The salted fish couple is fleeing famine

Chapter 223 Familiar Recipes

The ship merchants who were earning a lot of money these days can be said to be booming and killing the Quartet.

If it wasn't for hearing that it wasn't too far to go back to Daxia from Dashi Kingdom, and they had to go through many countries, they would have almost traded all their commodities here.

But they have worked so hard and gone through several rounds of waves to keep these commodities, which are actually more profitable than the cooks in Uncle Zhongqin's Mansion.

Cooking, selling a technology, is nothing but a white wolf.

Familiar routines, familiar recipes, they really learned it!
Moreover, these big cannibals are actually holding gold and gems, rushing to learn, even a roast mutton bun can be exchanged for money!
"Uncle, what are you looking for in this cannibal?" Huang Shangshu and Gao Huaiyu were curious.

They couldn't figure out what commodities Uncle Zhongqin wanted to exchange for the seeds and planting methods of these staple foods with the Dashi Empire.

Inside the Imperial Palace of the Great Food Empire,
"What?" Caliph Ahmad couldn't help being furious when he heard Feisal's words.

"The people of the Great Xia Dynasty are too greedy! Medical skills, medical scriptures, and glass techniques, which one was not researched by our great food wise men of many generations? Can you exchange for seeds and planting of a few kinds of food?!"

A stone stirred up a thousand waves, and the roar of the Caliph Ahmad and the whispering of the ministers came from the huge palace.

Corn, potato, sweet potato, three staple foods are placed in front of everyone.

The samples of the food itself were kept, and seven or eight kinds of food were made by steaming, boiling or frying, and the ministers were allowed to taste them.

Those who initially agreed with Caliph Ahmad changed their minds after tasting the food.

"Caliph, once you have these high-yield seeds, your people and soldiers will no longer have famine. The footprints of our food empire can go farther." There are many loyal and far-sighted ministers, Words can scratch the king's itch.

"Khalifah, there is so much noise about Daxia's arrival this time, if we don't want to change it. Maybe those people in the Roman Empire will get the news soon, and they will know what we know."

The minister who spoke is also shameless, and they didn't steal the art of glass from the Europeans!
"Yes, yes, Caliph, these grains taste really good!"

"How can an excellent businessman be led by the nose?"

Caliph Ahema knew it well, but he still couldn't help but want to talk about conditions.

Faisal shouldered the heavy burden of negotiation, and he spoke to Huang Shangshu and the others with difficulty:
"Forgive me, your envoy. We are willing to exchange glass techniques, but medical skills need to be learned in medical school for at least three to five years, and more than seven or eight years. Medical books are a precious asset of our country."

No matter how euphemistically put it, the meaning of rejection is unambiguous.

No wonder the big cannibals are so stingy with medical skills. Their prophet Muhammad once said:
There are only two kinds of knowledge in the world: the knowledge of God and the knowledge of man.

Here the knowledge about Allah refers to theology, and the knowledge about man refers to medicine.

Therefore, the big cannibals attached great importance to medicine. Not only did they translate all western medical works into Dashiwen, even Tianzhu medicine was spared.

Anatomy has been studied in depth for hundreds of years, and surgical operations are excellent, and various surgical instruments have been invented for this purpose.

Hundreds of years ago, the Dashi Empire ordered the prohibition of private practice of medicine, stipulating that practitioners must pass examinations and obtain qualification certificates authorized by the state.Finally, you need to practice in a hospital for a certain period of time before you are qualified to practice medicine.

Except for medical students, all imperial pharmacists need to pass an exam to obtain a qualification certificate.

The Dashi Empire is also the first country in the world to establish a medical college.

To be precise, it also systematized pharmacy.

Dosage forms such as syrup, ointment, liniment, oil, emulsion or fat are first created by Da Cannibal.

Doctors of Dashi have written hundreds of medical books, among which the most famous medical sage compiled "Medical Code".

The inheritance of hundreds of years is not so easily traded out.

For every change in this transaction, Bo Zhongqin and Huang Shangshu discussed the countermeasures.

The reaction of the Great Food Empire was completely within their expectations.

"Your Excellency, we have indeed heard about the medical skills of the Great Food Empire, and we also admire the surgical skills of the Empire. However, I would venture to ask, does your country have a good way to prevent smallpox?" Uncle Zhongqin said nothing. Xu, his mentality is as stable as a dog.

Before translating this passage, Putuo confirmed it several times: "My lord, is it really the prevention rather than the treatment of smallpox?"

Huang Shangshu almost patted his chest and assured: "All of us who traveled this time have been vaccinated against smallpox. The Great Xia Dynasty has completely eradicated such evils as smallpox!"

Feisal was stunned by the news after listening to Putuo's translation. What news did he hear? !
Smallpox, a nasty disease brought back from ancient Egypt by food merchants!At present, it is a disease with the highest contagiousness and mortality in China and European countries.

With such advanced medical skills in their empire, it can only be said that they have some experience in treating smallpox, but the death rate after infection is still high.

