It will take at least two months for the decoration to be completed for such a big change in the Wujin yard. While waiting for the decoration, Cuihua sorted out a recruitment brochure.

I would like to ask His Majesty the Emperor to help distribute it to various government offices, and request local officials to assist in publicizing Yunyun, the content is as follows.

Recruitment position: Female Master of Culinary Academy.

Recruiting school: Beijing Daxia Women's Culinary Academy.

Job Scope: Teaching students of the Women's Culinary Academy, learning pastry or local dishes.

Entry requirements: female, age, 30-50 years old, literate, non-servant, skilled cook and willing to teach.

Number of recruits: pastry master: 10 people; local specialty dish master: 40 people.

Once hired, the treatment will be favorable!The college provides free board and lodging for the master!

Preliminary examination: assessed by the local officials of each prefecture. Those who pass the assessment will be recommended by the local officials to re-examination in the capital.

This kind of recruitment brochure is very novel both in terms of content and format, and the key point is that the teachers and students of this college are all women. The news spread like water dripping into a frying pan and exploded.

The largest philanthropy in Beijing has adopted nearly 500 orphans and more than [-] children with disabilities, most of whom are girls.

Fortunately for them, under the emperor's feet, the wealthy families were willing to do good deeds, and the food and clothing of the charity hall were not lacking on weekdays, and the courtyard they lived in was allocated to them by the imperial court.

More boys in the shantang are adopted. Girls, especially those with disabilities, after growing up in the shantang, mostly stay in the shantang to help take care of younger siblings. It is not easy to marry .

With Empress Gao's order, the steward of Shantang didn't have any difficulties at all, she led Cuihua to the hall, and let Cuihua get in touch with these children at close range.

Most of these children are under the age of 10, and they wear clothes of different sizes and styles. It can be seen that they were donated by rich families, and most of them were worn by maids and servants of these rich families.

The older one brought the younger one along, and when they saw a rich lady coming, their dry little faces burst into laughter, reflexively flattering them, and the one with a few harelips made Cuihua feel her heart ache when she laughed.

She couldn't help but said: "Girls, the emperor's grace is mighty, I am the wife of the Women's Culinary Academy. I came here today under the order of the Empress Empress. I want to select some students and teach you cooking skills for free. You can feed yourself!"

Hearing such a good thing, the eyes of the older ones brightened, they thought it was Mrs. Fugui who was going to choose a girl, and the bolder ones asked:

"Ma'am, how long will it take to learn this skill? After learning it, can we enter the noble family and be a maid on the stove?"

Cuihua wasn't impatient at all, she gently explained to these girls:
"Students in our college have one-year, three-year, or five-year studies. The master will recommend you to be a chef in a restaurant for those who have learned the best. You don't sell yourself as a girl, and you are free to sign a contract of living. You know How much does the best chef in the capital make per month?"

"Five or two?"

"More than that, guess boldly?" Cuihua shook her head, encouraging everyone to take bigger steps.

"20 taels?" The girl who had the guts to guess became soft-spoken after saying the number.

"80 taels!" Cuihua gave a clear answer, and she really didn't lie to the children. This month, the chef who paid 80 taels had his ancestors in the imperial dining room, and he can be regarded as the top cook in the capital.

"Wow, 80 taels! This is enough to buy ten of us little girls, this is too awesome!"

"You said, we have to learn well, we are not greedy, we only need to earn eight taels of money, how many catties of rice can we buy in eight taels." want to go.

Cuihua saw that the atmosphere was getting warmer, so she did not forget to give them a foreshadowing: "It is not so easy to be a good cook, especially female cooks. Our strength is weaker than that of men. In the future, when you practice basic skills, But don't complain."

"Madam, we're full and we're strong. Besides, we're not afraid of hardships, we're all willing to go!" A girl with a red birthmark on half of her face mustered up her courage to promise Cuihua, her eyes were frighteningly bright.

Cuihua nodded, saying that she would wait and see.

The girls above the age of ten scrambled to be the first to show their positive performance. When Cuihua asked them what they could do, they realized that the meals in this shantang were also managed by these big girls, who were basically housework experts.

Children who grew up in such an environment, who are twelve or thirteen years old and have no disabilities, were basically sent by the Shantang in the past to be sent to rich families to be maids, and most of them signed a death contract.

The ability of the shantang is just like this. If the big family doesn't have a dead contract, they won't buy it!

You can't finally get the girl out and leave the house to get married, right?And they think that only when they have the power of life and death, the girls will be more sincere.

Cuihua didn't come to Daxia for a year or two. She was also the owner of the servant and expressed her understanding.

The Culinary Academy enrolls students, as long as they meet the enrollment age, they are quick-witted, and they don't clean themselves up sloppily. As long as their disabilities don't affect their work, they will be accepted.

