Chang'an is good

Chapter 546 Sharper than the Blade

Chapter 546 Sharper than the Blade

The letter paper unfolded by King Fan Yang was very large and had to be folded repeatedly before it could be stuffed into the envelope. After unfolding, it could be seen that there were dense writings on it——

The most important thing is that the handwriting and content are very familiar...

Realizing that King Fan Yang quickly realized that this letter was none other than the one he wrote to Chang Sui Ning... but now she sent it back intact!

No, it can’t be said to be intact...

King Fan Yang held his hand to the end of the letter and soon discovered that there were a few more lines of writing there.

Those few lines of handwriting are thin and powerful, and the pen is sharp. Although there are not many words, they seem to have a coercive air. Before the content is clearly seen, it gives people the feeling of instructions from top to bottom——

King Fan Yang looked at it carefully and saw the following words: "If you sincerely surrender, there is no need to waste so much time on words and ink. You only need to hold your head high as a knight to present it, and I can forget the past -"

King Fan Yang was so unbelievable that he even read it several times. After finally confirming that he was not wrong, he trembled his lips and said: "...This little girl is really arrogant!"

He wrote to persuade the other party to submit, but the other party actually asked him to submit!
He also wants him to kill Shiang!
This request is simply whimsical, unbelievable, and contrary to Tiangang!

King Fan Yang thought he had a good temper, but at this moment he felt very humiliated. Just as he was wishing he could crumple up the letter and throw it into the brazier, he realized that he had missed two lines and had not finished reading them. He became even more angry.

[This promise lasts for half a month, and we will not wait until it expires. 】

At the end, he said: "These are words of sincerity, and I will offer my sincerity later." 】

"...What did she mean?" King Fan Yang stared closely at the last word, feeling uneasy before he could get angry.

King Fan Yang handed this letter to his staff. Everyone was passing it around with different expressions when they suddenly heard an urgent report coming back from outside.

"My lord... Xingyang and Zhengzhou have fallen into the hands of Chang Sui Ning!"

King Fan Yang's small eyes suddenly stared: "...Chang Sui Ning launched an army? When did it happen? Why didn't she find out the slightest bit of news!"

The soldier who came to report the news looked panicked, but also complicated in a different way: "His Majesty, Chang Sui Ning has never sent troops!"

There was an uproar among the staff. How did they capture Xingyang and Zhengzhou without using troops? !
The soldiers will soon pass the general statement.

The incident begins in the Xingyang military camp——

Xingyang is now under the jurisdiction of Zhengzhou, and the Zhengzhou military camp is stationed not far outside Xingyang. Recently, under Duan Shiang's instructions, the army has been conducting drills every day.

Yesterday afternoon, Zhengzhou joined the army to personally train soldiers. When he was sparring with a young captain, he was shot through the throat by the twenty-year-old captain.

No one expected that the lieutenant colonel of the army would take advantage of the opportunity of training and discussion to publicly kill the soldier who was in charge of the troops of a state!

When Duan Shiang approached Luoyang, the court ordered Bianzhou, Zhengzhou and Xuzhou to lead troops to support him. Later, except Bianzhou, Zhengzhou and Xuzhou successively defected to King Fan Yang. This Zhengzhou soldier and Zhengzhou governor were the first to rebel.

Even so, Duan Shiang still added his own manpower to the Zhengzhou Army in order to better control the Zhengzhou Army. So now, among the 20,000 Zhengzhou troops, there are thousands of Fan Yang troops supervising them, and most of them hold actual positions.

Therefore, when King Fan Yang heard this, he still couldn't understand. Even if Zhengzhou joined the army and was killed, what would happen? Aren't there still people from Shi'ang controlling the situation? Are you still afraid that you can't kill the captain to set an example and stabilize people's hearts?
"...After the famous captain raised his arms, almost all the Zhengzhou troops rebelled!" The soldier who reported the news said: "Not only that, even the people of Xingyang followed suit!"

Under such a large-scale reaction, their more than a thousand Fan Yang troops were not enough to watch. Those who were killed were killed, and those who were captured were captured. They were not even able to deliver the news to Xingyang immediately.

"I'm afraid this was premeditated..." King Fan Yang was shocked: "Where did that captain come from? Why can he incite people to this extent!"

The captain had no background. Although he had a small prestige in the army, he was by no means able to command the entire army——

It's just that when he killed Zhengzhou and joined the army and shouted loudly, he said that he was surrendering to the regular envoy.

When these words were spoken, people immediately echoed and followed him, both in the army and among the people.

After hearing this, when King Fan Yang still felt incredible, one of his staff suddenly said: "...The prince may not know something. Last spring, Chang Sui Ning prayed for the people when the Heluo land was hit by floods. It is said that he also prayed for blessings for the people. The people of Xingyang once gave it to me as a gift of the Ten Thousand People Umbrella!"

That prayer was so popular that the people in the area almost said that Chang Sui Ning was the goddess who came to the world.

The turmoil in Xingyang was indeed fueled by personnel arranged by Chang Suining in advance, but the people's will was not fake.

