Chang'an is good

Chapter 583 Everything will be fine

Chapter 583 Everything will be fine
"You destroyed my horse pole..." The leading man looked at Wu Zhaobai who had staggered to his feet and asked word by word, "How about using your life as compensation?"

Wu Zhaobai stood in front of his sister, with more anger than fear on his face: "Kill me if you want. My Wu family has been clean for generations. How could we..."

Wu Chunbai suddenly stepped past his brother, pulled him back two steps, interrupted him, and shouted: "My father is the current Minister of the Ministry of Revenue, Wu Yu!"

The man seemed to have heard a huge joke: "The current Minister of Revenue? Where is the current government?"

"The dynasty is gone!" Someone's eyes flashed with greed and murderous light: "Let's go in and see what good things the Minister of Revenue has in his house!"

Several people holding knives rushed into the Wu family like bandits.

At the signal from the leading man, another soldier drew his sword and rushed towards the Wu siblings. Wu Chunbai pulled his brother back while forcing himself to remain calm and said, "... General Bian will definitely be crowned emperor when he enters the capital! How can he be crowned emperor without civil officials to stabilize the situation!"

"Tonight the situation is chaotic, General Bian has no time to ask about the affairs in the city. But when General Bian finds that there is no one available tomorrow, he may not fail to investigate those who stole money tonight and then wantonly killed officials and scholars!"

When the blade in the hand of the soldier holding the knife was about to fall, the leading man narrowed his eyes and said, "Let her finish her words."

Wu Chunbai tightly grasped his brother's wrist, which was also trembling, and tried his best to remain calm: "General, you only need to use my brother and I as hostages, and my father and clansmen will surely return afterwards... My Wu family is like this, and other officials and families can also be imprisoned temporarily in preparation for serving the new dynasty in the future... When the time comes, the general can present this achievement to General Bian, and he will surely appreciate and use him. The benefits are more than just the immediate benefits!"

The man looked at Wu Chunbai with interest: "It seems that you, my young lady, not only want to save yourself, but also want to save other officials and their families..."

"But you are right. This is indeed a good opportunity to make a contribution." The man's eyes flickered as he thought, "If I show mercy and let the prisoner live, maybe I can even do a favor for those officials..."

Before Wu Chunbai could breathe a sigh of relief, he heard the man say, "Your reminder is very good. I will consider adopting it later, but you two - still have to die."

The man's eyes gradually showed vicious disgust and the pleasure of being in control of everything: "You are calm in the face of danger, smart and decent, and you are teaching me, a brainless and rough man, how to do things, right..."

"What I hate most is this look of superiority you put on all the time. I want to see how long this look of superiority can last!"

The man's mouth curled up into a teasing smile: "Kill them, strip them naked and throw them into the street!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the soldier swung his knife again, and another man behind him jumped off his horse and also raised his knife viciously.

The others had already regarded the Wu siblings as doomed to die, and together with the leader, they swarmed into the Wu family like locusts.

When the knife was about to fall in front of her, Wu Chunbai suddenly felt someone grabbing her shoulders. Then the figure turned around, stood in front of her, and used his back to block the knife for her.


Wu Chunbai's eyes widened and he fell to the ground under the pressure of the staggering figure.

As the two men fell to the ground together, the blade had already fallen again.

Wu Chunbai's head was buzzing from the fall, but he could still clearly hear the sound of the blade cutting through his clothes and skin, cutting into his flesh and bones. He also heard his brother's uncontrollable screams of pain, and the gnashing and teasing voice of the man wielding the knife: "...You look useless, but you're actually quite tough!"

As he spoke, one knife after another fell. With each cut, Wu Zhaobai's body trembled, but he still held Wu Chunbai tightly under him, holding her head with his arms.

Wu Chunbai was suffocated under her brother's chest and could not see anything. She wanted to get up, but was held down tightly.

Big tears rolled down her eyes. Her internal organs seemed to be thrown into boiling water. Every part of her body was burning violently. Her bones were almost broken and her internal organs were almost turned to ashes.

Perhaps it was the immense pain, or perhaps it was because her brother had finally run out of strength, that she was finally able to push him away.

When the butcher's knife, which would not stop until it put the person to death, was about to fall again, Wu Chunbai rushed forward and pounced heavily on the person holding the knife, letting out a scream that seemed to have never belonged to her.

At this moment, she really hated it!

She had never hated it so much!
Last year, when she was sent as an envoy to Eastern Luo, she had also witnessed the chaotic world. At that time, she was sad and angry, but she had not yet tasted the taste of hatred...

But at this moment, she was protected by her brother, and listening to the knife strikes on him again and again, she truly understood what troubled times were like.

