Having just accepted so many teachers, the design and arrangement of courses requires Cuihua to spend a lot of time and energy in the college. Women who are busy with their careers are busy, so they don't care about men and cubs.

Yuan Wenjie frowned when he saw his father for the past few days, and wrote several thick letters to their mother every day, and asked puzzledly: "Father, you write letters every day, where do you send them to mother?"

Hei Wa stared: "I have a special box for the letter I wrote to your mother. Speaking of which, do you think daddy won't punish you? From today onwards, you two brothers, you will also write a letter every day." Write a five-hundred-character letter to your mother or younger brothers, and hand it over to your father after writing!"

"Ah? We don't have so many words to write!" Yuan Wenwu wailed, not knowing whether their mother had forgiven them after receiving the letter of apology, and had to write home letters every day, crying.

Although Yuan Wenjie thinks that his father's punishment is not too severe, but they are in the sea, and they experience great things every day. They can't write about fake people and fake things, right?

Because Hei Wa hasn't seen her daughter-in-law replying to her letter for the past few days, and she doesn't know what she's busy with, or has encountered some difficulties, and she is worried about it, and the stinky boy even bumped into the muzzle of the gun.

After sailing on the sea for a long time, no matter how beautiful the seascape is, it becomes boring. Apart from the staple food, everyone is keen on sea fishing.Up to now, no matter how big the sea fish and sea shrimp are, they almost vomited.

Steaming, boiling, stewed fish, salt baked, stir-fried, the methods that the Huotou soldiers know are all given to them by Cuihua back then. The chefs in Zhongqinbo Mansion are at most a mix of bacon and seafood .

Fortunately, the cabbages planted on their ship have grown, and they can be thinned out to eat cabbage soup.Eating bean sprouts with cold salad is more popular than fish and shrimp.

Mr. Yan is conscientious, and goes to class normally every day. Qin Ke is his focus.

Lu Shaoting, Han Kuangyuan, Miao Shujian, and Pei Jiesun were reduced to classmate with three boys who were a few years younger than them.

A few of them couldn't cry, they finally ran out of the Imperial College, because they were impatient to go to class, they all went overseas, and Master Yan still didn't let them go.

And the most amazing thing is that Master Yan actually has an imperial edict to teach them a few lessons, who would dare not listen?
Having the opportunity to deal with the sons' master every day, Hei Wa seized every opportunity to communicate with Yan's master, trying to understand the progress of the sons' homework.The Yuan Wenjie brothers, who were used to being herded, felt that this taste was not ordinary sour.

After sailing for more than three months, everyone changed into summer clothes, and the weather became hotter, with heavy rain from time to time.

Hei Wa finally understood what his daughter-in-law was doing, and he was amazed, this is really the ancient version of New Oriental, but it was really suitable for his daughter-in-law.

On this day, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and the officials of Qin Tianjian raised flags on the observation ship, reporting thunderstorms and telling everyone to be careful.

"Put on life jackets, Mr. Yan, Lu Shaoting, Han Kuangyuan, Miao Shujian, Pei Jiesun! Especially those of you who are not good at water, don't be careless!"

Hei Wa called the names one by one, these tall and powerful guys were all landlubbers before.I only learned to swim in the past few months, and I don't know where I got the courage to go out to sea even if I don't know how to swim.

Originally, they all thought that it would be a bigger rainstorm at most, but they didn't expect that what was waiting for them was a heavy rainstorm and a tornado.

"Ah, uncle, look, what is that?" Someone exclaimed.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and after a while, a funnel-shaped black cloud appeared on the cloud layer, and connected to the sea surface, forming a huge waterspout.

Four waterspouts sucked up huge jets of water reaching the sky, and the boat shook so badly that everyone was wearing lifejackets and hid in the cabin.

Heiwa's eyes were full of panic, he had only seen such a big tornado on TV before, let the two children hold his arm, one on each side, he made the worst plan.

Through the rain curtain, he saw that the tornado overturned several ships and passed through the fleet, and the waves were so strong that they almost fainted on the ship.

"Father, dad, I'm afraid!" Yuan Wenwu almost peed in fright, how could they have encountered such a danger in the past three months!

"With your father here, what are you afraid of? Don't worry, I won't die!"

Qingyi and Qinger will protect the twins respectively, the uncle hopes that they can protect the little masters first, so they have to obey orders.

Zhao Leiting and Qin Ke also held hands and curled up in a corner. Qin Ke's always smiling face was full of dignity, and he was still trying to calm down.

Heiwa simply pulled a group of people to sit on the floor, and asked everyone to hug the legs of the table and not move. His face was covered with sweat, and he panicked a lot.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" The voices of Lu Shaoting, Han Kuangyuan, Miao Shujian, and Pei Jiesun were all screaming, and they huddled together into a ball.

Master Yan's already serious face would be tense, if not for the trembling of his fingers, he wouldn't be able to see the slightest bit of fear.

