Chang'an is good

Chapter 559 How similar to Ashang

Chapter 559 How similar to Ashang

At this moment, listening to Luo Guanlin's instructions, Chang Suining smiled at him: "Sir, don't worry, I will send the good news back to Luoyang before the New Year."

He always said these words very confidently, without any sense of humility. Luo Guanlin raised his hand, but he also followed suit and encouraged the trend of such arrogance: "My lord, please rest assured. I promise you that when your lord returns in triumph, all the states in Henan Province will be the first." I would like to send you a congratulatory gift at once, and all twenty-seven states will be indispensable."

Chang Suining smiled straight into his eyes: "Okay, then I will treat it as a triumphal gift prepared by my husband in advance for me."

Soldiers conquer the world, while planners control people's hearts in the rear.

Luo Guanlin stayed in Luoyang in order to calm the hearts of Chang Suining. In addition to Luoyang, the 27 states in Henan Province were also included in his plan. Chang Suining left 70,000 horses at his disposal, not including the more than 100,000 Fan Yang captured soldiers.

With the support of Bianzhou Hu Lin, Zhengzhou and Xuzhou were also under control, and with the prestige of his lord as the backing, Luo Guanlin was confident that he could put the entire Henan Province into his lord's sack.

Chang Sui Ning mounted his horse, led one hundred thousand troops, and headed north.

Among these 100,000 soldiers and horses, there are 60,000 Jiangdu Army, 20,000 Huainan Road soldiers, and the remaining 20,000 are surrendered soldiers from Fan Yang Army. Although Chang Sui Ning has no shortage of experience in fighting in the north, her soldiers But it is indeed lacking. It is naturally safer to have Fan Yangjun, who is familiar with the terrain of the North, accompanying him.

But at this time, there is no need to call them Fan Yangjun. Among the troops walking together, only the Changzi flag can be seen.

The battle flag with gold characters on the dark background fluttered in the wind, and with indomitable morale, it swept away towards the vast sky in the north.

Chang Sui Ning was sitting on his horse, in the middle of the army, among thousands of troops. He turned around and glanced in the direction of Jiannan Road from a distance.

In Yizhou, Prince Rong Li Yin stood quietly on a high pavilion, leaning on the railing and looking towards the direction of Luoyang.

The young girl who disrupted his plan again has now become his real opponent.

The other party cut off one of his arms and officially declared war on him with a so-called "Confession Letter" written by Li Fu.

A few years ago, he never thought that such a person would appear.

The appearance of such a person is outside his plan, and even outside the principles of this world.

Her talent, luck, and speed of growth... are all unreasonable, and even reveal a "barbaric" quality that does not belong to this world.

He wanted to kill but was unable to do so. Instead, he felt an indescribable familiar feeling in this exchange in the air.

He threw the leaf into the water. The leaf was a boat, carrying the destiny of the world. It was supposed to drift in the direction of the current, but someone tried to change the direction of the current again and again.

With a mortal body, I want to hold back the heavens——

Li Yin stared at the sky, reciting this sentence in his heart, and a strange color gradually emerged in his eyes.

Such behavior is very similar to Ashang.

There is another unusual thing, and that is Ming Hou’s attitude towards Chang Sui Ning...

Previously, he asked Lu'er to borrow Ma Wan's hand to proactively reveal to the Ming Dynasty that Duan Shi'ang was from Prince Rong's Mansion. At this time, Jiannan Road, Shannan West Road and Qianzhong Road were already in power, and his intention to plot something was already evident. The purpose of this move was to make it clear to the Empress of the Ming Dynasty that the capital was trapped in a situation where the left and right sides were trapped, so as to force the Empress of the Ming Dynasty to use the Xuance Army stationed in the capital -

However, the Ming Dynasty has never entered the game, and seems to be sure that Chang Sui Ning alone can eliminate Duan Shiang's troubles and relieve the crisis in Luoyang City. It is not surprising that she trusts Chang Sui Ning's ability, but she also seems to trust Chang Sui Ning's loyalty. …

But Chang Sui Ning clearly never concealed his ambition, and Ming Hou was never a believer.

So, where does Ming Hou’s almost bizarre sense of trust come from?

Li Yin never believed in ghosts and gods, but in a trance, he actually had a wisp of absurd thoughts. Is there really reincarnation in this world? Could it be that the fragments of Ashang's soul have not been destroyed, and her obsession still remains in this world?
The north wind came, blowing away the flying leaves, and a withered yellow leaf floated into the pavilion and landed on Li Yin's shoulder.

He turned his head and lowered his eyes, then raised his hand to pick up the leaf and carefully observed the veins on it.

At this time, the sound of footsteps ascending the pavilion was heard, but Li Yin never looked back.

After a moment, the footsteps stopped three steps behind him, and the young man in black robe saluted him: "Your Majesty——"

Li Yin: "How?"

