The salted fish couple is fleeing famine

Chapter 126 Touching Porcelain

Chapter 126 Touching Porcelain
As for the male guests, although everyone expressed interest in the new play, he must be a man, and he could understand Chen Shimei, so his expressions looked weird.

Uncle Zhongqin yelled: "Great singing, reward!" His housekeeper and servant Zhao Leiting went out with a purse. If the master likes it, then he can reward him more.

Then the old men from other families couldn't be left behind, and they asked the young men to reward them one after another.

For a while, half of the people in the attic left, so Gao Huaiyu had to let the maids come in to exchange tea cups.

After the meal, we will serve chrysanthemum hangover tea for everyone, and this time we will serve green tea.

I don't know if it's because they seldom serve the male master. The maids are trembling, and a little girl accidentally poured tea soup all over Uncle Zhongqin.

"Master, spare your life, master, spare your life!" The little girl in her early ten years knelt down, trembling, and kowtowed for mercy.

"Forget it, let someone take me to find a dry handkerchief and wipe it off."

The main reason is that the weather is very cold, and the tea has been soaked through the clothes. If you don't dry it, you will still get goose bumps from the cold.

Led by the servants of the Gao Mansion, they went to the front yard, passing a rockery, and suddenly a girl burst out from there. Her face was full of red clouds, as if she was a goddess from Tianshan who had fallen into the dust.

She stared at Hei Wa, speaking slowly, with a trembling voice, as if mustering all the courage:
"Uncle Zhongqin, Uncle, the little girl Yingying admires your great talent, regardless of her status, she wants to be by your side. I wonder if I have the honor?!"

Hei Wa was stunned: "Whose family do you belong to? Are you drunk and talking nonsense?"

The girl shook her head: "I don't, I know what I'm talking about."

Heiwa burst into anger: "You feel too good about yourself. Why, I have to be happy if you don't care about your status. Besides, except for my wife, other women are the same to me. Girl, I advise you Don't make a mistake!"

This was already very rude, the little girl gritted her teeth and stepped forward a few steps, intending to pull Heiwa's sleeve, but she backed away in fright.

The boy who led the way was nowhere to be seen, Hei Wa was about to die of rage, why are there such things everywhere, I'm so stupid, I can't go to other people's house happily as a guest.

"Uncle, I beg you, without you, the Xue family would be finished." The beauty cried heartbrokenly, staggered, thinking of throwing herself on him.

"The Xue family, is that imperial merchant Xue's family?"

The beauty nodded, and now Hei Wa figured it out. It turned out that this was the woman whom the Empress Dowager wanted to pimp him.

Without saying a word, he turned around and ran away, my lady, save your man.

Turning too fast, he stumbled himself when he didn't pay attention, and before he got up, the beauty rushed over.

Clutching his clothes tightly, she said: "Uncle, Yingying really admires you, you can't let me down."

"Go away, let go, let go, if you don't let go, I'm going to call someone!" Heiwa was so angry that the volume changed and her voice trembled.

"Ah, what are you doing?" A noble lady led a group of ladies to the hut and came back, talking about wanting to watch another play.

Then I saw the beauty lying on a man's body, looked carefully, isn't this the cousin and niece brought by Mrs. Xuan Pinghou?Who is this man?

My own man can be recognized even when he turns into ashes, besides, what will happen to him now!

Cuihua stepped forward a few times, and pulled off the beauty who was lying on Heiwa's body and steadfastly holding her hand. It was true, because she pulled it so tightly that a piece of fabric was torn off Heiwa's clothes. .

Cuihua's face was pale, she pulled Heiwa up, and asked with her eyes, Heiwa said, "I sprained my foot, no, I'm still dependent on someone."

Seeing the beauty who was still pretending to be pitiful, Cuihua sneered in her heart, stepped forward and slapped her left and right slaps hard.

"This is because you want to touch porcelain, why? Madam Xuan Pinghou's niece, is she just rushing to be a concubine?"

"I, I just admire"

"Stop talking nonsense, you are a boudoir girl, you have never met my uncle before, where do you admire him?
Don't admire a young man who is the same age as you, but want to admire a man with a family and a son. Do you think everyone has no brains?
Also, even if you really admire my husband, will my husband accept you?

If you think about it this way, whoever dares to go out if he is a man with some power, if a woman rushes up shamelessly as soon as he goes out, can the family still pretend? "

More and more people gathered around, it turned out that the male guest had also heard about it.

Heiwa waited for Cuihua to finish speaking and said: "We in Uncle Zhongqin's house are from mud-legged backgrounds, and we don't pay much attention to the appearance of big families.

Don't say that nothing happened today, even if I was raped by you today, I will not accept you.

I'm surprised, you've used tricks and tricks on me, isn't this my enemy?

Then why do I still care about the face of my enemy and force myself to accept a woman who plots against me? Could it be that it is written on my face: Am I the wronged species? "

As soon as the words fell, someone in the crowd laughed out loud, this Uncle Zhongqin is too funny, and he was wronged!They were discussing in whispers.

The men in the Duke of Wei's mansion don't look good. Is it true that such a guy who borrows his mansion to do dirty things is really easy to bully?

