A few forests away from the lion tribe, there is a warthog tribe.

This should be the most notorious tribe in the vicinity. The tribe has more than 5000 people, and its fighting power is second only to the jungle tribe.

There are many men and few women in their tribe, and many women are snatched back from other tribes.

Moreover, the hunting grounds for their hunting are not fixed, and they often go to the sites of other tribes for a stroll.

The reason why the Warthog tribe has not been wiped out by other tribes so far is that their tribe is especially good at hiding and sneak attacking.

The speed of running in the jungle, as long as they play, no one dares to be the first.

Soon, a rumor was spread to the Warthog tribe by the people of the Lion tribe: a group of outsiders who were very rich and friendly to the locals came to such a land.They were very generous to the jungle tribes, giving them a cauldron that could cook a lot of meat, and clothes that were thinner than the best animal hides.
The warthog tribe is a habit of stealing, can they miss the fat sheep delivered to their door?The members of their tribe who were best at hiding climbed up a big tree not far from the base camp, and observed for three full days before returning to report.

After a few months, the sailors in the base camp did not pay attention to this group of natives with stone tools and spears, and the vigilance of the night watchmen gradually relaxed.

Especially for the group of ship merchants, each of their ships could not wait to be filled with goods, except for the boatmen, each family brought only fifty or sixty servants.

The [-] sailors are right next to them, giving them a sense of security!
There was still some moonlight this night, and the midnight had passed, more than 1000 dark and dark guys sneaked in.

Their target was on the sea ships. According to the people with the sharpest eyes, all the belongings of the outsiders were put on those big ships.There are people who keep watch day and night, but the watchmen also go to bed early.

They didn't want to steal all of this group of people, they thought about taking whatever they came across, no one was empty-handed, and they could always find something good.

He was short, didn't wear shoes, and walked lightly. With so many people, he walked around the red brick house in the camp without any problems.

It's getting closer, it's getting closer, and the clansmen cooperated tacitly, riding the tall one up to the top, and with a snort, they climbed onto the sea boat along the rope.

Much to the pain of the Warthog tribe, they couldn't open the doors on these boats!

From No. 30 sea ship to No. [-] sea ship, they were all rejected.

What door locks do native tribes have?
They didn't force it. If one ship couldn't open the door, they would change to another one. There must be one with the door closed, right?
Under the moonlight, after an hour, they finally pushed open the cabin door of a certain ship merchant.

One after another, large wooden boxes were stacked neatly.

Seeing this, the chief of the Warthog tribe, who suppressed his anger all night, finally grinned silently.

It's a pity that they can't open these wooden boxes, and they don't know what's inside. Some of them are too heavy to be hugged by several people.

When moving the wooden box, occasionally there was a sound of hitting the table and chairs.

It was not until they were about to unload dozens of the lightest wooden boxes that the night watchmen were awakened.

"It's not good, there are thieves!" With this voice, the soldiers on more than a dozen ships were awakened.

"Get up, everyone, don't sleep, don't sleep!" The person who woke up first immediately slapped his companions, passing one by one.

In less than a quarter of an hour, everyone who was sleeping on the boat was woken up.

Light up this torch and oil lamp, okay!They were all brought home.

When the people of the Warthog tribe heard this and alarmed the group of people, they gave up the wooden box, jumped into the water, and fled.

These naked guys seem to have a layer of oil on their bodies.

The skin is extremely smooth, and when they touch their arms, they shake, leaving you with oily hands.

The more than 100 captured in the end were still blocked in the cabin, and the windows and doors were blocked in various ways before they were captured alive.

The ship merchants were surprisingly angry. The natives knew that the persimmons were cheating!Hastily asked the servant to check the loss of his family.

Gao Zongbing has only been back for a few days, and he was attacked in the camp. It's a shame, a big embarrassment!
After serving in the army for so many years, he has never suffered such humiliation.

He scolded several bosses as Xiang:
"What's the value of this night?! Tonight is the total night? Don't tell me that these natives are nothing to fear, and you can confidently let me take it lightly!

Can't kill without a knife or a gun?Do you know how many kinds of poisonous snakes there are in this forest?

The natives play snakes just like you walk your dog. If you wipe the snake venom on the stone axe, will you survive?

Throwing some cloth, porcelain or something, I don't even blink my eyes.

But damn it, if he dies at the hands of these natives, I'll be so pissed off!

It's so fucking embarrassing, Uncle Zhongqin wants to turn around and ask, did you let the master have the face to talk to him in detail?what!
Starting tomorrow, wartime training will resume. How did you practice on Shieldfish Island? Here, you all follow the usual routine! "

Who can sleep on such a large-scale sneak attack?More than 2 people in the camp could not wait to turn the base camp upside down, and finally survived until dawn.

I checked it several times inside and out, and there was nothing missing.

