Luo Xu put a hand on her chest and her temples jumped hard.

If she were in her prime, she could confidently say that it would be no problem to enter exploration.

But now, she was seriously injured.

Can you still navigate it with ease?

As the system host, Luoxu has another privilege.

The system gave her enough time to prepare, letting her know the map tasks in advance, and also opened all map starts directly.

Open the entire map.

The target is a three-dimensional map.

There are planets shining brightly everywhere.

The initial location she just entered was on a desolate star.

The entire surface of the planet there is full of desolate mines, with not much vegetation coverage, and a lot of garbage left by humans.

The system mission is to survive in this place for four months.

She needs to make her own shelter and build everything she needs.

Luo Xu breathed a sigh of relief.

If it were the task of escorting supplies, her current combat effectiveness would simply not be up to the task.

This map is survival, so it's easy to handle.

She was only given four teammates.

This is enough.

Her construction skills and creative skills are both at full capacity, making her the most suitable for such a task.

Luo Xu turned to Wei Zheng and said, "This map mission is about survival. We need to survive on the deserted star for four months."

Upon hearing this, Wei Zheng reacted immediately.

"You wait."

He called and said, "Ask Gabei to come over and come to us immediately." He turned to Luoxu and said, "Jiabei is an exploration genius recently cultivated by our country. He can use his hands in various harsh environments. The only ingredients that make a delicious meal.”

"During the month-long screening, we screened her out at the last step, but now it seems that you need her very much."

Speaking of delicious cooking, Luo Xu immediately thought of Su Xing.

But now, Su Xing has lived a happy life on earth, with his own lover and family, and did not participate in this mission selection.

Luo Xu nodded.

"I need it very much, thank you Uncle Wei."

Wei Zheng called a few more people.

Two people from different continents and one tall black man.

The short and nimble man carrying a backpack is called Zhuo Wei. He is a geographer and explorer who is good at swordsmanship. In this selection, his swordsmanship is invincible.

Zhu Congjian is good at using various weapons, has a strong ability to survive in the wild, and his ability to make and assemble weapons is unrivaled.

Malik is strong and strong, standing at [-] meters tall, and has immense strength. Before taking the genetic evolution fluid, he could compete with an elephant for strength. Now he can even handle and pull ten trucks with his own strength.

Not long after, a short-haired woman about 20 years old came over.

Her cheeks were flushed with excitement.

Obviously, he didn't expect that he could still participate in the mission after being wiped out.

After Luo Xu greeted a few people, he said seriously: "Our luck value in this mission is very low, which means that we are very likely to randomly enter a place where it is extremely difficult to survive."

"Moreover, we will encounter more difficult monsters to deal with. My mental strength has not yet fully recovered, and my combat effectiveness has been greatly reduced. I cannot guarantee that I can protect all of you."

In those previous adventures to other worlds.

The amazing strength she displayed made everyone feel that they could 100% survive by following her.

If she were at her peak, she could pat her chest and promise to protect the four of them.

But now, she herself is not sure.

The four of them stood there with their heads held high.

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