Chang'an is good

Chapter 534 Dare to bully the Central Plains owner

Chapter 534 Dare to bully the Central Plains owner
Hearing Tianjing's sigh, Wujue was thoughtful and did not bother to quarrel with Tianjing unilaterally.

The carriage was quiet for a moment, and the sound of horse hooves and armor clashing outside the carriage added a touch of war to the silence.

After a while, Wu Jue said in a low voice as if to himself: "I once said that His Highness was a great talent in his previous life, but now judging from His Highness's experience and the horoscope that is not accidental, this reverse is really like I came here to make up for that big regret..."

"Many causes and effects may have been determined since His Highness changed A Li's fate and insisted on saving him..."

Wujue knew the cause and effect before, but he only realized today that the involvement of cause and effect was deeper than he had ever known before.

Tianjing nodded slowly: "Besides the way of heaven, there is also cause and effect... Everything in the world is not accidental."

Wujue was silent for a moment and looked at the sky mirror: "Although Your Highness is here to make up for what was lacking in the previous life, I have roughly looked at the horoscopes you and I have divined. They are more expensive if they are more expensive, and they are also compatible with Your Highness. However... still... It is vaguely visible that there is still a great calamity in his life chart. "

Wu Jue has not yet had time to elaborate on this with Chang Sui Ning.

Moreover, he only had a rough look and could not figure out the specific details. At this time, he tentatively asked Tianjing: "Do you also have this idea?"

Tianjing nodded slightly, but then shook his head: "Only one or two are vaguely visible..."

Wujue's face gradually turned pale, and when he was about to start another hexagram, he was stopped by Tianjing's hand: "The secret of heaven is difficult to predict, but you are so eager for success, are you willing to kill yourself?"

Chang Suining blinked, looked at Wujue, and asked in confusion: "You are going to go together, do you need me to specifically explain this?" Could it be that you haven't packed your luggage? 】

Being stroked like this, Wujue couldn't bear to show his teeth anymore, so in order to concentrate his mind, he played a game of chess with Tianjing.

When he ran to prepare his luggage, Wujue felt guilty but also happy. He did not forget to take a look at the sky mirror with a superior look - if you see it, you are called one of your own!
However, Tianjing's reaction was always dull, and she had no intention of fighting with him. Instead, she used this matter to comfort him at this moment.

"Besides, you have been connected with me for two lifetimes and are connected by fate with me. How can I take away this favor?" Tian Jing said with a smile again: "Look at how my lord treated you before going out today. Aren’t the differences between the two of us obvious enough?”

He began to cast divination and said: "When I understand this calamity, I will try to avoid or resolve it for Your Highness..."

Today, after the two of them handed the note with eight characters written on it to Chang Sui Ning, Chang Sui Ning looked at it and invited Tian Jing to go to Luoyang with them. Tian Jing naturally agreed happily.

"Natural, natural." Tianjing smiled and patted Wujue's shoulder, saying, "The success is yours, I'm just watching the travelers from the sidelines."

Wujue immediately became anxious and asked in disbelief: "Aren't you going to take me with you, sir?" 】

Wu Wu never took it seriously: "What kind of confidants are you and I?"

This is definitely useful.

Now that the horoscope has appeared and has a clear connection with the world, Chang Suining is no longer an unpredictable person in the complete sense, but the actual divination is a hundred times more laborious than ordinary people... After getting the horoscope, He tried to touch the sky mirror several times, but he always felt that the secret he was spying on was backfired, which made him dare not rush to investigate further.

When Wu Jue heard this, he looked suspicious: "Help me? I think you want to take this opportunity to take away the Lord's favor, right?"

"I thought you had some extraordinary skills. You only know a little about co-writing." Wujue snorted contemptuously and took out the copper plate: "In the end, it has to be me."

"My current destiny is tied to His Highness. If I can't find a way to avoid disaster for Your Highness, my life will have to be handed over to you when the time comes." Wu Jue waved away the hand of the sky mirror and took out the astrolabe. .