Gao Zongbing, with a sullen face, planned to interrogate overnight.

Unexpectedly, even Yuan Wenjie and the others couldn't communicate with the hundred or so aborigines captured.It's not that the other party can't understand the picture, but that the people of the Warthog tribe are pretending to be deaf and dumb.

It was daybreak, but Gao Huaiyu didn't bother to find out why, so he asked Qin Ke and the others to invite Chief Amu and Amanlin.

The warthog tribe is notorious, and the jungle tribe knows it too well. Chief Amu asked Amanlin to paint and tell them:

The people in this tribe are very bad, and they like to rob things and women. They have a lot of people and run very fast, but they still can't beat their jungle tribe.

If the former General Gao, regardless of 21, would have chopped off all the heads of these raiders and killed chickens for monkeys to see.

But after tasting the sweetness of the Japanese war reparations and the redemption of prisoners of war, General Gao is no longer the former General Gao.

He smiled and asked Qin Ke to translate, and asked Amanlin to take a few sailor brothers to the Warthog Tribe to help spread the word:

"Your tribe has been discovered, and there are still more than 100 people in the hands of that group of people. If you want the people of your tribe to live, I want you to exchange this yellow lump. Well, thirty such big yellow lumps can be exchanged for one tribe member! "

"Boy, you are a native of our country. You actually spread the word for these outsiders. Are you not afraid that people from our tribe will go to your jungle tribe to declare war?" The chief of the Warthog tribe looked at the bragging child, his teeth itching.

"I was just invited by them to spread the word, and it's not that our jungle tribe captured your people and bullied me as a child. I want to tell my father, our jungle tribe is not afraid of you!"

Chief Amu has so many children, and the Warthog tribe doesn't know every little chief. After knowing the identity of Amanlin, they can't embarrass him too much, so they can only let him go.

"Chief, although these yellow bumps are not difficult to find, do we really want to surrender to those people?"

"Chief, we didn't get anything?"

"Chief, the Lion Tribe told us about this group of people!"

"Chief, my son is still in their hands."

Gao Huaiyu waited for several days, but he didn't wait for the people from the Warthog tribe to come to redeem him.

I also heard news from a few teenagers that there were actually two tribes fighting in groups.

The Warthog Tribe who tried to steal from them beat the Lion Tribe who tried to blackmail them.

As long as you use your brain, you can understand what's going on. These guys who have no clothes can actually kill people with a knife!
General Gao couldn't help but wonder: Is it feasible to arrest these guys to dig for gold?

Huang Shangshu kept trying to persuade him to calm down, it's not worth getting angry for these uncivilized people, the gold has to be dug secretly.

Three people are in charge, one agrees, one opposes, and one doesn't know, Gao Huaiyu is not reckless.

He took the group of captives away, and took the firecrackers and a thousand soldiers to the Warthog Tribe.

After just one fight, the warthog tribe, which suffered a lot of casualties, changed their expressions. Are they here to take advantage of the fire?
"You guys, what do you want to do?"

"It was agreed to exchange the yellow pimples for your people, do you agree or disagree? If you don't agree, they will kill people! Just kill them here!"

Amanlin's little heart is trembling, this leader is much more vicious than his friends' father.

A few friends told him that so many adults in the same clothes listened to his instructions.His long knife is very sharp at first glance, isn't cutting off a head the same as cutting a watermelon? !
"Change, change!" The Warthog Tribe gathered a lot of yellow bumps in the past few days, and they really used the strength of the whole clan to dig up all the places they knew.

I wanted to change it after fighting with the lion tribe, but they couldn't wait to come to the door. The visitors were not kind, and the long knives were scary!
The notorious warthog clan have an unusual sense of danger.

The reason why their tribe can grow to this day is to fight if they can beat them, run away if they can't beat them, and beg for mercy if they can't run away.

Gao Huaiyu, who had exchanged several hundred catties of gold, looked at the chief of the Warthog tribe and sneered.

When leaving, let the firecracker team and the long knife team perform for the Warthog tribe in turn, and then left.

"Scared, I was scared to death. Look, did you see the hare whose head was knocked off?" His legs were so weak that he couldn't stand up, and a few timid ones were so scared that they peed and trembled.

"Lion Tribe, let's fight each time we meet! They must know how powerful this group of people are, and let us go to die!"

There are quite a few smart clansmen. They didn't understand the strength of these outsiders before, so it doesn't prevent them from diverting the trouble. Didn't the chief come back to his senses?

"These people are terrible, will they come again? Chief, let's move!"

It really hit the iron plate. The Warthog tribe had never suffered such a big loss, and they were almost scared to move overnight.

Gao Huaiyu thought about it all the way, it seems that the people of this tribe must know where there is gold.

This moved him very much. Tomorrow, he will send someone to invite Uncle Zhongqin back to discuss it.

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