Chapter 171 Zhang Bang
Time passed quickly, and the day before the announcement of the list, the servants of Jingzhao Mansion beat the gong and shouted everywhere in the capital: "Announcement, announcement, Jingzhao Mansion will release the list tomorrow, and the list will be released tomorrow, please tell the neighbors, tell each other! "

"What time is it tomorrow? Don't run so fast!"

"Father, mother! Let's go to read the ranking together with the whole family tomorrow!"

I didn't know, I thought it was the imperial examination, and the moment that touched the hearts of tens of thousands of people in the capital finally came. The list of low-rent housing was released.

"Hurry up, hurry up, you have to go to bed early tonight, let's go before dawn!"

It is said to go to bed early, but how many people can sleep in the name of the people who reported it?This is more important than weddings and funerals. It is related to several generations, especially those who have seen those houses, and they have been thinking about them for a long time.

"A total of 5000 households! On average, there are five people in a household, which is enough to accommodate [-] people. My God, I feel that our family is very promising. There are not many people in this capital that are poorer than ours! "

"I hope the Buddha will bless you. If the old woman can move to a new house, she must eat a vegetarian diet and offer you incense to fulfill her wish!"

It is even more touching than the name of the previous report. If there is no curfew, people will have to squat at the gate of Jingzhao Mansion in the middle of the night.

He Qingtian, who had already obtained the list, couldn't help being happy for these common people, five thousand households, what kind of courage is this? !

At five o'clock in the morning, thousands of people rushed out of the houses and rushed to Jingzhao Mansion.

He Qingtian is very considerate, he posted the list on the bulletin board overnight, and lit a torch for the common people to see.

There are more than 46 lists posted in the 60 squares of the four compartments in order, and the common people can check according to the address where they live.

There are more than a dozen clerks under the list, who are responsible for helping people look up names. This service is simply too heart-warming.There are still people maintaining order, organizing people to line up, a group of 20 people, you can read the list for half an hour, go in from left to right.

The first wave of 20 people was immediately let in. Some people were so excited that they couldn’t speak clearly. They finally found the square they were in. Those who could read could read it by themselves, and those who couldn’t read could ask the clerical staff for help.

"Ah, my family is on the list! Ah, father, mother, our family is on the list!"

"Woooo, there is my family, and I am the king dog, woohoo, the heavens really have eyes, our family is turning around!"

"Fang Yueshou, Fang Yueshou is my father, hey, don't think that my family name is Fang, there is a house. Our family has rented a house in the capital for three generations. I don't know how many times I have moved. Hahaha, labor management This time, I finally don’t have to move anymore!”

"Big baby, big baby, your father is on the wall, on the wall, our family is going to live in a new house, you run back and tell your grandma, your mother."

Seeing the first group of people in the front, everyone was so excited that they were about to cry, and the people in the back were even more anxious. It felt like there were 20 people in front, everyone had a share, and my heart was so hot.

The one who came later felt like a cat's paw scratching his head. So many people have a house, how much can they have left when it's their turn?I couldn't stop blaming myself, I was so excited last night that I overslept this morning.

I don't know who suggested it. The twenty people who came out in front knelt and kowtowed in the direction of the palace on this street in Jingzhao Mansion: "The emperor's grace is mighty, my emperor's long live, long live, long live!"

Coming out from behind, more and more people were crying and laughing with excitement. Even if they were sure that their families were on the list, they still refused to leave.

At most one thousand people kowtowed in unison, and the sound was so loud that it really alarmed the guards in the palace. After quickly sending people to inquire, they reported to His Majesty the Emperor.

Resting in Kunning Palace last night, Xia Hongdi, who invited his children to have breakfast together, could not stop the corners of his mouth from twitching as if he drank a big tonic soup.

The fifth prince, who is more than one year old, is learning to speak. He is a little clever, smiling Mimi: "Father, long live!"

"Hahaha, my En'er learned this well, hahaha!" Who can be sincere to a one-year-old child?

The prince and Princess Jingyao, the one on the left "Father is the most heroic!", and the one on the right "Father is the emperor through the ages!" directly praised Xia Hongdi to the sky.

With this posture, Empress Gao couldn't help saying a lot of good things, her joy was beyond words, and she was very proud that the dog man was truly loved by the people.

The officials who passed by the Jingzhao Mansion in the early court were fortunate to see this grand occasion, and even described the scene vividly at the court meeting. Congratulations to His Majesty the Emperor again, they are so honored!
This made Xia Hongdi so happy that he wished he could go out of the palace to accept the worship of the people. At this time, the person he most wanted to share his happiness with was not in court, and he was silently preparing for the final lottery.

The lottery is not randomly drawn. People in 46 Fang will be thrown out of order, and their former neighbors cannot be allowed to live in a group.

"Uncle, half a month after the public announcement, are you still drawing lots in Jingzhao Mansion?" He Qingtian, who had watched the grand occasion all day, was inviting Uncle Zhongqin to drink tea.

