Chang'an is good

Chapter 539: When will Mr. Liu make progress

Chapter 539: When will Rokuro make progress (please vote for me)

Fan Yang's army suffered heavy casualties during its desperate retreat. Jiangdu cavalry pursued Fan Yang's army from behind until they chased Fan Yang's army thirty miles away. Bai Hong, who was responsible for leading the pursuit, ordered not to go any further.

"Commander, why don't you let the chase go?" A female soldier behind Shepard's Purse asked, "Wouldn't it be much easier if we could kill Duan Shiang in one fell swoop?"

Shepherd's Purse sat on the horse and turned to look at the female soldier.

The eighteen or nineteen-year-old female soldier was stronger than the average woman. There were several eye-catching scars on her blood-stained face.

This female soldier's name is Su Zhuo, who is from Yuezhou. Her father was the owner of a martial arts gym in Yuezhou City during his lifetime. The war and plague took away her family, and she was the only survivor.

After Su Zhuo's illness was cured in Mianzhou, he recommended himself to Shepherd's Purse and wanted to join Jiangdu's army.

Seeing that she had a resolute temperament, was proficient in riding and shooting, and had good skills, shepherd's purse brought her back to Jiangdu, and then she was assigned to Kang Zhi's staff.

At this moment, when Kang Zhi saw Su Zhuo asking this question, she was afraid that shepherd's purse might misunderstand what she meant, so she quickly raised her eyebrows and said, "Su Zhuo, I'll just do what you're told!"

While Kang Zhi was speaking, she quietly paid attention to shepherd's purse's expression with her peripheral vision, and continued: "It's completely dark. Not to mention that this place is only more than a hundred miles away from Luoyang. It's just that it's not far to the front and side. Passing through Zhengzhou! Zhengzhou has already surrendered to King Fan Yang. If they send troops to rescue Duan Shiang, how will we respond? "

Although she wants to catch up more than anyone else, now she understands that between wanting and not wanting to and what should and shouldn't be, the latter is more critical.

"Besides, our army of 20,000 troops galloped all the way to Bianzhou. We are already exhausted of men and horses, and the army is still in the rear. Where is the best time to pursue it in depth?"

Kang Zhi warned sternly: "When you are in the army, don't rush in!"

Su Zhuo, who was not familiar with the terrain here, said "yes" with some shame and lowered his head.

"Not bad." Shepherd's Purse smiled and nodded. When turning the horse's head, she praised Kang Zhi: "After picking up the beans, our Ani has really made great progress!"

Kang Zhi's eyes were filled with joy when she heard this, but she tried her best to hide it. She then turned her horse's head, raised her chin towards Su Zhuo, and said with bright eyes: "Let's go back to Bianzhou to report the victory!"

The night has become as dark as ink, but there are very few lights on in Bianzhou City. Most of the residential areas are dark, and no one dares to light a lamp.

Until the sound of horse hooves and gongs passed through the streets and alleys and reached the ears of the people who had not yet slept peacefully even though they had not lit the lamps. They went out of the house in the dark and hurriedly put their ears to the door of the small courtyard. They only heard someone repeating loudly. road--

"The Changjie Envoy from Jiangdu led his troops to help, and Fan Yang's rebel army has been repulsed!"

After listening several times with bated breath to make sure he heard correctly, someone suddenly pulled out the door latch, opened the courtyard door, walked quickly to the neighbor's door, banged on the door, and said in an excited voice: "It's General Ningyuan! The rebels are here. Has been killed!"

When the neighbor opened the courtyard door, an old woman holding a child cried with joy: "...General Ningyuan bless, General Ningyuan bless!"

Every time those voices reporting victory passed by, the lights in the city were lit up.

In the governor's mansion of Bianzhou, the lights have not been extinguished.

Mrs. Chen, the governor of Bianzhou, was waiting in the front hall with her children, anxiously waiting for the news.

Mrs. Chen already knew some general information, but as the world was in a state of turmoil, the news was too confusing. Ms. Chen did not dare to believe it without seeing Hu Lin's confidants.

When a familiar military official returned with his men, Mrs. Chen immediately came forward with her children.

It was a captain in the Bianzhou Army. He walked quickly into the hall and saluted Mrs. Chen. He was holding Hu Lin's cloak in his hand.

Seeing the cloak, Mrs. Chen, who had been breathing heavily, felt her eyes darken. She forced herself to support herself and asked: "Master Lang..."

The captain's armor was full of blood, and there were scars on his face and hands. At this moment, he gritted his teeth and said: "... Madam, I don't know that Fan Yang Duan Shi'ang is so vicious and despicable that he used the captured troops and people of Bianzhou as a threat to force the governor. Fight him alone!"

Mrs. Chen was shocked when she heard this and asked quickly: "Master Lang, has he agreed?!"

"The governor's righteousness, for the sake of the people of Bianzhou, I have to agree..."