Tianjing, however, disapproved: "The path you and I are taking is truly unprecedented and unparalleled... If you don't have a close friend to accompany you on such a unique path, wouldn't it be a lot less interesting?"

Now it was Wujue's turn to feel guilty. He spent the whole night doing divination, how could he have time to prepare his luggage?
Facing the girl's Wuju eyes, Wujue wiped the sweat in his heart, smiled in panic, and said quickly: "Get ready now, get ready now!" 】

"This unprecedented road has never been followed before, and it was my master who risked my life to set it out... What does it have to do with being the same master?" Wu Jue always looked like he was eager to protect his food.

"This horoscope has just begun to appear, but it has just been handed over to the master, and it has not yet fully matched with the master... You are so eager to predict, but you are just wasting your mind." Tianjing patiently dissuaded, and said: "Wait later, this time After the eight-character destiny is consistent with yourselves, I will try to help you predict this calamity for you."

Tianjing smiled and shook his head: "I regard you as my only confidant, but you guard me like a thief."

However, when he connected several hexagrams, the hexagrams he obtained were ambiguous every time, which made people frown.

During the game, Wujue said casually: "In the past, when I was marching with His Highness, the journey was long, and I often played chess with people in the car."

At that time, most of the people who played chess with him were Qiao Yang.

After one round, Wujue opened the car window and looked at the imposing cavalry outside the car, always thinking about the unknown fate in his heart.

The cavalry galloped on the wide official road paved with gravel and dust. The horse's hooves swept through the golden leaves on both sides of the road. The black military flag embroidered with the word "Chang" fluttered wantonly in the October autumn wind, like a soaring bird. It flapped its wings and flew towards the north.

Yesterday, after Chang Suining ordered to mobilize troops, dozens of flying cavalrymen in Jiangdu carried Chang Suining's order and sent the news to the states in Huainan Province.

A group of flying cavalry traveled along the Huai River and delivered this letter to Shouzhou, Guangzhou, and Shenzhou successively.

Upon hearing that Chang Suining personally led his troops to Luoyang, Shao Shantong, the governor of Guangzhou, stood up suddenly and almost overturned his chair.

Since your Excellency has gone to Luoyang, you cannot enter Beijing!

He had previously sent a letter to Jiangdu, asking when the Lord would enter the capital and what was the purpose? Isn't it just an accurate saying that adults don't want to go to Beijing?
If you go to Beijing at this time, your safety cannot be guaranteed, and you will be manipulated by the court. There is simply no prospect of rebellion!

It is a great thing not to go to Beijing, not to mention that you have sent troops to Luoyang...

It’s great to go to Luoyang!
The idea of ​​obeying the order but not obeying it is just a name. These days, everyone is fighting for territory. Whoever has the ability to lead his own soldiers to take the territory will belong to whom!

To put it another way, Luoyang is right there and King Fan Yang can take it, so why can’t his family take it?
Shao Shantong was so excited that he paced back and forth, holding the letter sent from Jiangdu. He felt like it was New Year's Day. After reading the contents of the letter, he immediately became excited and ordered a military deployment.

Fan Yang's army expanded its power along the way, and its strength exceeded 200,000. Chang Sui Ning ordered 100,000 troops from Jiangdu. It was not that she underestimated the enemy, but that she wanted to march in two directions. She led 100,000 troops on her own, marched north from Jiangdu, entered Henan Road, borrowed the road from the Bian River, and marched in the direction of Luoyang.

On the other side, they ordered Shouzhou, Guangzhou, and Shenzhou, which are located on the edge of Huainan Road, to gather 50,000 troops on the spot, and go north from Shenzhou to Luoyang - from Shenzhou to Luoyang, only 500 troops Li Yu, this is the nearest place from Luoyang to Luoyang for the Huainan Dao states to send troops.

