"General, Uncle! There are people on this island who can speak Chinese!" Han Baoer dragged a man into Gao Huaiyu's big tent.

Three days ago, they landed on this island, which was dozens of times larger than any island they had encountered before.

The people living on this island, in addition to the Khoisan natives they are familiar with, also have more than a dozen different ethnic groups such as yellow skin and black skin.

They were first attracted by the yellow-skinned people. These people are very similar in appearance and skin color to people from some places in Daxia Lingnan.

At first, they thought they were from Daxia, but after a dozen greetings, they discovered the difference in language. Huang Shangshu immediately concluded that the other party spoke Javanese.

But today, it is a miracle that a Javanese who can speak Chinese was picked up.

The one brought here was an old man who looked to be in his 70s. He spoke Chinese with some dialects from the Jiangnan area, but he could fully understand their Daxia dialect.

Asked the person's name and said a long list, which confused them all, and Gao Huaiyu forcibly intercepted the two syllables "Putuo".

I can barely hear him say: "The ancestors of my family fled from the south of the Yangtze River to Java during the Huangchao Rebellion. Later, because they offended the Javanese dignitaries, when I was seven years old, I followed my parents to the Maldives Island. of."

It turns out that Putuo's family used to be at least a family of great merchants from Jiangsu and Zhejiang, but how did they lose their ancestral surname?
"Who is in charge of the Madoka Island now?" Gao Huaiyu was most concerned about this question. He was not interested in exploring Putuo's family history.

Putuo understood what he heard, smiled wryly, shook his head and said: "No one is in charge. The Khoisan people are the first natives to come here. We Javanese came after them, and the big food merchants came later than us. They Not only did they come by themselves, but they also brought those black-skinned Bantu slaves to plant rice and sugar cane for them.”

People have not only changed their names and surnames, but now they have changed their nationality, including the Javanese natives.

That being the case, Gao Huaiyu and the others didn't tell Putuo about the change of dynasty. They only asked what they wanted to ask and sent him away.

The Big Three held their first meeting in Falklands.

"Since there are big cannibals coming and going to do business in this place, it should be profitable. Merchants should be able to find more business opportunities for cooperation. Huang Shangshu, you always talk to ship dealers."

"No problem, uncle, are there any gold mines and precious stones here?"

Huang Shangshu is obsessed with gold mining, he probably thinks that where there are indigenous people, there should be gold.

"Master Shangshu, the Javanese and Dashi merchants know the uses of gold and silver. They have been here for so long. If they really have these minerals, it will not be our fault!"

Heiwa didn't have a deep impression of the island's energy, but only knew that it would not be considered a developed country in later generations.

"It's not easy to dig gold mines secretly now, and those ship dealers can't wait to stare at us for twelve hours!"

Gao Huaiyu smirked, wishing that people hated them until their teeth itch, and they had to beg for their appearance.

After the three of them discussed, they didn't plan to stay here for a long time. There was no such thing as the establishment of diplomatic relations in a place where tribal civilizations and outsiders lived together.

Before Huang Shangshu could do the mobilization work of the ship merchants, the big food merchant came to the door by himself.

A big food merchant named Feisal also asked Putuo to be an interpreter: "Welcome friends from the East, are you the envoys sent by His Majesty Tang?"

Hearing that the other party mentioned King Tang, Hei Wa couldn't help but slander: the history before the Great Xia was exactly the same as that of the later generations, before the Song Dynasty.The difference is that in the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms at the end of Tang Dynasty, a founding emperor of the Great Xia Dynasty emerged.

Therefore, after Heiwa and Cuihua came to the Great Xia Dynasty, they once thought it was an empty dynasty.

However, where is the history before the Great Xia, which made the couple messy for a long time.

In the end, Hei Wa made a decision, it should be regarded as the Song Dynasty, the same sky, the same land.

Maritime trade in ancient times has a long history, and it can be traced back to before the Qin and Han Dynasties at the earliest.During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, overseas trade flourished unprecedentedly, and the merchant ships of the Tang Dynasty maritime merchants had extended their voyages from Tianzhu to the Fars Sea (Persian Gulf).

However, due to the large-scale peasant uprising and frequent dynasty changes in the late Tang Dynasty, many precious historical business documents and important navigation route maps were destroyed.

When the Great Xia Dynasty was founded, ocean trade had stagnated for nearly a hundred years.

The previous monarchs were busy unifying the surrounding areas and consolidating the regime. The policies became more and more strict in the future, and there was a tendency to close the country.

These big food merchants grew up listening to the stories of the prosperous Tang Dynasty in the East. So far, there are still legends of merchants in the Tang Dynasty in their country.

After only one glance, I found that this group of people looked similar to the legendary Tang people. After thinking about it for a few days, I decided to come to say hello.

While Heiwa was thinking wildly and slandering her, Huang Shangshu had already made a deal with Feisal.

After Huang Shangshu's explanation, Feisal realized that Tang Wang's world had changed hands, and now it was the Great Xia Dynasty.

The translator Putuo stared wide-eyed. Although their ancestors were oppressed by the yellow thieves, they never thought that Tang Wangtian would be so vulnerable!Was it changed so easily?

