The salted fish couple is fleeing famine

Chapter 101 Tianshun's Year-End Summary for 2 Years

Chapter 101 The Year-end Summary of Tianshun's Second Year
In addition to the preparations for the New Year, the most important thing is to keep accounts. After this year, we have to look at the overall situation and the surplus.

Cuihua's accounts are actually simple, and the income line is relatively fixed.

Her family only has a noodle shop, and the wheat produced in the nearly 5000-acre village is made into noodles, which has made a profit of more than [-] taels of silver. This is already a double profit on the basis of raw materials.

But this is not as valuable as the comic strips produced by her two children. Knowledge is indeed money.

Heiwa's salaries of the second rank earl and countess are only 1000 taels of silver, but Heiwa's annual salary of the chief consultant of the royal ceramics can be 3 taels.

The payment is not complicated: the biggest expenses of their family are actually the purchase of servants and monthly money and silver, and most of the daily ingredients come from Zhuangzi.

On the whole, it is a proper high-income group. The couple is not dissatisfied at all. They have paid double salaries to the employees at the end of the year. There is another big red envelope reward for those who are particularly outstanding. Manager Li got a big red envelope of 100 taels.

Their family was giving new year presents and receiving new year presents at the same time. On this day, they received the annual presents from the Fan family in Sichuan.

Luo Shu and Le Yu stayed in Yuan Mansion for a few months. They didn't forget the purpose of coming here, but they are still far away from the front yard, and they haven't seen Datou and Ertou twice in these few months.

The aunts are very talented, they are obsessed with learning, and they have the potential to be a master at a young age. If their parents did not come to give them gifts at the end of the year, when the nuns asked, they would have almost forgotten about it.

The food in this Yuan Mansion is delicious, and the three little sisters are also very friendly. They are much happier than studying the Four Books for Women in their hometown.

The five little girls have formed a deep friendship in the past few months.

Xiaocao is the eldest sister, eight years old this year, Xiaohua is seven years old, Nannan and Leyu are six years old, and Luoshu is the youngest sister.

Xiaocao has the self-consciousness of a big sister, looks like her mother, and now she looks like a little beauty.

She and her sister-in-law have also experienced a lot along the way, and they have a calmer personality, and they are willing to be humble to the younger sisters. Everyone likes to find her when they have something to do.

Le Yu is a small person with a sweet mouth. There is no aunt who doesn't like her. Aunt Xia is going to accept her as a student and teach her how to play the piano.

Both Luoshu and Xiaohua are a bit naive, they are both cute babies at home, they are very competitive, and they don't want to suffer.

Nannan is well protected by her brother and aunt, and she doesn't know how to play tricks. She has been with Lu Xiuniang for a long time. She has very dexterous little hands, and she can do needlework well.

Among the boys, the talent for reading is better than the older three.

Xiao Shan and Xiao Chuan did not study for as long as Da Tou and Er Tou, and their foundation was not as solid, especially Xiao Chuan, who was not yet old enough to start school, and could not hold his pen steadily, and his handwriting was crooked.

Xiao Chuan was in a bad mood every time he went back to Hu's house in the past few months. His mother was not only pregnant, but also raised his cousin and cousin as her own children. Xiao Chuan is small and not stupid.

He said to Cuihua: "My mother doesn't love me anymore. She ate all the cakes I brought home for Brother Changshui and Sister Xi'er, and she let Brother Changshui sleep on my bed. Auntie, they want to eat all the cakes in the future." Have you been staying at my house?"

Cuihua rubbed his little head, and said affectionately: "Well, Xiao Chuan, look, you also live in my aunt's house for a lot of time now. My aunt's house has Mr. Fan and Master Wu. You can come to learn skills, and my aunt also I am willing to give Xiao Chuan good food and good clothes."

"Then your mother is also the aunt of Brother Changshui and Sister Xi'er now, does she treat them like I treat you?"

"But, but, aunt, you didn't ignore big brother and second brother, my mother doesn't miss me now."

"Then look, besides your mother, your father, grandparents, aunt, uncle, don't you all like Xiao Chuan? You still have so many of us thinking about it. Are you unhappy staying at aunt's house?"

"Happy is happy, but Xiao Chuan still wants a mother." Cuihua hugged him for a long time to comfort him.

But after that, Xiao Chuan didn't like to go back to Hu's house anymore. During the vacation time, after Xiao Shan went back, he would rather stay and play with the twins. back.

For the two civil and military masters, it was too easy to teach the four little boys in the Yuan Mansion this year.

Master Wu's morning class is only half an hour, and at most he will bring a few children to Cuju in the afternoon.

Mr. Fan felt that it was much easier than in Dali Village. There were few children, young, uncomplicated thoughts, and he was not the kind of spoiled and spoiled child with a bad temper.

Especially after Uncle Zhongqin won the title, now even the pressure of the imperial examination is not great.

Now he only needs to enlighten them and lay the foundation of the Four Books and Five Classics, and he is not in a hurry.

The nobles of Daxia can also take the imperial examination. In addition to the son of Xijue, they can also enter the barracks or enter the palace as a guard, but they all agree that the imperial examination is the right way, and people with a little strength are desperately investing in educational resources for future generations.

