The salted fish couple is fleeing famine

Chapter 214: Ancient Divine Beast?

The navy of the Great Xia Dynasty has not returned for more than a year, and Xia Hongdi's mood is more cloudy than sunny.

I don't know what the officials said in private, anyway, Cuihua attended several spring banquets, and was bored by the sympathetic eyes of those honorable wives.

They don't feel sour any more, Uncle Zhongqin is loyal to his wife, this person is gone, what's the use of loyalty? !
The people have everything to say about this, and they can't help worrying about this group of people when they are busy with farming.

The people in Zhongqin Town couldn't hear this, and they almost bald the base of the bronze statue of Uncle Zhongqin.

They firmly believe: Uncle him, auspicious people are blessed by God.

What?The sea is rough and the life and death are unknown?

Uncle Zhongqin is not a fool, why can't he hide on the island to avoid risks?
Why haven't you returned for so long?

That must have gone too far!

If you are too free, go to the construction site to move bricks. There is so much physical work in this city, and if you spend a little effort, you won't be in the mood to gossip.

Father Hu and Mrs. Zhang lived in Hu Erniu's house in the capital city for half a year, and they would visit Yuan's mansion every three to five days to see their daughter and two grandchildren.

Xiao Wu, who has practiced Neijia Kungfu for more than a year, is now stronger and he is still practicing hard.What their mother said, as long as they can lift a hundred catties, their father will come back.

Xiao Wu's personality is more restrained, unlike his younger brother Xiao Liu who is unrestrained, teary when talking about his father, and occasionally weeps loudly.

Although Cuihua has been a mother and a father this year, and she still has a job as a mountain chief, she doesn't find life difficult.

This is really thanks to the careful teaching of the two children by Mr. Mou and Master Wu.There are also the children's cousins, cousins, and cousins ​​who play together every day, which can distract most of the children's attention.

She often thinks optimistically: there are servants, maids, and servants in and out, and there is no need to worry about food and drink. This is already considered the life of a top wealthy family.People like her complain that life is not easy, and they must be sprayed to death.

Thanks to the space again, she and Hei Wa can often meet secretly.At least she can be sure that her man is living a good life, no matter how many rumors there are, she will not mess herself up.

After the old Yuantou finished the Chinese New Year, he was not very interested in working as a supervisor in Dali Village, and people in the village talked a lot about his family.He pretended not to hear, but he often couldn't fall asleep in the middle of the night, and his father was also worried when his son traveled thousands of miles.

Yuan Lao Er and the others are more cautious in their work, and the porcelain in the imperial kiln is following the line of excellence.They didn't get impatient at all. If they said it was unqualified and they wanted to burn it again, they just rolled up their sleeves and did it without saying a word.

Cuihua will also take care of everything, and write down the situation at home to Heiwa, so that he can feel at ease when he is away.

After entering the Silkworm Moon of Great Summer, the daytime temperature has dropped on Heiwa's side, and autumn has just begun here.

In autumn, the fruits in the mountains and forests are ripe. They have a kind here: small, bright red, thick-skinned wild apples, sweet and sour taste very delicious.

There are also wild grapes, which are all over the mountains and plains, small in size, but very sweet in taste when ripe.

They ate a lot of bananas, mangoes, and watermelons (watermelons) for more than half a year.

They even asked the natives to dig up some small saplings, especially the saplings of the apple tree, and planted them all in a large ceramic pot, hoping to bring them back.

Other fruits and their seeds are needed here in the base camp, and this place seems to have become a regular gathering on this land.

The natives have figured out the needs and rules of these outsiders in the base camp. In addition to digging up yellow bumps and stones every day, they will also go over mountains and mountains to find rare things for these people.

On this day, the base camp received several strange-looking, living prey that they had never seen before.

A group of people watched enthusiastically, Yan Fuzi, Huang Shangshu, and those ship merchants traveling north and south.

Everyone can be regarded as well-informed people, but they watched these prey for a long time, but they didn't dare to draw conclusions.

"Deer body, oxtail, unicorn, Master Shangshu, this is the auspiciousness of ancient times, Qilin!" Master Yan became more and more excited as he talked, this thing only exists in legends.

"Like, really like!" Everyone agreed and nodded in agreement.

Heiwa was dying of laughter, he was surprised that they were so ignorant, so he endured it for a long time before saying:

"There is only one horn on this deer's head. There are three? It looks like a deer with a long neck. It will be called a giraffe in the future. You forgot? One horn, there are rhinos in the lake Woolen cloth!"

Master Yan was embarrassed, although he wanted to force Xiangrui out, but Uncle Zhongqin didn't cooperate, so he had to give up.

"Hey, that's right. The prey here are really strange in appearance. The horses have white stripes, the sheep have long and sharp horns, and the ostriches are really amazing."

Speaking of ostriches, Heiwa wanted to laugh again. Huang Shangshu was misled by him. Apart from checking the account books every day, whenever he found something good, he wanted to pick it up and bring it back to Daxia.

