Come with a load and return with a full load.

They contracted more than 80.00% of the goods in this year's big fair (half of which were game meat).

Among so many and varied products, Heiwa has chosen interesting ones and has hidden quite a few.He also left an ostrich thigh and two ostrich eggs for his wife.

The most exaggerated thing is that they also smuggled two live little ostriches, and they wanted her daughter-in-law to have a rare South African specialty.

Huang Shangshu opened his mouth again and again when he heard the grand occasion of this big rally.Not only have the existing goods of the natives been replaced, but can they still be reserved?
If so many natives were mobilized to dig for gold and gems, would their ships be able to carry them?It seems that new ships will continue to be built.

Uncle Zhongqin, he is too good at doing this business without money, he is undoubtedly the number one God of Wealth in the Great Xia Dynasty!
Salt can almost be used as currency, so you can't stop cooking salt, and the transaction is much more than that.

In less than a month, the soldiers and teenagers who had been scattered came back.Gold bumps, the big back is used to carry gold!
I'm not afraid to overwhelm them, I can't straighten my waist! ——The voice of a certain ship merchant.

Jealousy makes people ugly!In particular, some ship merchants who returned empty-handed couldn't hide their false faces in the past.

Huang Shangshu is unselfish, all kinds of animal skins, ivory, rhinoceros horn, ostrich eggshells, and even the ebony wood carvings that he looks disgusted and indecent, have all been registered.

All the gold and precious stones were cataloged and stored in the warehouse, and placed in the large wooden box of the No. [-] seagoing ship, and heavily guarded by soldiers.

At night, Yuan Wenwu ran to find Heiwa: "Father, look, this is a gift from the natives for their son!"

These diamonds glow light blue phosphorescent at night, so Hei Wa, who has seen the world, can't help but want to keep it for himself.

None of them are smaller than pigeon eggs, his second son, there are more than 30 eggs in one shot!
These diamonds are not only large in size, but also relatively round in shape, and the loss is not large after processing and polishing, and they are the best among the best.

"Father will save it for you, go back and honor your mother, your mother is so rare about this thing!" Borrowing flowers to thank Buddha, Hei Wa wants to see his daughter-in-law drool right now, so how happy he is!
"Give it to mother, hehe! I am my mother's most filial and good son!" Their mother usually doesn't even care about their private money.

It's not so easy to surprise my mother, but I don't know if their mother can eat less fried pork with bamboo shoots after returning home for the sake of these gems?
"Don't be too flamboyant, there are so many grown-ups here, keep a low profile, keep a low profile!" My son doesn't have a magic weapon for cheating, so it's not convenient for him to fetch some baby at home, tsk tsk.

Yuan Wenwu stayed on his father's Datong shop that night, and told him about his experience of changing gems:

"Father, that tribe is really poor, and everyone lives in a big cave.

There is no bed or kang, so they spread hay in the cave to sleep, and the children who stay in the cave can only drink water when they are hungry.

The men in their tribe are short in stature and weak in strength, and they haven't occupied a good hunting ground for hunting, and they can't eat enough or eat well.

You don't know, they originally planned to exchange their children for food in this big gathering, because they were afraid that the rest of the tribe would not be able to feed them."

Even in the Great Xia Dynasty, there were people who sold their children and daughters, but Yuan Wenwu was still indescribably aggrieved compared to how the aborigines didn't take children seriously.

If you can’t support yourself, what are you doing so much?In a small tribe of hundreds of people, there are more than 100 dolls under the age of five!

"Will they eat those sweet potatoes you gave them? Can they wait to grow them?" Hei Wa saw through his son's thoughts at a glance, and quickly changed the subject.

"I told them that they can come to us in exchange for sweet potatoes. As long as there are gems, it's easy to talk about! In the mountain range where they live, no trees grow, and they don't know if sweet potatoes can survive."

"Sweet potatoes don't pick a place. They are much easier to grow than corn and potatoes. Didn't you give them the planting atlas? It's all helped. If they can't stand up, they will be killed by other tribes sooner or later." Annexed."

"." Isn't that what he's worried about, hey!

No matter how far away the tribe was, they all returned to their base camp.It should be said that through this big gathering, Hei Wa and his group of outsiders officially made their debut on this continent.

Every tribe that has exchanged salt and sweet potatoes has blown up this group of people, looking for yellow bumps and stones, almost the whole family moves.

In exchange for the salt, it will not go bad for a long time. Those rare plant roots, the fallen chiefs and elders have eaten it, and they all nodded and agreed to exchange it in large quantities.

Even better, learn the art of growing the roots of these plants!The son of the chief of the jungle tribe can say that his tribe has already planted it.As long as they dig up enough yellow bumps and find enough stones, foreign guests may not be willing to teach them to plant.

At the same time, Heiwa and the others also recognized all the Khoisan tribes in this land.

The names of these tribes are weird, most of them are named after the unique animals or plants on their own land.

