Chapter 147
After the auction ended, the people in the capital talked about this competition of the rich for half a month.

With the prices raised by the auction, the remaining courtyard houses have also become popular. There are still many rich people who have not been photographed entering the courtyard. Only 20 courtyards are released in a month, and they are sold out in less than half a day.

The two academies in Dongcheng began to enroll students. The worst candidates for the academies are Juren, with limited degrees. Students with the same qualifications are given priority in admitting students from Dongcheng.

This is simply adding fuel to the fire, no one has ever played the degree room!The remaining courtyard houses were directly fired at sky-high prices.

Having enjoyed the sweetness, Xia Hongdi called Uncle Zhongqin to the palace again, and asked in a very pleasant tone: "Aiqing, this degree room is not bad, can the capital be repaired again?"

"Your Majesty, if there are too many things, they are worthless. We have to make Dongcheng a famous hall first. In fact, there is no need to build so many things in the city, but there is a lot to do around the capital!

You see, most of these poor people who were demolished from the East Gate have meager income, but no matter how bad the courtyard is in the capital, it is not much cheaper.

If there is a cheaper house to buy near the capital, they will definitely be willing to move their family outside the city! "

"Just like those shelters outside the south gate?"

"Your Majesty, that's impossible. Anju housing is sold at cost price, and these people probably won't be able to afford it."

"But there are so many poor people, where is there a place to build so many houses for them? What about the cost?"

"I'm just a preliminary idea, and I still need to investigate the details. Since the house I want to build is for these people, I should take their purchasing power into consideration. I need to calculate the place to build the house and cost control. "

Xia Hongdi thought for a while, then nodded. Anyway, as long as it is not a loss-making business, he changed the subject:
"Can the output of this tile keep up? There are too many people who want to use cement and tiles to repair their houses!"

"You can also ask them to build a few more tile workshops in Sichuan to expand production!"

Xia Hongdi couldn't wait more, seeing that the order was out of stock was the most annoying thing.

There are now 35 cement workshops across the country, one third of which are used for laying embankments and roads, one third are distributed by merchants, and the remaining third can be used by him.

He had to think carefully about where the cement should be used to maximize its value.

The recent food donation is also very good. He has released a total of 500 quotas. Isn't this just 500 million grains for nothing?

However, this can only be relieved, and it depends on whether the brother-in-law's food exchange goes well or not.

For Gao Huaiyu's side, he spent two months at sea, mainly because he didn't know the exact location of Dongpu.

After taking the wrong route and tossing for a long time, I was able to finally reach Dongying, which is really blessed by the Bodhisattva.

The Dongying people trembled when they saw the Daxia navy coming, thinking that Daxia wanted to destroy them.

Daxia's sea boat sailed into the port and raised the Daxia dragon flag, but they didn't dare to stop it.

Quickly entering the palace, the emperor and his ministers discussed for a long time, and still sent ministers to meet Gao Zongbing.

Civil servants dare not speak out, and generals dare not speak too much!
The most powerful Takeda family and Kinoshita Teng family were both terrified by the Great Xia Navy. Although the most powerful descendants of their families were redeemed by the family with money, how can the defeated generals have a good belonging?

Suicide and leaving a whole body is already the best ending.

These warriors naturally worship the strong, especially the fire that burned their military souls.

Now the whole country of Dongying has less than 15 troops, and the population is not large. It will take several years for them to recover.

Seeing Dongying's ministers with translators, their attitude was very respectful, Gao Huaiyu didn't make it up, and took out the emperor's imperial edict.

In the end, the emperor of Dongying had to accept the order according to the etiquette of the vassal state, and received Gao Huaiyu and his party.

A state banquet with Dongying characteristics was put on, and they were entertained with delicious food and drinks. Looking at these red, white and white raw fish, Gao Huaiyu scolded a Dongying person in his heart.

Although there are people in Daxia who like to eat fish stew, but that doesn’t include Gao Zongbing who has a Sichuan stomach. They are in Dunyu Island, and the seafood is so fresh that they are all cooked, okay?

During the dinner, the Dongying people cautiously inquired, wanting to know what business Gao Huaiyu was here for this time.

Hearing that Daxia wanted to exchange them for food with porcelain, silk, and tea, he felt relieved. They were afraid of being beaten, and they were afraid of losing money.

The silver they lost and redeemed last time emptied their treasury. If they hadn't discovered a few more silver mines, they wouldn't be able to survive this day.

However, if it is a fair exchange, they are not unhappy.

Those big families are used to enjoying, who would not love the silk, porcelain and tea of ​​Daxia?

Especially, blue and white porcelain, this kind of porcelain that has never been seen before, the royal family is very excited.

Bo Ke Zhongqin said, instead of selling this porcelain at a low price in Daxia, he should take the route of high-end users, but abroad, there is no need to consider these things at all.

Jiangliu Mansion, with full horsepower, gathered half of the boat in a month!
Therefore, the exchange process does not have to be too smooth. First, there is indeed a need for these commodities, and second, the Dongying people are eager to finish the exchange quickly, so that the killer can leave quickly.

In the past, when they went to Daxia to harass them, they only relied on the natural dangers of the sea. Daxia has closed the country for more than 200 years, and their seagoing capabilities have long since degraded, but now, they are all coming to the door.

Raise the risk factor of Da Xia once again, I can't afford to mess with it!

Dongying mainly grows rice, and what they exchanged this time is rice. They exchanged a total of 500 million stone grains, and they also brought along Dongying's annual offering this year, returning with a full load.