Before the news spread, the lieutenant hurried to the city of Zhengzhou under the pretense of reporting military news. When he met with the Zhengzhou governor, he took the life of the Zhengzhou governor unprepared.

Soldiers from the rear followed and poured into the city, quickly taking control of Zhengzhou City.

The captain held the head of the governor of Zhengzhou and stood on the Zhengzhou city tower. He ordered people to rush to Bianzhou to welcome the envoys of Changjie into the city.

Chang Sui Ning received this news and invited him, so he just led his troops to Zhengzhou.

On the way, Luo Guanlin sent someone to send the prepared message to Xuzhou, located south of Zhengzhou.

The governor of Xuzhou had just heard that such changes had taken place in Zhengzhou, and before he could fully understand the causes and consequences, he suddenly saw this memorandum coming to his door. When he read it, his fingers were trembling.

The message was even very brief, but every word was like a knife cutting into his throat.

It said that if he took the initiative to return to Xuzhou, there would still be a glimmer of hope.

And if he ever asks Duan Shiang for help, he will be killed without mercy.

The governor of Xuzhou was sweating profusely. He gritted his teeth for a moment and raised his hand to his attendant.

The man immediately drew his sword and stepped forward, leading his men to surround and kill several Fan Yangjun who were about to send a message to Duan Shiang.

Then, the governor of Xuzhou sent people to the army to convey a secret order: "Quickly control Duan Shiang's people...kill all those who resist!"

He also ordered: "Close the city gate tightly! No one is allowed to open it without my order!"


As the orders were passed on one after another, the governor of Xuzhou was covered in cold sweat and sat back in his chair holding the letter.

It’s okay to say that he has no backbone for his vacillating stance... How many people in this world today are not forced to move forward by the knife of the situation?
Xuzhou is close to the south of Luoyang. At that time, Fan Yang's army was approaching fiercely. Seeing that Zhengzhou had surrendered, if he persisted in resisting, Xuzhou would be dead!
Choosing to submit to King Fan Yang is really an act of choice...

During these days, Duan Shiang forcibly recruited soldiers and food in Xuzhou, and even forcibly took away women from good families and sent them to Fan Yang's army. The people of Xuzhou were already miserable. Fan Yangjun's behavior is really difficult to win people's hearts. Although he dares to be angry and dare not speak out, he cannot really convince King Fan Yang. He is just living in an ignoble way.

Under such premise, seeing that the situation in Xuzhou has changed at this time... As the governor of Xuzhou, does he still need to hesitate too much? If you don't give way to Chang Sui Ning, are you going to defend Xuzhou for King Fan Yang?
Anyway, your dignity has been gone for a long time, but you have to keep your life!
The governor of Xuzhou closed his eyes with despair and had no intention of resisting at all. He was just waiting for Chang Sui Ning to lead his troops to take back Xuzhou.

Chang Sui Ning never came to Xuzhou in person, so he only asked Bai Hong and Shepherd's Purse to come with 20,000 troops.

The governor of Xuzhou tried his best to delay the news. By the time Duan Shiang learned of the news and came with his troops, Xuzhou had already changed hands.

When Chang Suining led his troops into Zhengzhou, countless people from Xingyang lined the streets to greet him.

The gate of Zhengzhou city slowly opened, and Chang Suining entered with his light horse.

"I've seen the Changjiang Envoy!"

The young captain, whose body was stained with blood, clasped his fists and saluted in front of Chang Sui Ningma.

Chang Suining already knew that it was this man who killed Zhengzhou Junjun and Zhengzhou Governor, but he never thought that he was so young.

Chang Suining held the reins and asked with a smile: "What is your name?"

The young captain then raised his head, with bright eyes on his dark face: "Hui Changjie Envoy, my subordinate's surname is Zhu and his given name is Chengzhou! When Changjie Envoy prayed in Xingyang last year, there were also people on the Wanmin Umbrella. My wife’s needlework!”

Wish you a happy week.

Chang Suining nodded with a smile, wrote down the name, and said to him: "Lead the way."

"Yes!" Zhu Chengzhou took his horse and climbed on its back with excitement.

Behind him, Luo Guanlin, who was wearing a long gown and half-hiding his face with a mask, was sitting in a carriage. The bamboo curtain of the carriage was rolled up, and the scene in front of him could be seen at a glance, including the excitement and excitement of the people everywhere.

Luo Guanlin sighed silently.

Recovering two cities in two days without wasting a single soldier is undoubtedly an achievement worthy of praise.

Before entering the city, Chang Suining once told him that the success of this trip lay in his strategy.

But Luo Guanlin could not recognize this contribution.

This time, he used the opportunity to launch a mutiny within the Xingyang army, set the overall situation in Zhengzhou when Fan Yang's army was unprepared, and then used the situation in Zhengzhou to intimidate Xuzhou. This matter sounded strange, but in Luo Guanlin's view, the strange thing was not his. It’s not about strategy, but about the people’s hearts here.

All strategies and calculations must be based on human nature and the hearts of the people, and the hearts of the people here are destined that although Xingyang and Zhengzhou are the lost lands of the imperial court, they are not the lost lands of Chang Sui Ning... The map of the hearts of the people here has long been in her hands, and she If you want to get it, it will definitely be effortless.