"Sure, the purpose of the announcement is also to see if there are any mistakes in our verification. If there are no problems, the street shops will be completely completed in half a month, and they probably can't wait to move in!"

Hei Wa thinks that the efficiency of this Jingzhao Mansion is not bad, it should not be a big problem to do the review in half a month, and it is better to implement this matter as soon as possible.

"Uncle He admires Uncle Zhongqin's kindness!" He Qingtian admired Uncle Zhongqin from the bottom of his heart.

"Hey, it's His Majesty who paid the money, I can't be generous to His Majesty!"

"The emperor's kindness is so great that it needs to be promoted by a noble person like Uncle who is sympathetic to the sufferings of the world!"

If Xia Hongdi is here, he will definitely agree with this statement. The bronze statue of Uncle Zhongqin that he has made is almost finished, and the bronze statue must be moved to the entrance of the town before the people move.

He has already named the town "Zhongqin Town", and he has written the name of the town himself and carved it on the archway at the entrance of the town.

This kind of town is named after the name of a person, and it is the only one in the Xia Dynasty.

When Hei Wa saw the surprise that Xia Hongdi gave him, he was so surprised that he was stunned. This emperor is too good at it. He actually has the urge to die for his confidant.

The two monarchs and ministers, in the palace, you come and go, cherish each other for a long time, and Hei Wa can't stop being proud when he returns to the mansion. This feeling is addictive!
He shared these joys with Cuihua, and said with a sigh: "Daughter-in-law, we have to admit that none of the emperors is simple, and some people are really talented in the ability of the emperor."

Although Cuihua admits that the emperor has two brushes, she still can't help hitting her man's embarrassment: "If you want your horse to run fast, you don't need to give you grass to eat, just flatter you You bring your own dry food and run!"

"Daughter-in-law, I know! You are just jealous of me, hum!"

"Yes, yes, I'm jealous of you. I'm jealous that you are about to have a bronze statue made of sand. Then people come and go, and when they see your bronze statue, they will touch it. Oh, this bronze statue, it gets brighter and brighter. It's so boring, I just don't know, do the people in Zhongqin Town love to touch your feet? Or do they like to touch your face!"

"You! Why did I tell you that, I have goosebumps all over my body!" Thinking of the bronze statues of celebrities they punched in later generations, there were a few indescribable things that were touched and shiny, so he punched A thrill.


Not to mention, the eyes of the people are discerning. In the half month since the list was posted, He Qingtian of Jingzhao Mansion received hundreds of reports.

In the case of reporting, most of them are people who set up several small families before signing up, and a small half are people who conceal their family income and pretend to be low-income people.

When the people reported, they also made it clear about the work units of the reported persons, and they could clearly remember when and where the neighbors (reported persons) showed off the monthly money earned by the family members .

For those who were reported, He Qingtian asked people to verify them as soon as possible. If the reports were true, they would be disqualified immediately, and those who were not on the list before were added to hundreds of households.

There are those who pretend to be deaf and dumb, and don't listen to the advice of the clerks. This will make their own old women come to Jingzhao Mansion to sell miserably, crying with tears and snot:
"Master Qingtian, we have no other choice. There are 28 people in our family. If we hadn't split up, we wouldn't be able to live in this new house! Can we discuss it again, even if we only give one place? The lake is painted, no more mistakes."

Crying is real crying, heartbroken, I missed this time, and I don’t know that I will have to wait decades for the next time, I feel so regretful that my intestines are green.

There are those who sympathize with them, and those who are dismissive. People don't want to kill the world for themselves. If you give them a home, you might leave your own home behind.

There are also those who can’t stand this kind of sloppy and rogue, and scolded: "Who won’t let your family be separated? You don’t know whether it’s early or late, just before you sign up. Your family’s brains are the best, right? Everyone is like you If the house is like this, the imperial court will build as many houses as this time, and it will not be enough to live in!"

"I don't have enough hearts! I'm used to eating too much and occupying too much. When I signed up, the clerk's voice was hoarse, so I didn't listen to it or believe it."

He Qingtian is notorious for being disowned by his relatives, even the rich and powerful are not afraid, let alone the ordinary people?Spoiling and pleading in Jingzhao Mansion will not work.

There are more than 100 households, it is better for those who pretend to be poor. After all, if they have money to rent a house, it is not impossible to live, that is, they cannot take advantage of the low-rent housing.

The family members who came up with such ideas were blamed to death by the whole family. They were always noisy and noisy every day, and even brothers and sisters fought fiercely.

In the end, the old man and the old lady in the family were forced to really grit their teeth and divide the family. Many daughters-in-law who had been dominated by their mother-in-law for many years finally breathed a sigh of relief.

There are so many poor households who are about to leave, and they want to rent a cheap yard, and it is easy to divide them out and live alone. They secretly regard this bad thing as a good thing in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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