Chapter 249 Three years later

In the 12th year of Tianshun, Fuyue, the fiery western suburbs of the capital, was full of voices.


"The time has come, the time has come!"

"Candidates are requested to show their admission tickets and queue up to enter the examination room after a quarter of an hour. Do not whisper and be quiet!"

Under the greenhouse, there were more than 5000 and nearly [-] students. They were noisy at first, but they became quiet in an instant.

Qi Qi looked at the door of hope, shining brightly.

After three full years of repairs, this is the Royal Medical College with the most complete building facilities (glass windows, floor tiles as standard) and the ability to accommodate tens of thousands of people.

It's finally enrolling.

It was built in the western suburbs of the capital, covering an area of ​​[-] mu. There are three main teaching buildings, all of which are three-story buildings.

The large dining hall, large bathhouse, student dormitory, and the courtyard house where the masters live are all unsurprising.

There are only two five-story buildings, the laboratory building and library decorated with white tiles inside and outside, which are quite eye-catching.

All the medical books and medical books of the Great Xia Dynasty, as well as the medical books of the Great Food Empire brought back by the sailors, which took three years to translate for less than half, are all stored in the library, and the trend is increasing year by year.

The Royal College of Physicians has three independent schools:

College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, set up: Dafangmai, Xiaofangmai, Obstetrics, Acupuncture and Moxibustion;

School of Western Medicine, including: surgery, obstetrics, ophthalmology;
School of Pharmacy, set up: Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Department of Western Medicine.

The master of the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine is served by the imperial physicians of the imperial hospital, famous doctors with folk medical skills and high reputation;
The Western Hospital hired Shangguan Imperial Physician, Imperial Physician Sharif of the Great Food Empire and other great food doctors as their masters;

The School of Pharmacy is a hodgepodge of Chinese and Western.

Pharmacy is divided into: three-year system, five-year system;

Traditional Chinese medicine is unified as: five-year system;
Western medicine is the most time-consuming: from five years to a maximum of eight years.

Those who have a degree of scholar or higher in the Great Xia Dynasty and are interested in studying medicine are eligible to take the annual medical student examination.

In the first year of this year, only [-] students were admitted.

In the capital city and the five nearby prefectures, there were more than 5000 applicants in total, and the volume was quite fierce.

Those who are admitted will not only be exempted from tuition and miscellaneous fees, but will also be assigned by the court to work in the medical department if they obtain a qualification certificate after graduation.

It is relatively easy for a poor family to become a scholar, the imperial examination is not considered very talented, and studying medicine is the best way out.

"Hey, didn't you say that this medical school can accommodate more than 2 students? Why did it only recruit [-] students for the first time?"

"I said, brother, don't even think about it. With so many students, where can the masters come from? Western medicine depends entirely on the masters from Fanbang, and there are only a few dozen people in total!"

"It's better to learn Chinese medicine. If you don't learn from those foreign doctors who perform caesarean section at every turn, who would dare to see a doctor for them?"

"The mother who gave birth to triplets by caesarean section at the beginning of the year is living well now! Chinese medicine practitioners dare not touch this knife!"

"How many men who are pregnant would like their women to be cut open by men?"

"I said you are really a hypocrite. If it were your daughter's daughter, would you just watch her die in childbirth? In the face of life and death, those who are bound by rules are fools!"

"This, this." The person who spoke, brought his own daughter or granddaughter into the room and stopped talking, nah, he was despised by others.

The change of concept did not happen overnight. Dr. Sharif and others have only performed more than a dozen operations on ordinary people in the capital in the past few years. The legend of their medical skills only exists in the capital today.

Most of the parents who accompany the exam are still supportive of their children. Regardless of whether they can pass the exam in Western medicine or Chinese medicine, who doesn’t want to have an iron rice bowl?
"If you don't pass the exam this year, it will be even more difficult next year. Next year, it is said that you will be recruited nationwide. Those who are selected by various prefectures will definitely not be bad at the level!"

"Hey, my kid is really lucky. The scholar who passed the exam last year has the luck to be a medical student this year. He is 16 years old and he is in his early twenties. It's just right!"

"Choose one of the six, if you fail the exam, I really have no one else to blame!"

The parents who accompanied the exam drank the herbal tea in the exam shed, asked each other about the situation of each other's children, and made comparisons secretly.

On a hot day, the three-day exam can really confuse people.

Without a good body, I can't be a medical student!

"You can see the glass windows upstairs through the courtyard wall. The medical school is really magnificent!"

"Three years ago, I didn't dare to think that there would be such good conditions. Nowadays, glass is not a rare thing."

It is true that dozens of glass workshops have been opened in the imperial court, and the annual output is not low.

If the conditions are better, you can make a few glass windows for a few taels of silver.

Wine glasses, water glasses, and fruit plates made of glass have gradually entered the lives of ordinary people.

Corn, sweet potatoes, potatoes, pumpkins, etc. were forced to be promoted by the imperial court, and they were planted throughout the summer.

In the first two years, most of the grain grown under the supervision of the government was used for seeding. This year, the common people can finally eat with their stomachs open.

Everyone has tasted the sweetness of high-yield grain. In the past two years, the number of dry land reclaimed has increased several times compared with previous years.

Anyone who is not lazy and hopelessly knows that a few acres of coarse grains can feed a family of several people.

Corn has risen to become one of the fine grains of Daxia. Finely ground cornmeal and gray flour are mixed to make steamed buns.