The man with a face between a teenager and a young man paused for a moment before saying, "Rumors have entered Jiannan Road... At this time, everyone is asking whether the rumor that Prince Rong's Mansion instigated Duan Shi'ang to start the incident is true or false."

Even the few counselors in the palace who most often talked about the justice of the world also had voices of doubt and dissatisfaction.

"Your Majesty..." The young man in black robe asked for instructions: "Do you want to try to put an end to these rumors?"

"There is no need to react too much." Li Yin said calmly: "Let Empress Ming gain the upper hand for a moment, it is not necessarily a bad thing."

The young man hesitated to speak, but finally said: "If this happens, the reputation of the prince will be damaged, and those forces who are waiting and watching may..."

"A temporary name is not enough to stop anything." Li Yin looked at the dead leaves between his fingers and said: "This world is no longer the way it used to be. The road has been paved. How can it be blocked by the sudden appearance of a bunch of thorns? ."

He seemed to be talking about the impact of Duan Shiang's death, and also seemed to be talking about the incident called Chang Suining.

"Yi Cong, don't be impatient. You have planned a thousand miles, and when you are near the end and encounter wind and sand blocking the road, then stop for a few steps and go slower. It will make you walk more steadily. It is not a bad thing." Li Yin said in a teaching tone.

After waiting quietly for many years, he never lacked patience in the face of changes.

At this time, the person whose patience is about to run out should be Ming Hou.

The affairs of the Cui family will continue to ferment, and the emperor's majesty will inevitably be challenged or even subverted like never before.

Li Yin looked at the fallen leaves in his hands and said slowly to himself: "A person who is used to killing, now wants to kill but can't... How can she accept this willingly?"

Minghou cannot accept the passage of power, and will not be willing to sit back and wait for death.

Duan Shiang died and Prince Rong's palace lost in Luoyang. When the Ming Dynasty gained the upper hand here, they would definitely take advantage of the victory and pursue it... In this way, it would actually be an opportunity.

Things in Luoyang were indeed out of his control. Although he took the initiative to reveal Duan Shiang's identity to the Ming Dynasty, he also sent a message to Luoyang to remind Duan Shiang to be more careful... But Duan Shiang probably didn't have time to see the letter. , something has happened to the person.

Judging from the time point of view, the exposure of Duan Shiang's identity definitely did not stem from Ma Wan's "informant" letter——

And Empress Ming, who had completely lost control of Luoyang City at that time, did not have the ability to remove Duan Shiang in this way.

Therefore, in Li Yin's view, he had enough reasons to blame Chang Suining for Duan Shiang's death... Although how could she have discovered Duan Shiang's identity in advance and successfully set up the trap in such a short period of time? , is also a big doubt.

But everything showed that it was indeed her who repeatedly disrupted his plans, causing frequent accidents. Even everything he took, including Luoyang, with Duan Shiang's help, ended up being just a wedding dress for her, Chang Suining.

Then there was the "Confession Letter" written by Li Fu, which completely declared that Prince Rong's Mansion was completely defeated in this round. All the plans were in vain, and instead they were stigmatized. But Li Yin never got angry.

After an accident happened, anger was the sign of the incompetent, and remedy was the self-consciousness of the mediocre. And he wanted to take advantage of this accident to make a move, and changed his way on the chessboard to fight——

He has been planning for many years, so naturally he cannot bet on just one place. If the plan fails, it does not matter. He only needs to adjust the plan slightly to form a new link.

At this time, it is time to take advantage of Ming Hou's temporary advantage and take advantage of the Cui family's affairs to make her take the initiative to take advantage of the situation and enter this new situation.

Thinking of this, King Rong said slowly: "The news came back yesterday that the imperial court wants Xiao Min to rush to Lingnan Road to take charge of the overall situation. The emperor's secret order has probably been sent to Xiao Min at this time."

The young man in Xuanpao heard this and said, "Your Majesty, you can predict events like a god!"

"I just know your Majesty well enough." Li Yin said with a faint smile: "She is afraid that Lingnan Road will fall into the hands of this king, and she is also afraid that the person she chose will not reach Lingnan Road alive, and Xiao Min has soldiers in his hands. At this time The location is close to Lingnan Road, so it is inevitable for Xiao Min to go there. "

The battle between Xiao Min and Bian Jun is coming to an end.

The young man in black robe said: "Empress Ming is just responding hastily, but in fact everything is under the control of the prince."

"No, she is a very competent opponent." Li Yin said slowly: "I have spent more than ten years accumulating strength, and during these ten years, she has been consuming it."

As an empress, there are countless people that Empress Ming has to guard against, including clans, vassal kings, generals, nobles... During these years, she has been entangled in fighting, killing, and consumption all day long.

