Chapter 128
"Everyone has heard that our Dongcheng area is going to be demolished. But before the demolition, the biggest project is to clean up the Yangliu River.

People are needed to dig the silt, and people are needed to transport the silt. Next, we need to repair it. The embankment needs to be reinforced, and guardrails need to be built on both sides of the river bank, etc. These require a lot of young and strong labor, and these people are also preferred by our Dongcheng people. .

Of course, the wages will not be less for everyone. Calculated on a daily basis, fifty big money a day, just for a lunch! "

This, this is a lot of money, fifty for one day, five hundred for ten days, my God, they have three sons in their family, and an old lady snapped her finger, she couldn't figure it out, this month, she How much money can the family make.

Seeing that the atmosphere had risen to a higher level, Hei Wa made his final request:

"I think everyone can figure out how many problems His Majesty has solved for everyone this time. Then, everyone will not be embarrassed, right. Can we still demolish the Dongcheng?"

Is there any need to say this?It's not that they haven't been tempted by the demolition compensation before, but the family is old and young, and they don't have a stable income line of work, so they are afraid of sitting on the mountain and eating nothing.

This time, even the old man and the old lady have work to do, and the son of the family can earn more money, so why not?

Immediately stated that he could be the head of the family and was willing to take the demolition money to be demolished.

Isn't it necessary to strike while the iron is hot? Zhao Leiting has already moved the demolition compensation here, and then organized these people to go home and get the house deed in exchange for money and work certificates.

Within three days, the more than 800 poor people agreed to the demolition and completed the relevant procedures.

The conditions for this demolition have also been spread. There are not too many families who are not rich. Everyone is sour, and they are all looking forward to it.

Hu Yiniu and Hu Erniu's engineering team did not start construction until the group of people had all moved out a week later.

From this group of people, more than 300 people were recruited to demolish together.

Construction started at the same time, as well as the Yangliu River with stinky water. This year is not over yet, and the east side is already in full swing, which is even more lively than New Year's Eve.

It is best to dig river mud before the ice and snow melt and the river is dry.

The idle labor force in central Beijing should not be too rich. People from the north, west, and south flocked here.

More than [-] people go down the river every day to dig mud, and Uncle Zhongqin sold the cleaned mud to many landowners with a lot of farmland. The fertility of the mud is not worse than that of manure.

The expenses are summed up one by one, and the calculation is clear. There are small officials in the household department who settle the accounts on the spot every day. These people all admire Uncle Zhongqin's brain.

In the palace, on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month of this year, there is nothing to do, Xia Hongdi said: The capital is spending too much, I want to be diligent and thrifty to manage my family!
This angered the Empress Dowager Shangsheng, who in this world can still have money like him?This damned Xue family can't afford to support it. In a few words, this Dingyao family that has gone through hundreds of years will be completely ruined.

Before Xia Hongdi could make a move, something happened to the kiln of Xue's family. The master kilns who fired the kiln quit their jobs one after another, unwilling to stay.

Then the firm that has been trading with them for decades no longer places orders, and the big customers who are used to their porcelain have no news.

Bankruptcy was only a matter of half a month, and there were constant moths in that half of the commercial street.

Either the tenant broke the contract, or someone died in front of the shop. Those who received protection fees stopped working after receiving the money. All kinds of hooligans gathered in this street.

The business was so deserted that the merchants couldn't afford the rent. At the beginning, the Xue family didn't want to sell the shop, but the family's expenses were so big, they could only sell it step by step.

Xue Yingying, who woke up the next day after returning home, couldn't bear the humiliation that day, Xuanliang was rescued by the little girl, and Xue's father quickly made a marriage for her.

It is neither a merchant nor a son of Xungui's family, but a lieutenant general surnamed Yang who is over forty years old. This lieutenant general Yang is now stationed in the northern border.

His wife has passed away for many years, leaving behind three sons and two daughters. The sons have already married wives and had children, and the youngest daughter has not been married yet. This time during the Chinese New Year, he also returned to Beijing to report on his duties.

The old mother at home couldn't see that her son was left alone to take care of her, and she was all thinking about renewing his strings, so that she could marry one of the prosperous twins in the capital, how could the old lady control these rumors.

Because Vice General Yang stayed in the capital for no more than [-] days and was going back to the north in a few days, the two families went to the court as if they were going to the market. On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Xue Yingying got into the sedan chair.

Before getting married, his father said to her: "Daughter, our Xue family has offended the Queen Mother and Your Majesty, and there is no place for us in this capital. If it weren't for back then, Dad would have been caught by the Queen Mother's family. As for being reduced to today.

While you are still young, you can marry and be the housewife. General Yang, I have inquired about it for my father. When you get there, no one will know you, so you can live your own life behind closed doors.

In three to five years, if you can still give birth to a boy and a half girl, and win General Yang's heart over, your parents will be counted as a backer! "

Xue Yingying has a dull face. She can't make decisions about her life. Whoever she marries is the one she is arranged for. So what is the difference between who and whom?

