Chang'an is good

Chapter 589: Welcoming the Emperor and Entering Taiyuan

Chapter 589: Welcoming the Emperor and Entering Taiyuan

A group of court officials who came here for negotiations saw this scene and cursed in their hearts, "It's just a letter, but the power is so great, comparable to an imperial edict", but they also hurriedly moved to the side.

Seeing the soldier who delivered the letter walk away quickly, the officials exchanged uncertain glances secretly - what would Chang Suining do next? Did she already know that Prince Rong had mobilized troops?

The soldier who delivered the letter came all the way to the outside of the meeting hall.

In the hall, Luo Guanlin and other officials stood up to greet him.

They had been looking forward to this letter day and night, and finally it arrived.

Luo Guanlin straightened his clothes, walked forward with a solemn expression, and took the letter with both hands.

There were two pieces of letter paper, one was addressed to Luoyang government office, and the other was addressed to "Mr. Qian Shen" alone.

Luo Guanlin put the private letter into his sleeve for the time being, and immediately opened another official letter when he returned to his seat. All the officials and counselors came forward one after another, asking, "What does the envoy want to tell us?"

"Is the envoy safe in the North?"

"When will the envoy return to Luoyang?"


Everyone was asking questions at once, but they saw Luo Guanlin, who was sitting cross-legged, not moving a single muscle. The fingers holding the letter did not move, and his gaze seemed frozen.

One tried to call out, "Mr. Qian?"

Luo Guanlin suddenly raised his eyes, and beneath the half mask, there was a surge of emotion in his eyes like a blaze of fire.

He held the letter in his hand, slowly stood up, and spoke in a restrained and slow voice: "The envoy has ordered..."

Everyone listened in silence.

Next, with each word he spoke, Luo Guanlin's originally slow and restrained voice became clearer and more powerful, and his eyes became brighter and more determined: "...The envoy is of the Li family's bloodline, and will soon return to the land of the Dragon Rising to recognize his ancestors. So I sent a letter to ask the emperor and the crown prince to move to Taiyuan to watch the return ceremony together!"

There was a moment of silence in the hall, but it was only a moment, and then it roared like summer thunder.

The envoy——is the bloodline of the Li family? !

An elderly person felt a rush of blood to his head, his vision flickered, and he almost fell down, but fortunately he was supported by people around him.

Amid the commotion, someone asked in a trembling voice, "Mr. Qian...are you serious?!"

Luo Guanlin then unfolded the letter and showed it to everyone.

The surroundings were immediately shaken even more. Everyone expressed their shock to one another. Some people could not suppress their excitement. Many more people were still immersed in disbelief and could only focus their eyes on Luo Guanlin, trying to get more certainty: "Sir, is this true..."

"Sir...did you know about this in advance?!"

Facing those inquiring gazes, Luo Guanlin nodded calmly.

"The envoy is actually of royal blood!" A scholar was so excited that he didn't know what to do. His eyes were red. He turned to his side and repeatedly said to his colleagues: "The envoy is actually of royal blood!"

"No wonder..." Someone suddenly came back to his senses and said, "The envoy is so handsome and noble. He previously donated 7 million strings of silver to the Northern Territory. When everyone was speculating about his identity... we should have thought of it long ago!"

"The envoy's background is a mystery. He was brought back by the late Crown Prince... Now it seems that the late Crown Prince must have known the inside story a long time ago!"

"In that case, Marquis Zhongyong must be an insider!"

“No wonder…No wonder!”

Hearing these words, Luo Guanlin was happy to see it come to fruition. He decided to just continue to "realize it later". The more real it sounded, the better.

"But... since the envoy already knew his identity, why did he keep it secret until now?" Someone was puzzled and felt it was a pity: "Didn't he miss the opportunity to gain reputation and people's hearts as soon as possible?"

"Yes, it's such a big thing, why did the envoy reveal it only now?"

"If it had been made clear earlier, perhaps it would not be the Yizhou Rongwang Mansion that was invited by the people of the world to send troops to the capital in the name of the Li family's orthodoxy..."

"That's wrong." Luo Guanlin said seriously: "Now is the best time--"

"Unlike Prince Rong who has been secretly operating for more than ten years, the envoy has only been in power for a few short years. If he rashly declares his identity when his foundation is not yet stable, his accumulated reputation will be false, and he will become the target of public criticism."

"Before you reach a high place and have no power to protect yourself, you will show the treasure you are carrying. If a child carries gold through a busy city, it will only bring disaster upon himself—"

"Proving the bloodline of the Li family is a major event. It must be confirmed by a respected person and a member of the royal family. Only then can it be truly convincing. If the envoy did not have the power of today, who would be willing to acknowledge his identity in the past? What was waiting for the envoy at that time was probably a letter of accusation for pretending to be someone who was confusing the royal bloodline!"