She hated this chaotic world, hated the people who caused this chaos, and hated these despicable people who wielded the knives!
Her Wu family had been clean for generations, and all the officials in her family were honest. Since her father became the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue, he had devoted himself to the hard-working people's livelihood, and most of her family's wealth was used to help refugees...

Her brother, who had been pedantic for many years, had been working day and night to write articles to save the people over the past year. Although he always liked to talk big, he had done nothing wrong and was definitely not a man who deserved to die!

However, these Bian troops who keep claiming to be fighting for justice and fairness are completely unreasonable. They only need to raise their butcher knives to destroy everything!
So she also hated herself, hated herself for being incompetent and useless... Just as at this moment she had used up all her strength, but only knocked the man holding the knife back a few steps. She had endless hatred, but still could not hurt the despicable man at all!
Just when Wu Chunbai was sure that she could only die with this hatred in her heart, the knife that was about to fall on her suddenly fell, and the person she had hit suddenly fell backwards.

As Wu Chunbai fell forward, he saw that the man had been pierced in the eye by an arrow and fell to the ground, screaming miserably.

Wu Chunbai turned around suddenly and saw another man who had been shot by an arrow and fell to the ground. Following him came a group of four or five people on horseback. They were all wearing dark robes and their appearances could not be seen clearly.

Wu Chunbai rushed to his brother's side and stretched out his hand to help him up, but he didn't know where to start. His body was covered with wounds, his body was covered with blood, and thick scarlet liquid kept flowing out of his mouth...

Wu Chunbai wiped the blood from his mouth with trembling hands and asked casually: "Brother, does it hurt..."

Wu Zhaobai's voice was fragmented: "It hurts, it's cold..."

Wu Chunbai almost immediately took off her coat and hurriedly covered him with it, but she soon realized that it was useless. She felt extremely helpless and suddenly raised her voice, crying and asking angrily: "…Why did you block the knife for me! Why didn't you leave!"

"Whether they wanted to take me away or kill me, you should have just taken the opportunity to leave! If they made things difficult for you, you could have just kneeled down and kowtowed a few times, and you would have survived! Why did you have to..."

"I don't want to kowtow to them..." Wu Zhaobai's voice began to become weak: "I can't watch them humiliate my sister... My sister is the most talented woman in the capital. Why do they..."

"Chunbai, I am not as good as you in everything..." The blood in his mouth was still gushing out, and his voice was trembling from time to time: "...You arranged everything properly today. When I saw you walking at the back when you went out just now...I thought, I should also be more responsible..."

Under such circumstances, the corners of his mouth trembled, and he actually smiled: "Chun Bai, this time, I may not be worse than you..."

"You are not as good as me, I don't want to owe you anything!" Wu Chunbai cried, "You are not allowed to die, I just want you to live and watch how I become more outstanding... You are not allowed to die!"

She held her brother's shoulders with both hands and rested her head on his cold forehead. Her voice finally lowered, sobbing like the wind: "Brother, don't die, please..."

"Chunbai... I just realized that if I just let go of my prejudices and be a normal person, I can be better than many people..." Wu Zhaobai's voice began to fade: "Being a normal person is so easy..."

"Remember to tell grandpa, father, mother..."

"Your sister-in-law, and Ah Xian, I..."

His voice became softer and softer, and he closed his eyes before he could finish his next words.

"...Brother?" Wu Chunbai's body froze. He raised his head tremblingly and stared blankly at his brother who was no longer making a sound.

After a moment of confusion, she suddenly stood up, walked to the side of Bian Jun who was lying on the ground with an arrow in his eye, picked up his knife, held it tightly with both hands, and swung it with almost all her strength. One knife, two knives, three knives...

Wu Chunbai, with his outer shirt removed and his hair disheveled, was covered in blood, but he still refused to stop and kept swinging his hands like a madman.

Reason, calmness, logic, nothing exists anymore, and all that remains is endless hatred for this cruel world.

Until he dealt with Chang Ren of the surrounding Bian army, snatched the knife from her hand, and forcibly dragged her onto the carriage.

On the way, Chang Ren rescued two girls from official families who were forced into an alley. Although he didn't know who they were from, he stuffed them into the car together.

The youngest of the two girls looked no more than seven or eight years old. They had no idea what they had witnessed. They were trembling violently, their faces were pale, their eyes were dull and they couldn't make a sound.

The older one hugged his knees tightly, buried his head in his arms, and his body was shaking slightly.

When Wu Chunbai finally tried to open his eyes, he met the young girl's large, distracted eyes.

After a moment, Wu Chunbai stretched out his blood-stained hands and slowly hugged the young girl.

The girl finally burst into tears: "Sister father is dead! What should I do!"

"Don't be afraid..." Wu Chunbai whispered, "Everything will be fine."

Her voice was low, and there was endless determination in her red eyes, filled with the resoluteness to bring this chaotic world to an end, as if she had made the most important oath in the world.