"I admire her for being able to reach this day." Li Yin said: "I have been trying to find out her weaknesses over the years, but I found that she is an emperor with almost no weaknesses."

She has no weaknesses, and her natural desire to control power makes her vigilant and decisive unlike ordinary people.

Li Yin: "And now it seems that having no weakness is her biggest weakness——"

A person who has no weakness or frailty has also lost part of her humanity. This lack of humanity prevents her from truly understanding the fundamentals of the human heart.

Therefore, she was full of meticulous calculations, but it was not enough for her to predict where she would really lose.

Li Yin looked towards the capital - letting it be defeated beyond recognition was his last plan for the Ming family.

"Get rid of Xiao Min and act according to the plan." Li Yin confessed: "Yicong, you will handle this matter personally."

The young man in black robe was a little surprised when he heard this. He immediately knelt down on one knee, clasped his fists and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for giving Yi Cong the opportunity to make a difference!"

Li Yin turned around and said somewhat amusingly: "What are you guilty of for saying stupid things?"

The always calm young man's eyes were slightly red, and he lowered his head and said: "The death of my uncle, and the rumors outside... not only broke the prince's original plan, but also brought a lot of troubles to the prince."

"Shi'ang worked for me, but he didn't end well... I feel ashamed of him." Li Yin sighed and said, "You comforted your mother and asked her to take good care of the Duan family's wife and children, which can be regarded as doing your best for me. With all your heart.”

The young man in Xuanpao was determined when he heard this. After he agreed, he swore: "One day, I will kill Chang Sui Ning for the prince and avenge my uncle!"

The death of his uncle made his mother seriously ill. The mother said that once his uncle died, he and his mother had lost their support, and it was very likely that the prince would deny the relationship between mother and son because of the rumors outside and at this unfavorable time. exist……

However, the prince never took those rumors seriously, nor did he change his attitude towards him because of it. He still treated him kindly and gave him the opportunity to continue to practice his work.

But it is also true that his uncle and his uncle Fan Yang's army fell into the hands of Chang Sui Ning... He will definitely avenge this.

Li Yin nodded slightly, helped him up with one hand, and said, "When we go to Lingnan, safety is our top priority."

The young man responded, stood up and bowed again before retreating.

Li Yin turned his attention to Luoyang again. As he expected, Chang Sui Ning should have sent troops to regain the city in the north.

Huainan Road, Luoyang, Henan Road, if she were allowed to occupy half of Hebei Road... In this prosperous territory, close to one of the five middle schools would be in her hands.

And this one of the five middle schools is different from the vast sandy Longyou Road and the remote and sparsely populated Lingnan Road. What she holds in her hands is an important political and cultural place, and it is also the location of the richest granary of Dasheng.

This is undoubtedly troublesome.

Li Yin narrowed his eyes slightly, but a faint smile flashed at the corner of his eyes.

But it doesn’t matter, he will take over the capital first, and then the whole world will be the royal land——

Since she is 70 or 80% like Ashang, she must also have Ashang's weaknesses.

People with weaknesses are nothing to fear, no matter how strong they are.

Li Yin waved away the dead leaf in his hand.

Fallen leaves swirled and fell in the wind, falling into countless similar dead leaves.

The wind is blowing strongly today, and the fallen ginkgo leaves are flying, spreading golden color all over the ground.

A thin young man wearing a fox fur walked slowly over the fallen leaves, making a soft sound under his feet.

Yi Cong stopped, lowered his eyes slightly and saluted: "I have met the Crown Prince."

Li Lu looked at the tall and handsome young man in front of him and said with a smile: "Forget it I didn't know before. Now that your identity is known and there are no outsiders here, there is no need to perform this ceremony between you and me."

Yi Cong was stunned for a moment and looked up at Li Lu.

At this point, he naturally expected that Li Lu must have known his identity, but he did not expect that the other party would reveal it directly and with such a peaceful attitude.

"I felt friendly when I saw you in the past. It's really not an illusion." Li Lu's eyes were gentle, with a hint of happiness: "You also know that I have always been weak, and I suffer from being unable to share my father's worries. I will have you by my side in the future. With my father by my side, I feel much more at ease.”

As Li Lu spoke, he took two steps closer and raised his hand to rest on Yi Cong's shoulder: "It's just because of your hard work. Now you are the only one in the family who can take care of my father's worries... But remember, you must take care of yourself."

Yi Cong subconsciously looked at it. Different from the hands he had practiced martial arts since childhood, those hands were white and frail. They were weak but had nobility of their own.

Yi Cong unconsciously clenched his rough hands, and Li Lu's words "Now you are the only one in the family who can take care of my father's worries" echoed repeatedly in his mind...

"Now at home" - he is the only one who can be outside?
This statement does not sound unusual at first, but upon closer consideration, there seems to be many possibilities between "now" and "only" based on "home".

Good night everyone~

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