Chapter 160

Silkworm Moon, this season in previous years is the sowing season, but this year's fertile fields, the crops have already grown three inches of seedlings, and it is certain that the spring will not be cold.

In Dali Village, Steward Li is still trying to fertilize the newly opened wasteland. The konjac planted this year is five times that of last year. Maybe the noodle shop will be renamed the fan shop in the future.

The farmers in Dali Village and the two nearby villages, after finishing the farm work in their own fields, can either help the Yuan Mansion fertilize as a part-time job, or go to the Yuan Mansion to do carpentry work. Anyway, there are many people who are not very demanding in the Yuan Mansion. Amazing woodworking jobs await everyone.

The spring plowing was nearly a month ahead of schedule, and the farmers in Silkworm Moon had already been idle. They really had nowhere to go. Before they had waited a few days, they heard that a construction site was recruiting a large number of workers.

It is the barren land twenty miles away from the south gate of the capital, so there should not be too many people signing up.

"Hey, brothers, Uncle Zhongqin's construction site has started again. Those of us who are familiar with it are the first wave to be selected! If you want to go, hurry up and sign up!"

"How many people do you need this time? Let's all go. Can we get enough? There are five brothers in my family, and my father can even move bricks."

"It is said that this wave is looking for foundation diggers. It needs a strong labor force. We need to invite 5000 people. We should be able to leave most of them!"

"Brother, take me one!"

"Brother, don't forget brother, we have worked on the Dongcheng construction site!"

During slack farming, I can still earn some wages near my home, which is a good thing in the past few years, especially last year when I dug river mud and repaired the house in the east city. They, at least, worked for more than four months.

In a few months, I have earned the whole family's food rations for a year. Although the work is not easy, the wages are settled every month, and I can still eat a full meal for free every day.

Needless to say, the appeal of the Zhongqinbo project, within three days, 5000 people were easily assembled.

Hei Wa called more than 50 foremen, and gave a start-up lecture:
"I'm sure everyone is familiar with me, most of us are brothers who have eaten in the same pot on the construction site in Dongcheng!
Since everyone is used to it, I won't say much about the rules.

However, this time, the house we built may be for some of you to live in, so brothers, we can't cheat our own people, we have to dig as deep as the foundation!

Everything is in accordance with the requirements. Every day, each engineering team must receive a task in the morning. Before the end of work, the foremen will do a good job of checking the tasks.

If you fail the three inspections, then the foreman and the team you are leading, I have no choice but to ask you to leave together!
This is a house built by our Majesty Long En, who spent real money and silver for the common people.

From now on, the low-income people in the capital will have cheap houses to live in. The rent will not be much, and the rent will be handed over to the court. No one will raise the rent midway, and no one will force you to move.

If this house feels good to live in, and the family has the ability to earn the money to buy the house, you can give priority to buying it.

Such a good thing, everyone said, do you want to do it well! "

"Yes! To! To!"

"Long live my emperor! Long live! Long live!"

The foremen are excited, most of them are low-income people, this good thing can still happen to them, it can only be doubly grateful.

I also asked again and again the conditions for being eligible to live in this low-rent housing, so I really wanted to go back and tell my parents right away.

After the mobilization meeting, the project will start immediately.

They have to dig deep into this barren land first, bury stone strips, and pave cement. Zhongqin Boxiu's house always emphasizes that the foundation is the most important thing, and only those who can withstand earthquake disasters Row.

Didn't you see that house in Dongcheng, was it sold for what?This barren land is much larger than the one in Dongcheng.

The sound of people on the construction site was so loud that the passers-by could stop for a while to see this scene.

Farmers who are closer to this area can make a small fortune. On the construction site, a lunch is provided every day. Most of the vegetables for the big pot meal come from the surrounding villages.

Those who are more industrious can get dozens of big money by distributing bean sprouts every day, making some tofu, and carrying them to the construction site. They hope that the project will last for a few years.

People who have chickens and ducks don’t have to worry about selling them. From time to time, they always need to buy a few. If they have meat, they are even more hungry. They work hard to eat and eat, and the project will be done faster.

Hu Yiniu and Hu Erniu were very busy, so many people started working at the same time, so reasonable arrangements had to be made.They are mainly responsible for the distribution of daily tasks, and docking with the big foreman, and they have to check the completion of the tasks every day, so they are hoarse.

From the beginning of the project, they all packed their bedding and took the project as their home.

The lunch on the first day was stewed konjac vermicelli with cabbage tofu, and some pork fat slices in it. The staple food was black steamed buns.

The men who had finished their work all morning brought a big bowl of vegetables each, holding two big steamed buns in their hands, and couldn't lift their heads up until one big steamed bun relieved some hunger. Feel free to say a few words.

"Did you hear what Boss Hu said? This time, the house we built is specially for the poor. What is it called low-rent housing!"

"Why haven't you heard of it? They also said that the house will be distributed according to the head. If there are a large number of people, the house will be allocated larger. The rent is handed over to the government. Low rent and low rent are very cheap rent."

"Don't be too happy, you have to be a low-income person with a household registration in the capital! It's just like my family!"

"Huh! Whose family is not registered in the capital? How many households are poorer than ours? I am so poor that I am so poor that I am about to eat Guanyin soil!"