"Your Excellency, we are marching from Henan Road to the east of Luoyang..." After Shao Shantong came to the army in person, he joined the army beside him and said: "We will lead 50,000 troops and horses directly into Duji Road, to the west of Luoyang... Then we can form a pincer attack with the adults!"

Regardless of whether it is the marching route of the adults or the marching route of their troops, they are all the most labor-saving marching methods from Luoyang. Such deployment can truly adapt to local conditions and ensure the greatest military speed. .

What is a man who is so good at using soldiers and so familiar with all marching routes, but a man chosen by heaven to rebel? Shao Shantong increasingly recognized his master's talent for rebellion, and even felt that if this talent could not be put to full use, it would be a waste of resources.

In the next two days, Guangzhou quickly gathered 30,000 troops, while Shouzhou and Shenzhou each divided 10,000 troops equally.

In this regard, Shao Shantong felt that he had foresight - he admitted that he had been a little presumptuous when he expanded his troops before, but didn't it come in handy soon?

Your Majesty needed to raise an army of fifty thousand, but he raised thirty thousand by himself. Such unyielding limelight has already made him stand out. When it comes to becoming your right-hand man in the future, who else can I compare with Shao Shan?

On the day of the ordering of troops, Shao Shantong stood on the ordering platform, wearing armor and sword, majestic and heroic, speaking in a high and steady manner, and personally beat the war drum to launch the troops.

As loud horns sounded, the army began to leave the camp. The formation was huge and the morale was high.

Shao Shantong reluctantly walked down the military platform. His attendants took off his sword and then took off his heavy headlock.

The governor cannot lead the troops out of Guangzhou in person. The leader is to join the army from Guangzhou——

As for why he couldn't lead troops to fight, the governor still wore armor and went to the military platform. Firstly, it was to boost morale, and secondly... probably just to have fun.

Others may not know it, but as the personal attendant of the governor, he knows very well that his master is a man with a strong addiction to rebellion.

He seriously suspected that the reason why Lord Jiedushi specifically stated in the letter that the governors of various states could not leave their posts without authorization was mainly aimed at the governor of Guangzhou.

Shao Shantong looked towards the direction where the army was leaving, his heart agitated for a long time and could not calm down.

There are two reasons why he wholeheartedly advocates rebellion. First, he has been dissatisfied with the current court for a long time, and he has a hidden ambition in his heart to let the sun and the moon change the sky.

Secondly, seeing that all the states were rebelling, he was really anxious. This feeling was like watching his classmates write furiously during the ten-year exam, but he couldn't hold back a single word... He Nowadays, every time I dream about this old scene, I am so anxious that I clench my legs and want to go to the toilet.

Rebellion is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. If you don't move, someone will knock on your door one day.

Now that he saw his own master knocking on someone else's door, Shao Shantong's anxiety was relieved a lot.

Looking in the direction of Luoyang City from a distance, Shao Shantong was filled with excitement, and there was a look of hope in his eyes as if he was hoping for his master to become a dragon - he was looking forward to it, but he only hoped that my master would succeed!

At the same time, after the cavalry led by Chang Sui Ning crossed the Huai River, they marched along the east side of the Bian River for more than two hundred miles.

Last night, when the army was resting, Yuan Xiang led a dusty soldier to Chang Suining.

When the soldier saw Chang Sui Ning, he knelt down, holding the letter in his hand, and begged in a hoarse voice: "...I beg Chang Jie's envoy to rush to Bianzhou to help!"

This soldier set out from Bianzhou. According to the original journey, it would take him at least two days to reach Jiangdu. He was anxious along the way, and he thought repeatedly that even if the Changjie envoy was willing to send troops to assist, Jiangdu's army would still need time to prepare... Bian The situation in the state is so critical, can it last until reinforcements arrive?

However, what greatly surprised him was that he actually met the Changjie Envoy's army head-on on the side of Bian River!
At first, the soldier even thought it was a hallucination caused by his sleepless journey, until he saw Chang Sui Ning with his own eyes.