To Feisal's surprise, the Great Xia Dynasty seemed to be more powerful, and their ships were taller than they had ever seen before.

Moreover, they actually dispatched tens of thousands of people, and they looked like they were not ordinary businessmen.

You know, the Tang Dynasty in the hearts of big eaters was very rich.They were shocked and awed by the country's culture and politics, as well as its trade.

Silk, porcelain, tea, these have been dating for hundreds of years in their country.In addition to the preservation of some porcelain in the royal family, tea and silk are in short supply.

"Does your country want to go to our Dashi Empire this time? Our Majesty the King, I like your oriental culture very much. We sincerely invite you to trade in the Dashi Empire. Whether it is silk, porcelain or tea, in our country, All very welcome.”

Huang Shangshu was very happy. This is a friendly country that has a basis for cooperation and admires oriental culture.

"The Great Food Empire, we are definitely going. I wonder if this friend can lead the way for us? We are just planning to make some supplies in the Maldives Island, and we won't stay for a long time."

"Of course, it's Feisal's honor!" Feisal could imagine the shock that would be caused when he returned to the country to invite so many businessmen from the big eastern country.

Not only was he very happy to assume the role of guide, but when he heard that they wanted to exchange some food on the Falkland Islands, Feisal took them directly to his family's manor.

His family has two 10,000+ mu farms on Mashima, all of which are used to grow rice and sugar cane.

As smart as he is, he even proposed that instead of gold and silver, he only wanted to use Daxia's commodities to trade grain.

They really don't have much rice left. For more than a year, not only rice, but also gray noodles.It is difficult to get a place to grow rice, and some have to be replaced.

The sea merchants were told that they had already established contact with the Dashi merchants, and soon they would be able to trade with the Dashi country, and only then did they recover from the attack by the Khoisan people earlier.

The Great Food Country, they have heard of it!In the richest country with the most contacts with the East, I heard that the food merchants have every pocket full of gems.

My heart is burning with urgency, and I can't wait to leave immediately.

Uncle Zhongqin, who was as impatient as them, even stayed overnight in Feisal's manor.

I haven't seen my daughter-in-law for at least a month, and I miss her very much.

But Cuihua unexpectedly missed the appointment, and this point did not enter the space.

Hei Wa couldn't believe it, and looked at the alarm clock, it was already 07:30 in the evening of Daxia.

What is Cuihua doing?She's in an embarrassing situation right now.

Today, after Lao Yuantou returned home from his workshop in Dali Village, the host entertained four members of the Fan family's eldest brother's family in the main room.

Cuihua had to give Lao Yuan some face, and took her sons to dinner.

Unexpectedly, most of the meal was eaten, and the sister-in-law of the Fan family actually proposed that she wanted her daughter to get married with Santou, and wanted to keep her daughter to grow up with her future husband-in-law in Yuan Mansion.

Ma's face turned dark on the spot, looking at the second daughter-in-law, Fan Qinghe couldn't see that her mother-in-law was unhappy.

But thinking about what the sister-in-law said, she said bravely, "Mother, it's good to be kissed and kissed, and you can know your temper when you grow up together."

"Crack!" The chopsticks were dropped heavily.

"Do you want to be more intimate? Do you want to be the family of the Yuan Mansion? Be the master of the Yuan Mansion?" Mrs. Ma did not hide her anger.

"Looking at what my in-laws and aunt said, Santou and the eldest sister crawled out of my second sister's belly. How can a mother not be the master of the child. It's not me bragging, I..."

"Shut up for me, come on! Go and call the second master and the third master back, and tell them that their daughter-in-law is going to be the head of the Yuan Mansion!"

Mrs. Ma didn't look at the two daughter-in-laws again, she sat steadily, while the housekeeper was doing things quickly.

"Mother, I didn't." Fan Qinghe was anxious, but her mother-in-law's ignorance of her eyes also made her lose face.

The sister-in-law did say a lot of small things to her during this time, among which the one that moved her the most was: the three heads naturally have a good future, so the daughter-in-law who will marry a wealthy family in the future will be able to take your mother-in-law seriously ?Daughter-in-law, if you don't understand, can your son still be of one mind with you?

Speaking of her heart, how many people in the honorable family who are on good terms with the Yuan Mansion now know her, the second wife of the Yuan Mansion?

"Uncle, look, it's my mother-in-law who can't speak, so don't be angry, don't be angry."

When Brother Fan saw Old Yuan Tou, he was no longer as polite as before, and wanted to tell Yuan back, and winked at Sister-in-law Fan while talking.

Sister-in-law Fan is not convinced, looking at Cuihua who has been drinking soup in silence and not talking, she has an idea: "Sister-in-law, I heard that you are the one who made the decision for our Yuan Mansion, and you should judge it. Can mother be the master of children's marriage?"

"Oh! I, a woman, can't be the master of Uncle Zhongqin's mansion. Otherwise, my brother and sister-in-law who sell their sisters for money will not be able to enter the gate of our mansion."

Topic stopper. Cuihua: A shameless person cannot give face.

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