the Qiao family couldn't sleep day and night. But when Qiao Yumian chose to follow Chang Sui Ning to Jiangdu, Qiao Jijiu was very supportive.

But Qiao Yumian had never been away from home for such a long time since she was a child. The Qiao family could not help but miss her, and they would send a letter home almost every half month.

This time, Qiao Jijiu still cared about his daughter's situation in Wueryuan in his letter, and also talked about some things at home, and finally said: "As a father, mother, and brother, everything is fine, there is no need to worry about her." 】

He also added a special sentence: "Ah Wu, I am very fat in autumn, and I am getting fatter and fatter." 】

Seeing this last sentence, Qiao Yumian pursed her lips and smiled, feeling slightly relieved.

However, she also missed Ah Wu.

The carriage stopped at the back side door of the Governor's Mansion. Qiao Yumian got out of the carriage and knocked on the door. The guard guard recognized her and hurriedly invited her in.

When Qiao Yumian passed by the back garden, A Dian saw her and waved to her.

Qiao Yumian then walked over with a smile and saluted in turn: "General A Dian, Master Xuanyangzi, Master Xuanjingzi..."

Wujue, who had just finished his morning exercise, smiled and nodded to Qiao Yumian.

Just like the previous two times, Qiao Yumian couldn't help but take a second look at the Taoist in front of her. The strange feeling of familiarity became more and more profound, especially when the other person was standing with A Dian...

There is one thing that seems a little strange... Why doesn't Master Xuan Yangzi speak?

Qiao Yumian thought about it carefully. During these three meetings, she had never heard the other party's voice, and the other party did not seem to be mute.

Seeing the little girl staring at him, Wujue grinned.

This smile made Qiao Yumian stunned for a moment, her expression suddenly enlightened.

Perhaps it was because she had been thinking about Ah Wu in her heart, but now she seemed to understand where the familiarity came from... Master Xuanyangzi was so similar to her Ah Wu!
But Ah Wu is very similar to Master Wu Jue... So, why didn't she think that Master Xuanyangzi and Master Wu Jue were similar before?

Qiao Yumian carefully analyzed and thought, and soon came up with the answer - it was probably because Master Wujue had no hair, while Master Xuanyangzi had a head of thick white hair...

And if you block the hair and don't see it...

When thinking about this and trying to do it in her heart, Qiao Yumian opened her eyes slightly, and Wujue couldn't help but laugh "haha".

Hearing this laughter and seeing this expression, Qiao Yumian was shocked: "You are nothing..."

Worrying about the presence of Master "Xuan Jingzi", Qiao Yumian reluctantly held back her words, but the look of shock on her face became more intense.

"It's me, it's me!" Wujue said with a smile, "I'm just waiting to see when you, the little girl, will recognize me!"

Tianjing, who was meditating on the stone, also laughed.

When Qiao Yumian saw this, she knew that it could be said clearly, so she dared to express her surprise: "Master turns out you are still alive!"

 Thank you all for your monthly votes, messages, and tips. Good night~
  (End of this chapter)

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