There was chaotic crying outside the car.

After witnessing the methods of Bian’s army, countless people desperately fled towards the rear city gate.

Another carriage stopped at the back door of Dengtai Tower. Duke Zheng Wei Qin, who had been crying all the way, ran down the carriage. When he saw the restaurant in front of him, his crying stopped and he asked in surprise, "Madam... why are we here?!"

The Wei family is a wealthy family, so they are naturally prepared to leave the city today, but his wife wants to leave with two people of unknown origin -

Seeing that he could not persuade her, Duke Zheng chose to grab the corner of his wife's clothes and follow her... But why did his wife bring him to Dengtai Tower!
"Just go in!" Duan grabbed her husband, who was a burden, and walked inside.

At this time, another group of people followed and rushed into the building. Duke Zheng vaguely saw people from Yao Tingwei's house, and knew that there must be a mysterious arrangement here. He felt relieved and started crying again: "Madam, you said Qing'er..."

"Shut up!" Duan was annoyed by his crying: "The palace has already made arrangements. Qing'er and the prince must be on their way out of the city now!"

Duke Zheng: "Then my flowers and plants..."

"Shut up!" Duan said angrily, "How many people have fallen under Bian Jun's sword along the way! What's the situation outside? Human lives are worth less than grass, and you are still worrying about your broken things!"

After hearing this, Duke Zheng cried even more sadly.

The fate of flowers, plants and all living beings is bitter. How could he not cry in such a purgatory-like scene?
"Excuse me, my uncle..." Yao Xia and Yao Gui asked a guard in the building about the whereabouts of Yao Yi.

"Don't worry too much. Yao Tingwei has been in the palace today and will definitely leave the capital with the emperor—"

The Yao family felt relieved. Amid the chaos of voices, Chang Ren arranged for everyone to enter the secret passage while asking his subordinates beside him, "Has the Qiao family not arrived yet?"

"We have sent someone to pick them up. They should be on the way!"

Chang Ren nodded and asked, "What's the situation with Princess Xuan'an?"

The eldest princess has been detained in the capital. She is the person the girl specifically requested to be taken extra care of, and she is also the person the marquis has repeatedly written to protect.

The eldest princess also had many secret agents in the capital. After secret discussions, the other party lent him a lot of manpower for him to use in order to save more people.

In addition to the people on the list, Chang Ren and his subordinates also rescued some officials or civilians they were not familiar with. Although their abilities were limited, they did their best.

During this period, they have successively repelled three groups of Bian troops who tried to enter Dengtai Tower to rob. If they continue like this, they will inevitably attract more Bian troops and then expose the secret passage... They must leave as soon as possible and cannot stay any longer.

If we delay any longer, even if we leave the city, we will be in danger of being blocked by Bian’s army outside the city!

After the arrival of Princess Xuan'an, Chang Ren urged everyone to speed up their actions, make arrangements for the rear guard, and sent more people to support the Qiao family.

Qiao Yubai helped his mother get on the carriage. After Qiao Jijiu stuffed A Wu into the carriage, he urged, "Hurry up!"

Qiao Yubai in the car was startled: "Isn't Dad going to come with us?"

"I have to stay." Qiao Yang said, "Most of the students in the Imperial College are young and angry, and they speak without restraint. If I leave, no one will be watching them, and they might get into some disastrous trouble."

Qiao Yubai wanted to get off the car immediately: "I will stay with my father!"

"Idiot." Qiao Yang said, "If you don't follow me, who will take care of your mother? As a father, I have to fulfill my duty as a teacher, and you have to fulfill your filial duty as a son."

Qiao Yubai's eyes turned red: "But Dad, you..."

If you stay here now, it will be equivalent to handing your life over to the brutal Bian Jun. Your life or death will all depend on the thoughts of those people!

"Don't worry, there aren't many things in the Imperial College that are worthy of Bian Jun's covetousness. As long as I mediate properly, nothing will go wrong." Qiao Yang said: "Although your father has been fishing for many years, don't forget where I came from--"

Qiao Yang stroked his neat beard and said, "In the past, I was the first counselor under the command of His Royal Highness the late Crown Prince!"

"Are you still worried that you can't handle this mere Bian army?" Qiao Yang waved his hand: "Go ahead!"

Seeing that he insisted, the driver did not dare to delay. He shouted "Gee", whipped the horse and drove away.

"Take care, Dad!"

"You better be good to me, or I will..." Inside the car, Wang choked up and said, "Otherwise I will break all those broken fishing rods of yours and burn them all in fire!"

"Okay." Qiao Yang smiled and waved his hand, watching his wife and children leave.

He turned and walked back, with tears in his eyes and a bit of clarity and clarity in his eyes.

Now that the former crown prince has returned, it is natural for his advisers to resume their old duties!

4300 words, good night everyone~

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