The salted fish couple is fleeing famine

Chapter 107 Looking at Prisoners of War

Chapter 107 Looking at Prisoners of War

In this battle report, the emperor brought back to Kunning Palace to share the joy with the empress.

The prince and little princess Jingyao clapped their hands happily when their father read the battle report to them.

"Little uncle is amazing!" Little Princess Jingyao grew up listening to her uncle's stories. When she was in Sichuan, her little uncle often bought her good things.

"Father, the Japanese were completely beaten to the ground by us this time, right?" Although he doesn't take this small country seriously, he often comes here to play, isn't it annoying?
"In two days, the first wave of Japanese captives will be delivered. At that time, let the people of Honglu Temple have a good trial to see how powerful the Eastern Japanese are. Prince, it's only two confrontations, and it can't be said that it is complete. Beat me down!"

"Yeah, father, can we watch the excitement that day? I heard that the restaurants on Qianmen Street are fully booked!"

"Did you hear the second boy from Uncle Zhongqin's family again? Why did he tell you everything?"

"Father, Yaoyao also wants to go, and wants to see the fun! Is it okay, Father!" Who can stand this little daughter's coquettishness?
"Yes, yes, but you can't escape the guards sent by your father. No matter where you go, you must pay attention to safety! Otherwise, there will be no next time."

"Long live father, long live father!" The two children shouted happily.

Two days later, Qianmen Street, major restaurants, windows and private rooms have already been booked at various high prices.

Upstairs, this restaurant that specializes in Sichuan cuisine, the largest private room on the second floor is very lively.

Uncle Zhongqin personally led the team, Datou and Ertou, Xiaochuan and Xiaoshan, Zhao Leiting, Heiyi and others arrived here early, and the crown prince and Princess Jingyao were also sent to join by Ouchi guards.

After Heiwa took the children to the prince and princess respectfully, the prince excitedly helped him up and asked, "Uncle Zhongqin, I heard that among the captives this time are the two most powerful generals of the Japanese kingdom! "

Hei Wa nodded, and replied with a smile: "The Japanese warriors and weapons also have something to learn from. I heard that their knives are very sharp."

There is no boy who doesn’t like swords and guns. Speaking of this, the boys’ blood boiled and they chatted enthusiastically. The little princess Jingyao was not interested in this. She tilted her head and asked Heiwa: “Uncle Zhongqin, why don’t you bring Xiaowu?” How about with Xiao Liu?"

It was only then that Hei Wa realized that the little princess couldn't play with boys, so he walked up to Princess Jingyao, knelt down, and said kindly:
"They have to wait for a while to come. They are still young, and it takes time to eat and change clothes. If the princess feels bored, I brought a very interesting jigsaw puzzle here. Do you want to play with it first and wait for them? "

Little Princess Jingyao nodded with a smile. She likes this jigsaw puzzle very much. She has already assembled seven or eight complete patterns.

What Heiwa brought this time was a jigsaw puzzle of a small farmyard, with 50 yuan of wooden blocks of different shapes and bright colors.

Princess Jingyao immediately sat on the chair, put the picture on the big round table, and started playing with all her heart.

Half an hour later, Cuihua pushed through the crowded crowd and entered the private room with two fat boys in her arms.

There was another round of salutations and greetings, and the two little fat men learned how to bow in a decent manner, which made Princess Jingyao very happy.

"Auntie, the younger brothers have grown up!" They haven't seen each other for a few months, and the two children have indeed grown a little, and Xiaoliu's fat is even more obvious.

"Hello, pretty sister!" Xiao Liu said with honey on his lips, they learned a lot of new words to their mother.

Cuihua also smiled and said to Princess Jingyao: "Princess has also grown taller, have you eaten well recently?"

Princess Jingyao nodded sharply: "I have someone to eat obediently, Auntie, can I go to your house for dinner today? The dishes at Auntie's are the best!"

"Then let someone tell the empress first! Let's finish watching the show and go home when there are fewer people."

This is so good, the prince was so happy that he closed his eyes with a smile, oh, it's so fun to go to Zhongqinbo's mansion for dinner.

After waiting for maybe an hour, the two little fat boys and Princess Jingyao played with all the toys they brought, and just about to get impatient, the street suddenly became lively.

"It's coming, it's coming, it's finally here!"

The windows on both sides of the street were pushed open immediately, the cars and horses rattled in the distance, and the concrete floor and the iron applause of the horses resounded through the street.

A group of small heads are crowded together, with small benches under them, and adults are guarding them.

Grandma Chun was still carrying two baskets of eggs on the table. The prince was puzzled. Grandma Chun said with a smirk, "Your Highness, why don't you throw eggs when you see bad guys? The old slave is afraid of dirtying the hands of all the masters." , otherwise they will all be replaced with bad eggs, and they will stink to death."

Cuihua is speechless, isn't throwing rotten eggs and rotten leaves a plot only in costume dramas?

The children became excited, and Xiaowu looked at the egg eagerly: "Mom, I want to throw it too!"

Xiao Liu still doesn't quite understand: "Eggy, delicious!"

When the heads with bruised faces were exposed in the open-air cage on the street, everyone was shocked. This, this injury is too severe, everyone has their heads shaved , It looks so pitiful.

