The salted fish couple is fleeing famine

Chapter 234 The Land of Gems

In the late silkworm month, the southwest monsoon is convenient for eastward travel.

One thousand 230 slaves have been safely sent to the ship, and they can barely be regarded as returning with a full load during the trip to Tianzhu.

The sea boat departs from a small fishing village on Mumbai Island and sails southeast.

One month later, we reached the southernmost tip of Tianzhu, which is the Kingdom of Jaffna, a subsidiary state of the Pandya Dynasty in South Tianzhu.

Speaking of the Kingdom of Jaffna, the sea merchants in Daxia have basically never heard of it.

More than 200 years ago, the big merchants who walked this business route have long since disappeared.

These rising stars, the farthest countries they are familiar with are only in Southeast Asia.

What kind of country is this?

Right now, most of the various gemstones that the food merchants sell to Europe come from this kingdom.

Some of the jewelry merchants of the Dashi Empire have lived in this island country for dozens or even hundreds of years.

The gems produced in this ancient island nation have many colors, including: sapphire, ruby, opal, chrysoberyl, spinel, garnet, beryl, tourmaline and so on.

The King of the Kingdom of Jaffna had also heard of such a behemoth as the Shang Kingdom of Eastern Civilization, and he kindly received the envoy from the Great Xia Dynasty.

Attending this reception, there are also many military forces from the Pandya Kingdom of South Tianzhu.

Looking at the young and frail King of Jaffna, Huang Shangshu couldn't help worrying about him. Life in this vassal state seems to be not easy.

After learning that the Great Xia Dynasty had established diplomatic relations with the Sultan of Delhi in northern Tianzhu, this group of military forces obviously looked at them with a lot of indifference.

Nevertheless, the credentials of the two countries were exchanged smoothly.

The iconic gift of the Great Xia Dynasty was presented by Huang Shangshu, and the next day they also received a gift from the king of Jaffna with gems.

The ship merchants had already sold out their goods in Tianzhu, and watched helplessly as the imperial court embroidered in this small country and exchanged several large boxes of gems.

Numb, numb, thinking about the pepper in the boat, I had to comfort myself.

This trip, they can earn at least [-] times the profit. Compared with the imperial court, they can be regarded as a sudden wealth.

Thinking of the war that these sailors fought in the Delhi Sultanate, if it weren't for these sailors, I'm afraid they would have been in danger. Thinking of this, stop your greedy thoughts.

Without the escort of the navy, no matter how many gems they exchanged, they would not be able to transport them back to Daxia.

"This is the legendary opal? It's so beautiful! Dad, my mother must like this!"

Yuan Wenjie and the others had already seen many kinds of gemstones, and they were also attracted by this opal.

Will this brat remind me?He added five or six hundred gems to his daughter-in-law along the way, and they have all come to the gem kingdom, so we must not let them go, um, let’s try to break through a thousand!

It's been less than five days since I arrived, and the situation keeps appearing.

"Uncle, there are already more than three waves of people following us!"

Gao Huaiyu had the battle not long ago, now is the time to be vigilant, and he is often vigilant at night.

"Normal, this island country has such a good geographical environment, gems and spices, isn't it coveted by wolves? The King of Jaffna is much weaker than the Sultan of Delhi. We can't expect him to support us and let us Brothers cheer up, anyone who dares to provoke me will be hacked to death!"

"The labor and management have been suffocating for a long time, fuck it!" If you can't kill in Tianzhu in the north, then make up for it in the south!

In fact, they really didn't plan to stay in this island country for a long time, but they were just doing some supplies of food, vegetables, fruits and fresh water.

Gem trading is incidental, but in the eyes of these Pandya military forces, they are no less than big fat sheep.

In particular, the silk and porcelain they brought out are bought and sold without money, isn't it more exciting?
"Have you found out, how many people are there in the Great Xia Dynasty this time? How many boats are there?"

"General, there are more than 300 ships, people, I can't count them, most of them didn't get off the ship, it is estimated that there are at least 1 people, and I don't know how many people their ships can carry!"

More than 100 scouts counted on their stomachs for three days, but they couldn't count them clearly. They were too close and afraid of being discovered by them.

"It's more than 1, it's worth a fight! Anyway, the Great Xia Dynasty is far away from us. If they dare to call, let's hide in the mountains! Hehe, how many times do those guys in the north beat us? Now, isn’t there nothing we can do about it?!”

The thorns who spoke obviously classified the Daxia Navy as a Tatar, and there was a strong sense of contempt in their eyes.

"Let's do this."

In Gao Huaiyu's room, Uncle Zhongqin and the ten commanders were also plotting.

"General, it is said that the best defense is offense. We can't wait for these guys to come and fight. Or, let's go to their lair to play?"

"Hey, the heroes see the same thing! In this way, I will save the main force on the boat to attract them, and I will leave the work of raiding the house to uncle and you to lead the way!"