Mrs. Chen's heart seemed to be as high as the sky. How could her father-in-law's little skill withstand Duan Shiang's attack?
Without waiting for Mrs. Chen to ask any more questions, the captain continued: "But don't worry, Madam -"

Chen's heart just dropped when he heard him say: "The Changjie Envoy has already avenged the governor!"

"..." Chen's anxious heart seemed to sink to the soles of her feet. She swayed and almost fainted.

"Mother!" Hu Baotong, Hu Lin's eldest daughter, hurriedly supported her mother.

Hu Min's son, who was in his early ten years, was already about to cry: "Then my father is now..."

Just when he was about to ask "Where is the body?", he heard the captain say hurriedly: "The governor's injury is too serious and it is not suitable to move. The doctors are still treating him!"

Chen's eyelids trembled, and he looked at the captain, his lips moved, and he almost lost his breath.

This man spoke...even though he never cut off the beginning and the end, he couldn't just talk about the beginning and the end!
But seeing that this person was seriously injured, and had just fought such a battle, his mind must be in chaos, so Chen didn't say much. After asking where Hu Lin was placed for treatment, she immediately took him with her The children rushed over.

Hurrying to the place where wounded soldiers were placed in the city, Chen met Chang Sui Ning first.

Without saying anything, Ms. Chen took her children and knelt down and gave a grand salute.

"If the special envoy arrived in time today, the safety of Bianzhou and my husband would not be safe..." Mrs. Chen kowtowed with tears in her eyes: "The great kindness of the regular envoy will be unforgettable by everyone in Bianzhou!"

Chang Suining helped him up.

Mrs. Chen's tears fell again and again, and she asked each of her children to thank Chang Suining individually.

Xiao Qi of the Hu family also kowtowed with tears in her eyes. When she raised her head, she looked at the man in black robes and silver armor through the big tears in her eyes. She felt that his whole body was glowing with brilliance, which made her feel in awe. Although she was in awe at the moment. I still don’t know what awe is.

Mrs. Chen took her children and thanked Chang Suining, and then started talking to Chang Suining.

The maid who followed was a little anxious, didn't she see that the master was coming... Why did she think that the lady had completely forgotten about the master as soon as she saw the Changjie envoy?
Mrs. Chen spent a quarter of an hour talking to Chang Suining. This was the result of her efforts to compress Chang Suining's time, considering not to take up too much of Chang Suining's time.

Guided by a soldier, Chen quickly met Hu Min.

After all, Hu Lin was the governor of Bianzhou. He was placed alone in a room with two servants guarding him.

The small room was filled with the smell of blood and medicine.

Hu Lin's injuries had been treated, and she had been in a coma. Now she barely woke up and was lying on the couch unable to move.

On the way here, Mrs. Chen had heard from the doctor that Hu Lin was out of danger due to timely treatment.

After the two servants exited, Ms. Chen looked at her husband, who had been bandaged in dozens of places. Not a single part of his body was intact. She couldn't help but stand by the bed with tears in her eyes for a long time.

After a moment, she turned her head and told the maid in a mute voice: "Let Baotong, Xiaoqi and the others wait outside, and don't come in... so as not to be scared."

The maid responded softly and withdrew.

"My husband's ugly appearance must have frightened my wife..." Hu Lin said in a weak voice.

Mrs. Chen looked over and smiled with tears in her eyes: "Ugly, but not ugly. You are more handsome than you have ever been... How can such a heroic person not be handsome?"

The corners of Hu Lin's mouth moved with difficulty, as if she wanted to smile, but she couldn't make a clear expression.

Mrs. Chen sat down by the bed and gently held Hu Lin's hand.

Hu Lin spoke slowly and said: "Changjie makes her..."

Mrs. Chen patted his hand lightly: "Don't worry, I have already said thank you to Ambassador Chang Jie." Hu Lin nodded slightly, but what he wanted to say was: "I was thinking just now, Ambassador Chang Jie So... being able to get to Bianzhou so quickly, I’m afraid it’s really..."

"You really have our Bianzhou in mind!" Mrs. Chen snatched the words back and said with emotion: "And the Changjie envoy must have expected that Fan Yangjun would attack our Henan Province, so he was well prepared. What is this? Foresight."

Hu Lin: "..."

In short, there is no mention of Chang Jiushi's ambition, right?

However, how can we say that the lady is not telling the truth.

It is an indisputable fact that Changjie envoy saved Bianzhou.

"Master Lang, no matter what happens from now on, let's just follow Chang Jie Envoy..." Chen said: "In my opinion, following Chang Jie Envoy well is better than anything else."

Hu Lin smiled and said weakly: "Okay...just listen to Madam."

When he knelt down and kowtowed today, he had already made the same decision in his heart.

Just now, he deliberately mentioned that Chang Sui Ning had long wanted to launch an army, not to criticize anything. He just wanted to say that if she really had the intention, then...he, Hu Ming, would be bold enough to recognize this new master for Bianzhou.

"I heard just now that Changjie envoy seriously injured Duan Shi'ang, which can be considered as revenge for you today." Mrs. Chen looked at the injuries on her husband's body: "One injury for another, your injuries are worth it. ”

"..." Hu Lin just wanted to smile bitterly.