The same tube is full, the cost can be reduced by half, and there is also the sweetness that comes with cornmeal.

Women who know how to live can learn by themselves without a teacher, and they can also figure out the ratio of the best taste.

Put some popcorn fried in peanut oil and icing sugar, adults and children will eat deliciously.

Potatoes have become the most popular food in the history of Daxia.

Food and vegetables are both good, no matter how much you eat, you won't get heartburn or fart.Stored properly, it can last up to a year.

The sweet potato with the highest yield per mu, people are tired of eating, sweet potato vines and sweet potatoes can be chopped up and cooked before feeding to pigs.

A pig that grew up eating sweet potatoes is hugely fat.

There are poor people in the village who want to coax their children and have no money to buy candy.

In autumn, I picked out the sweetest sweet potatoes with red hearts, and put dozens of catties of dried sweet potatoes in the sun, enough for the dolls to chew for several months.

This is not the best way to eat. Mrs. Zhongqinhou’s noodle shop has researched sweet potato vermicelli sticks last year.

I'm too lazy to make it myself, who can't afford thirty yuan a catty of dry vermicelli?
Hey, there is no one who doesn't like it.

The hot and sour noodles were developed by the Women's Culinary Institute, and the recipe was learned for free by shantangs from all over the country, and it spread to the north and south of the country within a few months.

Hot and sour, hot and sour powder with crispy peanuts and minced pickles, a mouthful, refreshing.

In the first month when sweet potato powder was launched in large quantities, more than 100 hot and sour powder stalls opened in Beijing.

After eating and eating, everyone said that the most authentic taste is Zhongqin Town.

There are old gourmets in the capital who run out of the city to eat for this hot and sour noodle.

The Champa rice supplied by Annan every year is planted from Lingnan to Huguang, and the yield is [-] to [-]% higher than that of Daxia rice.

In addition to food, various vegetable seeds brought back by the Inca Empire also grew gratifyingly in the land of Bactria.

The long beans can be eaten fried, boiled, or soaked into capers;

Sweet and sour tomato, mixed with a little icing sugar, can be sweet to the heart;

Strawberries, which the nobles would rush to buy, can actually be planted in a greenhouse in winter. Apart from being expensive, there are no disadvantages.

Peanuts and sunflower seeds are used to extract more oil, and every household now has no shortage of oil and water.

Cotton cloth has become the best choice for all people to tailor clothes. Two hundred cash worth of cotton cloth can be used to make a summer dress, which is sweat-absorbent, breathable, and soft.

Linen and Gebu are not friendly to the baby's skin, and even noble children find cotton clothes more comfortable.

The pepper with the highest economic value has already begun to bear fruit in Lingnan and Yazhou, and will enter a high yield period in the next few years.

These three years were the three years when Daxia's agriculture took off, and it was also the three years when Zhongqinhou Man Daxia ran around. Except for the New Year, he almost spent his time in the fields.

She was tanned darker than blacks, and she was a veritable black baby.

Hou Mansion, without him, nothing will be delayed.

Not only did Zhao Leiting successfully marry a daughter-in-law, but now the little lady of the Mou family is pregnant with a child;

After Qin Ke returned from overseas, he changed his military value and is now a member of the Imperial Forest Army.

In the past few years, he has been continuously gaining a sense of presence in Yuan Mansion and Hu's family, and has caught Hu Erniu's eyes.

The Hu family gave him Xiaocao, who was the same age as him. Tianshun got married in the twelfth lunar month of ten years and just gave birth to a fat boy.

Xiaohua also has a good belonging. In Tianshun's 11th year, she married the boss of Master Yao's family (already a scholar), and she will be a mother in February next year.

Yao Dashou won the Jinshi three years ago, and his ranking is not low. Now he is studying in the Imperial Academy, and he is about to close the hall to select officials.

For an orphan and son-in-law like Qin Ke, the Hu family loves him very much, and loves to bring Xiaocao back to his natal family every new year.

In Xiaohua's in-law's family, her father-in-law has a bright future, her mother-in-law's career is booming, and her uncles are all studying in college.

The mother-in-law Yao simply let the newly married couple live near Dongcheng College. Once Xiao Hua's dowry entered the courtyard, they lived a very worry-free life.

The two marriages, in Zhang's words, are: a good marriage that can't be found even with a lantern, and the daughters of the Hu family are all lucky!

In the past three years, the orchids dug back from Ma Dao have been sold one after another, and the most expensive plants have been sold for tens of thousands of taels.

In addition to the gems, spices, etc. they sold, the entire street near the medical school was built by these guys in partnership, with an average of [-] shops per person.

At this point, they were ordered by Heiwa not to waste any more money and asked them to concentrate on studying.

The four young men in Yuan's house are still scholars, and Xiao Shan is the most troublesome. He only passed the exam twice, and they are preparing for this year's rural exam.

For their country test, Cuihua even went to the trouble of instant noodles.

The noodles sold very well before the exam. You only need to soak them in boiling water to soften them and you can eat them.

In the imperial court, there were some signs of something different.

Since the crown prince and several princes got married one after another, the ministers asked for the vassal king's papers, and Xia Hongdi could receive more than a dozen papers every month.

He is a person who has suffered enough from the vassal lord's infighting, how can he let his sons follow the old path he has walked? !
In the words of Zhong Qinhou, the pancakes are not big enough to share. Who would be stingy to share two pancakes with one basket?

How to make more cakes at home has become Xia Hongdi's top priority.

(End of this chapter)

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