For Gao Huaiyu, the biggest gain this time is not only the smooth exchange of food, but also the confirmation of the route, the fastest route from Dunyu Island to Dongying.

If the two countries want to have another dispute, they can go straight to Huanglong!

Gao Huaiyu is very ambitious, and the Great Xia Navy finally has a place to use, and they will only go further and further.

Shu, Qing County.

The county magistrate Hao is also going crazy, and their tile workshop in Qingxian County is recruiting workers again. Judging by the situation, there will be ten workshops and eight workshops.

Didn't I see that people from the surrounding counties came to Qing County to work?

This Qing county is going to be developed. People who work in workshops are willing to buy wine, meat, rice and noodles when they have wages. There are more shops and more taxes.

A few years ago, in order to move people from other mountainous areas to Qing County, he almost begged his father to sue his grandma. Who would not dislike this Shanjiajia County where all the people have run away?
But now, his old Hao is in luck!

Not to mention that people from other counties come to Qing County to look for work, even from the upper and lower villages, more than 20 people have entered the tile workshop.

These people, receiving wages every month, wearing the clothes issued by the workshop, bought wine and meat and returned to the village, will blow the tile workshop to the sky.

"Do you know? The technical director of our tile workshop is Uncle Zhongqin's younger brother and third uncle!"

"The two who went back to our village to build the house?"

"Yes, yes, I didn't expect that our village not only has a nobleman, but also the God of Wealth!"

"Brother Ming, I heard that the workshop is still recruiting people. You have to remember your brother. Call everyone from our village. Let's all go. There are so many people that we don't fear being bullied!"

"In other people's workshops, you are not allowed to form cliques. If you want to tell you like this, you have been kicked back a long time ago. Brother, this is under the management of the government. It is not anyone's private property. The rules are strict!"

"Brother Ming, tell us again, what do you do in the workshop?"

"What do you do? This tile process is much older. One assembly line is responsible for one process. What you, Brother Ming, do is glazing. This is a job that requires eyesight and craftsmanship. Our assembly line has the highest monthly fee. One tael of silver a month!"

"Wow! There are so many! What about the other processes? Brother Ming, just say, how much does the stupidest one, the one that needs the least skill, earn a month?"

"Well, the least thing is to do the inspection, and the polished tiles need to be inspected. It is said that this guy is the cheapest. I guess it must be at least [-] yuan!"

"Six hundred yuan is not enough? We can't earn so much even if we carry big bags!"

"Hey, in addition to wages, the benefits of our tile workshop are also good. There are two clothes for one person for a season, and there are full steamed buns in the cafeteria. There is a meat dish every day for lunch. Look, have I gained weight in the past six months! "

Then I want to go even more!Not only is the salary high, the food is good, and it is still managed by the government. After entering, as long as there are no mistakes, it is a long-term job!
The villagers talked a lot, and after talking about this, they began to sympathize with the two ex-daughters-in-law of the Hu family. The Hu family will be ranked well when they return to Qing County. If they have a good life, let the two wives do it themselves. .

No matter how good the life of the Yuan family and the Hu family is, how miserable these two people are.

Jiang Laidi didn't dare to show a look of regret, her man heard about her ex-husband's background, and secretly complacent for a while, his mother-in-law's ex-husband is capable = he is as capable as his ex-husband.

If Jiang Laidi dared to regret it, it would be his fault if he didn't beat her to regret it!
However, compared to Jiang Laidi and Niu Damei, the two brothers and sisters Niu Changshui were the worst.

Niu Changshui often came home with a bruised nose and a swollen face. When the village boys got into fights, the strikers were not serious or serious.

If he doesn't fight back, it's all right, if he fights back, it will lead to group beatings, and he can only be beaten until he begs for mercy.

Not only children want to bully him, adults also don't look good when they see him, some aggressive women will scold him when they see him, white-eyed wolf.

Niu Xi'er dared not leave the house now. Although no one beat her, she was isolated by the whole village and would point and point at her.

Let's stay at home, Big Sister Niu catches her and scolds her whenever things go wrong, and leaves most of the housework to her, she is no longer the aunt's favorite.

And isn't it her brother who caused the miserable life now?
The dependence on each other earlier is not worth the accumulated complaints, people who are used to a good life, and then return to their original form, even worse than the original form, who can bear it?

There was also constant friction between the siblings. There was a small quarrel for three days, and a big quarrel for five days. In the end, they were violently suppressed by Niu Damei.

Today, Big Sister Niu couldn't help but exploded, she lost her face at this nephew, and asked with a serious face:

"Changshui, if you don't fight all day long, or come back to argue with Xi'er, we can only go back to Mount Er'e. We can't stay in this village any longer. Do you want to go back to the mountains?"

"Gu, it's not that I want to hit me, it's someone else who wants to hit me! Xi'er doesn't listen to me anymore!"

"Can't you just bear it and hide? Ah! Are you trying to piss me off? For you, ah, your aunt, my wife from a rich family can't live a life, but you still give me everything every day. stir up trouble!"

"Gu, I was wrong, I will never make you angry again. I don't want to go back to Mount Er'e, there is no one on the mountain now, no one will know when we will be eaten by wild beasts."

That's right, the three of them are not laborers. Is there any way to survive back to Dashan?Take it easy, you'll be fine when you grow up.

Niu Changshui: When will I grow up?When will these talents beat me?
(End of this chapter)

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