Chang'an is good

Chapter 586 Li Yin is obliged to do so

After Cui Jing left the military tent, Chang Suining also picked up his pen and dipped it in ink to write a letter to Luoyang.

Just as I put down my pen, a female soldier came into the tent and said, "Envoy, Deputy General Chang is back."

The Deputy General Chang mentioned by the female soldier was none other than Chang Sui'an, who had been promoted to Deputy General of the Vanguard Battalion of the Xuan Ce Army due to his military achievements.

Like Cui Jing, Chang Sui'an, who had just returned from the front, came over without taking off his armor: "Ningning, I heard that Bian Chunliang has captured the capital!"

Chang Suining nodded to him.

Chang Sui'an asked hurriedly, "I heard that the Bian army massacred the capital! I wonder how Uncle Qiao and the others, as well as Princess Xuan'an, are doing?"

It is normal for Chang Sui'an to worry about the Qiao family. It is worth mentioning that his anxiety when mentioning Princess Xuan'an was no less than that when he treated the Qiao family members with whom he had lived since childhood.

Of course, this was partly due to the feelings that Chang Sui'an had accumulated when he was recuperating in Xuanzhou several years ago, but Chang Suining vaguely felt that there was also a natural connection between mother and son, even though her brother did not know the truth about his life experience at this time.

Chang Suining told him that Princess Xuan'an and the mother and son of the Qiao family had all arrived in Luoyang safely, and only Qiao Yang chose to stay in the Imperial College. It was barely safe now, and she had asked the people who remained in the capital to pay more attention.

Chang Sui'an felt a little relieved and asked other people about other things. Chang Suining told him everything he knew.

Finally, Chang Sui'an looked a little hesitant: "Ningning, can I... ask you one more thing?"

Seeing his expression, Chang Suining asked for him, "Do you want to be emperor?"

After asking herself, she answered, "I have this intention."

Chang Sui'an's eyes widened: "Ningning..."

Faced with this possibility that he had never imagined before, Chang Sui'an was a little flustered: "Ningning... have you really thought it through?"

Looking at Chang Sui'an who didn't seem to know where to put his hands, Chang Suining blinked: "Brother, do you think I can't do it?"

"...No! It's not!" Chang Sui'an waved his hands hurriedly. After his expression changed several times, he finally became firm: "Ningning, as long as you want to do something, you can definitely do it!"

After accepting his sister's ambition, he began to encourage her: "Don't forget, you are a rare genius!"

My sister is a genius in martial arts, a genius in fighting wars, and a genius in being able to turn other people's strengths into her own. She must also be a genius in becoming an emperor!
Speaking of this, Chang Sui'an suddenly felt that he was extremely prescient. He had said a long time ago that his sister was very unusual, but no one believed him at that time... Now everyone can see the pros and cons of his sister!

Chang Sui'an looked a little proud, but more solemn: "Ningning, then tell me, what can I do for you?"

Looking at the brother in front of him who is two years older than Ah Li and is now over 20 years old, feeling that he has become calm and responsible, but still has the sincerity, kindness, integrity and courage of a young man, Chang Suining said with a smile in his eyes: "I want my brother to be safe and sound, do what he wants to do, and be my brother for life."

Chang Sui'an was stunned for a moment, then his nose felt sad. It turned out that Ningning knew how he felt about worrying about losing his sister.

"Brother, my last name is not important." Chang Suining smiled at him and said, "Is it possible that the reason we became a family is just because I took the last name Chang?"

Chang Sui'an's eyes were red, but his heart softened: "Of course not... Ningning, no matter what your last name is, we will always be a family!"

Chang Suining nodded slightly to him.

"Then..." Chang Sui'an tried to ask in a low voice: "Ningning, can you tell me what your last name is?"

What's her last name?

The answer to this question is exactly what Chang Suining is about to announce to the world.

Chang Sui'an looked almost dazed when he left his sister.

For the next half day, Chang Suining stayed in his tent writing letters, to Mr. Luo, to Jiangdu, to his teacher, to Yao Tingwei, etc.

Chang Suining, whose wrist was sore from writing, dropped his pen and stretched his neck when She Cai came in from outside and saluted, saying, "Envoy, Master Xuan Yangzi and Master Xuan Jingzi are here!"

Chang Suining was a little surprised.

At the beginning of last winter, Chang Suining led a large army from Luoyang to the north to recapture the lost city. Wu Jue and Tianjing followed along, and were then left behind in Taiyuan by her on standby.

In the first month of the year, after Chang Suining learned the details of the war in the northern border, he sent a letter to Jiangdu to mobilize troops, ordering He Wuhu to lead 100,000 troops from Huainan Road to come to the aid of the northern border. Now the army is approaching Taiyuan.