But it took a whole morning to settle the person down. Among the 100 students, eight had cleft lips, five had birthmarks or strange faces, two had lame legs, and three had six fingers.

That is to say, Daxia's medical skills are not enough. If you want to talk about this cleft lip, what will it be in later generations?It can make up for you so that you can't see any traces, but Daxia, this is an eyesore.

Birthmarks and being ugly are nothing to worry about. As long as your mind is normal, your hands and feet are diligent, and you have skills, are you afraid you won’t be able to find your husband’s family?It's not that there are no ugly men among men!
These flawed girls are extremely inferior. If you stare at them a few times, they will hurriedly lower their heads, afraid of other people's stares.

But being picked by the noble lady, they have hoped again. If they hadn't been abandoned by their parents, maybe they would not have had the opportunity to learn crafts for free. Thinking about it this way, it seems that they don't feel so resentful up.

The bustling ones were the girls, more than 200 boys, some of whom were young with tears in their eyes, they were actually rejected!

They dare not be angry with ladies, they are angry with themselves.Why are they not girls?But isn't a man's buddy a chef?

Cuihua Mazhu couldn't bear the grievance of the children who didn't shed tears: "This time let the sisters go to learn first, and when they learn it, they will go to the restaurant to work, and they can come back to teach you at night.

In the past few years, you should first lay down the basic skills in Shantang, and when you grow up, you can work as cooks in restaurants.Worst of all, there are still many snack courses in our school. Opening a noodle restaurant can earn dozens of taels a year! "

The boys' eyes are wide open, is that okay?That's right, so many sisters in Shantang have learned the skills, even if you teach them a few things casually, they won't worry about whether they can't support themselves.

The stewards of the shantang are very grateful. They are also a semi-official shantang. They can only find a better way out for these children, and they can only be more grateful.

Cuihua asked Chunya and Xiaya to write an admission card for all the selected students, with names, ages, heights, physical characteristics, etc. on it.

Signed an agreement with Shantang, and made an appointment to pick up these [-] students before the college started.

Cuihua doesn't want to use the moral bottom line to measure human nature. In her previous era, there were impostors who went to school, and now she has neither a photo nor an ID card. She can only do what she can think of to the extreme.

If she even recruited a few students, someone took advantage of her, wouldn't she be laughed at by her man?
Steward of Shantang: Huh?Is it okay?I didn't even think about it.

There was a lot of movement about the renovation of the college, and the move to recruit teachers was even bigger. Before the class started, there was a lot of discussion, but this was not teaching women the Four Books and Five Classics, but only learning to cook. The sour children couldn't find a reason to retaliate.

Moreover, it is said that they still recruit students from the shantang and teach the orphans of the shantang for free. Who dares to say that this is not doing good deeds?Standing on the commanding heights of morality, people have no way to speak!

Regarding the candidate for wife, Cuihua plans to talk to Aunt Qiu and Sister-in-law.

"Go to the culinary academy to be a wife? Me, can I do this?" Fan Jingjing asked in disbelief. She didn't expect her sister-in-law to pull her in.

"Second sister-in-law, your vegetarianism is much better than mine, and your knowledge is not weaker than that of a man. It is more than enough to be a college wife!"

Seeing sister-in-law nodding, Fan Jingjing thought for a while and asked, "Do I need to go to the city every day? Do I need to live in the academy?"

"In principle, it is not mandatory for every wife to live in the college, Second Sister-in-law, I will try my best to concentrate every teacher's classes in either the morning or the afternoon, so that you will not be unable to go home after dark.

Besides, we don't have to live in Dali Village, let my brother buy a house in the city, second sister-in-law, you and your nieces should all move into the city! "

Fan Jingjing had a maidservant and a mother-in-law as dowry, so it was no problem to take care of the two daughters. She was still very excited about the position of this female wife.

"Yeah, as long as mother-in-law and husband have no objections, sister, I am willing." Although Fan Jingjing did not reject living in Dali Village, it would be even better if she could live in the capital.

Mrs. Zhang and Hu Erniu agreed without saying a word. What reason do they not support when their daughter/sister does something? !There is a daughter-in-law/daughter-in-law who is a wife, and their faces are very bright.

Hu Erniu bought a courtyard near the college with a large sum of money before classes started, and moved happily with Xiao Lian and Xiao He.

Aunt Qiu was originally here to provide for the elderly in Uncle Zhongqin's mansion, but ended up serving as the foster mother of several girls, so she could be regarded as a wife in the first place.Hearing Cuihua talk about the situation of those children in Shantang, she immediately nodded and agreed that she could teach a class on medicinal diet.

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