"Guaranteed to complete the task!" The eyes of the two met, and they understood each other's meaning very well.

The military forces of the Pandya Kingdom stationed in the island country are composed of three armies, basically stationed in the north of the island.

In any case, it is impossible for the number of people stationed in the vassal state to surpass that of their own country.

The three armies, all added together, actually only have more than 1 people.

Thinking of one-on-one, coupled with their understanding of the island country's terrain, the chance of winning is at least [-]%.

They miscalculated the loading capacity of the Great Xia sea ships, and did not estimate the combat effectiveness of the Great Xia navy.

He has been domineering in the Kingdom of Jaffna for a long time, and finally encountered a hard stubble.

Less than 1000 people were left to defend, almost all of them came out.

Unexpectedly, the three thousand sailors led by Uncle Zhongqin went straight to their lair.

Of course, it is indispensable here, thanks to the King of Jaffna.

The young king sent them a detailed map of the three troops and garrisons of the Pandya Kingdom.

It is true that the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Those who stayed in the camp were mostly those with the lowest combat effectiveness. They were still daydreaming, calculating how much leftovers they would get after this robbery.

How could they be dragged into their lair just because they had a good eye, but they wanted to resist, the people didn't give them a chance, didn't they?

"Uncle, do you want to kill them all?" The person who asked the question was not soft-hearted, but wanted a quick victory.

"Don't kill them all? Do you want to keep them for the New Year?"

"Yes! I promise not to keep any of them, hehe, Uncle, what about these treasures, shall we?"

"Move away, this is our spoils of war! If we lose the battle, don't you think these things won't take away all the treasures on our ship?"

"Damn it, they must have moved more than us!"

Vicious, a group of guys, wishing to tear down their lair.

It only took two quarters of an hour to kill, and the rest of the time was for them to find out.

The first thing to look for is the warehouses of the garrisons.

The warehouse is good, the warehouse is wonderful!Boxes of gems were continuously moved out of it.

Hei Wa was so happy that he almost jumped into the sky. All the gems are packed in big boxes.

After a while, he rolled his eyes again, it's so hateful that he still wants to rob them when he's so fucking rich!
As a master of treasure hunting, he certainly gained a lot.

The goal of sending his daughter-in-law was exceeded by many times, ten boxes of gems, how did he count them?

Under his command, Qingyi and Qinger went to check the traps and layouts here, looking for the fish that slipped through the net.

Isn't it convenient for him to show his talents?He wandered around the mansion of the supreme general of the garrison for half an hour alone.

"Uncle, I have checked everything and found more than 20 fish that slipped through the net!"

"Uncle, there are only some women and children left, shall we?"

"Leave these to the King of Jaffna, and we will only take these spoils!"

Forty precious stones in a large box, the sailors couldn't help swallowing, and looked at Uncle Zhongqin with burning eyes.

"Uh, these gems must be handed over to the national treasury. However, apart from those in the warehouse, I think these guys must have hidden a lot. Well, give you another hour, how much you can find is up to you. As for how you want to divide it after you go back, let the commander-in-chief decide!"

"Yes, uncle, you are waiting to see ours, and your share, the brothers will not be left behind!"

His uncle has given them such a great favor, how can they be less respectful to him?

Uncle Zhongqin waved his hand and left more than 100 people guarding these big boxes, while the rest of them were huh-lah-la-lah and running around.

Treasure hunting, this game, they like it.

Hei Wa was really sure, the gems in these big boxes were probably kept by these people for a long time, and they originally planned to bring them back to the Pandya Dynasty.

And these garrisons, from the general to the various minions below, really took a lot of money in private.

As long as there are people living in the house, if you search carefully, you will be able to find gems of various sizes.

They can understand the uncle's meaning very well.

Uncle made a special trip to remind them: don’t let go of the humble pot under the bed, the hole in the wall, the hidden pocket or corner of the clothes, or even the legs of the table or chair.

The most amazing thing is, according to the uncle, some people like to hide treasures in the hut, just to hide a surprise.

The corners of Qing Yi and Qing Er's mouths twitched, this uncle, where did he hear about these weird treasure places.

Before they rolled their eyes and laughed at the brothers, the uncle believed whatever he said.

The effort of two sticks of incense proves that the ginger is still old and spicy!
In a dilapidated, thatched hut, which looked abandoned.

The sailors dug out two large boxes, buried only six feet deep in the soil.

"My mother, I really got it!"

"Uncle, you are worthy of being the number one God of Wealth in Daxia, you have opened your mouth before!"

"We're getting rich, brothers, we're getting rich!"

The sailors were all stunned by this huge surprise.

The rich, they are going to become the rich of the Great Xia Dynasty!

Heiwa: Do you think my top ten boxes of gems don't count?Dare to compete with me for the richest man?

I wish dear ones: what the heart wants, what the action goes, peace and joy, and everything goes smoothly!

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