He had to look at the dozen or so little ostriches brought back from the big fair several times a day. The little ones grew up so fast that there was almost no room for the dozen or so little ostriches in the bird pen they built.

Ostriches are omnivorous birds that eat everything. When they come to their place, they grow up several times a month. It takes two to three years for them to grow from young birds to adults.

Huang Shangshu, who never forgets the delicacy of ostrich meat, is still thinking:

It would be great to be able to raise a large number of chickens and ducks like raising chickens!The egg liquid of an ostrich egg can fry a large pot of vegetables, and the meat of an adult ostrich weighs two catties, which can hold several sheep, which is a good deal!

In addition to delicious eggs and meat, ostrich skin: soft leather, strong tension, good air permeability, and a wide range of uses.

The eggshells of ostrich eggs, the patterns carved by the aborigines on them are very unique, and they are very beautiful to display.

The more I think about it, the better, this ostrich is full of treasures!
"Uncle, let's find a way to transport all these wild animals back to Daxia. It's not easy to take the big ones, but it's okay for us to bring some small ones, especially ostriches. The more the better!"

Well, nothing can stop Huang Shangshu's determination to bring goods.

After accepting the giraffe, the base camp received a lot of ostrich eggs one after another, including baby ostriches, small bison, small antelopes, small zebras, and even rabbits.

Anyway, these people, as long as they are alive, they basically need them, the cubs are easy to catch!
The alpacas ushered in new brothers and sisters again. The soldiers built a long feeding pen with a trough for animals, and a grass shed on the top to shovel excrement for sanitation every day.

Qin Ke's little leopard is really like a big cat, and now Qin Ke has no temper at all. He took his pet, watched the increasing number of animals in the camp, and smiled and suggested to Hei Wa:
"Uncle, we're used to seeing these things and don't think so. If we can take them home and find a yard to raise them, those who want to go in and see them can collect money for viewing. Tsk tsk, the business must be very good!"

"Qin Ke, Uncle found out that you are not only cute, but also smart!"

"Hey, so-so!"

Fortunately, this baby can figure it out, can tropical animals be taken to the snowy capital?Whether they can live to the big summer is still a question mark.

As long as Heiwa has time, he will drink a big bucket of space water for the little ones every day, hoping to give them a strong foundation.

Since Gao Huaiyu asked Zhao Leiting to go to the gold mine instead of him, he didn't care about it. In the peanut field, the weeds grew much more than the peanuts. Farmers are not so easy to do.

Those old sweet potato vines are really old and strong. After re-planting fibers, they are rejuvenated, and they still grow very well in the new wasteland.

The corn didn't grow weak in the cultivated land that had been fertilized with base fertilizer. This time, he planted more high-yield corn with more space, and the yield would definitely surprise Huang Shangshu again.

"My lord, the third ship has been completed. Please go on board with my uncle for inspection!" The master shipbuilder reported the work to Gao Huaiyu, with his head held high.

Not only did they complete the ship merchant's order, but they also built three big ships for the court's navy. If they had enough time, they would have no problem building another one.

With one more ship, they can carry one more baby. Now I'm afraid that there are too many treasures to be transported, so that's a worry.

"Master Cui, we can trust your craftsmanship. Next, I'm afraid I'll have to trouble you to continue making it. Let's wait another two months until the batch of grain is harvested before we can set sail."

"No problem, although there is not much time, but it is still possible to catch up with the construction period!"

Gao Huaiyu thanked again: "Master Cui, don't worry, we will not treat the masters badly. Your ship masters have worked hard and made great achievements. When you return to China, I will also ask for credit for you in front of Your Majesty."

"Hehehe, Mr. General Soldier, you are too polite. This is all as it should be, as it should be."

The cave at the bottom of the cliff could no longer hold the gold, so Gao Huaiyu simply arranged for soldiers to bring it back.

Ship merchant: It turns out that Uncle and the others can be even less human!What about common prosperity?

Even the clan couldn't help but came to complain: "I said, uncle, you are really unreasonable. After digging gold mines for so long, you still don't let us drink soup."

Heiwa's face was serious: "Whether it's meat or soup, it belongs to the national treasury. We have no right to make decisions for His Majesty, share the meat and soup for everyone. If you have any objections, you can personally discuss with His Majesty when you return to Daxia." Say it!"

"Hmph, don't say it so majesticly, I don't believe it, you have nothing to hide!"

"I am loyal and diligent, dare to swear to the sky, I want to be ignorant of this gold, the world will not tolerate it!"

"You..." The ancients valued oaths very much. To be able to swear such a heavy oath here, the clan couldn't even keep a word.

He didn't believe it, Qingyi and Qinger also had letters from Gao Huaiyu and Huang Shangshu, gold, etc., the base camp had Huang Shangshu as the accountant, and the gold mine was guarded by Gao Huaiyu and his navy.

Uncle Zhongqin was accompanied by Ouchi guards when he went out. How did he get those gold and precious stones under the eyes of so many people?
The most important thing is that whether it was the discovery of gold mines or the diamonds later, they exchanged salt, ironware, and grain with the indigenous people. Which one was not from Zhongqinbo?

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