The salted fish couple is fleeing famine

Chapter 229 Special Chapter Ceremony

Now that diplomatic relations have been successfully established, the Sultan of Delhi hosted a banquet in the palace to entertain the envoy of the Great Xia Dynasty.

Representatives of Dashi merchants and leaders of forty groups were invited to participate.

After the banquet, they also received a gift from the Sultan of Delhi in return for the Great Xia Emperor.

A pair of golden birds inlaid with jewels, and two sets of utensils decorated with falcons inlaid with large jewels;
Three thousand catties of various spices;

Twenty stunning court singers!
The return gift was shown to them on the spot. There are dozens of spices in it: pepper, turmeric, asafoetida, etc.

As soon as the twenty palace singers appeared, the eyes of all the men present lit up.

The Tianzhu people's aesthetic appreciation of women stays in primitive reproductive worship.

Big breasts and wide buttocks, obvious curves, and soft limbs are their favorite beauty standards.

Only Gao Huaiyu, Gao Zongbing, looked unhappy.

This is the first time they have received such a gift.

He really didn't want to take these barefooted, coolly dressed women who were said to be good at singing and dancing!
But is this something they can decide to refuse?Obviously not!

Huang Shangshu is such a bad old man, he keeps giving him winks, is he afraid that he will turn his face on the spot?

Everyone looked at Zongbing Gao's black face and didn't dare to tease him.

Hei Wa's muffled laugh was suppressed all the way, but when he returned to the inn at night, he couldn't laugh anymore.

In his bedroom, there were actually two young Indian girls, who were said to be gifts from the Sultan of Delhi to their envoys.

Qing was expressionless: "Master, we have been watching them, and we haven't found any danger for the time being!"

"Is this a matter of carrying dangerous items? Qingyi, do you still want your uncle to return to Daxia alive?"

Gritting your teeth, is it so serious?

Qing Yi rolled his eyes inwardly, the delivery was quite low-key, once you close the door, who knows!Is it possible that you can't harden your ears when you go overseas?!

Seeing Qing Yi's small eyes, Hei Wa still doesn't know what he's thinking, his face turns red with anger, and he speaks plausibly:
"Your uncle and I, I can only accept your wife. Other women will not be blessed! These two women, you and Qing Er will be rewarded!"

The two Ouchi guards looked at each other, speechless, they did not intend to start a family.

It really doesn't matter if you hire a handful of women, I can only reluctantly help the master digest the beauty's favor.

Not only Uncle Zhongqin and Zongbing Gao were presented with beauties, but they didn't even spare Huang Shangshu and Mr. Yan, and they were very generous, giving two to each other.

Gao Zongbing didn't accept this, and directly threw it to his subordinates.

If the situation permits, the Sultan of Delhi will give the beauty to the emperor's brother-in-law, and he can let his subordinates do it for him.

Tsk tsk, these foreign girls are beautiful, and their smell can make him faint.

I don't know how those bastards below can get on with it!

Huang Shangshu and Mr. Yan will not mess around outside, so many juniors look at them, disrespecting the teacher/teacher, what a shame!

Hei Wa can't control whether other people sleep with these beauties, only he and his sons can control them.

He even went to the teenagers' room at night to brainwash them in various ways.

"You guys are still young, don't think about things, it's too early to start meat, it will affect your growth!"

Lu Shaoting, who is tall and big, about 1.7 meters five: "Uncle, who said such nonsense? At the age of 15, our family prepared a housemate for me!"

Hei Wa was almost choked: "If you don't believe me, you can ask Shangguan's imperial physician! You could have grown taller!"

The anger in his heart, these guys are not very old, and they have a lot of tricks, he will have a good talk with the Shangguan imperial physician later.

Several teenagers who were two or three years older than Qin Ke and the others all stared at each other. Who wouldn't want to grow taller as a child of a general?Is there really such a saying that it is too early to grow up?

The two sons were obviously not enlightened yet, and they were very proud of their father, so they agreed in a hurry.

In the end, he was even happier when he found out that his father had rejected the beauty.

Yuan Wenwu patted his chest and said, "Father, how old are we? Didn't you say that we are still young? Your old man is our role model. After I go back, I will tell you about it for three days and three nights in front of my mother." Good words, my father is not only the best father in the world, but also the best husband!"

Heiwa was so angry that he wanted to catch him and beat him up. Yuan Wenwu was no longer the fat kid he was before.

Yuan Wenwu ran halfway, and when he thought of something, he straightened his feet in embarrassment, pouted his buttocks and said to his father:
"Father, why don't you hit it twice if you want to, but don't show off your old waist, your panting is like pulling a bellows."

Really, these words directly hit Heiwa's lung tube.

He couldn't help doubting himself, how could he be so useless in his thirties?Tired of beating a baby? !
In order to prove that he is still very young and strong, Hei Wa, who was entangled until midnight, sneaked into the space again, and wanted to prove to his wife that he was not old.

When taking a bath, she is not idle, multitasking, and can explain today's affairs to her daughter-in-law clearly: "Mother, tell me, does this brat need to be cleaned up!"