The tribes with a large number of people and strong strength basically occupy a good geographical location, and the hunting ground is the main resource that their tribes compete for.

It is roughly estimated that there should be at least 30 to [-] Khoisan people in South Africa today.

Their largest tribe has no more than [-] people, and the smallest tribe has hundreds of people, but none of them has the ability to rule everyone.

That's why it was so tragic a hundred years later. Not only were they driven and massacred by the Bantu natives who moved from the north to the south to occupy the territory, but they were also trafficked by European colonists.

Hunting and gathering are their inheritance, a way of life for thousands of years, and tribes closer to the sea can only use bark as boats and fish offshore.

The guys in their hands were either stone tools or wooden tools, and they didn't even see the shadow of bronze tools.

Hei Wa's thoughts raced: No wonder the group of colonists from the west were so unscrupulous after they came to this continent.The Khoisan are really unarmed!No, he couldn't bear the thought of this, Tie Qi?There is no shortage of iron ore here!

"What? Uncle, didn't we come here to dig gold mines? Why do we still need to dig iron mines?" Huang Shangshu couldn't figure it out. Iron and Daxia are not lacking.

"Huang Shangshu, we may come here again in the future. These natives are not strong enough. What if people from other countries come to snatch them? Have you forgotten the evil deeds of the Eastern Japanese? We can't watch them catch them without a fight Ah, Daxia is their good friend, you can't watch your friends suffer, right?"

Reasonable and reasonable, Huang Shangshu could not refuse.

Thinking of doing it, Uncle Zhongqin, who had just finished tossing the big assembly, led people into the mountain again.

It has to be said that South Africa is really a treasure land. After only a few days of investigation, Heiwa and the others found iron ore and coal mines.

The iron ore here is mostly hematite, with high quality, less impurities, good reducibility, and average heat intensity.

High-temperature furnaces are also indispensable for ironmaking. The principle is to use a furnace temperature of 1100 to 1200 degrees to melt iron ore, and then repeatedly forge to remove carbon, sulfur, phosphorus and other impurities.

Building a high-temperature furnace is Heiwa's forte. Coal is more resistant to burning than wood and has a higher temperature. It is the best fuel for ironmaking.The most pleasing thing is that the coal seam here is buried shallower, thicker and more stable.

Among the tens of thousands of people, it is not difficult at all to pick out hundreds of soldiers who have some experience in blacksmithing.

The right time, place and people are all in harmony!

Uncle Zhongqin asked the sailors to forge javelins that could be used for hunting first.

This kind of weapon thrown from the air is similar to the red-tasseled gun his wife used back then.

The dart head is made of iron, and Heiwa chooses a tapered gun head, which is set on the gun shaft, which is usually made of hard wood.

The overall length is about 1.2-1.5 meters, the middle is thick, the two ends are thin, the weight is 4-5 kg, and the range is 20-60 meters.

As long as you practice your aim well, you can kill ordinary prey, even humans, as long as you throw it with enough force and accuracy, you can kill it with one blow.

In addition to javelins, knives are also indispensable: long machetes can be used to chop trees and firewood, axes can easily cut off the hardest bones of prey, and kitchen knives are very handy for cutting meat and various roots.

When there is no fighting, the knives are used as tools, and in case of foreign invasion, these can be used as murder weapons.

From gathering to farming, hoes, shovels, and sickles must be indispensable.

Of course, with these tools, the natives can dig out more gold bumps.

The principle of Zhongqinbo is: win-win is win-win!

Iron also has a very important use, casting large iron pots.A large iron pot that can cook dozens of human flesh at a time is worth having.

In addition to boiling salt, the camp started to clank, and the high-temperature furnace for calcination never rested.

As a transit point for their salt exchange, the jungle tribes are eligible to be the first users of these iron tools.

Chief Amu received an invitation from Heiwa, and now he is also influenced by Amanlin and has become a fan of Daxia.

Produced by Daxia, they are all high-quality goods.

The sailors are practicing throwing javelins, which is fresh and practical for them, and the more each person shoots, the better.

In order for Chief Amu to get a closer look at the dominance of the javelin, Hei Wa also organized a hunt.

The target was a herd of bison and antelope. The sailors threw hundreds of javelins in batches, one after another, and the prey fell directly.

Chief Amu: Who am I?where am iWhat kind of evil is this? It turns out that our friends can be even more powerful!
Hei Wa asked Qin Ke to translate well: "Hunting requires such weapons. Don't your tribe have very powerful caterpillar venom? If you apply it on the tip of this gun, it can kill many large prey."

Amanlin is calmer than Chief Amu. In Amanlin's eyes, the kind of guy who can smoke and blow off a head with one shot is the most powerful.Now these javelins are just right for them to hunt.

"What can we exchange for this weapon?" Chief Amu is most concerned about this, the great chief of the Ten Thousand Tribe, it is impossible to have no ambition, and countless thoughts have already turned in his mind.

"I can give you some hoes and iron pots first." The picture book that was drawn in advance was handed over to Aman Lin

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