The salted fish couple is fleeing famine

Chapter 252 The Expeditionary Army is Mighty!

The wedding seemed just yesterday, when the fourth generation great-grandsons of the Yuan Mansion were born shortly after Tianshun's 16th year, the army of the Great Xia Dynasty began a five-year expedition.

Solicitation, persuasion, coercion, and lures are all inseparable from the pioneer troops, especially the translators of the Lifan Academy!
The translators of other Li Fan Yuan only need to be proficient in one foreign language, how can the princess's son-in-law ask for this?

Yuan Wenwu was miserable, since the engagement, within eight years, he was forced to learn five foreign languages.

He also succeeded in "persuading the capitulation" of the Uighur king, making great contributions.

The expeditionary force of the Great Xia Dynasty surrendered Xixia by force, and Dawan, the largest empire in Central Asia, surrendered the entire Western Regions again.

It took only five years for Emperor Tianshun to open up the vast land of "the desert in the north, Congling in the west, Gaoli in the east, and the death of Sri Buddha in the south".

The navy continuously used large ships to bring back the gold, silver and jewels of the court, and all kinds of high-yield grains were the confidence of the Great Xia Dynasty Expeditionary Army!

The use of sharp weapons such as continuous crossbows, firecrackers, cannons, and heavy kerosene accelerated the pace of war, making them invincible and invincible.

During the war, the first batch of surgical students trained by the Royal College of Medicine were the targets of the leaders of the major expeditionary forces.

The doctors of the Great Food Empire entered the Great Xia Dynasty for more than ten years, and some even returned to the Great Food Empire halfway, bringing their wives and children to the Great Xia Dynasty.

"Oh hello, did you hear that? There is one less young man that our ladies in the capital want to marry the most! What do you think these Fanbang princesses are good for?" The best way to hit the curiosity of others.

I can only watch helplessly as the excellent doctors trained by the Imperial Medical College go to the Great Xia Dynasty without hesitation year after year, and they will never return
During the war of external expansion, Zhongqinhou, who was over [-] years old, was not idle.

"Grandfather, can An'er go out to sea when she grows up? Are there any mermaids in the sea?"

The two cubs, running out of breath, loudly reported the situation to their grandfather while running:

Everyone had to give him a high look, and there were a few more people who cheered him on.

Those who can get this kind of inside information are either someone in the family who is on the ship, or the sons of nobles with upper-level connections in the capital.

"There is also good news. It is said that there are hundreds of Fanbang who have come back to the capital to celebrate the Emperor's Longevity Festival! Our Great Xia Dynasty Expeditionary Army is mighty, long live my emperor, long live!"

In addition to continuing to improve grain varieties, they also developed and designed a lot of military supplies for the Great Xia army.

"At that time, I will go to Gugang early to see the excitement. I only hate those unscrupulous merchants. The current teahouse in Gugang is hard to find every time the navy returns to court. I can't get a seat by the window for a hundred taels of money. "

"Grandfather, grandfather"

"Hey, don't you forget this?"

Natural rubber juice, after all, the pharmacists of the Dashi Empire did not toss out condoms that satisfied Zhongqinhou.

Jinghaihou's naval army now has 20 people, and the return trip every two to three years has brought back overseas wealth for the Great Xia Dynasty, which is obvious to all.

"You say that such a handsome Tanhualang is unwilling to be an official! Three years ago, he went to sea with the fifth prince, and he rarely does business!"

Like pepper, rubber trees are widely planted in Yazhou.
The Women's Culinary Academy has successively developed:

The shelf life is about one year: tomato sauce, strawberry jam, sour plum sauce, etc.

Marquis Zhongqin wanted to say that he was making his grandchildren dizzy, but after thinking about it, this is still his own grandson, so he could only smile wryly: "The old minister is not worried, and it is that brat's luck to marry Princess Fanbang!"

Before the big troops arrived at Gugang, the news was sent back to the capital early, and the common people talked about it with gusto:

The Daxia clan sighed: After all, our clan children can still come in handy!The beautiful Fanbang princess who came here with a generous dowry, as many as we dare to marry!
In the 21st year of Tianshun, on the tenth day of last winter, the Eighth Prince Xia En, led by the fifth prince Xia En, returned safely to the ocean trade team for the eighth Great Xia Dynasty.

"Brother Tai is really supernatural, you can know the world's affairs without going out!"

In the past few years, a huge amount of ransom was used to redeem all the wives, concubines and children who were tightly locked up, and they happily signed a century-old friendship agreement with the Great Xia Dynasty that they would never violate the border.

"What's wrong with the merchants? We merchants are the ones who pay the most taxes to the imperial court. The emperor's grace is mighty, and now all the descendants of the merchants have the right to take the imperial examination! It's no longer the old calendar that emphasizes agriculture and suppresses business!"

Emperor Tianshun, who made the pancakes bigger and made too many, would naturally not be stingy with his sons.

In their twenties, who among the princes would not want to do something?In the words of the father, it is: the overseas world is vast, and there is a lot to do!
In terms of the current expansion speed of the Great Xia Dynasty, even the Expeditionary Army of the Great Food Empire would be ashamed, not to mention the European countries that have already established ties with them.

There are also milk powder, goat milk powder, soybean milk powder, cocoa powder, lotus root powder, yam powder and other water-based drinks.

The Expeditionary Force of the Dashi Empire stagnated, and the Caliph Ahma was getting old.