However, when a person starts to hit a head with a rotten egg, it seems that a mechanism has been activated, and the eggs are flying all over the street, and the big boys, whoever hit the head happily, will jump up for joy after the hit .

"Mrs. Chun, Mrs. Chun, are there any eggs, are there any eggs!"

"Little master, there are no more, the old slave took a hundred, but be careful, don't hurt your hands!"

"It's a pity, I haven't had enough fun yet!"

"Yes, yes!" Even the prince nodded violently.

It's so easy to lead bad people, hey, what a sinful Mother Chun did!

The excited people in the capital of the Great Xia Dynasty, this is the first time they have seen an overseas country beaten to the ground and captured so many people. They worship the emperor too much, long live my emperor, long live!

A laugh came from the box next door: "This is so much fun, our navy is amazing, we captured so many people at once!"

"Isn't it? Compared to the last time when I beat the Tartars, this time I really have a face. I'm going to drink for three days!"

"Have you heard, it is said that nearly 9 or [-] people were killed this time? Let's win more with less!"

"Why haven't I heard of it? That's how it is. That's why I feel so happy. Those Japanese pirates along the coast are always harassing. They are like bedbugs. They kill people, rob them and run away. I really want to kill their lair!"

"Next time if the navy conscripts, I want to go!"

"Who doesn't want to go, now the navy is a favorite!"

Hearing these discussions, the prince couldn't stop his suppressed smile, and the corners of his mouth were curved. This was due to his little uncle!
After the spectators dispersed, Uncle Zhongqin led a group of children back to the house. Their stomachs were starving, and Chef Cuihua had to cook.

The fastest one is to eat hot pot. I lit two stoves, one with slightly spicy bottom and one with rice porridge bottom.

The slightly spicy hot pot base is a stock at home, just put it into the hanging bone soup, melt it and boil it.

The bottom of the glutinous rice porridge pot is more labor-intensive. It is cooked with clean spring water and high-quality fragrant rice after many hours of meditation.

The rice and spring water are completely fused and the sugar and starch in the rice are removed, leaving only the rice porridge containing a variety of vitamins, minerals, and proteins.

This is the so-called: there is rice but not rice, only the essence of rice.

This porridge bottomed with emerald flowers was ordered by the mothers-in-law to cook it in the morning. It was originally intended to be used for cooking seafood porridge, but it is also great for making hot pot.

The slightly spicy bottom of the pot made Heiwa take Datou, Ertou and Prince to cook fatty beef rolls, lamb rolls, fish and shrimp, various meatballs, etc.

With Cuihua, Princess Jingyao and Xiao Wu and Xiao Liu ate rice porridge.

First cook a round of fresh shrimp and clams. Cuihua also secretly chopped the crab meat of a king crab and put it in the porridge. The delicious seafood gave the bottom of the pot a soul.

Next, the sliced ​​fish, which is as thin as a cicada's wing, can be scooped up after a few breaths.

Cuihua was mainly responsible for shelling and scooping out the meat for them. The sweet prawns and tender fish fillets made the children squint their eyes. The porridge was also thick and delicious.

Seeing that they are half full, put some green vegetables. After the vegetables are cooked, you can scoop out the porridge, stir it carefully, and keep it warm before serving it to the children.

The slightly spicy bottom of the pot also made several older children sweat. This will have been put into the warm seafood porridge, and it is perfect to serve a bowl for one person!

With their stomachs upright, a group of dolls are still looking at Cuihua eagerly. How about dessert?

Seeing Cuihua amused: "You have such a bulging stomach, can you still eat some snacks?"

Qi Qi nodded, we still have a dim sum stomach!

Well, arrange the fruit tarts!
After the meal, the prince and Princess Jingyao digested the food, and returned to the palace contentedly with packed pot bottoms and egg tarts.

Now it seems that it is not uncommon for the royal family to come to eat at home. The most excited old Yuantou is very calm now. The old man understands now that this royal family may not be able to eat delicious food. He will come to his house every now and then. Rice!

Years later, Yuan Laoer and Yuan Laosan worked in the R&D center of Dali Village. They did a good job last year, and they hoped to release new products this year and go to other places to work as pioneers.

However, Heiwa is still using an excuse to take care of her body, and this year's research and development plan has not yet been put on the specific agenda.

The prisoners of war were imprisoned and interrogated several times by various departments, and the information they got shocked the people on land.

It turns out that there are so many countries overseas. The Westerners mentioned here seem to be very cruel, and their firearms are also very advanced. The Japanese actually have business dealings with them, and they can even trade slaves!

The translator at Honglu Temple was very busy, busy translating and sorting out the information of these prisoners of war, and summarizing it for the emperor.

Looking at these messages, Xia Hongdi's thoughts diverged. Maybe his two good brothers are now eating and drinking hot food in Xiyang, and there is even a possibility of becoming a nobleman in Xiyang. Thinking about it this way, why is the mood not so good? What?
King Ning and King Lu: Brother, we don’t. We’ve come to a place where there are only indigenous people. It’s so dangerous here. The mice here are so big, they can jump upright, and they can pretend to be babies in their stomachs!

(End of this chapter)

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