Chang'an is good

Chapter 573: Close relatives and distant relatives, outsiders are alive

One of the soldiers raised his chin, lowered his voice, and asked everyone: "Let's not talk about other things. I just want to ask one thing. If you have tens of thousands of cavalrymen in private, who can you trust to entrust them to?"

Try to think from the other person's perspective and come up with a similar answer.

A soldier shook his head, feeling his back tense: "Tens of thousands of cavalry? I dare not think about it..."

A soldier scratched his head: "I can't imagine it..."

Seeing that everyone failed to change positions, let alone think, the soldier who asked the question said: "What a coward you all are, I dare to think!"

Then he looked embarrassed: "But I dare not borrow it, no one can lend it to me."

The reason for his embarrassment was that he couldn't help thinking that if his uncle, who always borrowed things and never returned them, came to borrow money, he would not be willing to agree, and his mother would definitely point at his nose and scold him... Just thinking about that scene gave him a headache.

Fortunately... Fortunately he didn't have any at all.

The soldier heaved a sigh of relief, came back to his senses from the overly-immersive role-playing, and gave his own summary: "So, General Cui dared to trust such a large number of troops to Envoy Chang. What kind of trust must he have! How can he not differentiate between you and me!"

"Don't forget, Envoy Chang also gave Grand Commander Cui seven million strings of cash... Now it seems like this is a give-and-take deal!"

There was a buzz of discussion in the barracks. Amid the lively gossip, a voice that focused on the overall situation of the country suddenly rang out: "…If Envoy Chang and Grand Commander Cui really join forces, what will happen?"

Now, if we take these two people out alone, either one of them can bring about another change in the situation of Dasheng.

This sentence suddenly made the atmosphere in the barracks tense and solemn.

In the dim light, a group of people stared at each other. After a moment of silence, someone asked in a low voice: "If that day really comes, what will our Shuofang Army do..."

Suddenly, the discussion of children's love changed from being an enthusiastic one to worrying about who to stand on in the future.

If people were to speak for themselves, they would have long been extremely disappointed with the damn court. If there was someone worthy of following who came forward to take charge of the situation, they would follow!
But for such an important matter, these small fry have no say and must depend on the opinions of their superiors.

At this time, someone said in a meaningful tone: "If you ask me, we don't have to worry about this..."

"Brother, what do you say?"

"Didn't you see that Envoy Chang specifically named General Xue Fu today..." The man lowered his voice, mysteriously and gently said, "Have you ever thought about why Envoy Chang picked General Xue Fu? How did he recognize General Xue Fu?"

"Don't forget, General Xue Fu is an orphan. He was picked up and adopted by Deputy Envoy Cheng..."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but lean over, and the soldiers on other bunk beds also sat over.

At this time, Xue Fu, who had already entered Lingzhou City with Deputy Envoy Cheng and was about to get off the carriage outside the Jiedushi Mansion, suddenly turned his head and sneezed twice in succession, causing the bandaged wounds on his body to hurt even more.

Deputy Envoy Cheng said, "Have someone boil some cold-repellent medicine later. You are injured. If you catch a cold again, it will be troublesome."

Xue Fu nodded "yes" and bent down to help Deputy Envoy Cheng get out of the car, but Deputy Envoy Cheng raised his hand to stop him, signaling him to take care of his injuries.

Deputy Envoy Cheng held onto the door frame of the carriage and was about to get off when he paused and turned his head slightly as if he wanted to speak.

When Xue Fu was about to wait for him to speak, he saw Deputy Envoy Cheng, who was hesitant to speak, reaching out his hand to the soldiers outside the carriage to help him and getting off the carriage.

A hint of confusion and thought flashed across Xue Fu's eyes, and he got off the carriage.

Seeing Chang Suining dismount, the two deputy envoys and Xue Fu saluted and then stepped aside to let Chang Suining go first.

Even without talking about other things, Chang Suining's official position was far higher than theirs, so there was nothing wrong with this move. Chang Suining raised his leg and took the lead to step into the gate of the Shuofang Jiedushi's mansion.

Wherever they passed, almost every ten steps or so, they could see the Jiangdu cavalry sent by Chang Suining to follow Wei Shuyi guarding both sides of the road.

Along the way, they all bowed to Chang Suining.

Chang Suining walked all the way to the outside of the main hall and saw Yuanxiang and his men guarding the stone steps, so he stopped and asked, "How is Prime Minister Wei?"

Yuan Xiang clasped his fists and said, "Please rest assured, Prime Minister Wei is safe and sound."

Chang Suining nodded: "Thank you for your hard work today, let's take everyone down to rest."

Yuanxiang took a look at Shepherd's Purse who followed him before he agreed with confidence.

An official from the Jiedushi's mansion came forward and said respectfully to Yuanxiang, "I have asked someone to prepare hot food for you to ward off the cold. Generals, please follow me."

