The emperor's daughters are all worried about marriage, let alone only the nieces of the uncle's mansion.

Cuihua, who has taken charge of the marriage of her nieces, is going bald.

After much deliberation, she still planned to trouble her man, didn't it mean that there were four young men who followed her this time.

After writing a letter, Cuihua told Heiwa in detail that he needed his help to investigate candidates for niece and son-in-law.

Hei Wa, who was squatting in the hut and saw the letter from his daughter-in-law, seriously thought about the tasks assigned by his daughter-in-law, since he was idle anyway.

From this day forward, his eyes glanced at Qin Ke, Han Kuangyuan, Miao Shujian and Pei Jiesun from time to time.

Because Lu Shaoting once said that there was a housekeeper in the family, he was blacklisted.

They have traveled for nearly two months from Kanha (Bay of Bengal) to Kara (Strait of Malacca) with smooth sailing.

The closer he got to Kala, the more nervous Faisal became.

Kara, this is a very dangerous place for food merchants.

Legend has it that there are many giant snakes in this sea area, some of which are even thicker than a human body. If you don't pay attention, they can destroy ships by them.

If this is not the most dangerous, then the pirates on both sides of this long and narrow sea area have a long history and emerge in endlessly, which are the most feared existence of their big food merchants.

In this strait leading to the "Spice Islands", many big food merchants have been made.

However, they were also frequently robbed by pirates, ranging from bankrupts to their families, to shipwrecks and fatalities.

Especially at the end of the Tang Dynasty, China was overwhelmed with self-care internally, there were disputes among forces on the islands in Southeast Asia, and pirates were rampant to the peak.

I heard that the seniors at that meeting not only robbed all their ships and goods, but were even tied up by pirates and sent a message to their hometown to demand a ransom.

Those who can successfully redeem people have to thank Allah. The most unacceptable thing is that some will tear up the ticket before the merchants can collect the ransom.

With such cruelty, who would come to deliver the head?
The big food merchants had no choice but to reluctantly give up this piece of trade transfer station, which was in political chaos and full of business opportunities.

"General, please don't be careless, pirates have no morals at all."

Feisal's face was very serious. Restarting this trade route was of great significance to the Dashi Empire.

"Pirates!" Gao Huaiyu listened with great interest. When they were on Shieldfish Island, they wiped out quite a few.

"Looking at Feisal's seriousness, General, we can't capsize in the gutter. After crossing this strait, we will not be far from Daxia!"

"Don't worry, Uncle!" Who doesn't want to do business without money? !

There are more than 300 big ships, how many years has there been such a grand occasion?This is a super fat cow!
The pirates, big and small, are drooling three thousand feet, they're getting closer, they're getting closer
Huh?Long Qi looks familiar!

Commander Gao ordered: All sailors should wear life jackets, hold javelins and scimitars, line the deck, and firecrackers are on standby.

From the beginning of the semaphore, the fleet has already begun to adjust its formation.

The No. [-] sea-going ship was in the first place, and Gao Zongbing, who was wearing a soft armor, looked straight ahead with a cold gaze.

The entire strait is 650 nautical miles in length, and their ships can sail an average of 100 nautical miles a day, and it takes no more than ten days for all ships to pass through the strait.

Dangerous, from the bottom of the sea to the shore, from the legendary python to pirates.

All the people are in high spirits.

No one knows that after crossing this strait, they are very close to Daxia.

It's time for them to make a fortune when they return to Daxia!
At such a tense moment, Uncle Zhongqin was actually content, teasing the two ponies in the cabin.

Ever since I put the two ponies into the space one night, the two ponies have become attached to him.

He doesn't drink non-dimensional water, but eats the barley and oats produced in the space with relish.

"Hehe, Uncle, Mr. Gao won't be able to sleep at night, but you are so leisurely."

"Master Shangshu, we have to trust Mr. Gao. Although the pirates are fierce, there are more than 3 of us! They want to bite us, we have to see if we have good teeth."

Hei Wa's expectations were right, the pirates who were drooling at them were scratching their hearts like cat's claws.

The people standing on the deck are not businessmen or ordinary people at first glance, this is a fucking navy, okay?
At such a close distance, they can clearly see the clothes and weapons these people wear.

Who dares to act rashly?

Can they not see the bloodless weapons?

People on both sides of the strait are fluctuating, and on an island not far away, the largest pirate den in Kara is holding a meeting.

Hundreds of big and small pirate leaders came to the meeting, and they were so noisy that their voices would break the sky.

"Master, this is a group of big fat sheep!"

"My God, we were dizzy just counting the number of ships. 350 and eight ships. I haven't seen such a large-scale fleet in many years."

"Who can guess what they have on board?"

"From Dashi and Tianzhu, I guess the gold and precious stones on board must be indispensable!"

"We have to finish this ticket, and the three or five generations will not have to worry about food and drink!"