The Duke of Wei who came here after hearing the news, with a dark face, said to everyone: "No matter who brought this woman, our Duke of Wei's mansion will break up with her, and this wicked woman will not be driven out of the house by me! "

As soon as Wei Guogong's attitude was revealed, everyone didn't dare to say more, this, this is too serious, right?
When the beauty saw that everyone didn't speak for her, she ran directly into the rockery.

"Ah!" The wives were so frightened that their faces turned pale, and many of them covered their eyes in fright.

Cuihua's footsteps stumbled, and the beauty who was flying straight towards her was blocked for a while, but although her strength weakened, she was hit on the head and bled, and passed out.

Hei Wa's face didn't change, he wanted to see if this woman could really be killed by him, and he still blamed Cuihua for being troublesome.

A man couldn't bear it. Seeing this scene, he whispered, "This Uncle Zhongqin is too cruel!"

Hei Wa's ears are very good, and he can really hear, he said seriously:

"Being kind to the woman who plots against me is the cruelty I treat my wife! If it weren't for my wife's kick, this woman would have died long ago.

If you ask me, my wife is just too kind. This kind of person has plotted against your man, so let her die! "

These words are not so nice, but the ladies at the scene were all sour, yes, if it were them, who would care about it!
"My poor cousin and niece, why can't you think about it so much, there is always something reasonable in this world, and people say you are calculating?
what!My innocent cousin and niece, I still agreed with the old lady today, and I want to find you a good family, but this is just a scheme to give people red lips and white teeth.

What grievances do you have, why don't you say it?If you went here without knowing why, how can I explain to your parents the cousin who brought you out today?
I'm dead, Xuan Pinghou, Lord Hou, come out and be the master of this concubine, someone is going to frame us! "

Unexpectedly, the dainty noble lady is no different from a village woman when she spouts. People who are not firm stand pointing out, who is telling the truth and who is telling the lie.

Uncle Zhongqin doesn't like this, he has a cold face, and there is no emotion in his voice:

"Since Mrs. Xuanping Hou said that I framed her cousin's niece, then report it to the officials. I am also a first-class earl, and I framed a woman I met for the first time for no reason. I believe there is always a reason for this." place."

Who is like this loyal and diligent uncle, who always reports to the officials, and only a few days ago he sued a child of his in-laws, and now he wants to sue a young woman, this is really a strange thing!

Cuihua whispered to him for a while, and got a general understanding of the situation, and only then did she know the details of the other party, it turned out to be her!

Xuan Pinghou blushed, he really wanted to forcefully agree, but, can he enter this yamen?
Mrs. Xuan Pinghou stopped being abusive, and instead wept and said:

"How can an unmarried woman enter the yamen? I think Uncle Zhongqin is deliberately embarrassing us, my poor child? Your cousin and aunt are incompetent. This is really an innocent disaster!"

"It's about the disaster of innocence, Mrs. Xuan Pinghou, I have to get this number for my uncle.

It's fine, but it's just that the girl spilled the tea and wanted to borrow a place to dry it off, so it's just for nothing to cause such a thing.

By the way, some time ago, I think everyone must have heard of my title of being the number one jealous woman in Great Xia, how did I get this title, I am not afraid of being ashamed, and I will take this opportunity to tell everyone about it .

What is the reason? The Empress Dowager Shangsheng wants to be a matchmaker for my uncle and marry a concubine wife. Of course I disagree, so she named me this name.

Unexpectedly, there are no secrets in this palace.

The queen mother and her elders want to matchmaking, but this is the famous Miss Xue family, the twin sisters of the capital.

After I got home, I apologized to my uncle, which made him have no chance to enjoy the blessing of being a beauty! "

"Ma'am, don't talk nonsense, in my eyes, you are more beautiful than anyone else, and I am not blind!"

Everyone is absolutely fascinated, well, this is one willing to fight and the other willing to suffer, and Mrs. Zhongqin is not playing alone, this couple is really a perfect match.

After saying this, Madam Xuan Pinghou's inner face was really exposed, but she dared not deny it, because it was said that the Empress Empress was also present at the scene that day.

It was too embarrassing, and the maid who was hired by Madam Gao was "invited" out of the mansion, along with Xuan Pinghou and her cousin and niece.

After leaving the gate of Gao's house, Xuan Pinghou slapped her hard and walked away.

For everyone, no one wants to watch a movie anymore, this reality show is much more exciting than a movie, tsk tsk.

The big guys also left one after another, the flames of gossip in their hearts couldn't be held back, and they wanted to go home quickly and talk to others.

Sending Cuihua and their three mothers out of the hospital, Mrs. Gao accompanied her personally, and said to Cuihua very sorry: "It is the old man who is not strict with the housekeeper, and you have been wronged today. The old man will definitely check it out and give you one." Confession."

Cuihua had no choice but to say: "You can't be blamed for this. If you do mental calculations but don't care, villains always make it impossible to guard against these low-level methods. You can always relax and don't disturb your New Year's fun!"

Mrs. Gao patted her hand, making up her mind, but if she wanted his son to go to his brother-in-law to file a complaint, it really wasn't the same thing as their Duke of Wei's residence, and they dared to sing in her house.

Xiaoliu was reluctant to let go, he liked the new brother Qilin very much, and said to him: "Brother Qi, you also come to my house to play, come and play!"

The Qilin kid nodded, "I'll let my mother take me there!"

(End of this chapter)

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