Yuan Xiang quickly led his men to retreat, and the Shuofang army guarding the corridor secretly breathed a sigh of relief, as if the sword hanging over their heads had finally been removed.

When Chang Suining stepped onto the stone steps, a young man quickly walked out of the hall and greeted her, "Envoy Chang Jie!"

Chang Suining nodded to him and walked into the hall.

For a moment, everyone in the hall looked over.

There were more than ten Shuofang generals standing in the hall. Wei Shuyi also stood up to greet them. When Chang Suining looked at him, he saw that his face looked even weaker, but his expression was still calm. He smiled slightly and nodded to Chang Suining.

At this time, a woman in mourning clothes knelt down, put her hands on the ground, and bowed deeply to Chang Suining. She expressed gratitude in a hoarse voice: "Thank you, Envoy Chang Jie, for saving my son Chunyan's life outside Lingzhou City today!"

Yue Chunyan walked to his mother's side, knelt down, kowtowed and said: "Envoy Chang Jie not only saved my life, but also saved the Shuofang Army from chaos. I will remember this kindness for the rest of my life!"

The dozen or so generals also bowed their heads one after another and clasped their fists to express their gratitude to Chang Suining.

They already knew the news in the army and how Shi Daxiong was executed.

In fact, when they first heard that Chang Suining was leading 50,000 cavalry into Lingzhou, they were shocked and then angry.

He was angry that the other party suddenly led such a large army to invade Lingzhou, which was undoubtedly a great offense.

But at this moment, when most of them thought about the consequences of Shi Daxiong's success today, the anger they felt was completely swallowed up by fear.

They were able to stand here because they were all people whom Yue Guang trusted during his lifetime. Of course, there were also some who had previously supported Shi Daxiong, but at most they wanted to choose a new leader for the Shuofang Army who could convince the people, so as to avoid being split up and bullied by the court.

In addition, they also thought that Shi Daxiong could lead them to avenge Envoy Yue Jieshi.

But no matter how they thought about it, they had never thought of doing anything bad to the mother and son of the Yue family. Shi Daxiong's actions today were something they could never tolerate or accept.

This was the thought of most of the dozen generals. There might be one or two people whose ambition outweighed their morality and who did not care about Shi Daxiong's methods. However, Shi Daxiong was already dead, so even if they had any ulterior motives, they had to hide them and crush them. At Chang Suining's signal, She Cai stepped forward and helped Yue Chunyan and his mother up.

When Shepherd's Purse held his arm, Yue Chunyan wanted to kowtow to Chang Suining again to express his gratitude. However, before he could put his head to the ground, he was pulled up by Shepherd's Purse's powerful arm strength.

Chang Suining did not rush to sit down, but asked first: "I wonder if the conversation between Prime Minister Wei and you went smoothly?"

Judging from the atmosphere, it doesn't seem tense, so the calming effect must have been achieved.

But it was already this late, and Wei Shuyi, who was injured, had not yet gone to rest. It seemed that he had encountered some problems.

Seeing that the generals had different expressions, Deputy Envoy Cheng called out the name of one of them and motioned him to speak.

The general first looked at Wei Shuyi and said, "Prime Minister Wei risked his life to save Dalangjun today. We are truly grateful and respectful! We have also seen the sincerity of Prime Minister Wei's trip!"

Wei Shuyi proposed many compensatory measures, including providing pensions to the Yue family, granting a title to Yue Chunyan, and even allowing the Shuofang army to elect a new Shuofang Jiedushi on their own to prevent the Shuofang military power from being transferred out.

"We understand that Prime Minister Wei has done his utmost to show his sincerity." The general's eyes fell on Wei Shuyi's injured arm, and he frowned and said, "If we don't agree, it would seem unreasonable and ungrateful."

"But putting aside Prime Minister Wei's proposals, what we really care about is another matter." The general clenched his fists and said, "That is the revenge of Envoy Yue! We must take revenge!"

"Madam has already said today about the court's mistakes..." The general glanced at Madam Yue and said, "Prime Minister Wei saved my young master this time, which is a life for a life. We, the Shuofang Army, recognize this favor and regard it as Prime Minister Wei making amends for the court and the emperor!"

"But the instigator is Yizhou Rong Wang... There is no possibility of resolving this hatred!" The general's eyes were filled with hatred, and he said, "We are forced to continue to stay in Shuofang and serve the country, but we cannot kill the enemy with our own hands. This is something that we brothers cannot swallow!"

"Prime Minister Wei said that the court has sent troops to Shannan West Road, and will definitely punish King Rong for his crimes later--" The general paused for a moment before saying, "I am a rough man, and I will just say what I want to say. We don't think the court has a 100% chance of winning against King Rong! Even if the chances of winning are 50-50, Prime Minister Wei's promise cannot make us feel at ease!"