"Don't make a fuss, don't make a fuss! Are we repairing the house for ourselves? This time we have to work harder!"

"Not to mention, let's go straight north to the capital, this big concrete road, it only takes half an hour to ride a mule cart!"

"If there is a good house for us to live in here, let us move, I am happy!"

"Hey, you boy, no fool would be happy. This is a house made of cement and blue bricks. It can withstand earthquakes. Who wouldn't want to live in it!"

"This is really great. The three generations of our ancestors are all from the capital. If I can live in this concrete house, I will be so happy!"

Most of the people who came to work in this area came from the capital city and worked in the Dongcheng area. They are familiar with the way, and upon hearing that, this house may be for them to live in in the future.

I can't wait to stay on the construction site for twelve hours, and the one who works hard will not feel tired when digging the foundation.

After leaving the construction site, they all rushed back to the city to bring the great news to their families.

That night, hearing the news about low-rent housing from my children and grandchildren who came home from a construction site outside the capital city, these old Beijingers who had never had a house all their lives and lived everywhere fighting guerrillas and renting houses were overjoyed.

How could they be reluctant to leave the capital city? It's just that they have nowhere to go.They don't have any land in the countryside, and they don't have half a tile. Can they live in a new house, or a new house that is so well repaired, what can they say?

For the older generation, tell the boys at home to work hard, and even ask if they need to rest on the construction site, so that the family can help them prepare their bedrolls. If you stay at the construction site for a long time, you can do more work and the house will be fine. Early completion is not.

For the low-rent housing repair this time, cost control became Heiwa's top priority, and we did the bricks and tiles by ourselves.

I chose a remote place on this construction site, and directly built five brick kilns and five tile kilns, and fired bricks and tiles for my own use.The cement fired by the cement workshop in Beijing is given at the cost price, and only the timber beams need to be bought.

If you want to build the most houses on the limited land, you can no longer ask for a view, and there is no courtyard.

According to Heiwa's design drawing, it is a bit similar to a modern military camp, and the picture shows a neat and orderly place.

Rows of green brick houses, three or four are a household, and there are walls on the left and right to separate them from neighbors.

In the front of the house between the leftmost and rightmost rooms, a stove is built on the left, a hut and a pigsty are built on the right, and the next door is reversed, or the hut is separated from the neighbor by a wall, or the kitchen is next to the neighbor.

There are five families in each row, facing south from the north, and the front and back of the row houses are separated by a five-meter-wide cement road.

The concrete official road divides this barren land into two parts, which can be divided into the east area and the west area. Except for the lack of so-called aesthetic design, it can be called a paradise compared to the courtyards where the poor at the bottom live.

According to Heiwa's plan, the foundation project would take at least two to three months. The saline-alkali soil dug out would be transported to a nearby swamp, and Heiwa planned to use it to grow sorghum.

A steady stream of manure was pulled from the public toilets in the capital, and a thick base fertilizer was applied to these saline-alkali soil mounds.The fluffy soil that was dug out was regularized into piles of cultivated land, with a hole about one foot long, and sorghum seeds were buried.

This is already the best solution he can think of. Sorghum is also grain, and the stalks can also be used to make sugar.If these saline-alkali soils can be planted successfully, these people who live in low-rent housing can also rent them out.

Xia Hongdi had read Heiwa's planning document, and he had to sigh: "As expected of being raised in a farm, Uncle Zhongqin has feelings for the land and can always play tricks with mud!"

"Father, is this the essential difference between him and the officials who passed the imperial examination?"

"You can't say that, you have to have the heart and the ability to do it. We are full of civil and military people, and there are quite a few people from farming families, so why can't other people do this?"

"Well, I'm probably reading the books of sages, and I don't have time to play with mud!"

"I think you are itchy, you brats, what should I say about you for the things you have done recently!"

"Father, we just set up some assessments for them. You didn't let the beautiful girls cook back then. We can't continue to cook this year. There must be some new ideas!"

"Hmph, let me see what kind of flower you can choose!"

The prince was grinning, he felt that he could learn from Yuan Wenwu, and sometimes it would be better to play tricks on his own father.

In less than half a month, half of the 500 show girls have been sent out of the palace, including Luoshu from Mr. Fan's family.

On the first day, she was scared and cried by the non-poisonous little snake, she was not as courageous as her sister, but Le Yu directly drove the little snake out of the room with a small stick.

Luo Shu was so frightened that she screamed and didn't dare to sleep all night. The next day when she saw the nanny, she clamored to leave the palace, and she cast a shadow over the palace.

There were more than 50 people who had the same idea as her, and the palace readily let them go, and now they are still living in the Zhongqinbo mansion.

"Aunt Xia, you don't know how desolate Chuxiu Palace is in this palace. More than ten snakes entered the house overnight, which scared us terribly. The snake is what I fear most!"

Aunt Xia was speechless, how could there be so many snakes in the palace, but this test was too strange, unlike the style of the palace, it was a bit like a prank.

Yuan Wenjie and Yuan Wenwu, the two bad guys who helped the tyrants, went home on vacation and didn't reveal half of it, making it impossible for their mothers to eat melons on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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