Chapter 242 Report

In the imperial palace, Huang Shangshu and his colleagues arrived first with small and expensive items: gems, gold, silver, gold bumps, pearls, spices, and rare leathers.

Huang Shangshu personally picked a few boxes of representative ones, and carried them to Xia Hongdi's imperial study, where the monarchs and ministers held a symposium around the big boxes.

As the representative of the four, Huang Shangshu first made a summary for His Majesty the Emperor.

"Your Majesty, I set out from the second day of February in the sixth year of Tianshun, and returned to Beijing on the tenth day of the twelfth lunar month in the eighth year of Tianshun. It took two years and ten months. There were a total of 3 members when I went there, and 500 people returned to Beijing. .

During this trip, there are six overseas countries that successfully established diplomatic relations with the Great Xia Dynasty, and 83 indigenous tribes.And 35 food merchants brought their fleets to Daxia for business, and 51 doctors came to Daxia to exchange medical skills.

The most worth mentioning is that my Great Xia Dynasty added two new vassal states, Sri Buddha and Jiaozhi.

Bring back for the court in total:
Gold: 50 taels;
Silver: 20 taels;
Golden lump: 18 catties;

Gems of various colors: 65 boxes;
5 jin of spices, [-] jin of rare medicinal materials, ivory and rhinoceros horn"

Huang Shangshu said while Xia Hongdi looked at the account books, nodding frequently, eyes full of joy.

"Your Majesty, look, this is a gold bump that we dug from the natives for more than half a year. Unlike ordinary gold ore, the gold content is at least [-]% to [-]%."

"Hey, isn't this the dog's head gold? How can you dig up so much?!" Xia Hongdi picked it up and looked at it, and was burned by the amount of 18 catties capitalized on the account book, even if the gold content is only a small half. what!
"Hahaha, Your Majesty, most of us dug out from the bottom of a river valley that is estimated to be thousands of years old. The gold and precious stones there may not be exhausted in a hundred years!"

"The local aborigines don't use gold and silver as currency?" It sounds like gold is everywhere.

"They still barter. There is no such thing as gold, silver and jewelry. Salt is better than anything else. We dug half of the gold lumps, and half of them were exchanged for salt."

Xia Hongdi can't wait to send his [-] troops to dig gold mines. This is some kind of fairy treasure.

The regret on the face made everyone laugh: "Maybe after we leave, they will know the value of gold bumps and gems, and the natives will not be stupid for many years."

"Such a transparent and pure gemstone is rare!" Xia Hongdi took the gemstone handed over by his brother-in-law, felt the weight of the gemstone, then looked at its purity, and gave a favorable comment.

"Hey, Your Majesty, this gemstone is very special. Please ask someone to bring a glazed object." Gao Huaiyu felt that this transparent gemstone was more useful than others, and he exchanged it the most in private.

Xia Hongdi had no choice but to give way, and Manager Cheng took out his usual colored glass.

I saw my brother-in-law, took the transparent stone in his hand, and stroked the glass a few times. His expensive glass, unexpectedly, was cut open just like that.

"This! This! What kind of sharp weapon is this?" Xia Hongdi looked at the glass cup again and again, and then put the transparent gemstone that had been cut open just now in front of his eyes carefully. little trace.

"Your Majesty, the Tianzhu people call this gemstone a diamond. They want to show that the hardness of this gemstone is extraordinary. Moreover, this gemstone is exposed to sunlight during the day, and it will emit sky blue light at night."

"Wonderful, wonderful!" Xia Hongdi asked Manager Cheng to quickly pick out all the diamonds in the box for him.

Next, Huang Shangshu gave a detailed introduction to where the gemstones of various colors were produced and what methods they used to exchange them.

The gemstone with the largest proportion is a spoil of war obtained in the country of gemstones. Xia Hongdi was sad for the sailors who died in the battle for a while, and then he was happy for such a good harvest.

"Compassion does not command soldiers, Yunde, well done! Soldiers who have become brave, give money to Yinzhen and allocate another share from the private treasury! The cement workshop or the queen's oyster sauce workshop will also leave a job for their families. If there are orphans Just send it to the Shantang in the capital."

"The emperor's kindness is great, and I kowtowed to His Majesty for them!" Gao Huaiyu's eyes were slightly red. Of course, he would not be stingy to give subsidies to his brothers, but how could he get more honor from His Majesty?
It is not easy to talk about heavy topics, but today is a day of great joy.

"Aiqing, Aiqing, you are a craftsman playing with mud, and you have exchanged so many gems when you play overseas. You are simply a white wolf with empty gloves!" Xia Hongdi lamented the origin of the emerald.

Heiwa is helpless. Although he is uneducated, he also knows that there is an allusion in "Mandarin" Zhou Yu·Ji Gong remonstrates Mu Wang Zheng Quan Rong.

The white wolf in this allusion is auspicious, which is a metaphor for a righteous monarch and warrior who can trap auspiciousness with his bare hands.

And he, a modern man, why does he feel that His Majesty the Emperor is connoting him?