Chang Suining had sent a message to Wu Jue seven or eight days ago, asking him to stay in Taiyuan to support He Wuhu. Unexpectedly, he and Tianjing came to the army at this time.

Taiyuan is not far from here. Chang Suining took more than a month to lead the cavalry from Taiyuan because they took a detour to the west to Shuofang. If they go straight north from Taiyuan, they will be only 700 to 800 miles away from the Yinshan military camp, and can reach it in three days by horse and carriage.

Therefore, Wu Jue came here only after receiving a letter from Chang Suining asking him to meet He Wuhu in Taiyuan.

With Dai Cong and the Cui clan members in Taiyuan, it was not an urgent task that Wu Jue had to undertake to support He Wuhu's army. However, Wu Jue was always willing to follow orders and rarely ignored Chang Suining's instructions.

Therefore, when Chang Suining saw Wu Jue rushing into the tent, he asked, "What urgent matter is there that cannot be passed on by someone else? Why did you come here in person?"

As Chang Suining spoke, her eyes fell on Tianjing for a moment. And since there were two of them at once, she felt a little nervous for no reason.

“Your Highness…” She Cai had already retreated to guard, Wu Jue lowered his voice but still couldn’t hide his anxiety and said: “Where will your calamity come true… I have finally figured it out!”

Hearing this, Chang Suining was not so panicked. Since it was about her, it was under her control, which was better than any unexpected changes from the outside.

She asked calmly, "Where?"

“It’s in the northern border!” Wu Jue raised the sleeves of his wide robe and pointed outside the tent. When his sleeves fell down, his expression was solemn and uneasy: “The place where this calamity will be fulfilled overlaps with the place where your Highness’ bones were broken in his previous life…”

Chang Suining spoke slowly and softly, one hand supporting his head due to fatigue, and the other hand subconsciously touched his neck: "In Beidi again?"

So, this is the unfinished business of her previous life, and it has come back to her again in this life?

When she left Jiangdu, she asked Wu Jue and Tianjing to divine her birth date and time. The result was exactly the same as the month column, day column and hour column when she was Li Shang.

Wu Jue said that these six words plus the year of A Li's birth, combined to form a destiny that is unique and most precious in the world.

But there is still a hidden disaster in this fate...

And now he told her that the place where this calamity would be fulfilled coincided with the place where she died in her previous life.

If a person trips twice in the same place, it would be considered a strange thing that shows he has no memory. But she is going to die twice in the same place?
While Chang Suining was thinking, he heard Wu Jue say, "Your Highness can avoid this disaster. Now that you know where it will come true, then stay away from it!"

Tianjing wanted to speak, but seeing Wu Jue's expression, he did not speak, and only turned to look at Chang Suining. The green-robed woman reacted calmly, without any sign of uneasiness.

Wu Jue felt a little uneasy when he saw this, and advised: "Your Highness, a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. The war in the northern border is indeed urgent, but we still have Commander Cui. Your safety is related to the survival of the world!"

Chang Suining nodded slightly: "Okay, I know about this."

She did not ask any more questions, but motioned Wu Jue and Tianjing to sit down and talk: "It just so happens that I have another important matter right now, and I need your help, so I don't have to write a letter."

Seeing the green-robed woman's gaze on him, Tianjing's eyes were clear, and he smiled and said, "It is my duty to tell the world the truth, and I will not help you."

Wu Jue glanced sideways at the Tianjing - I haven't even finished saying anything, but the old Taoist priest already understood?

After discussing the matter of Chang Suining's "returning to his roots", Wu Jue and Tianjing left together. Wu Jue thought of the hexagram and felt as if there was always a thorn in his heart.

Tian Jing saw through his thoughts and sighed, "You clearly know that avoiding disasters is not a long-term solution. The only real solution is to break through the disaster..."

"Is this calamity so easy to break?" Wu Jue stretched out his hand to Tianjing unhappily, asking for it: "You say it's easy, do you have a way to break it? Show it to me."

Tianjing walked slowly with his whisk in his hand, and he seemed to be from two different worlds from Wu Jue, who could get angry at any time. He said, "This calamity is closely related to your Highness's fate. According to the hexagram, only by overcoming this calamity can you truly match this most precious eight characters and achieve true perfection..."

Therefore, this calamity is the calamity that carries on this most precious destiny.

In a sense, it is like the tests and prices that the deceased soul needs to go through in order to take root again in the world with this precious destiny.

However, this calamity is extremely dangerous, and there are even signs that the life star is flickering or falling here - otherwise, Wu Jue would not have such a strong desire to stop it.

