The salted fish couple is fleeing famine

Chapter 200 Taobao and Pottery Burning

At noon the next day, more than 500 people came to the base camp, most of them were Gao Huaiyu's navy.

There are also a few representatives of ship merchants and a dozen or so shipwrights. They also sneaked in and came to watch Uncle Zhongqin do his handicrafts.

A good porcelain master is actually willing to fire black pottery with little technical content.

Uncle Zhongqin only needs to move his mouth, and Zhao Leiting can arrange these people clearly.

"General Gao, uncle, part of our ship needs to be repaired, the damage is too serious, so we have to give up.

We plan to ask craftsmen to help build a few more new cargo ships. Do you think it is suitable?

Of course, these shipbuilding costs will definitely be handed over to the shipyard when you go back. Don't worry, we businessmen are the most trustworthy. "

The representatives of the ship merchants reported to the two giants as soon as they came up. After all, the shipbuilders belonged to the imperial court.

Gao Huaiyu didn't take it seriously, and waved his hands and said, "Look at the arrangement, catch more fish, hunt some prey, make some dried meat and so on. After we get to know these natives well, we will call you, anyway, the goods are all On board, we certainly don't trade privately."

"Gao Zongbing, what you say is going to hurt us. We all understand the rules. When it comes to business, we must advance and retreat together!"

The ship merchants don't think that these mud-fired jars will have more purchasing power than the commodities they bring.

Seeing that these people were indeed busy digging mud, they didn't stay long and went back to the base camp.

Hei Wa retained a dozen or so shipwrights and asked them to help with some handicraft work, using rattan in the forest to help weave some sieves.

The sieve holes are only the thickness of a little finger, although I don't know what it is useful for, this simple work is not difficult for the craftsmen.

In just two days, five hundred sieves were made for him, and the craftsmen were released back to the camp.

First, a kiln must be built for the black pottery, and the firing method of the black pottery is also unique, using a unique method of "sealed, smoked and carburized".

The kiln used is made of stones, and the kiln bed is first covered with plant ash and then combustible hay.

Then arrange the pottery blanks in an orderly manner, pile up cow dung between and around the pottery blanks, and place a thick and completely dry turf on the outermost layer.

These turf can play the role of the kiln shell to a certain extent during the firing process. It is a material that can not only burn but also keep heat, and is helpful for fumigation and carburization.

During the firing process, the temperature and humidity must be strictly controlled, and the ceramic blanks are infiltrated with carbon particles during the smoking process to form a finished product.

According to the information read by Hei Wa, the best kiln temperature is between 800 and 900 degrees.

Everything is ready, next, you need to dig a lot of clay.

Uncle Zhongqin asked the diggers to divide into three groups. One wave dug the upper layer of silt, and all the silt dug out was piled up in one place.

We also arranged for 100 people to hold the sieve, load the dug out river sand, and sieve the sand. Stones larger than the size of a finger can be removed.

The sieved river sand will not be wasted. Bo Zhongqin asked the soldiers to spread the sifted sand around the river beach evenly.

After the water in the sand dries up, Hei Wa plans to plant the sweet potatoes they brought from the Inca Empire here.

No one knows the value of this land better than him, how could he just punch in and leave?
Since the stay would not be short, although there was no shortage of big fish and meat in the camp, their staple food was abundant.

Even for one meal, 3% of it is meat. More than [-] people consume a lot of staple food in a day.

Sandy soil is perfect for growing sweet potatoes!
The last wave is to dig clay. The clay is usually buried deep in the sand, and the color is white, which is easy to identify.Unlike the kaolin clay used in firing blue and white porcelain, this highly viscous clay is the best raw material for making black pottery.

The excavated clay is sent to a wide field, and is repeatedly beaten with a mallet, or kneaded, pinched, patted, and pressed by hand, so that the clay is continuously "matured".

The second step is blank making.There is no model available, so it has to be made by artificial kneading method, and various round embryos are kneaded out.

Zhongqinbo, the general director of pottery art, is in charge of the last step of adjustment, trying to make the body of the vessel as uniform as possible, making it firmer, rounder and smoother.

Most of the pinched embryos are soil bowls, various large and small bowls, plates, soup basins, soup spoons, rice spoons, etc.

However, these embryos cannot be put into the kiln immediately, and the moisture in the clay must be dried first in a ventilated and cool place.Based on the environment they came out of, at least five days or so.

After knowing what they were going to do, Amanlin was very active, and everyone could see him at any time, showing his big white teeth.

He also pinched a big soil bowl for his son, saying that it belongs to him after burning it.

Whether he wants to grow sweet potatoes or burn black pottery, Gao Huaiyu fully supports it. It is better to let the soldiers do their work than to let the horses go.

