Has the grandpa collapsed today?

Chapter 171 Imprisonment

Chapter 171 Imprisonment
Zhang Yuan came very quickly.

She came alone, and Gu Qingluo took a look at her when she entered the door.

Seeing Zhang Yuan, Gu Qingluo couldn't help admiring her good looks.

The Zhang Yuan standing in front of her is even more beautiful than those artistic photos on the Internet.

She should not be very photogenic. In the photos, she is very good-looking and elegant, but she is not as agile as her in person, and she does not have that cool and ethereal temperament.

Zhang Yuan was wearing a light yellow long skirt, which was very long and had a large hem, covering her slender legs.

When she entered the door, the hem of the long skirt swayed as she walked, as if blooming flowers.

Since she entered the door, Du Xiuyu began to sit upright.

His eyes have changed and become much warmer. When he looked at Zhang Yuan, there was a tenderness in his eyes that could not be concealed.

"I'm really sorry." When Zhang Yuan approached, Du Xiuyu got up and gave up his seat: "I noticed something was wrong with you, so I asked the elders in the family for help, and the elders said they wanted to see you..."

But thinking of Zhang Yuan's character, he clenched his palm into a fist and coughed between his lips.

After Zhang Yuan was frightened, she became angry.

Du Xiuyu didn't know why.

That big monster is really rampant. He dared to act like this in the human world. He simply didn't take human monks like them seriously.

Zhang Yuan nodded.

Zhang Yuan's face turned pale.

Zhang Yuan also saw the unusualness of the matter from the expressions and behaviors of the three people.

He wanted to pat Zhang Yuan on the back.

Du Xiuyu looked at Zhang Yuan with deep pity in his eyes.

Gu Qingluo is not as soft-hearted as her.

Zhang Yuan was very happy. That day, she toasted Hu several times, but for some reason, she got drunk.

Zhang Yuan can drink very well, and her willpower is also very strong, even if she is drunk, she is not unconscious.

Bai Jingjing sat down opposite Zhang Yuan and Du Xiuyu: "The fox clan is not just the fox clan. There are many monster clans who act recklessly. Whichever little monster or human being they fancy, they will take their fancy. Putting a prison on the body is a mark of this person or demon. They will try every means to make this person or demon obey them and become their plaything. If they don't obey, this imprisonment will also make other people or demons The demon can't get close, and let the one they fancy live alone."

This made Zhang Yuan startled for a moment.

Zhang Yuan's heart is now full of hatred.

But she didn't expect that since she entered the industry, it was the beginning of her nightmare.

Zhang Yuan was also stunned.

Gu Qingluo knocked on the table: "In addition to turning you into the monster's private property, this confinement will also bring bad luck to the opposite sex who gets close to you, making others feel that you are unlucky. For a long time, no one will dare to get close to you, let alone you. The hateful thing is that it still needs your own energy and blood to support, which will make your body worse, shorten your lifespan, and even make your soul unable to be freed after death."

And with her, the protagonist of this movie is Guan Yingdi.

"Is this true for all members of the opposite sex?"

Zhang Yuan couldn't help crying. She cried loudly at first, and then howled desperately. She lost all strength in howling, so she fell on the table and twitched, looking really pitiful.

The first drama she filmed was as a supporting role, a supporting role with not too many roles, but because of the pleasing character, coupled with her good looks, she was able to gain a little fame.

"I've been in a coma for so many years, I didn't expect the world to be messed up by demons and goblins."

Zhang Yuan regarded Actor Guan as a master, respected him very much, and never guarded against him.

The hatred made her confide to Gu Qingluo all the things that had been buried in her heart for many years.

Zhang Yuan raised her head after crying enough.


She stood firm and patted Du Xiuyu's hand away: "I said it was an accident, and I thank you for helping me. If you think I'm sorry for you, you can just say it, and I will find a way to make it up, or You make a request, and if I can do it, I will do it."

Zhang Yuan was taken aback and backed away involuntarily.

The main reason is that they are afraid of scaring Zhang Yuan.

She focused her gaze on Gu Qingluo.

Zhang Yuan's information appeared in Du Xiuyu's mind.

Gu Qingluo smiled at Zhang Yuan, then looked at Bai Jingjing.

Gu Qingluo nodded.

Zhang Yuan's biological father passed away when she was very young. She remarried with her mother and changed her surname to Zhang later.

Her face changed drastically in an instant, and the anger in her eyes could not be concealed.