Not wanting to think in a wrong way, he quickly changed the subject: "Your Majesty, the idea is from the minister, but all the brothers who do practical things are our brothers in the navy. They are all good, they can kill the enemy in battle, dismount I can cultivate the land, burn bricks and pottery!"

Gao Huaiyu looked at his future in-laws gratefully. He was too embarrassed to praise his subordinates so much, so it was most appropriate to say this from Uncle Zhongqin.

"I remember, I will make a great contribution to our navy in Great Xia!" Xia Hongdi is still easy to talk to. Where can I find a navy that can earn money and show our country's prestige?
Huang Shangshu continued his efforts: "In addition to these gold and silver jewels, I brought back 370 medical books from the Dashi Empire, learned glass art, and exchanged back two hundred Dashi adult BMWs."

"What's the difference between glass and colored glaze?" The new term always catches the eyes of the emperor, and it immediately catches the emperor's mind.

Huang Shangshu took out a set of glasses from another large box: "Your Majesty, these are the soldiers in the Navy who learned the art of glass in Dashi. They were specially fired and dedicated to you! We selected 20 glasses. Man has learned the art of glass."

A box of nine glasses, each with a height of 1.5 inches, a diameter of 2 inches, and a bottom diameter of 1.2 inches.

After compression molding, it has been finely polished, transparent, with a narrow mouth and curved belly, retracted from the waist, a small flat bottom, and three string patterns on the abdomen.

"It's terrible, it's terrible, glass is so much clearer than colored glaze!" Xia Hongdi couldn't put it down, playing with a glass, putting it on the window and looking at it again and again.
"Your Majesty, why do you only look at these seemingly useless things, big food horses, big food horses!"

Gao Huaiyu endured it for a long time, but she still couldn't help reminding her brother-in-law, can glass be as fragrant as a BMW?
Xia Hongdi reluctantly put down the beaker and turned to his brother-in-law.

Needless to say, the preciousness of the big food horse, he has only heard of it in legends.

He hurriedly urged Manager Cheng: "Don't pick up these diamonds, hurry up and show me to see if those big food horses have been sent back?"

Poor Manager Cheng ran out again in a hurry. His master is notoriously short-tempered.

His Majesty the Emperor looked at his brother-in-law eagerly like a boy who got a toy, and asked the most concerned question: "Is the big food horse as good as it is in the legend?"

It is said that Tang Taizong wanted to spend a lot of money to buy famous horses from Dashi to equip the cavalry of the Tang Dynasty, but he was rejected by Dashi in black every time.

"It's better than the one in the legend. The big food horse is fast, has good stamina, has human nature, and is also very handsome!"

Speaking of Gao Huaiyu's kind heart, he wished to give his brother-in-law Amway his big food BMW for a day. At the end of the talk, he bluntly asked:

"Your Majesty, there are a total of [-] big food horses we brought back, and half of them are mares! Can you let me pick two?"

Xia Hongdi stared: "Two hundred horses are not much! The first batch, I will definitely keep them for breeding."

Seeing his brother-in-law's sad eyes, he touched his nose, finally gritted his teeth and said, "At most, I'll let you choose one horse!"

Everyone watched the two bargaining and laughed secretly. They didn't expect Gao Huaiyu, a shameless person, to draw the flames of war to him immediately.

"My uncle Zhongqin's mansion got a pair of big food horses!"

"Your Majesty, the ponies in the minister's house are a gift from Feisal, a big food merchant. They were only half a year old when they were given to me. I raised them so big with a lot of shit and piss!"

These words made the other four people laugh, and they raised them as children, pissing shit!
Manager Cheng ran in panting, and asked with a smile on his face: "Your Majesty, all the two hundred BMWs have been sent to the palace. Do you want to go to Yu Ma Wan to have a look? The old slave really looked at it, oh, your majesty, Those BMWs are so handsome! They are indeed big food horses!"

"Let's go, let's go!" How can I care about other things, anyway, these treasures have already been sent to the palace.

Sooner or later, Xia Hongdi cheered and took a group of people to Yumawan.

It may be that they just changed places and are not used to it yet. A group of black horses stood crowded together.

The horse's head is small and delicate, with big eyes, straight neck, broad forehead, and high armor.

The back and waist are short and powerful, the bones are fine and firm, the limbs are thin, the tendons are well developed, and the horse hair is as soft as silk.

Seeing Heiwa, the breeder who has fed them many times, coming, he squeezed his head and poked forward.

"A good horse! A good horse!" Xia Hongdi not only looked and looked carefully, but also touched and touched the farthest end of the horse's head.

The prince who got the news also brought the fifth prince to appreciate the horse.

Unexpectedly, the father came earlier than them, and the three hurriedly greeted him. The little fat Xia En hugged the father's thigh: "Father, En'er wants to ride a horse, En'er likes it!"

Xia Hongdi was in a good mood, and he said to Xia Yan: "Prince, then you pick a horse and take En'er for a walk, you have to hold it!"

The prince was so happy that he picked up the little fat man and went to pick up the horse. He didn't know how to speak, it was better for the younger brother.

Seeing the fifth prince riding happily, Xia Hongdi didn't hold back, and finally picked a docile mare to ride for half an hour before reluctantly leaving.

(End of this chapter)

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