"Vaccine to prevent smallpox? It can completely eradicate smallpox. Change, change, let's change!" Faisal blurted out without hesitation, circling excitedly.

Of course, important medical events require the participation of doctors, and the Shangguan imperial physician was also invited later.

When he learned that Uncle Zhongqin actually used a method of smallpox vaccine to replace hundreds of medical books for Daxia.

He was so surprised that he rubbed his hands again and again. Once he arrived in the Dashi Empire, he inquired about the medical achievements of many people, and he was salivating at the level of their surgical medicine.

"Uncle, Commander-in-Chief, Master Shangshu! No matter what medical books we can bring, the most important thing is that we have to bring a few great food doctors back to Daxia."

Looking at other people's Shangguan imperial physicians, they have a strong ability to draw inferences from one instance, and not only accept all the medical books, but also the doctors.

Just staring at Hei Wa with straight eyes, what can Hei Wa do?
"Your Excellency, the ancients said: If you study alone without friends, you will be ignorant and ignorant. And my Great Xia Dynasty medicine has been passed down for thousands of years. I wonder if the doctors of the Great Food Empire are interested in going to Great Xia to study?"

With the bait of the smallpox vaccine, Hei Wa couldn't believe that he could kidnap a bunch of surgeons. How could Chinese medicine be so easy to learn?hey-hey!
Feisal originally came to negotiate, but was stunned by the surprises Hei Wa threw out.

He stepped out of the inn with a deep foot and a shallow foot, and ran into the palace without delay.

It is conceivable that the blockbuster of the Daxia Chaotianpox vaccine brought much shock to the imperial power and the medical circle of the Dashi Empire.

"Dear caliph, the medical skills of the Eastern Great Xia Dynasty are so advanced. We want to go to the Great Xia Dynasty to find out." The 40-year-old court physician Sharif excitedly made a request to the Caliph.

In his eyes, medical skills have no national boundaries, and there are still many blind spots in the scope of their research on oriental medical skills.

This makes people who study this way tirelessly, how can they be reconciled?
"We must learn how to develop the smallpox vaccine!" Members of the royal family also spoke out. In what year did the royal family not have children who died of smallpox infection?

"You can give me the medical code. After they have studied it thoroughly for dozens or hundreds of years, it is still important to prevent smallpox right now!"

There is no suspense, the intractable disease that has plagued the Great Food Empire for thousands of years, there is hope to eradicate it now, and no one will object.

Under the leadership of the imperial doctor Sharif, dozens of outstanding doctors in the empire strongly requested to exchange and study with the Great Xia Dynasty.

Different from Daxia's master-apprentice teaching system, the Dashi Empire, which trains doctors through schools, can have hundreds or even thousands of doctors qualified every year.

For three to five years, the Khalifa Ahma would not refuse to exchange and learn the medical skills of the Great Xia Dynasty.The family members are all in the Dashi Empire, so are you afraid that they won't succeed if they don't come back?

It hit it off, and this exchange of technology and implantation has also been recorded in the history of the two countries.
The Shangguan imperial physician and his military medical officers planted more than 3 smallpox vaccines on Shield Fish Island.

Unexpectedly, there will be a day to go abroad to teach this method, which can be regarded as the highlight moment of Daxia's medical field.

It doesn't matter if you can't find any pox-prone cows. When you go to sea, you take the pox vaccine with you.

Now planted and prepared, and still in use today, the toxicity of these vaccines has become so light that it cannot be lightened.

Hundreds of physicians and pharmacists in the empire studied under the imperial doctor Shangguan and stared at the vaccinated buffalo for twelve hours.
The Dashi Empire peninsula has a large desert area, so their farming land is mainly concentrated in the southern coast.

With such a small amount of arable land, the big cannibals had to expand outward.It has long been known to sell black slaves to grow wheat, rice and other crops overseas for them.

Zhao Leiting led more than a dozen sailor brothers, and taught the farmers of the Dashi Empire how to cut potatoes into cubes, wrap them in a layer of plant ash, and bury them in the ground.

As for sweet potatoes, in addition to germination, they were also taught to cut off the growing vines and plant them with cuttings.

The planting of corn is simple and crude, only emphasizing the two most critical points: enough base fertilizer, and the distance between plants should be one foot two.

Da Xiachao was so generous that he not only demonstrated all the planting process in person, but also presented a planting atlas with rich pictures and texts.

Of course, the Dashi Empire will reciprocate courtesy.

To learn glass art, you can choose talents from the navy.

This time I can go to work in the capital after returning to my country, so don't be too active in the sailors who signed up.

The current glass technology in Europe has become more and more stable, from colored glaze to transparent glass.

And the porter is a cannibal, and he quickly learned this skill.

"Father, the symbols used by these big cannibals to calculate chips are also very interesting. Dad, look, this is one, this is two"

Yuan Wenjie looked for his father excitedly. They had learned the Dashi language, and now they have come into contact with the Dashi language.

Heiwa: When labor and management use Arabic numerals to learn mathematics, you don’t know which corner you are in. When it comes to Arabic numerals, you and I can only learn better than you!

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