Heiwa and Cuihua have also discussed the future of the children. In this dynasty, the eldest son is usually the successor, so the next few boys have to earn their own future.

Speaking of it, the second one suffers the most. He was born a quarter of an hour later than the eldest, depriving him of the right to inherit the title. Cuihua couldn't help feeling sorry for him for a few seconds.

But the father said: "Don't underestimate my second child, this child is smart, maybe he can live a better life on his own than ours, we have so much gold, sons who have no title, I will give them gold !"

Cuihua laughed loudly: "Didn't someone say in front of the emperor that he would let his children and grandchildren earn their own future? Tsk tsk, duplicity!"

"Hey, I don't worry about Xiao Wu. This boy, he has a lot of strength. When he grows up, he will probably be about the same as you. He can't live anywhere. Just this Xiao Liu, daughter-in-law, I'm afraid this kid will be a fool." Yo, you are so stingy at such a young age, you can only get in and out, it's very troublesome."

"Then at least you don't have to worry. He is a prodigal. He is reluctant to spend it himself. Do you still expect others to cheat him out of money?"

"Thinking about it this way, I can only comfort myself in this way. This son has a lot of debts, and we will never have another child!"

"Aren't you still thinking about wanting a girl?"

"Forget it, the lives of girls in ancient times are too miserable. They follow the three rules and the four virtues. I can't bear to see my girl take concubines for men. I can't bear it when I think about it. Our family won't have children. Besides, what if If I'm still a son, then I won't be bald anymore!"

These days, not only their family is doing a year's income and expenditure accounts, but the emperor and queen's family business is even bigger, and their books are thicker.

Looking at this year's income, Xia Hongdi is in a good mood. The cement workshop accounts for the largest share, the toilet workshop is not bad, the salt and gold income from Dunyu Island is quite good, and the bathtubs and wash basins are also selling well. The total tax for one year is still high.

The family has surplus food, let's double the expenditure again, ah!this?Building embankments is really a gold-swallowing beast!Also, there is a lot of money allocated for vaccinations this year. It’s really a year’s worth of money, and half of it is spent. My heart aches!
Now that the famine is over, the imperial court has been distributing food relief to many severely affected areas throughout the past year, and the land tax is only half of what it used to be. Farmers should be able to live a better life.

The queen is also in a good mood. Her oyster sauce shop has earned nearly 200 million taels this year, and the dry stock dividends of dried noodles have also been divided into [-] taels throughout the year.

Next year, I will make the spicy pot base again, um, her family Yaoyao's dowry is full of money.

This is really the emperor's daughter who is also worried about getting married. Not only is she worried that her dowry is not enough, but she is also worried that the future concubine will not treat her well enough, and the concubine can also have concubines!
Looking at her lively and lovely daughter every day, she couldn't help but think about preparing something more for her. The goal is to make her daughter carefree for the rest of her life.

Dali Village, Hu's family.

Seeing Xiao Chuan who hadn't returned to the village for a long time, Mrs. Zhang hugged him and didn't let go. She was clear in her heart. The heart of the second child's family was far away. Her good grandson would rather stay at his aunt's house than come back. .

Hu Erniu told Big Sister Niu: "It's been a long time since Xiao Chuan came back, you still haven't had a good kiss with him, is there such a mother as you?"

Big Sister Niu was not convinced: "Didn't he stay at his aunt's house so much that he didn't want to come back? The uncle's house has good food and good clothes, and he still misses our poor family there!"

Hu Erniu's eyes widened: "Is it because Xiao Chuan doesn't want to come back? If you care about him a little more, he will miss home. If you are afraid that he will be separated from you, let Xiao Chuan go to school in the village after the Chinese New Year." I'm sorry, lest my sister help us so much, and it's not good for you!"

Big Sister Niu immediately burst into tears: "How can I dare to say that my sister is not good, I just said that, you lost your temper so much, I am still pregnant with my second child, do you want me to be dead? Fate!"

Hu Erniu was so angry that he couldn't speak, he slammed the door and left.

After listening to the brothers and sisters in the corner looking at me and I looking at you for a long time, Niu Xi'er pulled her brother by the corner of his clothes and said in a low voice, "Brother, I'm afraid, uncle won't kick us out, right?"

Niu Changshui comforted his younger sister: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, uncle won't, let's treat Xiao Chuan better these days, coax him, uncle won't scold aunt."

Ding's family, Ding Jia's business in the escort agency is also good this year, and he has earned more than 1000 taels of silver. This daughter-in-law is pregnant with her second child, and now the pregnancy is stable, and her morning sickness is much better. She can't wait to pick up Ding Doudou. back home.

When he was leaving, Ding Doudou cried hoarsely, shouting: "Brother, brother, I won't come back, I won't come back."

Xiaowu and Xiaoliu also yelled at the side: "Doudou, brother, don't go, don't go!"

The adults were so tired that they were sweating, grabbing this, and running that, a mess.

In the end, it was Cuihua, a cruel mother, who suppressed the twins by force. She coaxed Ding Doudou: "Doudo, you go back to have a meal, see your mother, and then come back to your aunt's house, okay?"

He made Ding Doudou cry, and followed his father back home.

(End of this chapter)

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