Chang Suining took the letter from the soldier, which was a request for help written by Hu Min himself.

In the letter, Hu Lin mentioned the current situation of Bianzhou and Henan Province, and also expressed his determination not to surrender to King Fan Yang.

On the way here, Chang Suining had already heard about King Fan Yang's message to the states in Henan Province.

At this moment, she was holding Hu Lin's letter and looking forward: "The rebellious ministers and traitors actually deceived the owner of the Central Plains and tried to embezzle Henan Road——"

There was dissatisfaction in the girl's words, but Luo Guanlin, who was standing by, felt that the meaning behind her words was more like... Henan Road lacked a decent master.

Unbeknownst to others, Luo Guanlin knew that his master had more than one intention in choosing to borrow the Henan Road.

To use the original words of Chang Sui Ning that day under the jujube tree: "Henan Province has a vast land and abundant food. Even an upright person like me covets it. How could King Fan Yang let go of this nearby land?" What about the fat around your mouth? 】

Therefore, Chang Suining had anticipated the possibility that Fan Yang's army would encroach on Henan Road long before the troops were launched.

People in Henan Province have long been in turmoil. Following King Fan Yang's message, there are many people who secretly want to defect, and Xuzhou, which is adjacent to Bianshui River, is among them.

Chang Sui Ning's order to quell the rebellion was very public, but the news of mobilizing troops in Jiangdu was only five days ago. It took time for the news to reach Xuzhou. The Xuzhou governor only heard about it yesterday morning. thing--

When he first heard about it, the governor of Xuzhou's heart beat wildly, but he soon calmed down. It would take time for Jiangdu's army to march, and it would take time to prepare the horses, baggage, and food. It would take at least ten days to arrive...

A few days ago, a secret message came from King Fan Yang. The letter stated that Hu Lin, the governor of Bianzhou, seemed to have no intention of surrendering.

King Fan Yang then ordered Xuzhou to send troops to besiege Bianzhou from the rear. By then, the Bianzhou army's retreat was also blocked, and they had no choice but to surrender. In this way, Fan Yangjun could capture Bianzhou at the minimum cost.

After hearing the news that Jiangdu was preparing to mobilize troops, the governor of Xuzhou did not dare to neglect. In his opinion, the top priority was to capture Bianzhou before Chang Suining arrived!
Bianzhou is his only barrier between Xuzhou and Luoyang. As long as he gets through Bianzhou, he can join forces with Fan Yang's army in Luoyang. King Fan Yang's 200,000 troops are here, and then he doesn't have to worry about Chang Sui Ning coming. Got it!

The governor of Xuzhou thought this way, so he stepped up his troops and personally led his troops to Bianzhou early the next morning.

However, when he led his troops not far from the border of Xuzhou, he saw the scout in front turning back. In front of him, the scout climbed down from his horse and panicked as if he had seen a ghost: "My lord... it's not good." !”

Upon seeing this, the governor of Xuzhou was about to ask what was going on when the scout who was kneeling on the ground said: "Ahead... there is Jiangdu's army ahead, and the leader is none other than Chang Sui Ning!"

The governor of Xuzhou was horrified and said in disbelief: "How is this possible!"

What a fuss, he clearly heard the news that Jiangdu was planning to launch troops yesterday, how could it be possible that people were in front of his house today!

"I'm sure I'm not mistaken! I accidentally fell into their hands and was released by them..." The shadow on the scout's face did not disappear, and he said tremblingly: "Because Chang Sui Ning... she let the subordinate Come back next time and convey a message to the Lord..."

The governor of Xuzhou didn't care to explore anything else at this time and asked quickly: "...what did she say!"

A sincere update of 4300 words!

I recommend the new book Song of Thorns to everyone! "Sixth year after the disaster, I saved the farm by growing bean sprouts" - also known as "Huai Yu's Notes"!
Relaxing Healing Wind, don’t miss it if you pass by!

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