Cuihua, who had kept the vacant room for several months and was whetted again, couldn't help cooperating:
"Oh, sorry, I'll beat him up for you when I come back, my husband is in full bloom with 31 flowers!"

After getting a satisfactory answer, Hei Wa lowered her head and kissed the red lips she had missed for a long time.
The next day, Gao Huaiyu left the bedroom with a dark face, looked at Uncle Zhongqin's happy face, and was suspicious:
Could it be that Uncle Zhongqin hired those two beauties?It is also a man, who can not understand what kind of expression this is, it shouldn't be!Is this guy famous for raking his ears?
Hei Wa didn't know that Gao Huaiyu's eyes were so sharp. After the establishment of diplomatic relations, he was busy.

Don't the goods waiting on the Seven Islands of Mumbai need to be deployed?Tianzhu's ox carts and elephant carts have good load-bearing capacity, but the speed is really not as good as that of a horse-drawn cart.

I had to use some of the products I brought first as samples.

On the first day of trading, the ship merchants discovered a strange thing.

Their omnipotent porcelain is actually unsalable in Tianzhu.

Could it be that their celadon and white porcelain are not as beautiful as blue and white porcelain and famille rose?

After learning about the living habits of the Tianzhu people, they don't know whether to be happy or depressed.

The Tianzhu people believe that food is bestowed by the gods, and it is disrespectful to the gods to obtain food with any utensils.Only using clean hands to grab directly means respect for the gods.

They usually lay clean banana leaves on the ground, put food on the banana leaves, and grab food with their right hands.

You don't even need a dining table, let alone plates, saucers, and bowls!
As for the Tatar aristocrats, as long as they have a knife in hand, they can show off the cooked meat.

The Tartars had a notorious food, and it was said that their cavalry carried mutton under the saddles of their horses on the march.When the horses run, they will ooze a lot of sweat, and the Tatars use the sweat of the horses as a condiment.

Eating meat and drinking milk are their daily eating habits.

The ship merchants had nothing to do with the Tianzhu people, so they could only take the trouble to demonstrate the wonderful use of porcelain to the Tatar nobles.

Are you not tired of eating meat?
Tired of drinking tea!

How can we drink tea without a teapot and a cup?
Check out these dishes, they come in a set with the teapot!

Not to mention, Tatar nobles quite like drinking tea, much more so than milk.

For teapots and teacups, the aristocrats bought a lot of porcelain.

Compared with porcelain and tea, Daxia's silk is popular.

"Huh? The belt on the Tatar's waist doesn't look like the silk from my Great Xia Dynasty! Why is the color so golden?" The careful ship merchant quickly discovered the competing product.

Several officials from the Lifan Academy who knew a little bit about Tatar asked the nobles for a long time before they told them that it was Mujia silk produced in a kingdom called Ahaom in the northeastern part of Tianzhu.

For the competing products, the ship merchants worked hard to understand them.

Feisal helped them find a few Indians who were familiar with the silk so that they could inquire about the information.

"The silkworm in the Kingdom of Ahom is a wild one, and the locals call it amber silkworm. It feeds on the leaves of the yellow heart tree and false persimmon ginger, which have a special fragrance."

The translator, Feisal, also listened with great interest, and helped everyone translate while listening.

"Wild silkworm?" Everyone exclaimed.

"Yes, they have been placed on the tree since they were hatched. They have to hide from the birds and the wind and the sun until they become cocoons. The women of the Kingdom of Ahom will pick the unhatched cocoons from the trees , adding banana peel and plant ash, steaming, and spinning. The silk of the amber silkworm has a golden yellow color, and the gold is more valuable."

"Tsk tsk, isn't that for nothing? It's much more worry-free than raising silkworms in our Daxia family!" Wouldn't it make a fortune for someone to plant a few mountains of yellow heart trees and fake persimmon ginger?
"About 1000 silkworm cocoons are needed to produce about two cents and five cents of silk, while the Indians need at least two catties of Muga silk for a sari."

"It's too extravagant!" The men gasped in unison. Who could have so many prodigal wives, and it would be difficult to buy a saree a year.

"Hey, you don't need to buy it every year. Amber silk is strong and durable. A saree made of its silk can last until the owner dies, and the more you wash it, the more golden it will be."

"We've been wearing silks and satins for decades, but we've never seen them like this. We can't wait to buy a few back." The silk merchants themselves expressed that they are willing to spend money to buy competing products.

"I can't buy it, and I can't produce much in a year. Nowadays, the only ones who can wear Muga silk as they like are King Ahom and their powerful officials."

Feisal said regretfully, if it can be produced in large quantities, can the big food merchant still miss such a business opportunity?
Who can not be envious of such high-end luxury goods?In order to conquer the Kingdom of Ahom, the Delhi Dynasty has sent troops several times, but it has not been successful so far.

After the two countries became hostile, it was even more difficult for the gentlemen of the Delhi dynasty to wear clothes made of Muga silk.To have a belt made of Muga silk is enough to show off for many years.

This time, a silk merchant from the Eastern Great Xia gave them a pleasant surprise. Silk is much smoother and more luxurious than cotton cloth!

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