The salted fish couple is fleeing famine

Chapter 240 The vassal state

"Oh, you said, it feels different to go shopping in the vassal state of our Great Xia Dynasty!"

"What's wrong? Do you think everyone in the world is brothers, and you don't need money to buy things?"

"Hey, you man, haven't you seen that the merchants are so enthusiastic about us?"

"A businessman can still be cold-faced? You don't even smell it, the burnt smell hasn't dissipated yet! Who dares to cheat us now as a businessman from Sri Lanka's dead country?"

"Don't mention this again, I have been a vegetarian for many days"

Now is really a good time to do business. You don't have to worry about being shoddy by local merchants, and you don't have to worry about their forced buying and selling.

It is a pity that the ship merchants have no more goods to sell, and if they want to continue purchasing spices, there are not many empty spaces left on the cargo ships.

The only thing that is still for sale is the hand-copied edition of the Four Books and Five Classics brought by Yuan Wenjie and the others.

Not to mention, there are many Han people in the country where Sri Buddha passed away, and there are many businessmen who admire the Daxia culture.

The fame of great Confucians can increase the value of the hand-copied Four Books and Five Classics hundreds of times, and those with annotations can be sold for sky-high prices.

No matter what the reason is, the locals rushed to send money, and finally, these books have good ownership.

"It's finally sold out!" Yuan Wenwu and Qin Ke looked at each other and smiled, relieved.

Although their comic strips, puzzles, and the Four Books and Five Classics are not as profitable as silk and tea.

However, compared to domestic, it is really huge profits.

The gold sold was simply saved, and the brothers discussed enthusiastically about where to set up shops and Zhuangzi when they returned to the capital.

Lu Shaoting and the others watched, and Qin Ke held the gold box, envious:

"If I had known, before we went to sea, we would have inquired more about it with our younger brothers. Hey! Obviously we can get rich all at once!"

"Brothers, don't worry, wait until our gemstones and top-quality orchids are sold out, hehe, everyone is a rich guy!" Yuan Wenwu's coaxing skills are first-rate, muttering, half a quarter of an hour a group of teenagers burst into smiles.

When Commander Gao dragged King Srivijaya around to choose a place to garrison, Hei Wa also had time to go shopping with the children.

"Father, what good things are there in Srivijaya Kingdom?"

"There are many good things, such as pearls, tortoiseshell, borneol, agarwood, rough cooked incense, jiangzhenxiang, cloves, sandalwood, cardamom, etc. If they are similar, don't buy the ones that take up a lot of space."

"I have to buy some local specialties, right? It can't be in vain!"

"Brat, prepare your purses, there are really good things worth buying!"

What made Heiwa think about it for a long time was the local specialty tonic - bird's nest.

Which wife doesn't like to drink this stuff?

Besides, the price of bird's nest in this production area is really not expensive, Hei Wa couldn't resist buying more than [-] catties.

Really local tyrant. Heiwa: These are not enough for my wife to drink for ten years, and I can still buy them!

Don't sons need to honor their mother?

Having earned so much gold, the bird's nest has to buy ten or twenty catties for my mother!

Two sons: How can I make my father special in front of my mother?Besides, they haven't forgotten the attitude of their mother before they ran away? !

buy! buy! buy!
Uncle Zhongqin bought the bird's nests of two shops with the strength of his family.

Seeing Uncle Zhongqin's family enjoying their purchases, Lu Shaoting and others acted swiftly, and within half a day, all the bird's nests in the whole street were snapped up by Daxia people.

After Gao Zongbing finally chose a satisfactory garrison island, they packed their bags and set off again.

King Srivijaya and his subjects sent off the envoys at the pier.

Such an inexplicable division of a large island to the suzerain, King Srivijaya had all kinds of feelings in his heart, and he had to grit his teeth and wave with a smile on his face.

"Kaldanje (Gulf of Thailand) is ahead. General, please order all ships to pass through quickly. This harbor has heavy rainfall and is dangerous! After passing Kardanje, you will arrive at the Sanji Sea (South China Sea)!" Feisal took out the sheepskin Nautical charts, careful identification can draw conclusions.

With great pride in their hearts, finally, their imperial merchants are about to set foot on the land of the Great Xia Dynasty that they have admired for a long time.

"Attention all the crew, put on your life jackets, we are going to speed up!" The orderly began to send orders quickly.

The sea was no longer as calm as it used to be, and it took three days and three nights of turbulence before it could barely break out.

Twenty days later, Chen Ri, the emperor of the Chen Dynasty in Annan, led all the civil and military officials out of Kyoto.

In Zhancheng, he personally welcomed the envoy from Shangguo.

Speaking of Annan's history, before the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, it was completely consistent with the flower growers.

At the beginning of the Qin Dynasty, Annan was still the territory of the Central Plains. During the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, Wu Quan separated Annan, and Annan took advantage of the situation to become an independent country.

Later, because the Great Xia Dynasty was closed for self-government, it turned out to be a vassal state of the Central Plains Empire, and the tribute was cut off for hundreds of years.

In particular, the Great Xia Dynasty prevented the Tatar cavalry from going south in the north, and Annan was able to expand rapidly to the south in the past century, and the Champa Kingdom was completely destroyed by it 70 years ago.

Annan changed Champa to Champa.

