Chapter 157 Pastels
Before Cuihua finds a wife for Zhao Leiting, she has to continue to attend the spring banquet, and the eggs can't be put in a basket at Mrs. Xiang's house, right?

The weather is so good, go out and move around more, look at the little girl who is like a flower, and eat delicious food from various houses, you will not feel spring sleepiness, you can do it in one fell swoop!
Hei Wa has already gone to work in the Royal Research and Development Center in Dali Village with her two younger brothers and third uncle.

Since he transferred these people back to the capital, he had to find something for them to do.

The three of them are already familiar with firing a kiln of blue and white porcelain. What Hei Wa is going to study this time is another variety of Jingdezhen porcelain: famille rose porcelain.

This is the reason why the Qing Dynasty, especially the late Qing Dynasty, occupied half of the porcelain!
The process of famille rose is to first draw with ink lines on the white porcelain fired at high temperature, then fill the pattern with a layer of glass white that can be used as flux and white color, and apply the color material on the glass white to burn at low temperature. become.

Figures, flowers and birds, landscapes, etc. drawn by this method are divided into light and shade, depth and yin and yang, which increases the level and three-dimensional sense, and the color can also be enriched according to the pattern.

The main raw materials of glass white used in firing colored porcelain are: green lead, stone powder, glass powder, tooth salt, white letter stone, etc.

They are weighed, mixed and ground according to the formula, then placed in a refractory high-temperature furnace, heated and melted, then poured into cold water to break them, and then ground into white powder for later use.

It is no secret that these formulas have been passed down to later generations. He has collected countless books about porcelain, such as "Jingdezhen Ceramics Ancient and Modern Talk", "Jingdezhen Color Glaze", "Raw Fuel Supply Department Records", etc.

From the ceramic blank to the final firing of pastels, a total of three firings are required, with different furnace temperatures.

Heiwa explained the ratio of raw materials needed, as well as the temperature requirements, and then taught several people how to operate.

The three of them have done countless experiments with Hei Wa. Although they blindly trust their elder brother (brother-in-law), they are all amazed when they see the pastel porcelain that is finally baked.

What these big brothers (brother-in-laws) say, the chemicals, are amazing.

The pattern of the test product is of course a simple and easy-to-make figure, but to become a commercial product, the requirements for the painting on the porcelain are different.

Because it was used for marriage, Heiwa put forward the requirements for patterns with good meanings, such as happy plum shoots, willow leaves and yellow quails, rich and noble peonies, hundreds of sons and grandsons, Xinglin Chunyan, etc., and asked five painters to help with the drawing .

The painters who were recruited were also painting on porcelain for the first time, and they had to type out their drafts on paper for a long time. In the end, each of them scrapped seven or eight paintings before they succeeded.

Hei Wa plucked the wool to the end, so that the painters painted ten sets with different patterns in one breath before giving up.

Each set contains:
Eating utensils: bowls, plates, saucers, tea sets;
Daily utensils: powder box, smoker, spit pot, porcelain pillow;
There are also drinking utensils: ear cups, Zhuzi, pots;

Furnishing utensils: bottles, statues, flower goblets, flower pots;
Utensils used in the study: pen holder, inkstone, water bowl.

A few days later, the famille rose porcelain that was fired was so amazing that it was not enough to describe everyone's feelings.

The red plums on the shoots of Xishangmei, and the bright red color of the rich peonies are almost blinding everyone's eyes.

Not only festive, extravagant, luxurious!Because of the colors, these pictures seem to be alive and lifelike!

Would it be more appropriate to give it to the newlyweds?

They can only draw simple ones, but the process of filling the paint and firing three times with high and low temperature, they are all online.

In the fifth year of Tianshun, the few of them are about to shine!

Except for the two sets sent to the palace, these porcelains were divided up by Hei Wa.

Xia Hongdi looked at the famille rose, which was more outstanding than blue and white porcelain, and played with a bamboo hat bowl with great interest for a long time before asking: "Is this the betrothal gift you made for your second uncle?"

Hei Wa nodded: "Your Majesty, I feel that although the blue and white porcelain is more elegant, getting married is a great event. How can the red decoration be missing? If you have an idea, you can only do various experiments. If you have a pair of ideas, try a few more times." It always works!"

"Those rich merchants estimate that they just sold out the blue and white porcelain they grabbed!" Blue and white porcelain is produced according to order, and it is still a luxury on the market.

Xia Hongdi thinks that the rich's wool is a bit frequent, which is not very good.

"Then this famille rose porcelain can be specially used for dowry porcelain or betrothal porcelain!" Zhongqinbo said that the product lines are different, and it can take the luxury route among luxury goods.

"This one, don't rush it, let's talk about it later, if your family wants to use it, you will use it later!"

Xia Hongdi has made up his mind, he intends to put this in the imperial kiln, and it will be used exclusively by the royal family and rewarded by ministers with outstanding professional skills. Court painters can also be used in many ways!
Moreover, rare things are more expensive, this kind of pastel porcelain should be rarer in order to appear extravagant!Who said imperial kilns are useless?With pastel porcelain, the imperial kiln is a powerful kiln!

"Don't worry, my second uncle won't get married until the end of the year."

As long as you can get it for nothing, use it later, then use it later, at worst, put it in the Hu family, and use it after the new wife comes back.

"Actually, the painting is the most important thing for this colored porcelain. The filling and firing process of the paint is a bit more complicated. If your majesty wants to make colored porcelain, you must first find a good painter!"