On the sixth day of the first lunar month, the Jingzhao Mansion opened its yamen, and the people in the capital enjoyed talking about it. Uncle Zhongqin sued a ten-year-old boy for poisoning, and the trial began.

The people rushed to tell each other, and surrounded the Yamen with water.

For this case, He Qingtian didn't take any vacation during the Chinese New Year.

After the trial, list all the evidence found one by one:

From the burning time of the incinerator at the pox institute, to the people who appeared around, and the route Niu Changshui said he had been there that day, more than 300 people were investigated, but no evidence was found that anyone had been to the incinerator that day.

And these evidences also made Niu Changshui unable to quibble, bowed his head in silence, and finally had to admit that the clothes with smallpox virus were given to him by others.

As for who it was, he said he didn't know who it was, and this person fed him a poison, saying that if the news was leaked, the poison he swallowed would not be antidote, and his lifespan was only five months.

He Qingtian asked the imperial physician to take his pulse, and told Niu Changshui that he was not poisoned, and the texture and taste he said should be Xiaoshu Pills.

Niu Changshui, who was deceived, was so angry that he hit his head on the ground. The bad guy tricked him into poisoning others, but he was terrified. He was worried and frightened for so long, and it turned out to be a summer pill.

After getting angry, he cried and begged the plaintiff, Uncle Zhongqin. He was forced to do this, and he didn't do it on purpose.

But even so, it can't cover up the fact that he poisoned. The people behind the scenes are all in black clothes and black hats from beginning to end, and there is no way to find out, so the case can only be closed here.

Some of the onlookers sympathized with him, and some scolded him. After he confessed, Niu Damei, who was hearing the trial at the scene, was no longer lucky.

She knew that her fate with the Hu family was really gone, and it was impossible for the Hu family to accommodate her anymore.

However, what is followed in Daxia's criminal law?Respect the old and treat the young!
That is to say, if the young person and the elderly are regarded as a person without criminal responsibility, although he is convicted, he cannot be sentenced to jail, but he can only be fined 100 taels of silver.

There is a fact of poisoning, no serious consequences have been caused, and the age is under 15 years old.

Hei Wa knew early on that Niu Changshui would not be punished too harshly, but as long as he was convicted of the crime, he had a hundred ways to make him regret for the rest of his life.

Sister Niu paid the fine on the spot and led Niu Changshui out of the yamen. The surrounding people pointed and pointed, and the aunts and nephews left in embarrassment.

After returning to Dali Village, Hu Erniu asked Zhao Xiucai to help write the Heli letter, the three children belonged to him, and the money in the hands of Niu Damei belonged to her.

Hu Sanniu is about to set off to return to Sichuan to build a tile workshop. The Hu family did the last thing they could do, so that sister Niu, his aunts and nephews could go back to their hometown together.

The Hu family's approach was already very sensible, so sister Niu had no choice but to agree. After returning home, she packed up all her clothes, and Niu Changshui and Niu Xi'er each packed a big bag.

Xiao Chuan's eyes were swollen from crying, no matter how much he hated his mother, but this was also his own mother.

With a hoarse voice, he asked Big Sister Niu, "Will you come to the capital to see me and my sister in the future?"

This is the first child born to Big Sister Niu, and her feelings are still very deep. She finally hugged Xiao Chuan and cried bitterly:

"My dear son, don't hate your mother. My mother will come to the capital to see you again in the future. Be good and learn skills from your aunt. When you grow up, you can go back to your hometown to see your mother."

"Mother, it's okay if you don't go, mother, my sister is still drinking milk, mother."

Looking at the two mothers who hugged and cried bitterly, both Zhao Sanniang and Qian Alan couldn't help wiping away their tears. It was obviously not possible, and it was hard to have a good day today, but why did this family break up so easily?
Niu Changshui and Niu Xier huddled, no one in the village paid any attention to them brother and sister, everyone called them white-eyed wolves and threw mud and stones at them.

Even a beggar and a vagrant, Jianer, was brought over by Butler Li, who beat him, kicked him, and even bit him a few times.
Cuihua was stunned when she heard about it, she didn't expect this child to be so aggressive, but Jian'er said:

"If it wasn't because I believed in him, I wouldn't have caused the two little masters to be implicated by me. I have had acne before, and the feeling was too uncomfortable. The little masters are still so young, so I hate him to death!"

In addition to Hu Sanniu and Yuan Laoer, who went back to Shu to build tile workshops, they thought it would be easier to make tiles than blue and white porcelain. Moreover, brother-in-law (big brother) can say that this tile will have a bigger market in the future and a brighter future. will be better.

Yuan Laosan also went to Jiangliu Mansion with the craftsmen from the Ministry of Industry. They are official kiln craftsmen with two-year orders.

(End of this chapter)

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