"The difference of one character in the surname makes a world of difference. If the world knew the identity of the envoy earlier, all forces would definitely regard the envoy as a serious threat. The Rong Palace would never treat the envoy as gently as before—"

"So what if Prince Rong's Mansion has already mobilized troops?" Luo Guanlin said this with a resounding sneer, "We should let him mobilize troops! The cunning enemy will move from the dark to the open. Once the troops are mobilized, it means that the direction of the grand plan has been determined, and there is no room for change. It seems that they have taken the initiative, but in fact they are also tied up by this initiative and tied up in front of people! If the envoy reveals his identity at this time, we can really catch the enemy off guard!"

"Right now, with everything in place, time and people, how could this not be the best time?!"

As Luo Guanlin finished his words, the hall was filled with an uproar of voices, with countless people agreeing and praising their lord for his calmness and wisdom. The people's hearts were boiling with excitement.

"According to the order of the envoy, quickly spread the news that the envoy will hold a grand ceremony to return to the clan--" Luo Guanlin's eyes were firm, and he bowed to the side and said, "Then welcome the emperor and enter Taiyuan!"

He said "welcome" rather than "invite", and had no intention of negotiating.

The official responded solemnly, and amid the noisy voices, Luo Guanlin strode out.

An official followed and asked, "Sir, are you going to meet the emperor in person?"

"The emperor and the crown prince are here, you can send someone to tell them—" Luo Guanlin did not stop.

The current emperor is not worthy of his personal invitation. He wants to meet someone more important.

Luo Guanlin got on the carriage and rushed to Master Chu.

The car was no longer noisy with the previous voices, and it suddenly became quiet, but the noise in people's hearts had nowhere to hide.

Luo Guanlin exhaled slowly, trying his best to calm his violently surging emotions - the envoy actually accepted his outrageous proposal and agreed to pretend to be a descendant of the Li family!
This outrageous idea was specially designed by Luo Guanlin for his master to confront Prince Rong - if he wanted to weaken his opponent's advantage, the best way was to take the opponent's advantage for himself, and only in this way could the gap be completely narrowed. Life experience and bloodline were an insurmountable chasm. Since it was naturally impossible to cross, he might as well fill it up artificially!

The envoy is now in a powerful position and has the power to speak. He should use it well to benefit himself and the people. What does it matter if he tells a big lie?

Surnames are characters, and characters are created to be used. The envoy can save millions of lives by using only this one character "Li". In his opinion, this is clearly a blessing and honor for the surname "Li"!

Moreover, the confrontation between the envoy and Prince Rong can be regarded as a way to cleanse the Li family of their unfilial descendants, so it is reasonable for them to receive some compensation.

As for choosing Taiyuan as the venue for the Return to the Ceremony, there is nothing wrong with that, although pretending to be someone else's descendant and celebrating with music and dance at the grave of someone else's ancestor is a bit arrogant...but the envoy also has the overall situation of the world in mind. Didn't Prince Rong claim that he wanted to welcome back the emperor and the crown prince? The emperor and the crown prince are about to move to Taiyuan, so let's go and welcome them!

Luo Guanlin felt excited and happy. Suddenly he thought of the letter addressed to him in his sleeve, and then he had time to open it and read it.

The letter was written in a familiar and beautiful handwriting. Before talking about acknowledging one's ancestry, the writer first expressed his amazement and praise for Luo Guanlin's decision not to mobilize troops, but to welcome the emperor and the crown prince to Luoyang, and called it: "Sir, you did not use a single soldier, but only a single plan to share the credit and profit with the Rong Wangfu. This is truly a great wisdom and ingenuity."

He also said: [It is my great fortune to have such a talented person as you.]

Looking at those words of praise, Luo Guanlin's face remained calm and he scanned three lines at a time. However, when he saw the last words, his expression was suddenly stunned.

This lord is good at praising others. After praising his various decisions in Luoyang, she also praised his rebellious proposal. But the praise was just an opening remark. After that, she said: "Sir, your proposal is very good, I like it very much, and it coincides with my plan. 】

He also said: [Sir, you have great virtue, yet you are willing to deceive the world for me. This touches me deeply.]

Furthermore: [However, it just so happens that I am a member of the Li family, so you don’t have to deceive the world for me.]

Luo Guanlin was stunned for a moment, then raised his eyebrows in understanding - are you starting to get used to your new identity?

Oh, that's right. A truly brilliant lie should deceive yourself first and then deceive the world.