Next, he listened to his wife talk about Chang Jiushi very much, and she asked him a few questions from time to time.

Seeing that his wife finally said she was tired, Hu Lin gathered some strength and said, "Today at the city gate, Duan Shiang and I..."

"Master Lang." Mrs. Chen gently pressed her hand on her husband's mouth and said disapprovingly: "Master Lang is seriously injured. Please don't speak more."

Hu Lin: "..."

So it's OK to just keep quiet, but if he says something else you should suggest him to shut up?

Outside the house, A Dian, who was busy following Qiao Yumian, passed by carrying a basin of blood. When he saw Hu Lin's two sons, his eyes lit up: "Brother, we meet again!"

"General Dian!" The two boys were very excited to see A Dian and ran over quickly.

Seeing his little friend, A Dian stopped caring about his work. He held the copper basin in his hands and began to chatter.

Qiao Yumian came out of the room nearby. Seeing this scene, she smiled and did not call A Dian over again.

Qiao Yumian had been busy for most of the day, and now she took a break. She stood on the porch and wiped the sweat from her forehead with a cotton towel. A gust of wind blew, making her whole body feel cold.

Qiao Yumian hugged her hands behind her back and rubbed her arms gently, but her eyes were looking towards Luoyang City to the west.

Before leaving Jiangdu, she had already learned from Chang Suining that Cui Lang had fallen into the hands of Fan Yangjun.

Then he must be in Luoyang at this time, right?

Is he okay? I don’t know what the situation is?
Qiao Yumian was briefly absent-minded when she heard someone shout "Doctor Qiao" and hurriedly walked over.

This night, Bianzhou City was brightly lit and sleepless all night.

The corpses outside the city have been counted and processed. In this battle to defend the city, Bianzhou lost more than a thousand defenders. Most of them were from Bianzhou people, but this time they left their mark forever in such a heroic way. On this homeland.

When the soldiers were about to wash away the blood stains on the tower, heavy rain suddenly fell from the sky that had been dark for a long time.

In the eyes of countless Bianzhou people, this seems to be the lament and mercy of God.

When the sky first dawned, many people held umbrellas in the rain and spontaneously came to the tower to express their condolences.

Some scholars slowly poured the jugs of sake they brought onto the ground to comfort the spirits.

After daybreak, the losses of Fan Yang's army in this battle were also counted. Fan Yang's army suffered heavy casualties during this trip. 50,000 soldiers left Luoyang. When they retreated, only 20,000 were left. These 20,000 also included many wounded soldiers.

In addition to the casualties, there are another 5,000 prisoners of Fan Yang's army being held in Bianzhou at this time.

The Bianzhou prisoners that Duan Shiang used to coerce Hu Lin were also rescued during the chaos.

This battle was Fan Yang's army's biggest defeat since the uprising and its move south.

What made Fan Yang Wang Li Fu even more worried was that Duan Shiang was seriously injured.

Although the gun head has been taken out, a group of doctors implicitly said that the gun penetrated the bone and broke the tendon, and it was still unknown whether it could be recovered later.

Moreover, Duan Shiang fell into a coma due to high fever and has not yet woken up.

King Fan Yang was no longer in the mood to entertain Mei Ji with a warm bath. He would ask almost every hour: "Is Shi'ang awake?"

Worried that the news that Duan Shiang was seriously injured and unconscious would further affect the morale of the army, the anxious King Fan Yang kept it secret.

But Cui Lang soon found out about it.

He was very good at socializing with people. He seemed to be doing nothing during these days and only cared about eating, drinking and having fun, but he had made a lot of friends invisibly.

After learning about this, Cui Lang looked worried on the spot. After sighing for a while with the guard, he returned to his residence and showed excitement.

This time Fan Yang's army attacked Bianzhou and failed to steal the chicken but lost the rice. Even Duan Shiang was seriously injured and couldn't wake up!
Moreover, the person who seriously injured Duan Shiang was no one else but his master!

His master is in Bianzhou right now!

"Let's go out!" As soon as Cui Lang came back, he asked the tribesmen to go out to have a drink.

Although they cannot leave Luoyang City, and they are monitored and followed in the name of guards when they come and go, their movements in Luoyang City are not restricted.

Cui Lang planned to go out for a walk and try his "luck".

Seeing Cui Lang's expression, the Cui clan members lowered their voices and asked, "Liu Lang, what good thing happened?"

"Let me count..." Cui Lang also lowered his voice and said mysteriously: "The prince of the capital is getting married tomorrow."

"..." The Cui clan members were speechless.

Cui Chen, who was in better health, sighed helplessly, with the worry of a wise man hidden in his eyes - when will Liulang make some progress.

That day, Cui Lang and his clan members were listening to music and eating wine in a restaurant in Luoyang City, which was very cool.

At the same moment, even though people in the capital were panicking, preparations were still being made everywhere for the prince's wedding tomorrow.

However, what is worrying is that on the eve of the wedding, Prince Li Zhi fell ill.


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