"Their sea ships are also good. We have to keep both the cargo and the ship. With the ship, we can't go anywhere?!"

"Hey!" I'm so greedy, I'm so greedy.

All the pirates who came to the meeting had one idea, they wanted to unite and take down all the merchant ships.

How can I miss a good thing that I have never encountered in eight lifetimes!
Both are Han Chinese, so it's not easy to start?That doesn't exist!

The reason why they are still willing to sit down and listen to the command of the big boss is because the big boss has many weapons and strong men.

Seeing that they were arguing fiercely, the younger brother under the head of the family was annoyed:

"Are you blind? Ah! Is that a ship of an ordinary ship merchant? Damn it, their navy is out, do you know what the dragon flag represents? It's an official ship of the imperial court! Let's dare These ships were robbed, can you imagine the consequences?"

Watching helplessly, unable to eat, can there be anything worse than this?Just know to make their big brother angry!

"Afraid of a bird! Let's do nothing but kill them all. Where is the court looking for us!"

"It's really shameless! Kill it clean! How many can you kill?"

"Hey! Kill one to keep your capital, kill a pair to earn one! Just ask if you dare?"

If Huang Shangshu and the others were here, they would be able to tell that the loudest pirate was speaking Chinese.

That's right, they are the Han people who migrated from Lingnan one after another in the years of melee at the end of Tang Dynasty.

Originally, most of the pirates on both sides of the strait were ordinary fishermen before the arrival of the Han Chinese.

In the beginning, it was nothing more than taking a small sampan at night, sneaking onto the merchant ships of the ship merchants, more or less, whatever was stolen was nothing.

The Han people who migrated here quickly discovered this kind of moneyless business, and the scale of pirates expanded rapidly.

Compared with the local Malays, the Han Chinese who have studied and studied martial arts are a hundred times stronger in combat.

They know both teamwork and the making of various ironware.

The boarding axes made by them are quite sharp, and are especially effective for cutting rigging and nets when boarding ships.

There are special channels for robbery, kidnapping, robbery, and sale of stolen goods.

However, in the past 200 years, big food merchants have rarely traveled to this strait.

Today, they are all local merchants in Sri Lanka, transporting spices from the archipelago to Tianzhu.

Although they occasionally rob Srivijaya merchants, after all, many merchants are related to the Srivijaya royal family or the military.

They were also afraid of offending Sri Lanka's military, so they gave them a one-shot.

How many wives and children can he afford by relying on honest fishing?

So, seeing a large fleet from outside this time, they were pleasantly surprised at first.

But the dragon flag represents the imperial court, whoever knows the current imperial court's strength the most is still in charge!

The fat sheep is on the lips, do you want to eat it?Can I eat it?Can you eat it?It became the theme of today's meeting.

It is everyone's wish to be a big voter, but what to do with it has to be carefully weighed and weighed.

"Don't quarrel, don't quarrel, everyone counts all the strong laborers and guys of each family, and listen to the command of the master!"

"That's right. Anyway, it will take ten days for these people to cross this strait. There is still time for any arrangements."

"Master, we all listen to you, brothers will do whatever you say!"

"Listen to Master!"


The organized pirates were discussing, while the unorganized ones were all secretly acting alone.

"Report, general, five water mice have also been found on No. 30 ship!"

"Tie them all to me and hang them on the mast! Dry them and eat rats!"

"Subordinates take orders!"

"Pay attention to the bottom of the boat! Don't let the rats dig holes and fill them with water!"

"Don't worry, there will be people taking turns listening to the sound at twelve hours!"

After being knocked unconscious, the "water mouse" tied to the mast woke up in the daytime and was almost scared to pee.

The "water mice" that the sailors call are actually poor local fishermen.

They planned well, and they came to the boat in the middle of the night, but they just wanted to touch a few gems and go back.

How could I have imagined that I would be knocked out as soon as I got on the boat.

"Forgive me, my lord! We haven't stolen anything!" These people were very sensible, and when they found themselves in danger, they immediately begged for mercy.

"Please take pity on us, my lord. It's really the first time we have done this. There is an 80-year-old mother at home and a child under one year old. Please let us go this time."

The one who said it was sad, and the one who said it was pitiful, but the Malay he spoke was not understood by everyone!
In vain to spare the whole morning!
This group of people turned a deaf ear, and that would be even more frightening. Could it be that they are going to have their heads chopped off without even asking?

Qin Ke stroked his big cat, looked up and down at the frightened water mice, and suddenly exclaimed:

"Where is the smell of urine coming from? Hahaha, this biggest water mouse is scared to pee!"

"With such guts, how dare you come and steal from us?"

"Tsk tsk, it's the timid ones who steal in the dark, and the brave ones, why don't you just go up and grab it?"

"Young master is here, let's see who wants to come to die!"

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