Chang'an is good

Chapter 550: Reckless and Arrogant Capital

Chapter 550: Reckless and Arrogant Capital

After King Fan Yang stood firm, he ordered the guards to clean up Duan Shiang's body and the blood stains in the tent as soon as possible.

The doctor who was hit by a short arrow in the back knelt down tremblingly. The reason why he didn't fall down at this moment was because he wore two more clothes and had animal skins sewn on his chest and back. There was nothing he could do. In troubled times, be prepared for any danger. When you go out, your life is given by yourself. If you don't worry about it, who can worry about it for you?

King Fan Yang walked up to the doctor with frivolous steps, and said with gratitude in his uneven breathing tone: "Mr. Xia, thanks to you today..."

"The villain is incompetent..." Xia Langzhong kowtowed and trembled: "I missed my hand when applying the acupuncture, causing the prince to do it himself, and even hurt the prince!"

In the most successful plan, he should have taken the last shot to end Duan Shiang's life.

King Fan Yang indicated that he did not need to blame himself: "That's good, you don't specialize in killing people..."

"Neither do I." King Fan Yang said with emotion: "Together we can't match the skills of a three-legged cat...otherwise we won't be able to get close to him."

There is no doubt about Duan Shiang's vigilance. If he let a professional killer do this, he would have no chance of winning.

"Get up, I will have your family released later."

"Yes... thank you, Your Majesty, thank you, Your Majesty!" Xia Langzhong kowtowed twice more, and was actually a little moved. These days, there are not many people who keep their word.

King Fan Yang not only kept his promise, but also gave a piece of advice: "There will be wars in Luoyang and outside Luoyang soon. It is best for you to take your family and stay away to avoid the limelight first."

After people sent Xia Langzhong away, King Fan Yang also hurriedly left the military camp - killing Duan Shiang was only the first step. After killing him, he had to run away quickly. The army was Duan Shiang's territory. Once discovered by Duan Shiang's subordinates, everyone would A slash of the sword can slice him into pork breasts!

Before King Fan Yang left, he asked a guard who was similar in stature to Duan Shiang to put on Duan Shiang's armor and cloak, and also faked an injury to his right arm. Taking advantage of the darkening sky, the army had not had time to fire everywhere. When all the lights were lit, he briefly appeared in front of people.

This created the illusion that Duan Shiang still appeared in the army after King Fan Yang left, misleading the generals who were looking for Duan Shiang, and invisibly delaying King Fan Yang for some time.

After leaving the military camp, King Fan Yang asked people to drive the carriage very quickly.

The carriage was galloping so fast that all the fat on King Fan Yang's body trembled.

As soon as the carriages and horses entered the city, King Fan Yang immediately had the city gate closed and ordered: "No one is allowed to open the city gate without my order tonight!"

After returning to the palace garden, King Fan Yang ordered the palace door to be closed tightly. Only then did he feel that he finally felt more at ease - at least for the time being, he no longer had to worry about being sliced ​​into pork belly.

Afterwards, King Fan Yang called all the available people over and hurriedly gave orders one after another.

In the army, the generals of Fan Yang's army, led by Mei Yi, noticed something strange because they could not find Duan Shi'ang for a long time.

Mei Yi personally led people to break into King Fan Yang's tent to inspect. Trespassing was not allowed here, but Mei Yi had a bad premonition and couldn't care so much anymore.

King Fan Yang left in a hurry, and the blood stains in the tent could not be completely removed. Mei Yi soon discovered the blood stains under the low table, and his expression suddenly changed, and the premonition became more and more bad.

At this time, someone came quickly to report that it was King Fan Yang who ordered to cancel tonight's raid plan.

Not only that, King Fan Yang also ordered the army to break camp immediately and set off north to return to Fan Yang!
The army was in an uproar because of these two orders, and due to the delay in seeing Duan Shiang come forward to take charge of the overall situation, speculations abounded, causing people's hearts to wander.

After urgent discussion, Mei Yi and others ordered the army to stand by and not move without permission.

After explaining what was going on in the army, Mei Yi galloped up and led the people towards Luoyang City.

King Fan Yang's idea was very clear, just one word: run.

As for presenting her with Duan Shi'ang's head as approved by Chang Sui Ning Xin, as a sign of surrender... King Fan Yang also considered it, but ultimately rejected the idea.

First, he considered that his rebellious behavior was too bad. Even if Chang Sui Ning did not kill him, the court would definitely not be able to spare his life. The empress would definitely kill him without hesitation, even if it was just to scare the princes from all over the world. .

Secondly, now that he is free from Duan Shiang's threat and control, he still has a glimmer of hope... Since he still has a chance to escape, who would be willing to send him as a prisoner? He doesn't have a mean temper.

