Chapter 280 Master
That's right, with the skills learned by so many sisters in Shantang, even if you teach them a few skills, they won't have to worry about being able to support themselves.

The manager of the charity is very grateful. This is also a semi-official charity, and they can only find a better way out for these children. I can only be more grateful.

Cuihua asked Chunya and Xiaya to write admission cards for all the selected students.

It contains your name, age, height, physical characteristics, etc.

He signed an agreement with Shantang and made an appointment to pick up these 100 students before the college starts.

Cuihua does not want to use the moral bottom line to measure human nature.

In her past, there were still imposters who went to school, and now that she had neither a photo nor an ID card, she could only do the best she could think of.

If she recruits several students and someone takes advantage of them, isn't she going to be laughed at by her man?
Shantang steward: Huh? Is this still possible? I haven't even thought about it.

There is a lot of noise about the renovation of the college, and an even bigger move to recruit teachers.

There has been a lot of discussion before the class even starts, but this is not about teaching women the Four Books and Five Classics, but only learning how to cook. Even the stern Confucianists can't find a reason to criticize.

Moreover, it is said that they recruit students from the charity hall and teach orphans from the charity hall for free. Who dares to say that this is not a good deed?
Standing on the moral high ground, it makes people unable to speak!

Regarding the choice of wife, Cuihua planned to talk to Aunt Qiu and Second Sister-in-law.

"Go to the culinary academy to be a wife? I, am I good at my craft?" Fan Jingjing asked in disbelief. She didn't expect that her sister-in-law would actually drag her along.

"Second sister-in-law, your vegetarian diet is much better than mine, and your knowledge is no weaker than that of men. You are more than enough to be the wife of the academy!"

Seeing her sister-in-law nodding, Fan Jingjing thought for a while and asked, "Do I need to go to the city every day? Do I need to live in the college?"

"In principle, I don't force every wife to live in the academy. Second sister-in-law, I will try my best to concentrate each wife's classes into either the morning or the afternoon, so that you won't be unable to get home after dark.

Besides, we don’t have to live in Dali Village. Let my brother buy a house in the city. Second sister-in-law, you and your nieces can all move into the city! "

Fan Jingjing has a maid and a wife, so she has no problem taking care of her two daughters. She is still very excited about the position of a wife.

"Yeah, as long as my mother-in-law and husband have no objections, sister, I am willing." Although Fan Jingjing does not object to living in Dali Village, it would be better if she could live in the capital.

Zhang and Hu Erniu agreed without saying a word.

What reason do they have for not supporting their daughter/sister’s actions? !

There is a daughter-in-law who is a female husband, and their faces are very bright.

Before the college started, Hu Erniu bought a courtyard near the college with a large sum of money.

With Xiao Lian and Xiao He, they moved happily.

Aunt Qiu originally came to provide for the elderly in Uncle Zhongqin's Mansion, but ended up serving as the upbringing nanny of several girls, and she was originally regarded as a wife.

When Cuihua talked about the situation of the children in Shantang, she immediately nodded and agreed that she could teach a course on medicinal diet.

Lingnan, Ying County.

"Mom, my son has found out that the head of the Women's Culinary Academy is the current empress and Mrs. Zhongqinbo! Let's go to the capital. If we stay here any longer, how can we mothers survive?
Dad is gone. No matter how much money you make in this restaurant, it will be cheaper for the second uncle’s family and the third uncle’s family. Mom, let’s go! "

A young boy of 12 or 13 years old begged, saying that their Mi family's restaurant was entirely supported by his mother.

However, his second uncle was the cashier, and his third uncle was the one doing the shopping. Her mother could only receive five taels of silver in wages every month.

Grandma kept saying that it was entirely dependent on the Mi family to support their big house, and he no longer wanted to serve her. Now he only needed to convince his mother, and he no longer wanted to stay in this damn place and be worked around.

Mi was a child bride. She came to the Mi family at the age of three and was initially raised as a daughter.

At that time, the Mi family was still running a small restaurant in this county.

Old Man Mi's small restaurant business was doing well, and with the extra money, he sent all three of his sons to school. The adopted daughter Mi, who was very young, became a child laborer at the age of five.

Seeing that she was diligent and studious, Mr. Mi tried to teach her how to cook.

Unexpectedly, he was actually better than his master.

When Mishi reached the age of fifteen, many diners came for Mishi's craftsmanship.

The Mi family does not want to marry Mi out, so the wealth will flow to outsiders.

She directly turned her adopted daughter into a daughter-in-law. At that time, Mi's age could only match that of the eldest son of the Mi family.

Mr. Mi is a loyal man. From the beginning of his marriage, he taught his younger sister and daughter-in-law how to read. He is a doting daughter-in-law.

After becoming a daughter-in-law, Mi worked conscientiously. In less than ten years, her family's small restaurant turned into one of the best restaurants in the county. In the end, the person in charge of the Mi family became Mi.

When the eldest son of the Mi family was implicated in a lawsuit by the second eldest son of the Mi family, he was beaten to death by his fellow cellmates in the cell.

Not only did the father-in-law and mother-in-law not blame Mi Laoer, they also looked closely at her as their daughter-in-law.

Firstly, he was afraid that she would remarry, and secondly, he was afraid that she would not be interested in the restaurant and would spend all day beating him.

Mi has only given birth to a son and a daughter in these years.

My daughter Yaya is only eight years old. She came to the house when she was three years old and has long been accustomed to the virtues of her parents-in-law.

But Mi Shutian, her son was not happy.

This son is smart and has seen through the faces of the Mi family. He just wants his mother to take them away from this place.

In Mi's heart, she obeys her husband when she gets married, and obeys her son when her husband dies. She cannot ignore her son's opinions.

"But, your grandparents hold our family's household registration. If we sneak away, we won't be able to leave our county, let alone enter the capital. If your mother openly says that she wants to be a wife, your grandparents will definitely not be happy! "

"Well, mother, what if our grandpa is willing to give us the big room?" Mi Shutian saw that his mother was willing to listen to his suggestion, and his mind immediately started to move.

Despite his young age, he was known as "Sai Zhuge" in school.

"Son, you."

A few days later, the chef of Mijia Restaurant, the most famous restaurant in the county, accidentally drank the wrong thing and lost his sense of taste.

The doctors looked at it several times and all shook their heads and said it was incurable.

The Mi family doesn’t give up, they can’t taste the taste, but the craftsmanship is still there.

But Mi's standard was so bad that even the regular customers couldn't eat the fried dishes, which offended a lot of people.

Mr. Mi, his old boss who had retreated behind the scenes for many years, had to come back and take charge again.

Mi, who had lost her sense of taste, was separated from her family along with her children.

All he got was a small house and one hundred taels of silver.

For a restaurant with an annual profit of at least three thousand taels, the neighbors couldn't help but shake their heads.

The mother and son who were separated could not leave their homes.

Half a month later, someone knocked on the door and found out that the mother and her two children had all left home.

Everyone in the Mi family was stunned, but after asking for a long time, they didn't know the whereabouts of the eldest daughter-in-law's family, so they had to give up.

(End of this chapter)

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