She also didn't expect that the elder Du Xiuyu was talking about was Gu Qingluo.

Zhang Yuan entered this industry back then because she saw celebrities coming in quickly and earning a lot of money.

She wants to make more money to treat her mother, and she doesn't want her father and brother to be so tired.

Bai Jingjing sighed at this point.

When he was on the set, Actor Guan took good care of Zhang Yuan and taught her a lot.

She sat there, motionless like a stone sculpture, if not for the tears falling from her eyes, Gu Qingluo would have thought she was a statue.

The father she said was actually her stepfather.

Zhang Yuan wiped her tears: "My father is very kind to me, and my brother loves me very much. Our family of four lives happily, but later my mother got sick and needed a lot of money. I wanted to earn money, so I entered this circle." of……"

Zhang Yuan thumped the table with her right hand: "This is how my father and brother were killed..."

Du Xiuyu asked her to sit down, poured some water for her, and thoughtfully moved the snacks to Zhang Yuan.

And her brother is not her own brother.

He asked Bai Jingjing in a low voice: "What do you mean by what you just said? Why is she angry, master?"

As soon as she opened her mouth, she couldn't help crying bitterly.

He told the truth without any intention of hiding it.

Her eyes were big and full of tears. Because of crying, her eyes were red and her nose was also red. People couldn't help but feel pity for her.


Bai Jingjing glanced at Zhang Yuan carefully: "I can tell you, but don't be afraid."

"No." Du Xiuyu wanted to explain.

It took a long time before Zhang Yuan spoke.

Bai Jingjing understood, and suddenly got up and approached Zhang Yuan.

But Bai Jingjing was faster than him: "She has the mark of the fox family on her body, she should be imprisoned by the fox demon."

Gu Qingluo was expressionless, no one could see what was going on in her heart.

She became popular after filming her first TV series. At that time, she was still a newcomer in the circle, and she didn't know many things well.

Zhang Yuan was stunned at first, then she understood.

What Zhang Yuan didn't expect was that it was because of her unpreparedness that she fell into the abyss by herself.

She didn't want to go any further.

Gu Qingluo looked at her, and her heart softened a little.

Once, Actor Guan asked her to come out for dinner, saying that he wanted to introduce resources to her. Zhang Yuan thought that Actor Guan had good intentions, so she dressed up and went there. After she went, she met some investors, an investor surnamed Hu He cared about her very much, and after chatting with her, he expressed that he would win a role for Zhang Yuan in the new drama he invested in.

At the critical moment, Zhang Yuan bit her tongue to wake herself up.

After she figured it out, her face turned pale in an instant.

She restrained her anger and wanted to hear what Bai Jingjing had to say.

She could feel that someone was helping her into a room, and she also felt that the surname Hu had bad intentions for her.

But Du Xiuyu was behind her. When Zhang Yuan retreated, Du Xiuyu reached out to support her back to prevent her from falling.

Du Xiuyu naturally saw that Gu Qingluo was angry.

The moment Zhang Yuan saw Gu Qingluo, Zhang Yuan was a little surprised.

Her angry appearance was more vivid and beautiful than Zhang Yuan's, which made Zhang Yuan's eyes dazzled for a while.

She was crying with tears in her eyes, her nose was as red as dyed: "Wow, you...your family is really pitiful, how could they be like this."

Gu Qingluo understood what was going on.

It was simply too much.

Of course, what made him even more angry was that the person being calculated was Zhang Yuan.

Du Xiuyu didn't understand what confinement was before, but now hearing Gu Qingluo's explanation, he was so angry that his head would explode.

When Zhang Yuan finished speaking, Bai Jingjing couldn't help crying.

She opened her face, her eyes were full of anger: "What do you mean? You just want to bully me by asking me out?"

Du Xiuyu raised his hand.

The one surnamed Hu thought she would not wake up, and was unprepared, so Zhang Yuan grabbed the desk lamp on the table and smashed it directly on Hu's head, beating Hu's head and bleeding.

The one surnamed Hu wanted to molest Zhang Yuan, but Zhang Yuan insisted on refusing to do so. She covered her clothes and ran out to ask for help, but the one surnamed Hu did not succeed.

After that, Actor Guan treated Zhang Yuan uncharacteristically, from caring and caring to loathing and bullying.

He threatened Zhang Yuan with a photo taken of Zhang Yuan after she was drunk, and poured dirty water on Zhang Yuan desperately.

(End of this chapter)

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