Different from the populous Goryeo and Jiaozhi, those who followed the King of America to the fief include many poor people from the Great Xia Dynasty (those who dreamed of going overseas to pan for gold), prisoners on death row, and even family members of criminal officials.

Former King Lu and King Ning, who were defeated by Emperor Tianshun, are now flourishing in the Kangaroo Kingdom.

In any case, they can shake the position of the prince. Instead of staying in the country and being instigated by various forces, it is better to go overseas to fight.

"Tell me, tell me quickly! Who married Princess Fanbang this time?" The man began to gossip, no worse than a woman, and he pricked up his ears while asking, wishing to squeeze closer.

The second prince, Xia'an, was entrusted with the title, and went to Korea to become the king of Han;
The third prince Xia De, whose fief is in Jiaozhi, is the king of Nanyue;
The fourth prince, Xia Ming, invited him to go to North America to dig gold mines for the Great Xia Dynasty. Xia Hongdi readily agreed, and named him King of America!

The sons of Queen Feng can still take away their respective mothers and concubines, but it is a pity that the Xian concubine in the cold palace has passed away and did not survive until the day of leaving the palace.

Rubber gloves and tires made of rubber juice are very useful after being squeezed by gravity.

Shelf life of up to two years: pork, mutton, fish, canned fruit.

The migration of more than [-] people can be regarded as the largest overseas migration in the history of the Great Xia Dynasty.

"I don't know what rare things I brought back this year, not to mention, the fruit of Fanbang is sweet!"

"You are inferior, you are inferior! Princess Qin's son-in-law is the elder brother of Yuan Liuye!"

"Hey! Apart from the Tian family, isn't the son of the Zhongqin Hou's mansion the most loved by the noble ladies in Manjingcheng? According to the news sent back, it is the old son of the Marquis, the sixth master of Yuan's mansion, who married Rome. The princess of the empire is my wife!"

"Grandfather, does my little uncle really want to marry the princess of Fanbang? Does Princess Fanbang eat children? Last time I told my uncle (Qin Ke) that there are cannibals overseas! Kanger is afraid."

In such a powerful Great Xia Dynasty, the four seasons are distinct and the rainfall is balanced.

"Where, where, just talk about it, talk about it casually."

When Xia Hongdi came back from hunting, he saw Hou Zhongqin, who looked loveless, and comforted him with a smile: "Aiqing, I don't know if the news is accurate yet? Why are you so worried?"

Zhongqinhou was given a headache by the two brats, he had a hundred interrogative sentences all day long, and this time he was entangled with them again.

For more than twenty years, the princes have seen Emperor Tianshun thoroughly.

It is these unattractive military supplies that make the portable rations of the expeditionary army nutritious and convenient, and the vanguard troops who rushed to the attack have repeatedly made military exploits.

"Grandfather, they said, little uncle and little uncle are going home! Did they kill a lot of pirates? Can we go and take them home?"

Such as: matches that can be fired by rubbing, jungle and desert-colored camouflage military uniforms, military quilts, high-top fur boots, and lightweight backpacks with large loads.

"It's a pity, it's a pity, Yuan Liuye, the princess, and the county lord are all married!"

Today, within the sphere of influence of the Roman Empire, many independent small country lords have emerged, and the imperial king has gradually lost jurisdiction over the feudal princes outside his directly controlled territory.

A group of people, talking and talking, even shouted long live three times, feeling very proud of the prosperity of the Great Xia Dynasty.

No matter how Emperor Tianshun refused, the princesses of small countries came to the Great Xia Dynasty in a steady stream, and those whose requirements were not too high could find a good home in the Great Xia.

In the civilized countries of the East, the lords of small countries rushed to establish diplomatic relations, and it became a popular trend to send princesses to the Great Xia Dynasty for marriage.

Emperor Tianshun, who has been called long live by the common people, knows the destiny but refuses to obey the old, and leads a group of veterans to hunt in the suburbs of Beijing.

There are all kinds of silk and cotton cloth, and there are many kinds of food. Doctors, especially those with superb medical skills, were highly respected in the Great Xia Dynasty.

The hair is thick and black, and the Zhongqin Hou Shengjuan who looks a little old is still thick. He also brought the five-year-old twin grandsons born to his second daughter-in-law (Princess Qin) to accompany him in the car. At this time, he is roasting wild boar for the grandchildren .

Anyone who saw his expression would think that Marquis Zhongqin was forcing a smile, so Xia Hongdi had no choice but to comfort him again: "I can't help my parents when I grow up. , oh no, mixed-race children are pretty good-looking."

Hei Wa: I'm not blind. If you didn't touch your grandchildren's heads and smile while talking, others would really think you are rare for mixed-race cubs!
"The old minister also thinks the mixed-race children are cute. The old minister and his wife really have no prejudice against Princess Fanbang at all."

No matter how Zhongqinhou explained it, he was very reluctant in the eyes of everyone anyway, and various gossips spread when he returned to the mansion.

There were even rumors that Hou Zhongqin was furious in Hou Zhongqin's mansion because his youngest son married Princess Fanbang, and even said that he would never let the foreign daughter-in-law from Fanbang enter the gate of Yuan's mansion.

The news became more and more outrageous, and some people even took this matter to place bets in underground gambling houses, betting that [-]% of the foreign daughter-in-laws of Zhongqinhouhou's mansion can enter the mansion

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