King Fan Yang anxiously waited for news from everywhere.

He knew very well how many pounds he had, and he had no illusions that he could really take away all the soldiers and generals with just one order. Orders were given. How many people were willing to follow him had to wait for news from the army.

King Fan Yang's psychological expectation is that 50,000 horses can escort him back to Fan Yang safely. As for being an emperor, he no longer thinks about it... This world is very insidious, and Duan Shi'ang, who accompanied him all the way to Luoyang, was He was a member of King Rong, and he raised his sword to kill Duan Shiang. He was purely used by Chang Suining. He knew he was being used, but he had to do it!
Each of these people's hearts are more dirty than the last, their methods are more ruthless, and their minds are more and more secretive... He'd better go back to Fan Yang!

The key to running away is to be quick. Before the news of Duan Shiang's death reached Chang Suining's ears, he had to run quickly - if possible, it would be best to leave at dawn!
You don’t need to bring too much baggage, food and other supplies. Anyway, those cities that were conquered all the way to the north are guarded by Fan Yang’s army. They are still his territory for the time being. There is no need to worry about the supply of food and grass on the way...

But when you come to Luoyang, you can't come back empty-handed. You have to take something with you, so King Fan Yang said: "Take all the beauties who have been serving me with you!"

There's nothing he can do about it, he's such a person, he values ​​feelings and is compassionate.

So when he started the rebellion, in order not to put his wives, concubines, and daughters at risk, he left them all in Fan Yang, and only brought his eldest son with him.

King Fan Yang thinks highly of himself in this regard.

At this time, a soldier ran in quickly.

King Fan Yang hurriedly asked: "But is there any news from the army?"

But the soldier said: "Your Majesty, General Mei Yi wants to see you!"

King Fan Yang's mind buzzed: "How did they enter the city, and how did they enter the palace!"

Didn’t he order the doors to be closed?

"I have the warrant from General Duan, no one dares to stop me along the way..."

King Fan Yang had a complicated look on his face when he heard this: "After all, this king cannot compare to this kind of deterrence..."

Fortunately, he killed the person, which was really the right thing to do.

As soon as King Fan Yang finished speaking, Mei Yi and others, holding Duan Shiang's warrant, rushed over.

Seeing that the guards of Prince Fan Yang's palace who were guarding outside the hall were about to draw their swords to stop them, Prince Fan Yang quickly stopped them and did not let them use their swords without permission. Instead, he silently signaled to a close associate beside him to retreat. Mei Yi and others strode into the hall with a cold breeze in his brows and eyes: "May I ask your lord, where is the general?"

King Fan Yang looked confused: "Shiang...isn't in the army?"

"Why does the prince ask questions knowingly?" Mei Yi's tone was not polite, with only a hint of forbearance that he could barely maintain: "If the general is still in the army, why does the prince, who never pays attention to the affairs of the army, order the cancellation of the night attack on the general's behalf? , and order the army to return north!"

Seeing that King Fan Yang was speechless, Mei Yi held the sword on his waist and said word by word: "Where is the general, please give me an explanation!"

King Fan Yang sighed softly and said in a hoarse voice: "Shiang is dead."

Mei Yi and others looked horrified, so frightened and angry that they almost drew their swords one after another.

Mei Yi raised his sword and pointed it at King Fan Yang, with veins popping out on his forehead: "...In order to withdraw troops from Luoyang, the prince actually killed the general?!"

On the way here, he hadn't thought about this possibility, but he couldn't believe it... He couldn't believe that King Fan Yang, a loser, had the ability to kill the general in the army, and he succeeded!
"Shi'ang's true allegiance is to Prince Rong's Mansion in Yizhou. That's why he acted in such a way that he ignored the lives of the generals and insisted on staying in Luoyang..." King Fan Yang said sadly: "I have no choice but to kill him. I have to serve in the army." The lieutenants are thinking."

After saying this, the four lieutenants had different expressions, and some of them were angry: "Li Fu, you killed the general, and you still made up such a ridiculous reason!"

With that said, he raised his sword and started to kill Li Fu.

The guards on the left and right sides of King Fan Yang immediately rushed forward.

Guards soon came outside the hall with swords drawn to kill him.

In the chaos, King Fan Yang was protected and retreated from here.

Mei Yi and others did not come alone, they brought a thousand elite soldiers. After the news here spread, fighting quickly broke out in the palace.

"Close the palace door tightly, leaving no one behind!" A general beside King Fan Yang ordered.

At this point, King Fan Yang simply asked people to spread the news of Duan Shiang's death to the army, in order to win people's hearts for himself.

Blood splattered in the palace garden, and the sound of fighting could be heard everywhere. King Fan Yang hid in the back hall. When he was anxious, he suddenly heard a roar exploding from the night sky.