Huang Shangshu looked deathly at home, and didn't want to lose face in front of the juniors, but he was old and his legs were weak, and his old servant hugged him tightly.

At this time, the tornado closest to them encountered the No. [-] ship head-on.
The sky is dizzy and the ground is sinking, time seems to press the pause button. At the moment of falling into the sea, Hei Wa was still struggling for a few seconds, whether to go directly into the space, but Qingyi and Qinger were still nearby.

The teenagers were very calm in the water, and they swam well, and the life jackets could keep everyone's upper body floating on the water. After thinking about it, let it go.

The waves brought up by the tornado knocked everyone into pieces, and Hei Wa couldn't see the two older children for a moment.He wanted to open his mouth to call, but was directly blocked by a wave, his ears were also numb, he couldn't hear the sound, and he was dizzy and took several mouthfuls of seawater
Of the 50 seagoing ships, more than [-] of them were overturned by the four tornadoes passing through them. Except for the unlucky No. [-] seagoing ship, most of the ships produced by Jiangnan Shipyard are of guaranteed quality.

Five sea ships carrying the navy capsized, more than a dozen grain ships capsized, and several horse ships. The horses were restless on board, and the movement of the horseshoes accelerated the overturning of the horse ships.

Some of their cargo ships were also lost, and they still don't know what the cargo in these cargo ships was.

However, the large wooden box containing the palace embroidery has been sealed with seven or eight measures, and the maroon box is also very conspicuous. As long as it is still nearby, even if it is soaked in water for a year, you will not be afraid.

Porcelain is too heavy, and if the ship capsizes, it will only sink to the bottom of the sea.

Most of the unlucky ones are ship merchants. Although the ship products have passed the inspection and acceptance, the clues are only seen at the critical moment.

The people who fell into the water were terrified at first, but finally discovered the beauty of the life jacket, calmed down, and looked for their accomplices everywhere.

The bright red life jackets were so conspicuous, and soon a group of people gathered on the sea, holding hands and floating with the waves.

For a quarter of an hour, the tornadoes came and went without a trace. Shortly after they left, the torrential rain stopped and the dark clouds did not dissipate. It turned from heavy rain to moderate rain.

Since the torrential rain, the waves have been rolling violently. Even if the rain becomes lighter, rescue will not be so easy.

Cuihua's eyelids twitched violently that day, and her heart was flustered, so she finished her morning teaching and went straight back to her residence.

Running to the space, the letter was still yesterday's letter, not updated. She replied to Hei Wa's letter in the space, and her panic hadn't stopped. She dug two acres of sweet potato fields before she stopped.

The person she was thinking about was in the sea water for more than half an hour before being salvaged to the No. [-] boat.

Hei Wa was lying on the deck panting, Huang Shangshu was picked up earlier than him, the old man's face was pale now, his old servant wrapped him in a thick quilt for fear that he would be frozen to death.

Master Yan, Lu Shaoting, Han Kuangyuan, Miao Shujian, and Pei Jiesun were fed ginger soup, their hair was wet, and they curled up together, rejoicing for the rest of their lives.

Qing [-] and Qing [-]'s skills are really not built on, Yuan Wenjie and Yuan Wenwu are the ones who pull very tightly, and after the waves pass, they immediately push the brothers onto the No. [-] boat.

After they found Uncle Zhongqin, they were terrified. They were going to throw their master into the sea, and they would have no way to survive when they went back.This lesson is enough for them to remember for a lifetime, and next time they will tie their masters together.

Gao Huaiyu was naked from the upper body, and was still directing the navy to salvage the ship and the supplies in the ship, with an outrageous temper.

This salvage lasted until night before someone came to answer.

"General, Uncle, Master Shangshu, there are currently 58 capsized ships, ten of which have been salvaged, and the rest need to be salvaged. More than 300 people have disappeared."

Hei Wa closed her eyes, waved her hand, and let people go down.This tornado dealt them a head blow. After more than three months of smooth sailing, everyone felt that sailing was not as dangerous as they said.

A cargo ship carrying porcelain overturned and sank to the bottom of the sea, and there was no oxygen equipment, so the salvage had to be abandoned.One of the two cargo ships loaded with embroidery was overturned, but more than half of the big date redwood box was recovered, which is already considered lucky.

The losses of the ship merchants were much heavier than theirs. The silk and tea soaked in seawater were basically considered useless. Everyone was cleaning up their own losses, all crying.

Some people who had soaked in seawater started to have fever and wobble. Shangguan's imperial physician was too busy. With so many people, he only brought twenty military doctors. Most of those guys still treat trauma.

He was so busy that he prescribed a prescription for treating typhoid fever. He boiled several large pots of decoction. Those who had symptoms drank it for treatment, and those who had no symptoms and saw that their bones were not healthy drank it for prevention.

After being delayed by these four tornadoes for about ten days, the fleet continued to set off after confirming that there was no survivor and there was no cargo nearby to salvage.

Fortunately, they did not deviate from the course, and after half a month, they anchored on a large island.

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