"Secret it first, don't spread this, it will be of great use to me!"

"Yes, I obey the order."

"When will your low-rent housing start?"

"No matter what, we have to wait until the end of the spring plowing. One is that many masons in the engineering team still have land to plant, and the other is that it will be easier to dig the foundation at that time. Your Majesty, the area that I marked out is twenty miles away from the south gate. Is the depression okay?"

"What's the problem? That depression is a barren land (saline-alkali land). If you can use it for waste, who can say anything?"

"The minister will feel relieved. All that area will be built into houses. Your Majesty, tens of thousands of people will be able to live here!"

"I'm waiting to see you build this low-rent house. You want someone to build a bronze statue for you here. Tell those people that this is your righteous deed, Uncle Zhongqin!"

"The minister can't agree, it's His Majesty who paid the money, and the minister is a porter!"

"Get out, get out, remember not to leak this famille rose porcelain!"

Hei Wa hurried back to the R&D center and gave several people confidential training, allowing them to practice drawing skills during these days, and put away the other nine sets of porcelain for him.

"When His Majesty says it can be used, I will send it to you!"

Heiwa didn't expect that the people in the Metropolitan Procuratorate were so powerful that they returned to Beijing for work within a month.

Looking at the results of the investigation, Xia Hongdi became furious, wishing he could immediately ransack the houses of those guys!These pottery supervisors and those second stewards are really capable.

Not only did he bribe the craftsmen, but he also concealed the production volume, made more, colluded with those merchants, and sold them at a high price!
The group of idiots from the Ministry of Industry, if they don't do good craftsmen, they will learn from that crooked trend!

What a waste of the skills I learned!
Because the workers in the cement workshop were all retired soldiers, most of the managers in the cement workshop were from the army.

The corruption situation is much better. Although there are some bad debts, compared with the porcelain workshop, it is already considered innocent.

The emperor was furious, what else could happen, from the local officials to the pottery supervisors, and finally the artisans who cooperated with the crimes, not only vomited out what they ate, but also lost their good official positions.

County Magistrate Hao of Qing County narrowly escaped this disaster. Although he wanted to flatter horses and love to invite the people in the tile workshop to eat and drink, he also wanted the tax of the tile workshop and the employment of the people in the county.

He was plotting an official career rather than money, but he was shocked into a cold sweat. He is really a pig brain. The two masters of Uncle Zhongqin's family did not come back this time. He should be vigilant. He is really careless. what.

Except for Shu, where the establishment of workshops was the shortest, none of the other places was spared. The pottery officials were almost wiped out, and many officials in the capital were demoted and laid off.

The top ministers of the Ministry of Industry were all downgraded, and the Ministry of Industry directly came to a big purge. Now the officials who stayed in the Ministry of Industry were trembling.

The people in the capital are still very sensitive to this kind of official turmoil, especially in Renyazi, where not only slaves are sold, but also Zhuangzi, shops, houses, etc. are sold.

Yuan Laoer and Yuan Laosan were very lucky, thanks to their brother who transferred them back, they shouldn't be taken, but they really can't be taken!
"The three of us will stay in the R&D center, it's too dangerous outside!"

"Yes, yes, yes, the monthly salary we get is so high, what is there to be dissatisfied with?"

"In the future, we will supervise and remind each other, so don't be tricked by others!"

Weak and helpless, the three said that they are suitable for enjoying the shade under the big brother tree.

In the palace, the group of six accompanying readers was discussing: "We have divided more than 5000 taels one after another, and we can start buying shops and houses. I heard that because of the change of the Ministry of Industry, many people have left Beijing."

"Then why don't we buy a shop first, let's buy a place, and we can take care of the rent collection together!"

Even the crown prince agreed to do this. His father, queen and queen let him do as he pleases with his more than 1 taels of silver, so he is really free to do so.

Cai Hanwen cried and said, "I only have 5000 taels. Is it enough to buy a store?" with.

In the end, grandpa was alarmed, and he finally got the right to control in the future.

"I can lend it to you and return it to me after you share the dividends!" Yuan Wenjie said that he can give money to his brother.

"Thank you fifth brother!" Well, the ranking is really confirmed.

On a holiday, a few people wandered around the capital under the escort of the guards. How can such a major life event as buying a shop be left to the servants!
"Don't tell me, since we have public toilets and trash cans, and there are special people sweeping the streets, the streets in our capital are much cleaner!"

"Did you still go shopping often?"

"Anyway, there is always a chance to come out once a month. If you see those old men wearing the same clothes, they are street sweepers!"

"Hey, why don't I know, it was my father who made it!"

"Uncle Zhongqin is really amazing. Now the Yangliu River has become a scene, and the water is so clear that you can even cruise in the river in summer!"

"Hahaha, my father is just as powerful!"

"The hottest ones are those shops in Dongcheng, but we can't afford them, and they're even more expensive now!"

"The shop at the south gate is actually not bad, but it's the gateway to the capital!"

"Selling a shop is buying the location, and the second is the shop itself, even if we buy it and then renovate it!"

"Look more, why worry?"

"You don't understand, the money still has to be spent, it's yours!"

A few people went shopping again, and went to the dental shop, and finally figured out the distribution of some shops in the capital.Moreover, several of them bought a street shop in a street with a good location in Nancheng.

The rent alone can earn 600 taels of silver a year.

(End of this chapter)

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