"Whether the match is perfect or not does not affect your highness's survival..." Wu Jue's attitude was clear: "I only know that your highness cannot take risks with his life."

Seeing that Tian Jing turned to look at him, Wu Jue threw his sleeves and put his hands behind his back, saying, "You don't have to stare at me like that. I've said it before, I don't have any great ambitions, and I'm not interested in witnessing the perfect and magnificent scene you mentioned... I didn't bring Her Highness back to let her die again."

He is already very old and cannot afford to lose His Highness again.

Besides, the people of this world cannot bear to lose His Highness again.

Whether or not to complete the harmony with the eight characters and truly become the master of the eight characters may not be that important. The most perfect thing is that His Highness is alive and well.

Seeing Wu Jue's insistence, Tianjing did not oppose him, but he felt in his heart that whether this calamity could be avoided or broken, and whether it would come true or not, would probably not be changed by the tiny wills of the two of them.

The key lies only in the owner of this disaster.

Although Wu Jue spoke with firmness and ease, he was actually conflicted in his heart. On the one hand, he knew very well his lord's unyielding character, and on the other hand, he was afraid that rash interference in this disaster might cause unexpected problems.

After settling down in the army, Wu Jue did not even eat, but devoted himself to the hexagrams, trying to find more detailed clues and a more appropriate solution.

Until sunset, another soldier spoke through the curtain: "Master..."

Wu Jue, who had been making no progress, became annoyed when he heard the voice. He sat cross-legged and scratched the hexagram in front of him: "Calling my soul, I told you not to call me, why won't you listen!"

The soldier's voice did not disappear, but was slightly lowered: "Master Xuan Yangzi, it's General Cui..."

Cui Jing?

Wu Jue immediately turned his head and looked at the curtain.

After a while, the curtain was opened and a tall and straight figure walked in.

The young man changed out of his heavy armor and put on an ordinary dark blue robe. His black hair was tied up with a jade crown. At first glance, even before one could see his face clearly, one could see his neat and noble aura, which was enough to make people unable to take their eyes away.

Wu Jue subconsciously stood up to greet him.

"Master." Cui Jing raised his hand to salute him: "It's been a long time since we last met."

Facing Cui Jing, a smart man, Wu Jue, who had “come back from the dead”, smiled calmly and said, “Yes, it’s been several years since we last met. Speaking of which, the last time we met was…”

At this point, Wu Jue paused for a moment before continuing, "Still in the capital..."

To be more specific, it happened in Dayun Temple in the capital. To be more specific, Cui Jing used the mechanism drawings he gave him to break the formation of the Heavenly Maiden Tower... but because he remembered it wrong and drew a wrong place, the other party was injured, and the injury was serious.

Thinking of this past event, Wu Jue coughed twice with some guilt, took the initiative to pour tea, asked Cui Jing to sit down and talk, and asked him the purpose of his visit.

Cui Jing, who had many things to do, did not beat around the bush: "Master, you came to the army for an important matter. Now has come to the most critical moment. If it concerns Your Highness and there is something I can do, please let me know."

Hearing the four words "Just tell me", Wu Jue looked at the serious and sincere young man in front of him, and many thoughts and speculations flashed through his mind.

If he was not mistaken, this Cui family kid was very kind to his master...

But no matter what, as long as it is used on the philtrum, it will be fine!

Cui Jing's usefulness and usability are highly recognized.

As the one who can lead His Highness' soul back, he once found the jade for casting elephants for His Highness, and once broke the formation for His Highness alone... Maybe he can be of some help to His Highness in this disaster?
After weighing it over, Wu Jue decided to tell Cui Jing about the hexagram.

At this time, the sky outside the tent was getting dark, and the wind and sand dyed the northern sky with a thin layer of evening purple.

At this dusk, a gust of evening breeze blew on Jiannan Road.

Although it was already dark, there were no fewer carriages, horses, and sedan chairs parked outside the front and back gates of Prince Rong's Mansion than during the day. People were still coming in an endless stream, and most of them were in a hurry.

These people who came from all over the place to pay homage to Li Yin, Prince Rong, belonged to different forces, but their intentions were roughly the same -

"Your Highness, please send troops to defeat Bandit Bian!"

"Your Highness, please restore order and bring peace to the world!"

"Your Highness, Prince Rong, please take charge of the overall situation for the people of the world!"


Looking at the people below who were bowing and begging earnestly, Li Yin stood up from the head, raised his hands to salute, his wide sleeves hanging down, and in his voice there was a trace of pity for the people of the world: "I am grateful for your trust. Li Yin has no choice but to do this." (End of this chapter)

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