Speaking of which, when he was explaining to his colleagues just now why the envoy had kept it a secret and why he chose to announce it at this time, he felt that it was becoming more and more true, and even he himself was beginning to believe it. For a moment, he even felt that the envoy was really a member of the Li family and was really thinking in this way...

No, it’s not what he felt, but it was true!
From today on, this can only be and must be true!
Luo Guanlin's mind was clear and resolute, and he urged the driver, "Go faster!"

The carriage soon arrived at the Chu family's residence. After getting off the carriage, Luo Guanlin walked quickly to see Master Chu.

On the way, Luo Guanlin thought a lot. He hesitated whether to reveal the "truth" to the master. He could deceive the world, but he was afraid that he could not deceive the master...

Even though the Grand Tutor has promised to do his best to help, this matter concerns the royal bloodline. If he tells the "truth", the Grand Tutor may not agree.

After much consideration, Luo Guanlin decided not to reveal too much at first, but to test the attitude of the Grand Tutor first and then act accordingly.

Unexpectedly, when he met the tutor, he saw the old man was ordering servants to pack their luggage.

Luo Guanlin bowed hastily and asked, "Master, are you leaving Luoyang?"

Could it be that the Grand Tutor had heard the news? Did he see through it at a glance? Was he going to leave in anger?
Master Chu took the time to look at the visitor: "Aren't you going to Taiyuan?"

Luo Guanlin was stunned when he saw the old man pull out a piece of paper from his sleeve to show that he already knew everything. He said, "I am slow on my way, so I will go ahead to avoid delaying you young people!"

Then he said to his servant, "Go and urge them to get the carriages and horses ready!"

The letter was received half an hour ago, and the departure arrangements were made the moment the letter was put down.

At this moment, there was only one voice in the old man's mind - that unlucky student, he is finally going to meet him, hum!
Seeing that the Grand Tutor was eager to leave, Luo Guanlin was not sure whether the old man knew the reason for going to Taiyuan...

But seeing the letter in the old man's hand, Luo Guanlin decided to keep quiet. Although he didn't know what kind of fantastic words the envoy said in the letter that made the usually difficult to invite Taifu so impatient, but... let's trick her away first!
When Luo Guanlin left here, Master Chu had already boarded the carriage leaving Luoyang. The Chu family was worried, so they forced the two grandchildren who spoke the least to follow and serve him.

At the same time, Yao Yi sat behind his desk, read the letter, and slowly let out a breath.

Returning to one’s ancestry——

Yao Yi was mentally prepared for these four words. As early as before the capital was captured, his daughter, who rarely wrote to him, had sent a letter home from Jiangdu, confirming her master's life experience and reminding him to "make preparations early."

The situation had developed to this point, and Yao Yi naturally had no reason to be unwilling, but he was still confused - how could Jiu Niang give birth to a daughter who could poke a hole in the sky and yet hold up the sky with one hand?

This there really no one else behind him?
Then let’s go to Taiyuan and have a look.

Even if the child didn't write a letter, he, as his uncle, should have been present for such a big event.

Yao Yi stood up and hurriedly asked people to pack their bags.

In just half a day, Chang Suining's letter had spread quickly among the officials in Luoyang City, like lightning in a spring night, causing bursts of thunder and thousands of flying fires wherever it went.

At this moment, compared with the extremely intense reactions of the officials below, Li Zhi's expression seemed particularly dull.

Seeing that the prince was distracted at this time, an official called out urgently, "Your Highness!"

Li Zhi suddenly came back to his senses: "Well, then... when do we leave?"

The officials were even more shocked by his attitude of letting others order him around: "Your Highness, do you really want to go to Taiyuan?"

Li Zhi looked embarrassed for a moment: "Whether I want to go or not...does it matter?"

Isn't the decision-making power in this matter in the hands of Chang Jieshi?

"…Your Highness!" the official said sadly, "Chang Suining is trying to confuse the royal bloodline. The Li bloodline is obviously fake!"

Li Zhi's expression became even more confused. True or false...does it matter?

As the officials were making passionate speeches, an official came in from outside, his face pale: "...The government office has sent someone to tell His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and the others to make preparations early. They said they would leave for Taiyuan in three days at the latest!"

"She is clearly trying to force us to go to Taiyuan to bear witness for her!" An imperial censor said in a tone of unwillingness to obey: "Where does this move put the dignity of the crown prince! She has a wolfish ambition and is going too far!"

Li Zhi hesitated to speak.

The Crown Princess said that many times, respectability is something that people fight for themselves - if he took the initiative to cooperate and go, how could it be forced or indecent?
Li Zhi didn't dare to say this, he said tactfully: "Why not ask the saint first?"

Thank you all for your monthly tickets, rewards, and messages. Good night~

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