Luo Guanlin was sitting cross-legged in the car, looking at the green figure on the horse in front of him, a smile slowly appeared in his eyes. In that smile, there was a look of pride that had never appeared on him before.

When Chang Sui Ning dismounted in front of the governor's office in Zhengzhou, Zhu Chengzhou stepped forward quickly, squeezed past the soldiers who came forward to hold the horse, and took the reins of Chang Sui Ning's horse with both hands.

The moment he held the reins, Zhu Chengzhou was excited, more excited than when he killed Zhengzhou Junjun and the governor combined.

You know, after he returns home, if he tells his mother-in-law that he killed the soldiers and governors of Zhengzhou, her mother-in-law will certainly exclaim, "My dear boy is here"——

But if he told his mother-in-law that he had led the horse for Changjie Envoy, she would definitely hold his shoulders with tears in her eyes, and would pull him to kowtow and burn incense to his ancestors, and show his glory to his ancestors. He told his ancestors about his actions and cooked a table of delicious dishes for him! And while he was eating, his mother-in-law would definitely visit the house with a bowl in hand, tell all the neighbors about this, and receive the envious and jealous eyes.

When Zhu Chengzhou thought of this, he became more and more excited. He looked at Gui Qi with particularly eager eyes. He rubbed Gui Qi's neck fiercely, wishing he could lie down and kiss her again.

Guiqi shook his head in disgust and snorted water vapor.

Chang Suining stepped into the gate of Zhengzhou Governor's Mansion, and the soldiers and government officials on the left and right saluted.

Kang Zhi followed Chang Suining, looking at the figures kneeling and saluting all the way. The trace of regret in her heart for not being able to draw the sword was strangely diluted.

She has always been warlike and wholeheartedly advocates making achievements on the battlefield. She feels like she has missed a lot every time she misses a battle.

But at this moment, looking at those people who greeted them with sincere expressions of sincerity, Kang Zhi realized for the first time that there are weapons in this world that are far sharper than blades. They don't have to kill people, but they can also cause harm wherever they go. Thousands of people prostrated.

Kang Zhi clenched the knife in her hand and stared intently at the cyan back in front of her. She felt her heartbeat in her chest became inexplicably more intense, her eyes became inexplicably hot, her steps became longer and longer, and her spine became straighter.

Compared with Zhengzhou, the atmosphere in Luoyang city is completely different.

Losing Zhengzhou and Xuzhou in this way was a great shame and humiliation for Duan Shiang.

Soon, he heard the news that Chang Suining had deployed troops in Zhengzhou and Xuzhou respectively.

Bianzhou and Zhengzhou are to the east of Luoyang, Xuzhou is adjacent to the south of Luoyang, and there are also soldiers and horses from Huainan Road stationed a hundred miles west of Luoyang... If Chang Suining's military deployment was just to attack Luoyang in the past, now it has become a flanking attack on Luoyang. Luoyang is under siege!

This is the situation Duan Shiang least wanted to see before. The narrowing of the strategic scope undoubtedly means that Fan Yangjun's situation is becoming more and more passive.

Duan Shiang tried to break this passivity. He intended to unite the forces of the Henan provinces that had previously expressed their intention to follow Fan Yang's army, and let them raid from the rear of Bianzhou to disrupt Chang Suining's deployment... However, all the news channels were blocked by Chang Suining. Cut off, no one Duan Shiang sent out to deliver the message survived.

As everyone knows, even if Chang Suining had not taken action to cut off Duan Shiang's news exchange with the Henan Province states behind him, those people no longer had the courage to follow Duan Shiang's arrangements.

The governor of Xuzhou still stayed behind closed doors and did not dare to come out. Chang Suining had previously released the news that he had been executed. He was very angry about the rumors, but he did not dare to come forward to refute the rumors. He was afraid that the day he refuted the rumors would be the day the rumors came true.

In addition to Xuzhou, Chang Suining has sent counselors to "visit" the governors' houses in Henan Province.

Now those counselors have traveled through most of the territory of Henan Province one after another, and have not yet encountered anyone who is as tough as iron. In the words they passed back: wherever they go, the governors of various states are all polite and considerate, treat each other warmly, and call them " People feel warm.

Although they were warm-hearted, it was equivalent to completely cutting off Duan Shiang's possibility of using the troops behind Henan Road to act.

Duan Shi'ang ignored his injuries and personally led his troops to attack Zhengzhou. However, Chang Suining just closed the city and defended it, never went out to fight, and seemed to have no intention of actively attacking Luoyang.

Duan Shiang failed to attack Zhengzhou twice, but instead consumed his troops and dampened the morale of the army.

Under such pressure, unprecedented differences gradually emerged between Duan Shiang and King Fan Yang.

(Before good night, I would like to recommend to you my good sister's new book "Sixth Year After the Disaster, I Saved a Farm by Sprouting Bean Sprouts"

Author: Song of Thorns
Warm and healing farming article!
Already on the shelves, updates guaranteed!

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