The news on the sea was not slow at all. Before the envoys of the Great Xia Dynasty left the Kingdom of Srivijaya, Chen Ri got the exact news.

The Great Xia Dynasty Navy that slaughtered more than 1 pirates who had plagued Nanyang for hundreds of years, and killed more than 1000 captives.

Not only did King Sri Buddha die dumbfounded, but Chen Ri did not give in too much.

Annan had no choice but to bow his head quickly and return to the vassal state.

"King Jiaozhi, do you have a letter to invite His Majesty the Emperor?"

More than ever, Huang Shangshu has the style of the Shangshu of a great country. After Chen Rigang expressed his willingness to become a minister, he unceremoniously called him "Jiaozhi King".

"Yes, yes, Xiao Wang's son is willing to go to the capital with the envoys to meet His Majesty the Emperor." Chen Ri spoke Chinese very fluently.

Annan has been deeply influenced by Han culture since the Qin and Han Dynasties. Chinese characters have always existed as the official language of Annan, and the "Confucian classics" of the Chen Dynasty are even more popular today.

Sure enough, he had the consciousness of being a vassal state, and his son went to Beijing as a hostage, full of sincerity.

In addition to the inscription, there is also a thick pile of tribute bills, which read:

A golden man (a portrait made of gold)
Ten pairs of ivory and ten rhino horns;
[-] bolts each of native silk, native silk, native silk, and native cloth;
Two hundred catties of agarwood, two hundred catties of instant incense, two hundred catties of amomum, and three thousand catties of Champa rice;

Two elephants, 50 elephant slaves
In the eighth year of Tianshun, the last winter, the sixth day, the sky was slightly bright.

"Hahaha, brothers, come and see, come and see!" There was the young sailor who got up early, and his loud voice woke up many people.

"Ah, I see, I see, that is Tamsui Bay, Tamsui Bay, the land of Daxia!"

"Long live the Great Xia Dynasty, long live my emperor, long live!"

"Woooo, fifth brother and sixth brother, we are really back!"

Qin Ke was so excited that he was at a loss for what to do. It had been almost three years, and he wanted to die in the palace.

There are the emperor's uncle, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, and their other accompanying brothers.

Several teenagers hugged each other, laughing and crying, everyone couldn't help their eyes reddening when they saw this situation.

"My sons, you have to think about it. Seeing your mother, this beating seems inevitable!"

"Hahaha, let's give mother a good beating, hahaha, we are really back!"

When the day dawned, everyone began to cheer, and the sound of long live was deafening.

The prefect of Anzhou got the news before they arrived.

After hearing from the people below that they saw the dragon flag, they were so excited that they ran to the seaside to greet them.

And the spies of the imperial court, faster than them, had rushed into the capital already [-] miles away.

"Report, report, hurry up for eight hundred miles, the Great Xia Navy is back to court!"

After six days and five nights, after five fast horses ran to death, the news finally reached the palace.

In Jinluan Palace, Xia Hongdi, who was in the early court, got the news. He was unbelievable at first, stunned for a while, and then laughed heartily:

"Hahaha, good! good! good! Come back in time for the Chinese New Year! It's a good time to be back!"

He hurriedly announced the great news of the day to the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty. It is better to be happy alone than to be happy together.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, my Great Xia navy has returned safely, long live my emperor, long live!"

"Congratulations, congratulations, I want to welcome these warriors at the gate of the city with the crown prince and all the ministers!"

"It should be, it should be, I haven't seen you in three years, Huang Shangshu and others have worked hard!"

Empress Gao, who got the news in the harem, covered her mouth and laughed until tears flowed.

The nanny continued to congratulate her: "Congratulations, Madam, congratulations, Madam Guo, Uncle Guo is back safely!"

"Rewards, rewards, there are many rewards, everyone in Kunning Palace rewards!"

"Thank you, master!"

Cuihua got the information faster than the imperial court. She suppressed her desire for a few days, and finally waited for the imperial court to report.

All the servants in the uncle's mansion received a three-month reward, and the servants were so excited that they celebrated the New Year ahead of schedule.

"Mother, mother, we want to welcome father and brothers, we don't want to wait at home."

Yuan Wentao jumped up anxiously, his little face flushed red.

Yuan Wenyuan also nodded desperately, looking at his mother eagerly: "Mother, let's go together, let's go together!"

Cuihua also misses her husband, not only the children can't sit still at home, even old Yuantou can't sit still.

He said he could take his grandson and bodyguards to meet his eldest son.

From the capital to the nearest Gu port, it takes five days to travel by horse-drawn carriage.

How could Cuihua feel relieved, how many children did Lao Yuantou take with him?

There was nothing she could do about it, Cuihua gritted her teeth, counted the days, and took her sons to pick up her husband.

Like the uncle's mansion, the nobles in the capital who got the news took action one after another.

The carriages leading to the outside of Nancheng, one after another, and those who are familiar with each other will say hello.

Zhongqin Town is very lively, and the people in the low-rent housing have told each other:
"Our uncle is back, our uncle is back safely!"

"Hahaha, let's have a good talk with those bums, it's really a happy event!"

"Ouch, my old lady, I have to burn incense and worship Buddha on the first and fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year's Day. What I'm praying for is that our Daxia Navy and Zhongqinbo can return safely as soon as possible!"

This is a group of ordinary people who live at the bottom, but after they have hope, they are working hard and have a heart of gratitude.

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