The salted fish couple is fleeing famine

Chapter 268 Bride Fan Jingjing

Chapter 268 Bride Fan Jingjing

The two of them kept silent about their son or their separation.

Simply enjoying the world between the two of them, as if they were back in their previous lives.

Hei Wa is forced by Cui Hua to practice swimming in the sea every day.

Even though Haizi's space is not big, it is deep enough for him to practice.

"Although those who drown are those who know how to swim, as long as the swimming skills are good, they will definitely have more life than those who can't swim. Husband, you listen to me, this is not a joke. You must be proficient in life-saving techniques."

"Wife, I can swim. I spent every summer vacation in the reservoir. Don't worry."

"What kind of waves are there in the reservoir? At most, the water is deeper. How can this be compared to the sea? A wave can knock you out!"

Hei Wa: Men always have some skills that their wives don’t despise, so they have to practice hard.

Ever since they left the capital, Father Hu and Mrs. Zhang have been eager to return home. They miss Qingxian and Da'eshan very much.

They have lived in that home for half their lives. Returning to their hometown this time should be what the drama said, returning home in glory, right?
No matter how smooth the concrete road is, no matter how well-equipped the carriage is, if you sit on it for a whole day, your buttocks and waist will be unbearable.

As soon as they arrived at the inn where they were staying, the whole family got out of the car in a hurry.

The excitement of leaving the city was gone. When I looked around, I realized that my parents were not there, and I became panicked.

She couldn't get used to eating, and she started sobbing before going to bed. Mrs. Zhang coaxed her for a long time, and the more she cried, the louder she cried.

Father Hu was worried: "How about my father-in-law take you back?"

Wu Tou is not happy. Although he misses his parents, he longs for returning to his hometown as promised.

Looking at his crying twin brother, he had to divert his attention:

"Brother, my mother said that our persimmons in Qingxian County are very sweet, and our bamboo mice are more fragrant than chicken. We've already been out, and it's time for our parents to laugh at us when we go back."

"Woo, let's go back to the city and ask my mother-in-law to go back to our hometown with us, okay?"

"Daddy can't leave, so mommy has to stay with daddy."

"Angwu, daddy is really naughty. He wants my mother to accompany him at such an old age. Wuwu, I miss my mother."

Six heads started crying, and something was wrong with Three Heads and Four Heads.

The more drowsy a child becomes, the more they need to be accompanied by someone who can make them feel at ease, and a child who becomes drowsy is unreasonable.

Father Hu and Mrs. Zhang couldn't control these people at all, the two uncles couldn't help, and the aunt was even less familiar with them.

The two elder brothers, Xiaoshan and Xiaochuan, had to be patient and coax their younger brother.

They retold the stories they had heard on their way to escape over and over again to their younger brothers.

The charm of Sun Wukong is not ordinary. Gradually, the sobbing disappeared and I listened to the story.

As I listened, I became confused and fell asleep with tears in my eyes until I snored.

There were old people, children and women, and they had a lot of luggage.

They couldn't take the express train and traveled at night. They dragged their feet for twenty days before arriving in Chengdu.

Mr. Fan hosted a banquet for them in Fan Mansion.

Several teachers and students met each other, and one of them lamented that the children grow up so fast.

The children sighed that the husband's hair was much whiter again.

After dinner, the adults also discussed the procedures and etiquette of marrying a wife, while the children couldn't wait to go shopping in Chengdu.

"Brother, brother, look, there is a Hero of Shu here too, and there is one in Chengdu too!"

Liutou was very excited. They had dined out several times in hot pot restaurants in Beijing and were very impressed by this hot pot restaurant. They didn't expect that there was one in Chengdu too. "Xiao Liu has such good eyesight. There are Shuzhixia hot pot restaurants in many prefectures now. Let's try it some other time and see if the taste is the same as the one in the capital."

Xiao Shan held a twin brother in one hand, and the guards watched closely.

Mr. Mou walked in the front. He was also very curious about the place where he made his fortune. He could understand most of these Shu language.

Mr. Mou: Chengdu Mansion, we felt like old friends at first sight.

Chengdu Mansion, Fan Family, Fifth Lady's Boudoir.

"Sister, congratulations on finding your husband!"

The person speaking was Fan Jingwen, who was unsuccessful in the draft that year. Although she was unsuccessful, she managed to stay in the capital until the last round.

After returning to Chengdu Prefecture, she was also crossed the threshold by a matchmaker. She married into a military general's family in Chengdu Prefecture, and now she is a mother who has given birth to a baby.

"Thank you, sister!" The fifth lady's maiden name was Fan Jingjing. She replied gently that she would get married again tomorrow.

Many sisters from the clan came to add makeup.

Among the daughters of the Fan family, except for Le Yu who became the quasi-Crown Princess, Fan Jingwen married best and was highly valued when she returned to her parents' family.

"Sister, don't worry. When I was in the capital, I heard about the Hu family. Although two daughters-in-law were divorced in succession, with Mrs. Zhongqin Bo, such a capable girl, life will never be too difficult."

There was a trace of sarcasm on Fan Jingwen's face that was not easily noticed. She was very dissatisfied with the matchmaking provided by the uncle of the family.

It would be fine if Uncle Zhongqin's biological brother paid him back. An uncle with mud-legged legs, and three children from his second marriage. He is not even a scholar. What kind of good man can he be?

"What my sister said is that being a widow like my sister and being able to remarry is already a blessing from God. I don't dare to ask for it. Having a capable sister is also a blessing for the husband."

Fan Jingjing seemed not to hear the implication and seemed very satisfied with her future husband's family.

"Haha, then I wish my sister and brother-in-law a long life and a family full of descendants!"

"Thank you sister, and I hope that my sister will get her wish and have a boy for the second child!"

Fan Jingjing's biological mother has a gentle temperament, and she has been worried about her daughter these years.

That night I held her hand and warned her again and again.

The core purpose is:

You must be filial to your parents-in-law and capture your husband's heart. Your stepdaughter is still young, but if she is raised well, her heart will change. At the same time, he also urged her to have another child while she was still young after getting married. He also said that it was better for the child to be her own, which was inconsistent.

Fan Jingjing was not a girl who got married for the first time at the age of fifteen or sixteen. She couldn't bear to brush off her ex-mother's kindness, so she had to agree.

In the downstream village, the Hu family entered the mansion three times.

Red lanterns were hung high, and more than a dozen children were laughing and making noise. Anyone who heard it would have to praise it, and the population was booming.

Father Hu bought five pigs, more than ten sheep, and a lot of chickens and ducks in the village.

On the day of the second daughter-in-law's wedding, the Hu family will hold a flowing banquet for three days and entertain guests and friends.

This was not just a happy event for the Hu family, the entire downstream village came to join in the fun.

The third courtyard is finally filled with owners, and a new mistress will be welcomed in a few days.

In the same village, there are only two families living a very depressing life.

Sister Niu never expected that Hu Erniu would get married so soon.

And I heard that she is a daughter of a high-ranking family!
She has never left home since the Hu family returned to the village.

(End of this chapter)

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