"That's right!" another person said, "If the imperial court is defeated and Prince Rong ascends the throne, where will our Shuofang Army go? We can no longer avenge the envoy, and the Shuofang Army will certainly be punished by the new dynasty!"

"If this is the result, then no matter how much blood we shed, we are only helping King Rong to establish his kingdom!"

"Not only can we not take revenge, but we also have to make wedding clothes for our enemies. How can we live in this world with dignity? I just can't swallow this humiliation!"

"Besides, even if the imperial court wins, according to the saint's style of doing things, they might even settle accounts with our Shuofang Army in the future! I am willing to trust Prime Minister Wei, but I cannot completely trust His Majesty!"


Wei Shuyi had done his best to calm the anger of the Shuofang Army, but the problem at this time was the fundamental contradiction, which was beyond the scope of what Wei Shuyi could mediate as a court official.

When Wei Shuyi heard this, he did not rush to speak. By now, he had already realized that these Shuofang generals already had a solution to the problem in their minds.

The leading general set his eyes on Chang Suining and asked sternly, "There are many rumors now that Envoy Chang Jie has ambitions to take over the world. Is this true or false?"

Deputy Envoy Cheng frowned and shouted, "...Jiang Tai!"

The general remained calm and just waited for Chang Suining's answer.

Wei Shuyi smiled slightly in his heart - very good, he asked directly in front of him, the imperial envoy.

Chang Suining nodded very frankly: "It is true."

Deputy Envoy Jin's eyes trembled, and the generals were suddenly in an uproar. Wei Shuyi smiled again.

The general named Jiang Tai gathered his eyes and clasped his fists together: "Good, Chang Jie has great courage! Although she is a woman, she is not inferior to men at all! It's admirable!"

After he finished speaking, he knelt down on one knee and clasped his fists again: "I am willing to follow Envoy Chang Jie with the Shuofang Army. I only hope that when Envoy Chang Jie accomplishes his great cause, he can kill that bastard Li Yin, the Prince of Rong, on our behalf!"

Deputy Envoy Cheng and Deputy Envoy Jin both changed their expressions. When they were about to open their mouths to stop them, five or six generals followed suit and knelt down to acknowledge their master.

Immediately afterwards, Yue Chunyan also knelt down.

Wei Shuyi still had a faint smile on his lips. At this moment, he actually had a feeling of being very close to yet very distant from others. The closest thing was that these people didn't seem to treat him as an outsider, but the most distant thing was that these people didn't seem to treat him as a living person either.

Seeing more and more people kneeling down, Deputy Envoy Cheng felt a headache and shouted, "The Imperial Envoy is here, how can you talk nonsense!"

This has nothing to do with whether he supports this matter or not. It is always inappropriate to talk about this matter openly in public... It can also easily cause pressure on people who often manage this matter!

"Deputy Envoy Cheng, what does it matter if the imperial envoy is here? Even if we report this to the empress, the court will not be able to deal with us now. We are not rebelling now and we still agree to stay in Guannei Road. We have given enough face to the court! If we continue to give this face, we will be courting our own death with our brothers!"

Jiang Tai said, turning his head to look at Wei Shuyi: "Besides, at worst we can just keep Wei Xiang here to save him from getting into trouble! What good is there in a court that has run its course? Wei Xiang is such a talent, he should have a better way out!"

"That's right!" Someone else advised, "Prime Minister Wei, it was Envoy Chang Jie who saved your life today. It's called loyalty and loyalty to sacrifice one's life for a benefactor!"

Wei Shuyi smiled faintly and did not comment.

It is rare to be an imperial envoy to achieve such a level.

Chang Suining's mood was also a little complicated.

When she came to Guanneidao, she naturally thought about the possibility of making some good friends, but she never thought that this good friend could be made so easily.

Although it was a little faster, Chang Suining felt no pressure at all.

Shepherd's Purse also felt that her envoy should not feel any pressure. Anyway, her envoy's sack was big enough, so there was nothing to be afraid of. She could just fill it up!

"It is my honor to have your trust." Chang Suining looked at Jiang Tai and the others and promised, "From now on, you just need to stay in the northern border with peace of mind. I will kill Li Yin, the Prince of Rong."

When Wei Shuyi heard this, his eyes and mood moved slightly.

There was no need for them to capture cities for her, but to continue guarding the north.

It's not about trying your best, but about "killing it".

She is extremely generous and extremely confident.

Tears rolled down Yue Chunyan's eyes and he bowed his head again.

Xue Fu, who had not expressed his opinion until now, also came over and knelt down beside Jiang Tai.

Upon seeing this, Deputy Envoy Cheng and Deputy Envoy Jin no longer tried to say anything more. They both bowed their heads and bowed deeply to Chang Suining. (End of this chapter)

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