Everything was going on in an orderly manner. Three days later, Heiwa was playing chess with Gao Huaiyu in the tent when Hanbao ran in panting, his face flushed, and he said excitedly:
"General, Uncle, we found a treasure!"

Not only did he speak, but he also loosened his clenched fist in front of them, only to see two gold nuggets the size of eggs with different shapes in the palm of the fool.

The surface of these gold nuggets is pitted, and there are some black substances, but it seems that the gold content is quite high.

Gao Huaiyu looked at the two pieces of gold in disbelief, and even picked one up and bit it with his teeth.

After seeing the tooth marks left by himself, he was so happy that he went crazy, and pinched his thigh fiercely.

"Uncle, this, isn't this a dream? Jin, gold!" There was a trembling sound in the voice, obviously still not believing what he saw.

Hei Wa hurriedly expressed surprise: "Oh, I never expected that I just wanted to make a few earthen bowls, but I can still find gold. General, let's get rich!"

"Didn't you get rich? Damn it, it's real gold, it's for nothing!" Although Gao Huaiyu doesn't value money, he knows that Daxia's treasury is not rich!How many great things can a ship of gold be brought back to the Great Xia Dynasty?
"General, don't yell, we can only make a fortune in silence over this matter, there, the ship dealers are not stupid!" Hei Wa heard Gao Huaiyu's voice raised a lot, and quickly pulled his sleeve to persuade him low key.

"Yes, yes, but, we can't leak this news, and we can't let those gangs of ship dealers loot it. Let's quietly and carefully search around. There is such a large piece of river sand, I'm going to beat it! "

Every fine hair on Gao Huaiyu's body was beating happily.This made him more excited than the thousands of catties of gold he got in the Inca Empire. It was a big deal without money!
After the two were ecstatic, they managed to stabilize their minds.

When we arrived at the sand washing side together, the soldiers were so excited that they used all the sieves, and some people wanted to cut vines and continue to weave sieves.

Gao Huaiyu gave a lecture to the soldiers: "Everyone give me a pee, do you hear me? Don't be greedy for the gold in the sand, it's just here, maybe there's gold everywhere here, I can get less of you Benefits? Be smarter!"

"General, don't worry, we all understand the rules, and we won't hold you back!"

"That's right, that's right, you let Han Bao supervise us, and we supervise each other, we will definitely not be ambiguous."

From the first piece of gold, it was like opening the door of luck. Only one-tenth of the river sand was panned out, and the gold nuggets that were panned out weighed dozens of catties.

Except for a dozen or so people who continued to dig mud, the other soldiers ran to fight against the river sand, and the dug out river sand piled up into a hill.

Digging during the day, reluctant to sleep at night, digging sand with torches.

But how can this little gold satisfy Uncle Zhongqin?He discussed with Gao Huaiyu: "General, let's go upstream along this river and find out where the gold comes from!"

"Uncle, I found that your mouth seems to have been opened, we will go wherever you say!"

Gao Huaiyu wished he could confess Hei Wa, this loyal and diligent uncle might not be a golden hand.

It never occurred to him that gold could be picked up casually in this backward place where no clothes were worn.

What kind of goods are exchanged, this is for nothing, these natives, know how to use gold!If you can find a bigger gold mine, hey, I dare not think about it!
He asked Han Bao to go back to the barracks quietly, and in the dark, he called in another two thousand soldiers, half of them followed them to find gold, and the other half stayed on the river beach to help pan for gold and ensure safety.

Thirty thousand soldiers, without this number of people, it is impossible for the ship merchants to find out that they are still obsessed with shipbuilding.

Panning for gold did not delay Bo Zhongqin's firing of pottery, and the embryo body finally dried up and met the conditions for firing.

Hundreds of embryos were lightly put into the kiln. In order to find dry cow dung, they severely damaged the bison in Heguli.

Firing only took one day and one night, and then the kiln door was closed to allow carbon elements to infiltrate the embryo body until cooling.It takes twenty hours to cool down, and the kid Amanlin is scratching his head.

Until he saw the pottery that had been taken out of the cooled kiln, he held a large soil bowl he made himself and would not let go.

Another pot!Another big black pot!He made this pot with his own hands, watched it burn out with his own eyes, and made it with mud from the bottom of the river. Could he also learn this skill?Amanlin really wanted to take the soil bowl back to the tribe immediately.

The little eyes are full of longing, and they even paint to express that they are willing to exchange their prey.

But they couldn't do without him as a little translator right now, so Hei Wa could only promise to give him as much pottery as he wanted after he finished the translation work.

The children were happy, dancing and making noise, wishing they could start now.

He understood clearly: these people are rare, and he doesn't know what the yellow bumps from the river are for?
It's no wonder that Amanlin has such doubts, who hasn't seen these yellow lump tribes?They are not as hard as rocks, and many of them have holes in them, so they are useless to them.

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