In the corridor, King Fan Yang quickly looked up and saw a cluster of fireworks blooming in the night.

King Fan Yang was stunned at first. He was killing people here. Who wouldn't open his eyes and set off fireworks at this time to join in the fun?
When the second firework exploded, King Fan Yang was horrified and shocked - it was broken!
Fireworks have only appeared in Dasheng for more than ten years, but King Fan Yang has vaguely heard of them, and they have the function of conveying messages!

Who is delivering the message? Who is the message being conveyed to?
The sound of fireworks did not stop, one after another, and King Fan Yang took a closer look and found that the fireworks were gradually moving to the east in an orderly manner... To the east, Zhengzhou!

Chang Sui Ning!
King Fan Yang's eyes widened suddenly, and he felt that the sparks from the fireworks had burned his eyebrows, and confusion and confusion appeared in his heart along with the anxiety.

Through Cui Lang's incident, he had naturally guessed that there must be Chang Suining's spy in Luoyang City. He also tried to have Cui Lang interrogated, trying to find out the location of Chang Suining's spy, and the person responsible for the interrogation was that The old chamberlain holding the knife to cut off one's descendants——

The knife came close to Cui Lang's crotch several times, and Cui Lang fainted from fright several times. After being thrown awake, his first words were always crying: "...the news came here with flying arrows, I've never seen anyone before, and I have no idea what they look like! 】

After being pressed like this, King Fan Yang reluctantly believed him as he refused to change his story many times.

But right now... he just wants to castrate that Cui boy himself!
With such a closely coordinated and orderly operation, Chang Sui Ning obviously has more than one spy in Luoyang!
But he had just killed Duan Shiang, and the news hadn't even spread among the army yet. How did her informants judge it?
The sound of fighting that lingered in his ears gave King Fan Yang the answer - it was probably the news that Mei Yi and others suddenly led troops into the city, and Chang Suining's people saw it!
Therefore, the eyes she placed in Luoyang City are not only numerous and bright enough, they are also very good at judging the situation!
King Fan Yang, who suddenly felt that his whole body had been pierced by these eyes, was about to cry because of how sinister the world was - Chang Sui Ning Tonggong had only been in Bianzhou for less than a month, when did she plant these eyes? ? Are these methods really reasonable?

Against such a person, this battle is impossible to fight!

King Fan Yang did not dare to wait until dawn to set off. He hurried out of the corridor and urged: "Quickly deal with Mei Yi and those people! We have to leave quickly, Chang Suining is coming!"

When he said "Chang Sui Ning is coming", his voice was trembling, which was no less than the natural fear of the common people about "Tengu is coming to eat the moon".

This atmosphere was similar to the approaching Tengu, which made people around Li Fu panic and hurriedly ran away to make arrangements for departure.

The sound of fighting in the palace and garden continued, and fireworks roared from time to time inside and outside Luoyang City. There were also drunken scholars who did not know the situation climbed up together to recite poems, criticizing King Fan Yang for his debauchery and immorality.

Moonlight, blood, alcohol, poetry, running away, fireworks... gave the city of Luoyang tonight a layer of absurd, bloody yet brilliant mixed colors.

In Zhengzhou City, in the governor's office, when he heard the soldiers coming to report, Chang Sui Ning put down the pen in his hand that had written the last word, raised his eyes and said: "Send the order to launch troops in Luoyang immediately."

"Subordinates obey orders!"

When she finished speaking, Chang Suining stood up. After the female soldier on the side put on the soft armor, she took off the cloak hanging on the screen with one hand, took the sun with the other, and strode out.

Luo Guanlin and others saluted and sent him off at the rear.

When Chang Suining walked away, everyone in the study was in an uproar.

Most of the staff were happy and excited. Someone said to Qian Shen: "Mr. Qian, your lord has passed away. It's time for us to make order to rush to Luoyang tomorrow!"

Everyone agreed, Qian Jin didn't say much, he just turned to look outside the door in the direction Chang Suining left.

She had just left the house, but these counselors had already determined that she would take Luoyang.

This rash and arrogant attitude should not be indulged, but...she can give people such confidence.

Duan Shiang is dead, and he died under her plan - the man who regarded her as his mortal enemy didn't even have a chance to walk in front of her alive.

Seeing that he seemed to be distracted, another staff member asked: "Mr. Qian... should we prepare to rush to Luoyang in advance?"

The corners of Luo Guanlin's mouth raised a slight arc and he said one word.


To be her counselor, you have the capital of being "rash and arrogant" - it is also the duty of a counselor to recognize her abilities.

After saying this, Luo Guanlin stood up from his desk, strode out of the study, and walked under the boundless moonlight. He looked in the direction of Luoyang, and his gown and his mood were flying in the night wind.

Good night~

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